1990-10-25 SP 228 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 25 , 1990 4 : 05 p .m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Supervisor Stephen Borgos Councilman George Kurosaka Councilman Marilyn Potenza Councilman Ronald Montesi Councilman Betty Monahan Town Attorney Paul Dusek Supervisor Borgos-Called the Meeting to order. . .primary reason for meeting , review of 1991 Budget . . . noted that there is other business to come .before the Board .. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 616 , 1990 , Introduced by Mr . Ronald Montesi who moved for its adoption , seconded by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza : RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as appears on Abstract dated October 25 , 1990 and numbered 90-5367 and totaling 5933 . 00 be and hereby is approved . Duly adopted this 25th day of October, 1990 by the following vote : Ayes : Mr . Kurosaka, Mrs . Potenza , Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr . Borgos Noes : None Absent : None DISCUSSION HELD ON WASTEWATER BUGDET FOR 1991 DISCUSSION HELD ON UNSAFE STRUCTURE Mr. David Hatin-Director of Building' and Codes , The Board has a letter in front of them, this property is owned by Vincent Crocitto he lives in Lake George , I have talked to Mr. Crocitto today and he has agreed to have Mr . Raymond represent him. I have passed about the pictures., basically what we have got , is we got two apartments that sit side by side we believe in looking at the building that one was an add on to the other , so we think that possibly they stand alone separate, we do not really know until they are torn apart . Councilman Montesi-Two separate deeded parcel ? Mr. David Hatin-No . It is one building but it looks like one was added on to the other and one apartment is totally separate from the other one . Basically what we have is the apartment that is in questi n is on the west side of the property or west side , towar the west, this one seems to sit on a dirt foundation or a arginal stone wall foundation either collapsed or sinking, sunken in or whatever but it does not seem to be there anymore . A lot of the pictures you see is the temporary supports that somebody has tried to do , you see the pictures where I had the two levels and as I stated in the letter the first floor looks like to dropped about four inches from the outside wall to the center of the dwelling unit, the second floor looks about six inches or so down that is over a span of four feet so it is more when you get to the center ofrthe building . Talking with Mr . Raymond and talking with Mr . Crocitto , I do not see this as being repaired easily . If it is I think that It is such a repair that It w C l,C easier to _'ust 229 tear it down. We took a look in the other apartment which I referred to as apartment B , and it is like night and day . Apartment B seems to have no major problems it seems to be nice level floors , very clean, well kept . Some things in the basement. that Vol-, see that will have to bp corrected., electrical covers be put on the boxes that are exposed, some shoring of the center beam for -that apartment be permanently installed , rather than temporary like it is now , and just a general cleanup of that area . I think we would be all set with that . There is a minor leak in the bathroom floor which seems to be coming from the sink I think can be remedied fairly easily and, there is no smoke detector which I have already talked to Mr. Crocitto he said he would install . Apartment A, which is the one that we have most of the pictures of does seem to be a problem. It would be my recommendation that the Board , number one tonight , order it closed and that no occupancy take place . It think, talking with Mr . Raymond and Mr . Crocitto they will agree to that . Then. I do not know if the Board wants to put them under a time frame to either fix it or demolish it... It would be my statement to the Board , as I put in the letter that it be demolished at some point . I do not see this as being fixed . Councilman Monahan-Dave , when you are looking at the outside what are you calling the A and B? Dave Hatin-This would be A here , this whole section, this A frame roof this is all apartment A . Councilman Monahan--So , that can be taken away from that without weakening the other building. Dave Hatin-That is one thing we have cautioned if that does happen that there should be precaution taken to make sure apartment B is not effected by that . We do not know how they were built but it looks like two separate buildings , just connected together . Councilman Montesi-So , the first thing by sealing that off and not having any occupancy we have avoided the . . . Dave Hatin-The problem of collapse . . . Councilman Montesi-The danger to life and hazard . Councilman Potenza-Is there any entrance going from B to A? Dave Hatin-No , they are totally separate.. Supervisor Borgos-I will ask our Attorney if .he has any questions to . determ> ne the ownership and representation and so forth? Attorney Dusek-The first question I have is for Mr . Hatin, the, you indicated to the Board that it is your opinion that the building should be immediately closed and that no occupancy be allowed . I understand of course , you generally said that the building was unsafe you have shown some photographs but what precise reasons , or exact reasons why are you saying the building cannot even be occupied right this minute . Dave Hatin-Number one , we ha a no running water, . . .photo shows that the water has been isconnected to this unit, for what reasons I do not know, but there is no running water. Number two, in walking in the structure which is something you cannot really show in the photographs , but it is like walking on a washboard the planks do move on the inside the livingroom and the upper bedrooms and if you were to jump on the floor hard enough I swear that I col!ld go through the floor. If you look at the pictures that we show of the basement everything is temporarily, . . . really nothing substantial in the why of a footing or a support . 230 Attorney Dusek-Now , what do you mean by everything is laid on dirt in the basement . Mr. Hatin-Just that there are planks stacked on top of each other , jammed into place to tip temporarily supporting this thing from collapsing . Attorney Dusek-Where is this support , does it' raise up from the basement floor or does it raise up from the . . . Mr . Hatin-From the dirt that is underneath the floor . Attorney Dusek-Is this a paxti.al. basement's Mr. Hatin-Crawl space , dirt floor, it appears Just to be dirt not even a . . . toundation.. . . Mr . Raymond-He is talking about the center . . . Attorney Dusek-Are there any footings holding up the building'? Mr. Hatin-No, not to my knowledge . Attorney Dusek-Anything else? Mr. Hatin-Under apartment A there is a common foundation wall that looks like right where apartment A and apartment B meet and that wall had fallen out , I believe we have a picture of it here somewhere , photograph 1 would show that . Attorney Dusek-Are we talking about one building or two buildings here? Mr . Hatin-One building , two apartments connected together. Councilman Monahan-It really looks like it was two buildings originally that got put together from the picture I would say. . Show that picture to Paul so he can understand that better, that exterior Ron, the one that shows the green side of it . Mr. Hatin-I think one was built on to the other one . Mr. Raymond-What you had was one original building which I am going to call the west side which is the bad side that everyone is looking at , that was 'the original building subsequent .to that the east side as added to that . The west side . . . Councilman Kurosaka- . . how can you build a building, that way, with a side running into like that ., Mr. Raymond-They used to do that in the old days . Councilman Kurosaka-No, they did not . Mr. Raymond-Well , they did it in this one . Councilman Kurosaka-They usually put a cricket in there . Mr . Raymond-I do not know how they did it. . . . Councilman Montesi-Is someon presently living in there? Mr. Raymond-That is why I want to address this , that is what I am trying to say. . . Mr . Hatin-From what I can find out we originally got the call from Social Services a Social Worker named Don Persons called about his client , his client made a complaint to him that she had no running water , she called the complainer or he did I am not sine who did we went down there yesterday , she was not there but she did say we had permission to go ;.o in. We+ went in, looked around, that is when we noticed the structural problems as well as the fact that there is no running water and it was obvious because the bathroom smelled like it. That is how we got involved in this . Actording to Mr. Crocitto and Mr. Raymond the tenant who claims she lives there is not supposed to live there, but as of yesterday there was food on the table and stuff that looked like it had been there recently there was a puppy running around and she said that she had just been there, she was at a"-friends house when she called me unfortunately when I went to call her back she gave me the wrong phone number I could not get a hold of her and I have not seen her since . I do know that, I left a note in the door last night and .the note was gone this morning. Councilman Montesi-Is the pipe disconnected, is it something that is not broken, is it physically . . . Mr. Hatin-Physically disconnected from what we can tell you. . . the penny is in there and the pipe is disconnected. Attorney Dusek-Do you have a written report that you given to the Board that outlines all of this? Mr. -Hatin-Yes . Attorney Dusek-How is it that you know that this place is owned by Mr. Vincent Crocitto? Mr. Hatin-I checked the assessment records and that is who it shows to . Attorney Dusek-Ok, the tax map would be 130-1-25 as indicated here? Mr. Hatin-Yes . Attorney Dusek-Have you been in contact with the property owner.? Mr. Hatin-Yes . Attorney Dusek-The property owners attorney I guess is here today, is that correct? Mr. Hatin-Correct. Attorney Dusek-I have no further questions for Mr. Hatin, but I may have some for Mr. Raymond. Mr. Raymond-As I started to say, that. side, we have it broken down to the west and the . east side, the east side is occupied that is occupied by an individual who is also receiving social service benefits . On the west side that was