1941-11-12 92 estimate which is on file in the Town Clerk' s office for the amount od money -needed the highway for the year of 1942. The Board examined the same and after discussion the following resolutions were introduced and acted upon as follows: Resolution No. 54 Introduced by Mr. Been , , Seconded by Mr Bentley. It -was resolved that the following amounts be raised by Taxation for highway wok for the year of 1942; First Item Highway Fund-X25,000; Second Item- Bridge Fund $1000,00 Third item Machinery Fund $10,000. Fourth Item Miscellaneous Item $13,000, i Duly lost by the following vote: Ayes- Mr. Been and Mr. Bentley Noes- Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson and Mr.Ingalsbe . I ' Resolution No 55 Introduced by Mr. Bentley Seconded by Mr. Been It was resolved that the dmbhatza. $23,900. be raised by Taxation for Item One of the Highway fund I Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes,. Mr. �Been, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Lampson Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe, - Noes-None. - Resolution No. 56 Introduced by Mr. Been seconded by Mr- Nobles It was resolved that the following dnrthty amounts be raised by taxation for the highway work for the year of 1942,: Item Two- Bridge Fund-$1,000. Item Three Machinery Fund- �10,000,� Item F6ur Miscellaneous Fund (13 ,100. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes Mr, Been, Mr, Nobles, Mr, Lampson,• Mr. Bentiek'and° Mr. Ingalsbe Noes None, The menbers of the Board sighed the Estitnate of the Town S Superintendent inserting therein in the column for that purpose the kka amounts which were approved by the above Resolutions 56 &57. The board audited and allowed claims as followk : Amount No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim amount Claimed Allowed 252 Automatic Voting Machine Cprp Supplies $ 7.33 7.33 253 Automatic Voting M `I Machine Corp Supplies 6.3.6 6.36 I 254 Anna McCaghey Welfare Officer 32.50 32.50 255 Cornelius Nealon Custodian 50.00 50.00 256 Ralph B. Turner Custodian 50.00 50.00 On motion meeting adjourned. Regular meeting November 10th, 1941 At a regular meetingof the Town, Board of the Townof Queensbury held on the above date at the Clerk's office at, 7 ,.30 P..M. the following menbers were present; Jabez Ingalsbe Supervisor Curtis Lampson Councilman Charles Nobles JusticeofPeace' Ralph Been Justice of Peace H. Russell. Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also' p;?Sent. The regular meeting scheduled for November llth,1941 `was not held on said date for the reason that it was nstice D4,reand said meeting was held at this time. , Minutes of Meeting held on November 6th91941 were read and approved. At. this time Mr. Bentley, Justice of Peace who was delayed k entered the meeting and his presence is hereby noted. I The privelege of the floor was extended to Mr. Co V. Peters who stated that he had taken the matter of the continuation j of the proposed road up with the City of Glens Falls and the Chapman's and that the necessary steps arebbin#aken to f get the right of wayacross said properties. He also presented a letter to the board wherein he request9d the Board to extend the U4pe lines of the North rglens Falls Water District along the Aviation Field Road as far a d the Westerly line of Said District and thence southerly on his property Six Hundred feet. Mr. . Peters A3Pso presented a petition to the Tpwn Board signed �- by the said eters requesteing the extension of the North Glens Falls dater District. A communication was read by the Clerk from the County attorney in reference to the petition and other papers presented which stated thatthe petition and all papers seem to be in order i as provided by the Town Law. Letter placed on fileo r i The following resolution was presented: Resolution No. 57 Introduced by Mr. Ingalsbe, seconded by Mr. Nobles : . Whereas a written petition, dated November 6th,1941 and containing the required signatures has= been presented to and filed with the Town Board of theTown of Queensbury, VaNren County, New York for the extension of the North Glens Falls ater District in the Town of Queensbury. i Resolved that the Town Board hereby adopts the following order; F At a Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, held at 270 Ridge Street, in said Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York, on the 12th day_6f November, 1941. Present :- Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor, j Curtis Lampson, Councilman, Charles Nobles Justice of Peace, Meredith Bent&ey, Justice of Peace, Ralph $een, Justice of Peace. In the