1943-02-23 16G
their was not any other bui.snes that came before the Board
they proocededed to audit the following B.ille
No Name of glaimant Noture Of claimed Claimed Allowed
I N..X.P.& ight Corp Street Lightes $ #8.I6 $38.16
2 Glens Falls Post Co Display Adver II.-20 II.20
3 J.C.Chittey Printing 21:65 .2I:65
4 Charles Houghtaling Docket Book 7:75 1_x75
5 William R Jones Bond H Sleight 5:00 5,400 •,M "
6 J.J.Harris Mem Chapel Cleaning Cemetery 100:00 Not audltd
7 p 1i e D G�� Cityy Jail 24,50 Not Audite
8 F�tz eras Motel Mea],s for prisoners 43:50 Not Audited
9 John lenox KillingBuringDogs 19.50 I9:50
IO Anna Me Caghey Telephone Bill. 2.75 2.75
II Raymond Walkup Board Meetings 4:Cp 4:00
12 N.Y.Telephone Co. Civilian Defence 65:22 65:22
I3 R Doykitch " I4:25. 14:25
I4 Ft EdwardFireworks Co " 26:50 26:50 °
15Ft Edward Fireworks Co " 33.00 33:00
I6 Call Hardware Co " 2:85 2;,85
I7 Russell &Waite " 1:75
l I8 Topof the World Hills " 3.00 33WO
432.12 966.56
On Meeting adjurned
Bert D .T
B rner r u
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting February 23rd 1943
t At a gegular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held on the above date at the_ Town Clerkfs Office at 7 :30 P.M. ,
the following menbers were present;
D.Elmer Fowler., Supervisor
Charles Nobles , Justice -of Peace :
Henry Sleight Justice of :Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman' ..
`Curtis Lampson, Councilman Absent
Minutes of Meetings hold on Dec 22nd, Dec 28th 1942 and, Meetings
held Jan 2nd and Jan 96th. 1943 Mere read and approved.
The supervisor appointed Henry Sleight, Justice of Puce,
a Committee of One to examine into the claim of J.J. arris
Memorial Chapel which was presented at the January, Meettng.
A communication from the Automatic Voting machine Company
was read to the Board by the Clerk, advising the Board that
the Manufacture of Voting machines had stopped for the
duration and that they had a limited number of Machines on
hand and Quoted the price of $960.00 each.
No Action was taken.
An application from the Mohican Grange was read to the Board
by the Clerk requesting permission to clean the Jenkins Cemetery
and the Seelye Cemetery. No Act-ion was taken.
. The Board audited
ITo Named pf"' Claimant Mature of Claim Ate, lsimed Amt. Allowed
9 Ifoag°a"�fre L3ervit Refntal of '-$tation Ca?11,of Tax $25.00 , .7 ' 6
'. 20 Dennls & Co Record of Claim Book 7:65 7.55
ET,. N;;Ty &Ught_" Carp, ` street 7:L•fgiting 380,16 38:16
22 C•,H, Chaff moan M:D.. Expences 1942 161:7x1 561:71
23 A'&Unio KbbanZte Civilians Defence 52;04 52:8
24 N:y;Telephone " " 34:85 34. 5
25 Ny.Te 1 ep-ho ne " " 6:60 6.60
' Curtis Harris Eleectrioty ubad- PFt93T4AA 6.62 6;62
V Coal Ins,Ageney,Inc -Bcsmd 21715-G.F.Ind*Highway 43052 43:52
` 28 C"aol Ins,A'gcy,IInc, " 214753 " "Supervisor 44:0"' 44:0.:
29 Cool Ins, " " " L'i'713 " "Supr, hool 14:6.3 14:63 .
ro 34 D. «FowSer Expences to Reso"°Town's Meetgs 55:60 15:60
31 Charles Nobles " " " " 23.;70 23;70
32 Raymond ` Walkup " " " " " 23:70 23:70
33 Henry J•Slaight " " " " " 23:70 23070
34 Will Ums Law Bb bb Ca-, Bb ok & besd:ga r and 31arks 21,13 21:13
35 Ruth A. Linehan Ca n#eling-names: for roll ZQ:001 5;OD
36 FoR1e is
Ina, 12 dez f lags-12/22jf42 15,00 15900
i .
7 City of "GZesnsa. Falls Reattal. of LoskugD 24.50 24.50
''8 Fttzgeral& Hot of Meals s for Prisoners 43.56 43.50
F"rosented at Jaime 1943 Merest ing & not audited
Om Mat ton. Me et`fmg Ad Jjourned
Berk; D. Tumor
j -
iii a spec ial me at ing of the �i Board , of the iawru of Quseanabury
held at the office of th* raw= Clerks in said Town on the, 13th,day
of March#1943,: the fo2laving: memb-ers mere pTe-sent.
D.Elmsr Fcawsor Superr sor
Charles I'Db1es Xmtica of Peacs
Henry Sleight jUs$tice of Peae
4 Raymond aJacup Councilman
Curtis Lampsam CoAm ilman
Reauxution # 1I1, Introdu<ped by Justice Nobles Seconded by Justice
RESOLVED#that the 5uparviaar of the Town of Queefnsbury be and hereby-
is authsatzed: to tra sf er-f natty the Surplus Accr unt to Item of the
Highway Fvzd9the sum of $59134.,19 and a.1sa to, transfer from the
Surplus Aceount'to Misaellanums Item of the Highway Rand, the
sum of $ee'00,
Duly adapted by the f ollowrir4; vote
Ayes- Cou=i Aan WalkuW ,Justiw Nobles-Councilman Lampsonr Justice
S le fight.- &'' tp ery i sor* Fewlex,
Noes- Ndne i '-
On.. motion meeting adjourned
3.ert D,, Turner :
'�-- CILerk