closed down there was not to .be anyone living there, there is not to be an occupant . Pipes underneath were severed they were actually sealed' off that was cut so no water would run into that side . The person that is living in the east side her brother approached Vincent Crocitto, and said if I renovate the other side would I be able to rent that side, and they worked out a structure, a tentative agreement, yes they gave them access to that for purposes of,, going in and they were suppose to ripe up the flooring and shore up the bottom and see w at he could do about that and see whether or not it was salvageable . There was never supposed to be anyone in the premises residing there, . because you can't there is no plumbing, there is nothing, there is no cooking facilities there is no refrigerator there is nothing in there . Mr. Hatin-There is a little portable refrigerator there. Mr. Raymond-That is something that they would have brought in and so as far as that being occupied it should not have 232 been ocqupied and the people were there without authority to do that. As far as the structure itself goes I do not know whether it is salvageable or not . The way I interpret the law is that if it was not , if it is an unoccupied building al71 it really has to be an abandon building in essence it has to be secured it has to be safe from fire and whatever rummage and whatever waste products you have in there. Mr. Crocitto is willing to board up the building, seal it if that is what is appropriate but I do not think demolishing the building' or having to tear that down I do not think the building is in a position to fall down I do not think it is there . As far as what it says being washed out where that came from was the previous owners to this they had knocked out the whole in that wall in order to run piping through to do new plumbing, and that is why that sand, in the spring, the water broke the fill washed up in there and all that sand got washed out, I think that is really where it came from. Mr. Hatin-Well , you can see evidence from the photos that it ' s wet where water is still running in there . Mr. Raymond-I am sure it probably is, because the foundation .. on the old structure the west side was the old one where they just put stone and they would put stone around and put the beams right on top of that and that is the type of structure that it is . But, I do believe as long, from what I understand of the code , as long as, the thing is secured and no one has access to it there is no threat to anyones safety or health. Councilman Kurosaka-When it collapses there is . There is danger of collapsing from the looks of the structure . Mr. Raymond-I do not really think it is in danger. Councilman Kurosaka-That is a professional opinion. Mr. Raymond-I do not think it is in that kind of danger where it is going to . . . Councilman Kurosaka-You are a lawyer, , I am an engineer. Mr. Raymond-I am aware of that , but I do some construction work to . Councilman Kurosaka-I will not teach you law, do not tell me engineering. Mr. Raymond-Well I am not. Councilman Montesi-Dave, let me ask you one ;other question and I guess it is just informative if in fact"somebody whether it is a tenant or the owner or the owners lawyer is going to rebuild this building would they need a building permit? Mr. Hatin-Yes , definitely. Councilman Montesi-So, if there is in fact I am not trying, . to stretch a point if there is a violation, a potential violation it would be that some necessary repairs' woulq/ probably going to go withou a building permit because you, , are not informed about that. Mr. Hatin-That is right . My biggest problem with this one, ` 4; if we get into the building permit process we are going tort be looking at what Mr. Garfield Raymond says , you''have no',:< foundation under this right now, it is basically sitting on''; dirt, or where the stones have settled into the dirt. To put an adequate foundation under it, you are talking a major undertaking, I think it would almost be cheaper to tear it down and rebuild it, 233 Councilman Montesi-Well , that would be a cost effective approach that he has to weight that and make that . Mr. Hatin-I think zoning wise I think he would be allowed to rebuild exactly what is there without having to go through the zoning board or anything else . Councilman Montesi-But he would need a building permit . Mr . Hatin-But ; he would need a building permit. Councilman Montesi-So , that if tonight we said board it up secure it so that nothing can go on in there or nobody. Councilman Kurosaka-You have to reinforce that roof or it will collapse with winter. Councilman Montesi-Well , that is the first step and then we have to put a time frame on, if you do not want us to knock it down you got 30 days to come in and get a building permit and show us what you are going to do , that type of thing, is that what we need to do? -Mr. Hatin-Or give him a certain time frame to make a decision. Attorney Dusek-I would say in addition to that the next step would be though you should hold a formal hearing at which time the owner would have a right to come in and if he wants to produce an engineer or whatever he can do that and the Town should also obviously be