Matter of the petition for the extension of the orth Glens Falls Water District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County New York. '7HERAa, a written petition, dated November 6th,1941, in due form and containing required signatures has been presented to and filed with the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, for the extension of the North Glens Falls ater District in the said town, to be bounded and described as folTows :- Beginning in the center line of the aviation Field Road in the .westerly line of the present.North Glens Falls eater District; running thence westerly along the center of said road eight hundred(800 feet , more or less, to the westerly line of the lands of C.V. Peters; thence south six degrees and three minutes west along the westerly line of the lands of C.V.Peters nineteen hundred and forty (1940) feet to the southerly line of lot # 50 being the southerly line - of the lands of said Peters ; thence south eighty-three degrees forty-five minutes east along the southerly line of the lands of C.V.Peters seventeen Hundred (1700) feet to the westerly - line of the lands of the New York Power and Light Corporation; thence north nineteen degrees abd six minutes east along the westerly line of the lands of said New York Power and Light Corporation �' six hut4red twenty one and seventy-six hundredths (021.76) feet P Thence north sixty-eight degrees east along the northerly line of lands of said New York Power and Light Corporation six hundred and six and thirty f iv9Pffundredthds(606.35) feet to the westerly line of lands of William Miller;athen4e;'=�, 0rthot dty-one h` aigi,bes' iFb at-two',1 undred,..a PRIghty-two and sixty-three one hundredths (282.62) feet to an angle post in the westerly line of the lands of Miller; thence north nine degrees and thirty seven minuteswest along the westerly line of sai d Miller; 94 three hundred and ten feet (310) feet, more or less, tothe southerly line of the North Glens Fails eater District;, thence south eighty seven degrees and twelve minutes weet sixteen Hundred feet (1600) , more or less to the south westerly corner of said water District; thence north six degrees three minutes east along the westerly line of said water district seven hundred and fifty (750) feet to the place of beginning, and WHEREAS, the extenxion proposed consists of the extension of said water district to include all the lands of petitioner Charles V. Peters and the laying of water pipes along the aviation field road as far as a proposed new road dedicated by thid Charles V. Peters to the Town of Queensbury and southerly on said proposed new road for a distance of approximately six Hundred(600) feet, and the. installation along thddsaid pipe line of two fire hydrants as shown on the map filed herewith; and 'WHEREAS the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the Rmenty-Two provement as stated in the said petition is sum of Hundred Dollars ($2200) , it is hereby ORDERED that a meeting of - the Town Board of the said Town of Queensbury shall be held at 270 Ridge Street in the Town j of Queensbury, County of "arr.en,,=Atate of New York, on the 26th day of Novemher, 1 0,41 , at 7 o 'clock in the afternnon of that day to ; consider the said petition and. to hear all persons in the subject thereof , concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation tbi,bh dsa tip6bttion as may be required by law I' or as is proper in the premises . Dated : ' November 12,1941 i 5upr. Justice of Peace ._.�r..- Justice of Peace, Justice of Peace Menbers of ' the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury Warrbp County, New York. Further, Resolved that the menbers of then Town Board sign an order.to that effect and in that form. Further Resolved that the Clerk be end is hereby authorized and directed to publish & Post said order according to law. Duly adopted by the following vote :- Ayes :- Cdr. Been, Mr.Nobles , Mr, Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe. ' Noes None. Pursuant to the above resolution the menbers of the gown Board signed an order to that effect a copy of which is hereto annexed. r� l.. t • I r Q .1 1: ate 1 1 At + 000OUS or the. Teve Soard tho TOM Of bUryr Warm .z t county, now re of at d � , it *aid TOM 4t uoo t IN, - on Off` ro IOU, R �ter 9�{ z The Petition for tho extonstan at * A.3( rF � r 4 North Glen* ?all$ w4tor Distries is tho aNAF'� 41.k+ t� t . r 6 writtes rotitioa# dated Uvombor Oth, 1041# to r' duo form evid ± r#quIred sipsturor has boo �riossfttod to Ond f1iod with the Tom Board of tho, "`own of r.,vooneburyo Wad 1*w Yom for the o Dial iet in they void tom# to d#d vad doscrlb#d as tollowol* S=Xnm in sho 004tor tine, of th# AvLation rad had Ix the vestorly it&* of t * "04* NOS eleve the 0tor of said xi*d of'jil i'mad'ved, Soo +' root.