1942-01-27 110, REGULAR 1tEETING JANUARY 27th,1949 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of 4,usensbury, held on the above date at 7:30 P.Y. at the Clerk's office, the following menbers were present; D.H1mer Fowler, Supervisor 'Raymond Walkup Councilman Curtis Lampoon Councilman Henry# Sleight Justice of peace Charles Nobles Justice of peace H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways a],so present YiAu%es of meetings held on December 23rd and 29th 1941 and meeting held on January 13th,1942 were read and approved. .Privel6ge of the floor was extended to Kr. 'Moredith Bentley, who spoke briefly of plans for the formation of a voluntary fire department and creation of a fire districts and he requested the cooperation of the town q , board and invited the members to .attend a public meeting , thereof, to be held �on January 30th, 1942. bthers .who . spoke to the board briefly in reference to the above matter were Fred Ricketts, Donald Lockhart, and John Lennox. The board informed the above committee that .no formal action of the board could be had at the present time because-4t-wa4-n6t in order for the board to take action on the matter it was necessary that a petition signed by the required number of taxpayers be submitted at which q p 1 time the board would give the matter due an d proper attention. 1 0. Thompson Griffin representing Mr. Peters in the matter � of the exten*ton of the North Glens Falls eater District, requested the beard ,to re"irm the ftudi4ga of the Tenn Board as it was constituted for the year 1941 upon the petition for' the extention of the North ,Glens Falls Water District'. RESOLUTION 11 Introduced by Hr. Nobles, Seconded by Mr. Lamps on WHEREAS, the Town Board by resolution, 44 and #64, adopted November 26th, 1941, whereby-among Qthor things resolved that in the matter of the proposed extension. of .the, North_ Glens Falls Water District that the petition. w signed, acknowledged and proved as requirdd by law and otherwise sufficient and that all the property and property -woners within the proposed extension of said water eistrict are benefited thereby; that all the property and property owners benefited are include4 Within the limits of the proposed extension of said water district and that it i in public interest to grant the relief sought in sai* petition in whole and approved the extension of the Iforth f Glens Falls Water District, and r EXAS - the adoptions of the aforesaid resolutions 101j#" 4i* t4grVR new members on said Town Board of the Town of, queentbary and said board having re-examined the petition and record of the proceedings and thereien, Therefore be it resolved that the present Town Board as E it is now constituted doe4 hereby re-affirg the sentiments and conclusions set forth in Aforesaid resolutions #63 and #64 adopted November 26th, 1941 by the previous Town Board. Duly adopted by the following vote: r Ayes- Hr. Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr* Lampoon, Hr. Sleight and Hr. Fowler Noes- None Lo-Grande Seaver presented a petition signed by 34 residents of )he North Glens Falls Water District petitioning the Town Board to appoint Howard J. Wallace as Superintendent and collector of said water district . The -,"ark read the petition to the Board. RESOLUTION NO. 12, Introduced by -Mr. Nobles, Seconded by Mr. "Walkup. It was resolved that Howard J, Wallace be and is hereby appointed collector of water rents for the North Glens Falls water district at a salary of five percent on the _. amsuat. of water rent collected . It isi'further resolved that the said Howard J. Wallace be and is hereby appointed superintendent of the said North Glens Falls Water District at a salary of $4,00 per day for each day actually and necessarily employed as such superintendent.. y • It is furter resolved that the above appointments to serve at the pleasure of the Board. It is futher resolved that the amount of bond for aforesaid collector be and is hereby fined at $500,00, 41F `adopted by the following vote Ayes-`'Mr. Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Sleight and Nr. "Fowler. Noai-- None - The following communication wqs read by the Town Clerk: T January 10,. 