1940-01-17 SP 3 ELUTION N0. 8.. Introduced by Mr. Nobleag Seconds by Mr. �prs on " It was. resolved that the Rtgalar saet't.ings of the Town Board 44 Uo Town of Queensbury shall be held on Fourth Tuesday of ,-each month at 7:30 O'Clock P,M* at the Clerk's offide. Duly adopted by the following vote: Lygs- Mr, Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and } . .;Ingalsbee Noes- None RESOLUTION N0, 96 Introduced by Mr. Lampoon, Seconded by r. Nobles It was resolved that any and all Claims against the Town of Queensbury shall be filed with the Clerk on or before j Saturday previous to the regular meetings to be head on the Fourth Tuesday of each month to be acted on ate the following regular meeting and all claims not 'predented by that time will not be acted upon until next meeting. Furtder -resolved that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to give notice to that effect by publishing once in the Glens Falls Times. Duly adopted by the following vote: f Ayes- .Mr. Been$ Mr. Nobled, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley, and Mr, Ingalsbee Noes" None Motion made and adjourned SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 17, 1940 At a special meeting of the . Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, held on the above date at 7 P,M, ata'�itho Town Clerk's Office, the following members were present. Jabez Ingalsbee Supervisor Ralph Been Justice of Peace Charles Nobles " n Curtis Lampoon Councilmen Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk B. S. Clother, Bounty Attorney, ,aad H, Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways, also present. RESOLUTJON NO, 1®. Introduced by Mr, Bentley, Seconded by r oble s. It was resolved that Anna M. M.D. be ' and is hereby appointed Town Physician for a ensuing, two years said term begins January Est 1940 and ending December 31st 1941. gg Duly adopted by the following voter Ages- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley, and fir. Ingalsbee Noes- None G Mr. Counsilmen Lampson offered Resolution No. 11 seconded by Mr._ Justice Nobles, WHEREAS. Resolution 141 of the year 1939 passed by the Board of Supervisors authorized the Supervisor of the Town of Queebr ssbury to raise upon the _ taxable property in said tdwn 'th' sus}- f 1230.13 for t,he. po8 ,pf` paying "eertifidate, of An- debtedneso due March 1, 11 %409 and by resolution No. 142 autahori the Supervisor of said town to raise upon the taxable property in said Town.the sum of y489&*06 for the purpose of paying certificates of indebtedness for VPA work', one for #600.08 due January lS : 1940 which was paid when due and the others due Mardh 1, `1946* 4 including interest at 4 per-cent, and WHEHEASS, She Collector of the Town of Queensbury has colle+ i* ' and turned over to the Supervisor sufficient amount to pay aft of said certificates of .indebtedness, RESOLVED, That the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to toy said certificates df indebtedness before maturity; pro-_* .Ag he glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company will accept • . said payment, with interest to time of payment. Duly adopted by pe following vote : : Ayeq- lore Been, YMr. Nobles, Yr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Yr. Ingalsbee Noes- None BS80LBTION NQ. , Introduced by Ure Lampoons Seconded by re Beta ....�,.. WHEREAS, purjuawt to Resolution #3 adopted January 2nd, 1940 Navin superinte dart of `Highwayr has submitted speeificatiouFm for the purchase of a motor grader. Resolved that this Board hereby adopts said specifications for the purchase of a motor:grader. Further resolved that the che4k•be and hereby 3s authorizsdr to advertize for sealed bids for the purchase of a motor graderaccording to the said specifications once on the 19th day of January 1940 in the official newspaper for the pubs lisping of notices for the Town of Queensbury ; Said bids to be filed at the Town Clerk's office not later than the 31st day of Janusxy 1940 and reserving the right to re feed*,, MY or all Bids. . I Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes- 9r* Bben, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampoons Mr. Bentley and' Nr. Ingalsbse saes None RR6OLUTION NO, Introduced by Yr. Bentley, Seconded by Yr. p, es It was resolved that the Town Board designates Jabe$. N. Ingalsbee eupervisor of the Town of Queensbury, N.Y. . aAtenei .. Tq�eighth anual meeting of the association of towns pt the state of New York to be hold at Alb New York; To � re . . any, � � �� � .21st, .22nd, and 23rd, 1940 and to vast the vote of t � said Towp pursuant to section #3, artibkb III of the eonaUtution and By-laws- of the association 0"t towns of =w, the State .ot Nee, York. Duly adopted by the fallowing vote:. Ij Ayes-, Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, fir. Lampoon and Yr. Bentley, j s; t • t_ Z.... Noes»r Xone .-:.. [r. galsbee declined to vote OLUTUQN N©. 14, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, Seconded by ,►g I# was resolved that the Town officers of the Toxin of Queensbbry 4+F 1 Iry #�horlsed to attend tho- ms.atimgs of th4k :.. r mss of e 6��� of New York to be hold iii i 9-be held t i`o Uhd and 23rd, 1940 and . ; `� ;�� tf ` gMi i+�I ci°+ 4 n s '��i a t a i