* more or 1***„ itsei or 1 do or 0. V# ' *rot Us*" Sloaf 413 d-0040 #ad ' the Winutes wont I aieum * westerly 1 inio, of tk* (546) root to the, utho uno ` Lot #50 borilkil '. the #mt orly its* of the,.ids of said '`'OS$VS; 'ULOU00 F+" along tho Cheri i � ��° . 1031do or t vo p ors r {. sorr ^ � d� i9""�4 ro+ to the westerly I i rk `101. td fit; d;, porift=1 00400 north nuotom dftroee 4&114 A VNIMUS 06st Oomic tbo W*ot* of tho "Stow. a' . or sold ilew vo* ftwor *4 -core r 6) # o poorly la* or 1*440 +fir, and ti t tee 1 i� :six 4"or Sad Oil and thlrt Net to t1to wosterl* Its* or land$ or iii i Ion. th+ ea north t b on* do Sex # t t U d 11���� #UtY— creo oft* b fired b� W*a) �`0t to 5iW 3( '�( thou** north ntn* dogr*## thjrty.##-On MiSAO t o southerly line of tAO k 4104 twav* 0 "boo W#4 silt*im. bmtrod or I** t0 tb,* 0*U*hW*0teV1Y eoraor of said m$4W DistriSbt thou** north 4iS: 40"045 tbv*O iSA *Ott wooterly AU.* of Ytt, d jai firt ( ) toot to tbf. Aq or Of i t r distriet to 1m,*j u4S OL1.1 tine i and s of potitlone r C V, P01k*r# fMd the i YtAS of r V1106a along the AviStjoe. yt*14 F 6 PO for. nr a pr*W*d now road dodleotod br said Ch ri , V ( . P*ters to th.0 TOM of S eery *ad southerly Sa4 .F t Mid for distonot of vi ., *i.y giz hun4 ) feet and t S itetnii.atlan tolang the a-mid pip* Ila# of, tvLo "it* hy4rhat& es wit on bo 5"tided, for the 1"rovemmat to etoted in th# $1%14 petition Is E*. 7we� _ ' the sm of€f. 04# sbury` shall be halt *% " Rtdgo St" t in the Tom o (z' Quoonsbury,, County of' Worm# foot* Sri 14#w Y the aG - d of 4vmb ►ar, 1941,E at .4.0#4,106k in th* a or that, day to M3 ta= vtd*r iQ "? titt'� to U04V 1 rvmm* 'tjx the SubSoot thOrOct, 04004MIRf tho 'I, * Md for Met of #r t on the . Of Reid TO "-rd witb relation 'to the said Petition an mer be xr CA' Y�C' k—kr p{- 1 a r rS by low or r.v to Pr or IS F 9 , f Mr Ingalsbe reported that the present adding machine now in r use in the supervisor office was inadequate to do the work and stated he had obatined prices on three machines which would better serve the office of supervisor. as follows Undrewood Sunstrand $198.45. Victar .#521-5--12 10 Col. Kee. $167.14 Allen Males $189.63 F After.Aiscusion the following resolution was introduced .Aesol4tion No. 58, Introduced by Mr. Lampson, Seconded by k Mr.' r Nobles: It"was resolved that Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to purchase from Undevwood Elliot Fisher Company one ; Underwood Sundstrand Adding and figuring machin8 #380673 & 10;40P at a price of One Hundred Ninety-Eight Dollars and Forty-Five Cents F.OB. Supervisor's Office of the Town of Wu6brisbury, Warren County and State of New York. s Duly adopted by the Following Vote : j Ayes,, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Lampson and Mr. Ingalsbe f , f Noes Mr. Been and Mr. Bentley. ` r The Superintendent of Highways reported �,:.&t there is not f . suffic•ient' hbusing for all of the T own ''achinery . Afton discussion the following resolution was introduced. Jaesolution No. 59 Introduced by mr. Ingalsbe, Seconded by Whereas the. Town Superintendent hays informed the Board that there is insufficient storage space for the Hous inf of new .. ;, tVa ch-ft .of the own. Resolved .that r Lampson be and is hereby appointed a K committee of ofle to confer with and work out plans with =' Y+ .< the- Town Superintendent of Highways to provide sufficient C housing sapce for all machinery and to determine the 'cost of providing the necessary storage space. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes : ivir. Been, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Lampson Mr. Bentley and Mr. t Ingalsbe -.gas• . None. The ,elege of the floor was extended to Mrs . H. G. Potter rha irogest d a survey of the Sate road adjoining the Herbert G.' Potter 9tst& . Mrs Potter was informed that t ttbaditheda-�stateuproposition Mr. Ingalsbe informed her that he$ would fnterviev Mr. Bixbewe and request `a survey. On MotionrMeetin Adjourned, Arji x Regular Meeting November 25th,1941 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury j held on the above date at° 7:'30 P.M at the Clerk' s office, the following menbers were present , j • ` Jabez Vo Ingalsbe, Supervisor ` Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace [ Ralph Been ° Justice of Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman H. Russell Harris Town ;Sup� Y�terident of Highways elao present,