1940-11-26 46
347 Leo Blowers Voting Mach Inspector 10.00 10;00
348 : Bert D. Turner Allowance under Election Law 150;00150.00
Total X836.6 4,796.48
On motion Meeting Adjourned.
Regular Meeting November 26th, 1940 ---
At as regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury held on the above date at 7:30 P.M.. at the
Clerk's Office the following members were present::
Jabez N. Ingallsbe, Supervisor
Curtis Lampson, Councilman
Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace
Meredith $entley, Justice of Peace
Ralph Been, Justice of Peace
H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways, also
Minutes of meeting held on November 12th, 1940 were read
and approved.
The Clerk read an opinion from the county attorney in
reference to drainage of Ft. Amherst Road and other roads,
and the same was placed . on file.
The Board audited claims &a follows:
j Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Amt,Claimed Amt, Allowed
349 Lydia M. Harris Inspector of Elec-
tion 43.50 43.50
350 Minnie Bidwell "° " n
46.00 43,50
351 Bates & Carmody Supplies y pp for Elect.
List. 1.85 1.85
352 Bates & Carmody " " " 4.20 . - 4.20
353 N.Y.P. : Light, Corp. Street Lighting 38.16 38.16
354 Lester Brownell Sery As Constable 18.15 18.15
355 Lester Brownell " " " .80
356 Marion D. Martindale Insp, of Election 43.50 43150
I 357 A, G. Brown , Poor Relief *Orders 7.00 7.00
358 Ar}n McCaghey, Welfare C)ff icer Serv. 35.32 35.32
359 Ann McCaghey, " " " 34.06 34,06
360 Bert D. Turner Postage for Year 39.50 39.50
361 Charles J. Nobles Serv, As Justice 32.00 32.00
j 362 Bert D. Turner Reg, of Vital
Statisticb. 58.00 58.00
363 G. A. Chapman Health Officer 1083;..47 1083w47
364 Bert D. Turner Serv. as Town Clerk 80.00 80.00
4 365 Raymond Walkup Constable 14.68 14.68
366 Meredith S. Bentley Board' Meetings - 16.00 16.00
367 mates cYc Carmody 18-60 Watt Mazdas' 2.34 2.34
368 Dennis & Co. 1 Copy G.C.Code
Penal Law 20.00 Not Audited
369 Jabez N. Ingallsbe Percentage on
Disbursements 5.29 5.29
370 Jabez N. Ingallsbe Board Meeting 8100 8.00
371 Jabez. N. Ingallsbe Office Expense 6.85 6.85
372 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings & Comm. 17.56 17.56
373 Ralph Been Board Meetings 201.00 2.0.00
374 S. F. Hawley Fees for recording deeds 28.3.0 28.-30
375 Doty Lumber Co. Election Equipment 11.57 11.57
376 Clayton G. Woodbury
& Son " " 9,78 9.78
377 N.Y.Tsl.0 o. Election (Telephone) 13.10 13.50
378 Albert Ransom W,P.A.Truck Driver 112..50 112.50
379 Detroit Supply Co. W.P.A. Lake George 8.87 8.87
380 Goodrich Oil Co. W.P.A. Luzern 38.40 38.40
Totals $1899.15 $1876.55
On motion Me t ing adjourned
Regular meeting December 10th,1940
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held on the above date at the Town Clerk's office at 7 :30 P.Y,
the Following Menbers were present.
Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor
Charles Nobles Justice of Peace
Ralph Been Justice of Peace
Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace
Bert D. Turner, Town. Clerk
H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present
No re-mb"
Minutes of Meeting held on the doeow#er 26th,1940.were read and a
Resolution No 82 Introduced by Mr. Nobles seconded by Mr. Been
'— It was resolved that the Clerk be and hereby is authorized to
, execute a release to the American Employerysx Insurance company
for the official Bond #F110233-48298 of Thomas C. Hall former
Welfare officer of the Town of Queensbury whose term expired
on the 21st day of March, 1940 and cancelling of said Bond.
Duly adopters by the following vote
Ayes- Mr. Been,Mr. Nobles, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe
Noes- None
Absent-Mr. Lampson