1941-06-30 SP ? x 6 Special Meeting June 30th, 1941 At a special meetingplbf ,the CTown Board of the Town of vueensbury held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk' s office the follwoing menbers were present Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor, Curtis Lampson Councilman Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Meredith BentleyJusti,ce of Peace . nalph Been Justice of Peace.. Zhe clerk,-'reedrl.a* Op:jnroai tfethe:: Duly lost by the following vote 7 7' Ayes- Mr. Been and Mr. Bentley Noes- Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Ingalsbe, In the matter of the claim of the Warren County Sociatfor the prevention of ,Cruelities to animals, the following resolution ,was Introduced: Resolution No. 35 Introduced by Mr. Noblest Seconded by Mr. 'Lampson, It was resolved that Justices Bentley and Nobles be and are hereby appointed a committee to investigate & eximine Claim ¢#26 .of the Warre4 County Society for the Prevention of , CrAelit.,ies to animals in the amount of $143.00 in January 1941 audit and report as so as said investigation and examination is completed by said committee. Duly adopted bythe following vote:- Ayes Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes- Mr, Been and Mr, Bentley Resolution No 36 Introduced .By Mr. Lampson seconded by Mr. WHEREAS A vacancy exists in the office of assessor of the Town of Queensbury by the resignation of Charles Wo Richards which, resignation was duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury on the 27th day of June 1941, RESOLVEQ?Tliat Fred E. Ricketts . a resident of the Town of Queenobjury and a person duly qualified to hold -the office of assessor of said Town, be and hereby is appointed assessor of said Town to hold office until the first day of January,1942, it is further, Resolved, That the menbers of said Town Board make and file in the Town Clerk' s office appointment of said Fred E. Ricketts to fill said Vqcancy. Duly adopted bjk the following vote: Ayes- Mr. NAIda, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes- Mr, Been and Mro Bentley Regular Meeting July 22nd , 1941 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on the above date at 7 ,30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office the following members were pres;nt: Jabea Ingalsbe, Supervisor Curtis Lampson, Councilman Meredith Bentley, Justice of Peace Ralph Been, Justice of Peace H. Russell Harrisjown Superintendent of Highways , also present. Minutes of meetings held on June 24th, 1941 and June 30th, 1941 were read and approved,.