prepared at the same time to have an engineer to testify and that would go as to the structural entegrity of the building . . , Councilman Montesi-The first thing we can do is we can say no more , nobody living there and board it up. Councilman Potenza-Secure the building. Mr. Raymond-I am questioning and this goes to you, as to whether or not it is an unoccupied building whether or not you have authority to condemn it . Councilman Kurosaka-If it collapses you can. Attorney I Dusek-I think if the town can prove that it is, well there are several criteria, it it is dangerous or unsafe to the general public because of by reason of collapse then I think that, that is sufficient reason for the Town to go ahead and tear down the 'building if the owner. refuses to . Or, if it continuously is an attraction to minors or a place of ,rodent infestation you know that there is.. several criteria here if it is generally dangerous unfit for what it may lawfully be used. There are several criteria set forth in the local law and I think once we go through the hearing process if the Town basically proves its case in terms of establishing under this local law that the building doesn't that they have, if they show what the requirements are then they can tear it down, that is my opinion. If you would like I would be happy to give you a copy of that law. Mr. Raymond-I understand what Wu are saying and I know the law that you are dealing with a d what you are talking about but I think that in terms of , �ou are dealing with a vacant .structure here which is a vacant building with a different standard and I think just because a building looks dilapidated looks like it might fall in vs whether it really is going to fall in are two different things . So, you are saying we have a finding of facts and then you make your determination at that stage . Supervisor Borgos-Do you believe in just in the interest of time and saving of money, do you believe after you have 234 talked ' with your client you can determine if he wants to pursue the hearing the formal hearing or- if he really decides he is either going to move ahead quickly to repair it or tear it down. Mr. Raymond-Well , I have . . .to make the decision right here . Supervisor Borgos-We are going to have to hire engineers on both sides . . Mr . Raymond-I know and it is just going to get costly. What kind of time period. There is no way, that, and I know his schedule and such that we could get it . . .what about if we boarded up and tear it down in the spring"? Councilman Kurosaka-It would collapse by spring. That roof will not take a winter. The roof rafters are busted there is no way that is going to support snow. Mr. Raymond-That roof has been there for the last five years like that and nothing has changed it has been in existence, that building is- not unknown to anyone that drives down that road has seen that building and seen the structure . Councilman Montesi-But, if it falls . . . Mr. Raymond-No one is living in it . Councilman Montesi-Is it structurally tied to the other house . Mr. Hatin-That is what we are not sure of how it is actually . . .to the house . Councilman Montesi-If the roof fell in would it pull the wall of the other house down? Mr. Hatin-That is what we do not know. Councilman Kurosaka-It is possible . You can fix any house if you throw enough money in it, but is it economically feasible? Councilman Montesi-What we have now is we have a problem that ,the guy is saying I will board it and will take it down in the spring, so we are almost half way home, now the problem is if the snow gets on there will we be in danger of pulling the wall of the other house down. Mr. Hatin-What you have to remember is , before it was occupied it was heated and therefore the snow would not build up like it would if it, is- going to be unheated and vacant, so therefore you are going to have a snow load build up which may effect it differently from previous years . Mr. Raymond-It has not been occupied, I think for two years. Supervisor Borgos-What is the status of the electricity in there? Mr. Hatin-It is still on, I was going to say. . . / Supervisor Borgos-It is still on, that would absolutely have to be cut off. Mr. Hatin-Mr. Raymond says it is . . . Supervisor Borgos-Even temporarily. Mr. Hatin-An unoccupied structure the only thing I present as evidence we have one picture shows cloths , there is a night light pluged in everything was there that shows that people were living (there, there was food on the table, dishes that had just been washed, heat was on. . . 