1940-03-11 SP 13 69 Charles J. Nobles Assoc. of Towns 22,20 22.20 70 Charles J. Nobles Justice Servo 54.00 54.00 71 James S. Kiley 'Serv. as Attorney 136.56 136.56 72� Ralph B. Turner Serv. as Attorney 125.00 125.00 73 Jabez N. Ingalsbee Supervisor Servo 101.73 . 101.73 74 H. Russell Harris Attending Assoc. of Towns 16.40 _ 16.40 75 Ralph Been To Assoc. of Towns 20.35 20.35 76 Ralph Been Board Meetings 16.20 16.20 On Motion, meeting adjoed. Special Meeting March-IJ- 1940 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Twwn of Queensbury held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk' s office, the following members were present: Jabez Ingalsbee, Supervisor Curtis Lampsont Councilman Charted Nobles, Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace Ralph .Been, Justice of Peace Bert D. Turner, Clerk H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendant of Highways also present . E. Moore, John Lavin, Earl Carswell, B. K. Clifford were present Mr. Lavin spoke briefly on the taxpayers point of view relative Towiuipurchasing a motor grader, and after discussioh, the following resolution was adopted : ` RESOLUTION No, 29, Introduced by Mr. Nobles, Seconded 'by Mrs- Lampoon 'I It was resolved that Board shall go into an executive session to consider action on a Power grader. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Nobles,Br. i;�, ,*r. Bentley 4r. In alsbee, Noes - Mr. Been C RESOLUTION No. 30, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, Seconded by Mr. Been It was resolved that the executive session of this Board cease and that the Board go into regular session., Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes -, Mr. Been, Mr. Noble's,' Mr. bentley,Mr. Lampoon, Mr. »3W sbee Noes - None RESOLUTION No. 31; _ Introduced by Mr. Bentley, Seconded by Mr. been It wowresolved that the Town Superintendant of Highways t• hereby authorized to purchase under section 142 of the Highway Law from B.' K. Clifford with approval of the County Superintendant of Highways .1 04ftaillar Diesel #12 Motor Grader for a total price of i in accordance with sealed proposal, submitted. by seller FOB Town of 4ueensbury. The terms of payment are as follows: The net price in amount of 46907.00 to be paid by four of indebtedness as listed below: iTIM• ca es a u 1 First - #1726..75 • Payable March 1, 1941 t \ Second 1726.75 " 1942 Third - 1726.75 • " " 1943 Fourth 1726.75 " " 1944 Certif-icates to bear interest at 4%; interest to be payable a annually. Certificates and interest payable Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company and the Supervisor and Town Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to issue the certificates of indebtedness in accordance with section 266 of the Highway Last. The above resolution was lost by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Been and Mr. Bentley Noes - Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon and Mr. Ingalsbee t Mr. Justice Nobles introduced -Resolution No. 3�., which w ' seconded by Mr. Justice Lampoon: WHEREAS, The Town Board of the Town of 4penObury dLd� on the 17th day of January, 1940, pass resolutifi acuthorialft the Town Clerk to advertise that said Town Board Wqgld receive,, bids for the furnishing of certain motor grad, as per specifications, at the Town Clerk' s Office olk, 0o 30th d, of January, 1940, and on said awe, several bids were `recde#131 b'�r j said Board and a thorough investigation has been made, aqd WHEREAS The Town Board, by said resolution and noti.'"' reserved the right to reject any and all bids, and intere-St - WHEREAS, This Town Board believes it for t1le best ` Y���sroiq�ts 1 of said town to reject all of said bids. - i RESOLVED? That each and every one of said bide be arid, the same hereby are rejected., j Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, ]fir, :Ingals•bee Noes Mr. Been, Mr. Bentley i ,RESOLUTION No. 33, Introduced by Mr. Been, Seconded bi11r. Bentley It WMRAStrethe Town Beard did on the nth day of, 40 pass resolution No.2% authoriziAS the Tham super , .gY�wayw to purchase from the Slade Tractor Company Onw Used 5argei�t, plow at a price x�ot to exceed $700, F.O.B. Town or 4iaoo ebur �E�k$ tab provisions mere• made in ' sald rlotolut�VV ee the payment for said p low. A - RESOLVED, that there be and is hereby appropriated the' its of 1700 to finance the purchase of said plow and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town blerk• bm aad hereby are authorized and directed to issue on a .aertifi get indebtedness ip, the sum of $700 payable March let, 194,. � Glens Falls Nei%ional Bank And Trust Company Said to bear interest at t jo ratte pf 4.t payablb ahnually. ,m„ Duly ad opted by the f of 1 ow ing vote: s Aysa - Mr.. $e'a > Kr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, qtr. Bentley, 44t „ Mr. IngAlsbee Noes hone �. Y , f 1"5 . OLsnION No. . 34. _ Introduced by Mr. Been, Seconded by Mr. Bentley It was resolved that there shall be expended on the highways of the Town,�of i4Veen�bury for genreal repairs an av¢rage $105.32 per mile for 102.40 miles ' a total of $10,784.76 and that there shall be the sum of $6596 placed in the reserve fund. as provided by law and that there shall be placed in Paragraph j 2 for special improvements the sum of $9000. Duly adopted by the following vote; Ayes - Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Bentley, Mr. Lampoon and Mr. Ingalsbee Noes - None Oe On motion, meeting adjourned. +� W# '_ 'UT ING lurch 26th, 1940 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of :Ruppr�sbury held on the above date at ?_:30 P.M, at the ler !; Office, the following members were present : Ja+bon Ingalsbe Supervisod Curtis Lampoon Councilman Charles Nobles Justice of Peawe Meredith Bentley Justice of peace ! Ralph Been Justice of Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Min_; ost of regul#ir me,at. ng hold on February R?th, 1940 lnd as special meeting held on March 11th, 1940 read and approved. fhbrphdviksge of the floor was extended to Jo)rn Lavin, who asked the individual members of the Board whether or not the Town was going to purchase a grader. Thb" 'r oils a of the floor was p g granted to George Crannell, who, called on the Board and complained about the operation- of `& school bus. Mr, Crannell was informed that t t e Board had no jurisdiction and suggested that he take the matter up with the Public Service Commission and the State Uuaf# ional ]Department. Tge.prr vllege pf, the floor :was. extended to Rlchard' Davis, who requested that desks be provided for the election dim =4 ttt,9�4 for the,signature of voters on the official resister, i u A� oQp�pun,icattov,.-:from Howard 8verest requesting the Town of .as Q'qon*bV to. pgLy.,oao half of a. rental on an air ,compaessor and,*no half the gasoline for the M,p,A, job was read to 4 ,. oard by toe Clerk. rliA�i I0N N0. S5 Introduced by Mr. Lampoon, Seconded by. „rt nobles. The town by _Rewolutioa have authorized the j t ation ,of M.F, , l�mtployew* from the Town of qb quae� ury to a w.P.A, prefect in Lucerne and W from;time to time; Vais Board is requested to fug �- supplies and machinery for use on said M.P.A. emp agsas of the Town of 4u'oensbury arnd REP that this Board is-,.pf the opinion that as long as the own of g1iee R@'bUr •, to em ! . y w are being transported