1942 To Town Board of Town of Queensbury Gent Uiuen: Enclosed herewith I send you bill. of J, hard Russell for costs allowed in Supreme Court in proceedings of John D. Hilliard against the Assessors of the Town of $ueensbury, together with copy of Jud'gment, This proceeding was commenced and the. assessors brought the papers to me and I examined the law and found that there was no question but that the. doc$ wvh_ was assassed was on state property and therefore could not be assessed to the abutting amore . It is my opinion that this bill should be audit4de Very truly yours, B. S. Clother County Attorney Zncl e BSc:W. 112 The board general discussed with the Town Superintendent Of highways the matter of tnerease of pay for the operat ors, of the Town Machinery and as all wrve of U14 _opinion that due to increase cos living and higher wages being paid in other localities for the same type of work, there should be an increase of pay for said operators, the following resolution was introduced, i RESOLUTION #13 Introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Walkup It was resolved that the rages and salaries of all operators be and the same are hereby fixed at 55 cents per hour notwithstanding any other resolution previously adopted and until further action of the Town Board thereon. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Walkup, r. Nobles Mr - La Pa . m son Mr. Fowler. ' P , Mrs Sleight and Noes, Npno. - O-Z7 The clerk raad a eomminication from the Association 6f Towns ' Of the State of New York which advised menbere of the Association the dates- on which the sehobl for powni offidials would be conducted and the work which the association was doing, the-Following resolutions were introduced. Resolution No. 14 Introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice Sleight Its was resolved that the Town officers of the Town of - Queensbury be and 'are hereby authorized to attend the 10th Annual meeting of the Association of Towns of the State of New York to be held February 18,19,20, 1942 in Albany New York. Further Resolved that all necessary expenses incurred by such attendance shall be a Ten ,ChrAfte, Duly adapted bjrythe following vote:- Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mrs, Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, yr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler Noes None. Resolution No., It. Introduced by Justioe, o�j.es, s�t�ted�td Justice Sleight It was resolved that Ton of Queensbury renew its ,jj"hw hip in the Association of Towns of the State of New YQrk.. It is further resolved that the sum of $26.00 be and is hereby bri ff snnrp dues pursuant to sudvision10 oaction102Of the To nLw No. Resolution 16 Introduced by Justice Noblls :seconded by Councilman Lampoon It was resolved that the supervisor be and is hereby . designated to attend the tenth Asnusamooting of the Town Association meeting to be Feb. 18,19 & 20th,1942 and cast the vote for the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson,aMr. Sleight and Mr. Fodor. 113# Noes. None. Mr Walter Baker submitted a resolution of The Queensbury Youa den's Republican Club which was read to the Board by the lark, requesting the Town Board to consider the dlsirability of a Town Hall. The matter was laid on the table. i The clerk read a communication from the County Attorney 1n reference to the actual and necessary expenses of the Town Superintendent in the perf oramance of his duties which advised the boa t ft t � filltsggent was entitled to his said a eases Ana t p t h� far proposition for the Town -to furnish the gas and oil and to allow say 3g per mile -$or thm as* of his car. and that the superintendent would �Iwa ve any past claim for compensation for past expenses If satiactory arrangements ware made for future ox#onsse, .. ,.Mr. Sleight, Justice, offered the following resolution No.17 which was seconded by Councilman Walkup. WHUZAS, -the Town Supertendent of Highways of the Town of Qusensbury has furnished his private car for traveling *-the performance of his duties as Town Su pertsadnent of highways "without expense to the Town except for -gas and sit; and •said superintendent has requested that some protrisioxt be made for pay®ent 'of the expenses, and said Torn Beard having herstefore passed resolutioll authorizing 'the payment of 6 cents per mile to employees of the Town f`et• transAportation, and the Town Superintendent having executed and .filed with the Town Clerk a release, which r'e eases `the town of aray expense incurred for Us of his cax';Rin the past and until Januaryl,1942, sPRED that s"d Town Superintendent be and hereby '14 suthorIzed to use his own or privately owned car at., a price which is hereby fixed at 2, cents per mile, and the San and oil to be furnished by the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following Vote: 42+ Mr... Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon,- Mr.- Sleight and Mr. Fowler Noes:- None. Resolution No, 18 Introduced by Justice Nobles, seconded by Councilman Walkup, Whereas Claim #26 of the Warren County Society for the prevention of Cruslity to animals which was presented March 25thx1941 And clam # 229 of E.M.Moors- peace officer- presented S&pSefte#Q&Z#d,`1941 to Town Board for audit and Wheys actions have been instituted for collection :of same and this board having inquired into the matter and find no reason why said claims should not be paid and that such services were performed, Resolved that the Town Board sign and allow said claims in whole and that the clerk be and is hereby authorized & directed to issue a wartant on the supervisor for the Payment of the same. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Walkpp, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson,, Mr. Sleight and qtr.: Fewcler. Noes:- None. , f . 114 The following claims were presented to the board for audit and the action thereon is as follows amount amount No. Name of Claimant, Nature of Claim Climed Allowed 1- George W. Dever Insp. of Election $ 310-00 =; 31:00 2 N.Y.P.&light Corp ,Street Lighting 380' 16-: 38016 3 N.Y.P.& Light Corp " " 2/41 38.16 38016 4 N.Y.P.& Light Corp, , " " 7/41_ 38016 38:16 5 Donald Lockhart Destroying 2 Dogs 8.00 8.00 6 Glens Falls Post Co. Advertising 11„20 - 11.20 7 Meredith Bentley per Diem 4,00'':_- 4:00 8 Charles Nobles per diem 21.20 216' 20 9 Charles Nobles fees 28950 28.50 10 Anna McCaghey Salary & Expenses 37.84 37084 11 John Lennox Relief order 4.00- 4.00 12 MaryNewcomb " " 3100: 3:00 13 John Lennox Destroying Hogs 27.50 -.x27050 14 Bert D. Turner per Diem 76.00{: 76600 15 Clayton Martindale Trucking 1600 1�i.00 16 Earl Carswell W.PA, Repairs 20.26 20026 17 Ruggles Rod Company W.PA. Supplies t 2.W . .2,45 18 Mohican Jester Club Cemetery 7 10.00 4 ;,10.00 19 Gulf Oil Company Gasoline W.P.A. 68.60 68.60 20 Goodrich oil Co. oil If 12.50 12.50 21 Adirondack Underwriters and Reality Corp Comp. Insurance 169,15 169,x15 22 Glens Falls Post Co. Printing Notices 8.60 8,60 23 Albert Ransom WPA. tlruck Driver 106.00, 106.00 24 Albert RAmson W.P.A. " " 119„50' 3`19,50 25 Henry Sleight n Per Diem 12,00 12.00 26 D.ELmer Fowler per diem 16.00 _ - 16.00 27 Curtis Lampoon per diem 8*00 8.00 28 Raymond Walkup per diem 16.0.0 16.00 29 F.Karl Superzue►ut repairs Typewriter 12-.50 12,50 30 Jabez N. IAgalabe office dities 60,00 '` 60000 31 Jabez Ingalsbp per diem 12.00 ' 12.00 32 Jabez Ingalsbe expenses 4.40 4.40 33 J.Ward Russell Costs ( Court order)78.25 Not audited 34 Association of Towns Of State of Now York dates 26.00 26,00 Audit # 26 Warren County Society for the prevention, of Cruelty to animals per resolution 143.00 143.00 audit 229 E.M.Moore- Per resolution. 117.60 117050 On motion Meeting Adjourned. Special Meeting February 12th, 1942 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town jog queensbury held on the above date at the Clerk's office at 7:3OPM, the f ollwming menbers were preseat, D. Elmer fowler, Supervisor, Raymond Walkup. Councilman Charles Nobles. Ju::tiee of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Absent Curtis Lampoon Councilman. Howard Wallace Collector and superintendent of the`96rth Glens Falls Water District also present. The 94ard ilenerally discussed town matters . C -Amp. .y, $� W. e .tmiihar (te purchase of 12 chairs for the Town Board room. Resolution Noo, 19 Itatroduced by ftuncilman w4lkap seconded