235 Councilman Kurosaka-There is no way that roof will take a snow load Supervisor Borgos-It could snow anytime now. Mr. Raymond-I can tell you that I owned it last year and I am telling ' you no one lived on that side last year. Councilman Kurosaka-Last year you had a light snow. Mr. Hatin-. , . I would like to get it boarded up and posted. Supervisor Borgos-What is the pleasure of the Board. . . . Councilman Monahan-I am just curious about why any owner if he is going to take it down in the spring would want to go to the expense -of boarding it up now, you are going to have decent enough weather to take it down it is going to cost quite a bit of money to board it up, to make it safe and secure . Mr. Raymond-Doesn't have the time and probably does not have the money right now to do it he will have that in the spring. Also the fact that once you tear it down you have , some time constrains that we are dealing with as to whether or not you want to put another building up, because I do not want to loose the pre-existing non-conforming use that you have there. Councilman Monahan-You have eighteen months . Mr. Raymond-You still have to deal with it you have to deal with people you are going to be selling it. ' This is primarily just a speculation piece of property it is not something that there is any real desire to develop at this stage . Councilman Kurosaka-The dollar sign again. Mr. ,Raymond-Well , it really is dollars and cents . Councilman Monahan-What you are really hoping is that they sell commercial up there . Mr. Raymond-It is . . . " Supervisor Borgos-Le.t me ask our ,Attorney what is the. most that we can do without a hearing? Attorney Dusek-You . have the emergency provision under the ordinance which allows you to set forth reasonable conditions such as if you feel it' is necessary for . . .and would also set it down for a hearing at which time, :. everything would be more fully developed. Councilman Potenza-Lets do it . — Supervisor Borgos-What is th notice, required, for the .` hearing. Attorney Dusek-It is either five or ten days . . . Councilman , Monahan-Steve, you talk about boarding.'this up, but I do not know where this is in relationship to' the` walk ' or the driveway but if this building collapses. . . Councilman Kurosaka-Right next to the road. Councilman Monahan-it /is not necessarily going to fall in it 236 may goi �out and how much danger is it going to do and what kind of liability insurance have you got on that place . Councilman Potenza-Can we make that determination tonight? We have no right to make that determination tonight. Supervisor Borgos-I want to find out haw far we can go tonight , how quickly can we get them back in Here and decide and hear from them. Mr. Hatin-It would also give them time to decide on what they want to do . Supervisor Borgos-We may still have to get an engineer in — order to take the next step. 'Councilman Monahan-But, I think right now, we have to board it up and make sure nobody. . . Mr. Hatin-The only thing I ask tonight is that we board it up and you allow me to post it and we kill the gas and electric . Supervisor Borgos-Is that reasonable . Councilman Montesi-It is all we can do . Attorney Dusek-It is about all we can do . Supervisor Borgos-Do you want to frame a resolution please? Attorney Dusek-When do you want to hold a hearing on this? Supervisor Borgos-As soon as possible . Attorney Dusek-Five days notice . Supervisor Borgos-Does he have effective receipt of — notification by being here tonight? Attorney Dusek-No, we have to serve a written notice. ,Does the Board have an idea when they want this back in front of them? Supervisor Borgos-I would like it back Monday, but we cannot do it. . . Mr. Raymond-Don't you have to give at least 10 days notice? Attorney Dusek- Five days . " Councilman Monahan-We have to. do it the same night, Steve, unless we do a special . . . Supervisor Borgos-We can do it then, we can do it that night. Councilman Monahan-You do not think it will last that long, all the lawyers get to . arguing. . . Supervisor Borgos-That is the 8th of November. That is a :: thursday night, that will be the night of the public hearing on the budget. . .generally it i not a big hearing. Mr. Raymond-Is that an act al hearing or an appearance'..,` Attorney Dusek-That is a hearing. Supervisor Borgos-Not a public hearing but a hearing. Mr. Raymond-Town la says we have got the right to discovery. What I would like to do is if you are going to 237' have, access to your engineers report before . . . Attorney, Dusek-We can talk about that, but I am not necessarily in full agreement as to whether you have full right to discovery. Because if you look under Town Law and this Local Law there is no provisions as to discovery. Mr. Raymond-So what kicks in? Attorney Dusek-You could argue civil practice . Mr. Raymond-Right. Attorney Dusek-We can talk about that. Supervisor Borgos-We did have a resolution? Attorney Dusek-Not yet. Supervisor Borgos-Please come up with some words . . . RESOLUTION REGARDING AN ALLEGED UNSAFE STRUCTURE RESOLUTION. NO. 617, 1990, Introduced by Mr. George Kurosaka who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi : WHEREAS, the Director of Building and Codes for the Town of Queensbury has investigated a report of an alleged unsafe structure within the Town of Queensbury and has in accordance with Local Law No . 3 of 1983 reported to the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury as follows : 1 . He has presented the Town Board with photographs 2 . He has issued a written report concerning property, tax map number 130-1-25, dated October 25, 1990 3 . Has rendered an opinion that the building should be demolished. 