1940-08-27 35
Certificates and interest payable at Glens Falls National Bank
and Trust Co., Glens Falls , N.Y. and the Supervisor and tbwa
clerk are hereby authorized and directed to issue the above
certificates of Indebtedness in accordance with section 266
of the Highway Law.
Vote of the Twwn Board.
Ayes- Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace, Ralph T. Been, Justice
of Peace, Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace, Curtis Lampoon,
Councilman , Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor.
Hoes- NoNa
On motion Meeting adjourned.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerks Office,
the following members were present:
Jabez Ingallsbee , Supervisor
Curti% Lampoon, Councilman
CharIs Nobles:, Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace
Ralph Been, Justice of Peace
Bert D. Turner, Town_C erk
H. Russell Harris, Town ,Superintendent of Highways also present.
Minutes of regular meeting held on August 20th, 1940 were
read and approved.
solution NO, 67. Introduced by Cdr. Lampoon, seconded by bar.
Nob es.
Whereas', an additional election district has been formed which
Is known as District ##4 and it is necessary to appoint 2
inspectors of election for said district from each political party
entitled to representation on the Board of Elections.
Resolved that Elsie Wolf and Ethel Stevens be and hereby are
. appointed Republican inspectors of election for said district
#4 and Julia Gooch and W. S. McEachron Democratic inspector of
elections for said district ##4 to serve the balance of the term
for inspectors of election.
Duly ado*ted by the following vote;
Ayes; Mr, Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley, and
Mr. Ingallsbee
Noes: , None
An application for the- position of custodian of voting machines
of the Tdwn of 4ueensbury from Richard Co Davis was read by the
Clerk. _ -
Resolution No. 68, Introduced by Mr. Been, seconded by Mir.
Whereas, by section ## 251 of the election la1w, the Board of
Elections' are charged with the duty of appointing custodians for
, voting machines and the Board of Elections has requested- the
Tbwn Board to make reccommendation and the election law provides
fbr the appointment of one from each major party.
Rboolved the Town Board hereby reccommendsthe appointment of
Custodian of voting machines of Richard .C. Davis a regular en-
rolled republican of the Town of Queensbury andCornelius J. Nealon,
regular enrolled democrate of the Town of 4ueensbury, it is further
Resolved that the salary of said custodians be and hereby is fixed
at the annual salary of J50.00 each, payable as provided by the
election law, it is further
Resolved that such custodians perform all duties provided by the
election law,, as directed by the Board of Elections.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes :- Mr, Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and
Mr. Ingallsbee
Resolution No, 69, Introduced by Mr. Been, seconded by Mr. Nobles.
It was resolved that Town Superintendant of Highways be and is
hereby authorized to rent road machines as provided by highway law
whenever the occassion arises and when not needed by the said Town,Aimpoviii
Superintendant for Highway work in the Town of 4ueensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes:- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes:- None
In the matter of the claim of Rolland Sumner for damages sustained
the foll®wing resolution was adopted:
Resolution No. 70, Introduced Mr. Nobles, seconded by Mr. Lampson
It was resolved that Mr. Bentley and Mr. Mr. Been appointed-a `
committee of two to act with the Town Superintendant of Highways
to investigate the claim of Rolland Sumner for damages caused by the
construction of the Glen Lake Road and report to the next meeting.
Duly adopted by the following vote: I -
Ayes:- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes:- None
N The Board audited and allowed claims as follows:
Amount Amount
No. Name of Claimant Nature of claim claimed allowed
239 Bert D. Turner Clerks Service 88:00 4 80 ,00
240 Charles Nobles Justice Services 28050 28.50
241 Charles Nobles It is 58,,90 58.50
242 A. G. Brown Poor Relief 7.00 7.u0
243 Meredith S. Bentley Board Meetings 16.00 16.00
244 Mrs. Anna McCaghey, Welefare Officer. 34:30 ' 34.30
245 Warren County for the
society prevention
cruelty of animals Contract 60.50 60.50
246 Charles Baldwin Killing Dog 4.00 4.00
247 Charles Baldwin Constable Service 10.70 10.70
248 Raymond Walkup Constable Service 14.90 14.90
249 N.Y.P.Light Corp.. Street Lights 38.16 * 38.16
250 Jabez N. Ingalebe Postage for Supr Gffice 4.15 4.15
251 Ralph T. Been Board Meeting 12.00 12.00
252 Curtis Lampson It It 12.00 12.00
253 Chester Jarvis Labor on desks 26:25 26.25
254 James S. Kiley Services as att, 211.8$ 211.88
255 Ralph B. Turner " "4a " 202.44 202.44
256 Jabez N. Ingalsbee Percentage 21,98 21.98
257 Jabez N. Ingalsbee Board Meetings 8.00 8000
258 filbert Ransom Truck Driver WPA, 135.00 135.00
259 Earl Qerswell WPA. Luzerne , Supplies 1.78 1078
On motion meeting adjourned.