1943-04-27 i
Special Meeting April/°A943
At a special Tweeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury , held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the
Clerk's Cf�ice, the Following menbers were present:
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Charles Nobles Justice of Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of Peace
aymond Walkup * Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Mr Justice Sleight Offered the following resolution #14
which was seconded by Mr Justice Nobles.
Resolved that pursuant to Chapter 272 of the Laws of 1943
the Town of Queensbury hereby determines to collect taxes
and continue to collect taxes on the law in effect previous
to the adoption of Chapter 27.2 of the Laws of 1943.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes- Mr Walkupq Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight
And Mr. Folder.
Nees None.
Mn Motion Meetin g Adjourned. .
Bert D. Turner Clem
Regular Meeting April 27th,1943
At a regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held on the above date at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office, the
following members were present;
D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor
Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace
Henry Sleight, Justiceof Peace
Raymond Walkup, Councilman
Curtis Lampson, Councilman, Absent
H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also
MinutesI of Meetings held on March 23rd,1943 and April 10th,1943
were read and approvede
Justice Sleight offered the following resolution #15 which was
seconded by Justice Nobles :
WHEREAS, this Board by resolution duly adopted fixed the Fourth
Tuesday in each month for date of holding the monthly meeting of
said Town Board, and
WHEREAS, Several of the members of said Town Board are now
actually engaged in defense work which calls them out of said
Town during the week but said memebers are all home over the
week fiend,
RESOLVED, That the said date of Meeting be and hereby is
" * changed from the fourth Tuesday in each month to the Fourth
Saturday of each month for the meeting of said Town Board,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the next regular meeting of said Town
Board be held on the fourth Saturday in May and on the fourth
Saturday of each month thereafter,
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Aleight and Mr. Fowler,
Noes : None Absent- Mr Lampson.
A Committee comprising of Norman Beattie, Clarence
Ca.rpahter and John Arehart from the Board of Supervisors
called 'on the Boardaand Mr. Carpenter spoke briefly
on the self insurance plan. The Board generally discnsged
the matter with the committee and no other action was taken.
Mr. noble Ha rpp Called on the Board and the privelege of the
floor was extended to him. He spoke briefly on the control
of Blister rust and requested the Board 'to appropiate
money for the control of the said blister rust.
The privelege of the floor was extended to Mr. B.K.
Clifford, deputy director of Civilian Defense who
Spoke briefly on the defense situation and defense
H. Russell Harris xxUa Town Superintendent of Highways
discussed with the Board the matter of cleaning out
some of the roads and lanes and also the drainage . .
condition near western Avenue and .adtised the Board
that the City.of Glens Falls would let the Town pipe
into manhole on Coolidge Avenue for drainage purposes.
No Action was taken by the Board,
The privelege of the floor was extended to Mr. Herbert E
Ellswvvth who advise the board that the Mohican Grange
had an application in to clean cemeteries and asked
the Board what action was taken on said application.
He was advisedthat the Board would take the matter
up at this meeting together with the other applications.
The Clerk read the following communication.
Mr. Bert D. Turner March 30th 1943
Town ,Clerk,
Glens Klis, N.F.
Dear Sir
A List of the 1943 State aid to Towns for Warren County
has been received from the State Comptroller's Office.
As your Town did not raise funds by tax levy for 1943
no State aid is listed for your Town.
Very truly yours,
Herrick Osborne
County Superintendent of
The Supervisor stated that there was a bill before
the governor granting state aid to Towns where, it
was not necessary to raise funds by tax for highway-
Item 1.
In the matter of cleaning cemeteries , applications
were received as follows :
Mohican Grange., Jenkins Cemetery and Seelye Cemetery
Glens Falls Grange- Lake Sunnyside Cemetery and Glens Falls
Cemetery old part.
Queensbury Red Cross Unit- Jenkins Cemetery.
Mountainside Cemetery- Scotch Cemetery.
Resolution # 16 Introduced by justice Nobles, Seconded
by Justice Sleight.
It was resolved that the following named granges and
Red Cross unit be and hereby are authorized to remove
grass, weeds , brush and care for and conserve the cemeteries
following their names :
Glass galls Grange #1175 - Rest Glens Falls Cemetery ( Old Part)
Mohican Grange- Lake Sunnyside Cemetery
Mountainside Grange- Scotch Cemetery
Queensbury Red Cross Unit- Jenkins Cemetery.
Further resolved that the Sum of $50,00 be, and is hereby
appropiated for each of the above described cemeteries.
Further resolved that the work on each of the above described
I cemeteries be completed by October lst,1943 ,
Further resolved that brusWj , weeds and grass be removed by each
of the above described parties- from each of the aboved described
cemeteries at least three times a year,
Further resolved that each of said cemeteries be cleaned
at least once before Decoration Day.
Duly adopted by the follwuing vote:
Ayes: Mr Walkup, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Sleight and Mr Fowler:
Noes : None.
The Board Audited Accounts as follows: - Amount
Amount Clafted Allowed.
45- Dennis and Co,, Field Book $ 5.73 $ 5.73
46 U.S.Caw alty Co Prem. B,jnd Collector 121.01 121.01
47- N.Y Pv*sr & L Corp- Street lighting 38,16 38.16
48- Unicraft Inc. Civil Defense-Sup, 22,75 Not audited
49 Call Hardware Inc " " " 2.48 - 2.48
50-Glencraft Printing " " " 4,00 - 4.00
51-N.Y.P.&L Corp n a n ,75 .75
52 N.Y.P.& L, orp " n " 1.33 1.33
53- Ft Edward fire works " n " 16.00 16.00
54-N.Y.Tel. Co. ,7 " " Expenses 25,50 25.50
55- N.Y,Tel Co " " " 26.25 26.25
56 N.Y. Tel Co " " " 22.80 22.80
57 tTohn M Lennox Services 12.00 12,00
58 Curtis Lampson (W.G.F.W.D.) Postage 5.90 5.90
59' ftlllard Press n Printing 9.15 - 9015
60 Theodore Turner " Thawing 14,00 - 4.00
61 Lillian Sheppard " Services 7.50 7.50
On motion Meeting adjourned
Bert D, Turner Town Clerk.
Special Meeting May 19th 1943.
At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held',-Tin the above date at the Town Clerk'-s Office- at 7 :30 P.M. ,
the following members were present,-
D. Elmer Fowler , Supervisor
Charles Nobles Justice of Peace
Henry Sle ikht Justice of Pearce
Raymond Walkup Councilman.
Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent.
Resolution #17 Dtfftrbdrbj, Mr Sleight, Justice of Peace, seconded
by Mr Walkup, Councilman
RESOLVED, that 101ISs ovh Clerk be and hereby is authorized
and directed to certify to the New York State Department of