4. That the premises should be sealed off and that running water if any should be shut off that th,e electricity should be turned off and:;: that gas lines should be turned off as the'11.11 building is unfit for the purposes for°<which it may lawfully be used and as it is the Director of Building and Codes opinion that the site is , unsafe to the general public and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the ' Town of Queensbury has considered the reports and by this resolution wishes to issue its preliminary opinion that the building appears from; the report to be unsafe and dangerous and wishes to order certain emergency measures to be taken with regard to the building, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, 1 . The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby' orders that the bu ding be immediately boarded up such that oc upancy or entrance to the building. is not al owed except by the owner for purposes of making any repairs or further comply with this order 2 . That the gas lines and electrical power and water be immediately terminated, physically disconnected such that no electricity, gas and water is provided to the premises 3 . It shahl be noted that th:a .3 resolution is only 238 ' i applying to that portion of the building which is considered the westerly apartment 4. That the building shall be posted as closed with Mr. Hatin to place signs front and side of the building AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby states that a hearing shall be held whereat the owner and his Attorneys and other experts if any shall have the right to be heard concerning whether the building is in ? fact unsafe and. dangerous , that the owner shall be served with a notice in accordance with the terms and provisions of Local Law No . 3 of 1983 which notice shall provide a statement of the particulars in which the building is unsafe and dangerous by attaching a copy of the minutes, and resolution of this meeting together with the report of Mr. Hatin 2 . That the notice shall contain a description of .the premises the same being that of tax map number 130-1-25 and being the premises owned by Vincent Crocitto at 69 Main Street 3 . That the notice also contain an order of this Board outlining the fact that the building is to be made immediately safe and secure by accomplishing the emergency measures hereinbefore stated 4. That the notice shall also include a statement that the building be made save by the removal ' of the same within thirty days of service of this notice and completed within sixty days thereafter unless the applicant shall at good cause at the time of the hearing show that the time should be extended or show that the building should not be torn down. 5 . That this notice shall be served on the owner , ,;. , of the property not less than five days before the date of the hearing. 6. That a statement also be inserted in the notice that provides that in the' event that the owner fails to or neglects or refuses to comply with the order of this Board, that the Board shall proceed with the demoliti'bn and removal of the building and assess the expenses thereof against the tax rolls . 7. That the notice provided for herein shall be mailed or served in accordance with the provisions of the. local law, and be 'it further RESOLVED, that the hearing on this matter shall be held bn November 8, 1990 or five days from the date of service of notice whichever is later. Duly adopted this 25th day of Oct er, 1990 by the followin/. _ vote: Ayes : Mr. Kurosaka, Mrs . Potenza, Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes: None Absent: None Attorney Dusek-(Speaking to Mr. Raymond) will you accept service of this notice on behalf of your client? 233 Mr. Raymond-Yes . Mr. Hatin-Questioned the Board regarding the house on Indiana Avenue . . .abandon structure . . . Supervisor Borgos-Requested that the time frames be checked. . .what is the status of the Flynn property. . . Attorney Dusek-Reviewed the court action, noting that shortly it would be in front of Judge Bacas . . Discussion held-It was suggest that an estimate of service cost be ' . obtained from " and engineer before the firm is hired in regard of the Flynn property. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TRAVEL RESOLUTION NO. 616 , 1990, Introduced by Mrs . Betty Monahan, who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr . George Kurosaka : RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes Mr. Kip Grant to attend a conference in Manchester Vermont on November 3rd and 4th 1990 and be it further . RESOLVED, that Mr . Grant is hereby authorized to use the Town Vehicle in attending this conference . Duly adopted this 25th day of October, 1990 by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Kurosaka, Mrs . Potenza, Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None Absent:None RESOLUTION REQUESTING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 619, 1990, Introduced by Mrs . Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into executive session to discuss salaries . Duly adopted this 25th day of October, 1990 by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Kurosaka, Mrs . Potenza, Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None Absent:None .The following 1991 Budgets were reviewed : Wastewater, Fire Marshal and Supervisor' s On motion the meeting was adjo rned. Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury