1942-05-26 1 �2 Amount No Name of Claimant Nature of Clakm Claimed Allowed 88 N.Y.P. & Light Corp Street Lighting $ 38.16 $ 38.16 89 Glens Falls Post Co Advertisin4 1.36 1.36 90 Anna McCaghey Services & Expenses- 32.65 32.65 91 Edward Sleight per diem & Expenses 175.62 175.62 92 Ernest Hillis " " " 184.62 184.62 93 Fred E. Ricketts " " " 184.62 184.62 940has E, Houghtaling Supplies 40.23 40.23 95 Albert Ransom Truck Driver W.P.A. 141.35 141.35 96 Earl T. Carswell Rent-Truck* WPA 10.00 10.00 97 L40 George Gar, Repairs Tire WPA. 1.50 1.50 98 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Tube WPA 4990 4.90 99 Charles Nobles per diem 1600 16.00 10OCharles Nobles fees 23.50 23.50 101John Lennox Killing Dogs 194'50 19.50 102 D.ELmer Fowler per Diem 8*40 8.00 103 Bert D. Turner per Diem 80900 80.00 104 Henry Sleight per diem 16.00 16.00 105 Raymond Walkup ;per diem 16«00 16.00 106 Theodore Turner Rent 25000 25.00 107 John Lennox Fees 14,72 14.72 108 John Lennox fees 3.44 3.44 109 New York Telephone Company m n Y Telephone service 81.14 8+lV ,4 $1118.31 $1105.30 On motion Meeting Adjourned, Regular Meeting May 26th 1942 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town 'of''Queenebury held on the above date at 7:30 P.M at the Clerk' s office the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Curtis Lampoon Councilman RaIOVndIW&%leap Councilman H. Aussell Harris Tbwn 8rpepintendeut of "ighways also present. . ., .. Minutes of meeting held on the .day of April 1942_ _ were read and approved. , The privelege of the floor was extended to Mrs Anna BeCaghey who gave a btief oral report of her attendance at the School conducted for welfare officere,as4ating th*,U the course was very instuctive to her. She exhibited en examination and test which she had taken at the school which she passed with 4 percentage of 859. Mt Hargis requ6gtod another car load of pipe in ovdoi to complete the drainage of •Garrison Road. RESOLUTION No. 31 Introditced 'by Justice Nobles. seconded b.* Justice Sleight, Whereas additional pipe and fittings •are `needed for the completion of the drainage of Garrison Road. ,. Resolved that the Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby authorized to purchase one freight car load of 12" vitrified pipe with the necessary fitti#gs for same at a cost not to exceed $,513 per foot and fittings not to exceed $2.052 each. The aforesaid prices F.O.B. Glens Falls Duly adopted by the following vote. 123 Ayes- Mr.Walkup, Mr. Nobles Mr Lampoon Mr. Sleight, Mr Fowler NQos: None VVWW ' refs Reported that the linkleman Construction had requested the loan of the roller and grader. Resolution No. 32 Introduced by Justice Nobles, seconded Sleight Whereas' `the Winkleman Construction have requested from the Town of Qu ltsWent the rental of the roller of the Highway Department of the Town of Queensbury for use in the construction of the Federal Airport on the County line road at the prevalent rate of rental as fixed by a Governmental Agency. Reppjyod that the Town Superintendent of highways be and is hereby authorized to rent to the said Winkleman Construction Company the 9 Ton roblea of the Town of Queensbury at the rate fixed by the federal Government, =t_10 further resolved that the Town SuperindendenG of highways to furnish an operator for said equipment and-. tho salary of said operator to be paid by the said Winklemsn Construction Company. It is further resolved thtLt the said Tot Superintendent shall make perbdic inspection of said roller while so leased and if at any time the said Town Superintendent arfHighways deems -that the equipment is being used improperly by any means whatsoever he may terminate this lease.. Further resolved that the said Winkleman Construction Compauy: at their own expense shall keep said roller in good repair and upon the termination of the rental 1... of..aaiA roller- shal4 return said roller in good repair., Gasoline, oil and grease for said roller while in the used of the said Winkleman Construction Company, are to be furnished b* the said Winkleman Constructions Duly adopted by the following vote, Ayes:-k Mr Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr.` Sleight and Mr,*Vowler Noes;- None ThepBoard audited Claims as follows:- Amount Amount No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowid 110 N.Y.Power& Light Corp Street Lights $ 38.16 38016 4:11, >A #a McCaghey Salary & Expenses 32.65 32,65 112 Anna Mcdaghey Pxpenses - School 41.90 41.90 113 John Lennox Killing and Burying a: 6.50 6.50 114 ,john Lennox -to clean ° 14.40 14.40 115 Mary R. Newcomb of orders 5.00 5.00 116 $dward Sleight por' them and expenses 141.60 141.60 117,.` nest Hillis per diem and Expenses 148.80 148.80 118'"FrtA E. Ricketts per diem and expenses 148.80 148.80 119 Dennis. &- Company suppiles 29.50 29.50 120-,Albert Ransom Truck Driver WPA 118.60 116.60 121 Charle sNobles . fees 174005 17100 122 N.Y.tol Company service 3.75 3.75 123 Bert D. Turner Per diem 80.00 80.00 124.14,;Elmer Fowler percentage 89.34 89.34 1U-," Elmer Fowler per diem 8000 8100 1" Ot&t i s Lampoon per diem .8 ,00 8900 127 Aaymond Walkup per diem 600` '&.00 128 Beecher Howe premium 10,12 2.12 129 Henry Sleight per diem 4900 4000 On motion Meeting Adjourned