1943-05-19 SP 171_ Glens Falls Grange #1175 - Nest Glens Falls Cemetery ( Old Part) Mohican Grange- Lake Sunnyside Cemetery Mountainside Grange- Scotch Cemetery Queensbury Red Cross Unit- Jenkins Cemetery. Further resolved that the Sum of $50.00 be< and is hereby appropiated for each of the above described cemeteries. Further resolved that the work on each of the above described f cemeteries be completed by October lst,1943. Further resolved that brush?j , weeds and grass be removed by each of the above described parties. from each of the aboved described cemeteries at least three times a year. Further resolved that each of said cemeteries be cleaned at least once before Decoration Day. Duly adopted by the folluving vote: Ayes: 11r Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Sleight and Mr Fowler: Noes : None. The Board Audited Accounts as follows: Amount Amount Clafted Allowed. 45- Dennis and Co., Field Book $ 5.73 $ 5.73 46 U.S.Casualty Co Prem. Band Collector 121.01 121.01 f 47- N.Y Pvwer & L Corp- Street lighting 38.16 38.16 48- Unicraft Inc. Civil Defense-Sup. 22.75 Not audited 49 Ca'i l Hardware Inc " " " 2.48 - 2.48 50-Glencraft Printing " " " 4.00 4 4.00 51-N.Y.P.&L Corp " " " ,75 .75 52 N.Y.P.& L, Porp " " • " 1.33 1.33 53- Ft Edward ire works " " " 16,00 16.00 54-N.Y.Tel. Co. ,71 " " Expenses 25,88 25.30 55- N.Y.Tel Co " " " 26.25 26.25 56 N.Y, Tel Co " " " 22.80 22.80 57 d'ohn M Lennox Services 12.00 12.00 58 Curtis Lampson (W.G.F.W.D.) Postage 5.90 5.90 59 Htftlard Kress " Printing 9.15 - 9.15 60 Theodore Turner " Thawing 4.00 - 4.00 61 Lillian Sheppard " Services 7.50 7.50 On motion Meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Special Meeting May 19th 1943. At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held'''6n the above date at the Town Clerk's Office- at 7 :30 P.M,, the following members were -present,- D. Elmer Fowler , Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Raymond Walkup Councilman. Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent. Resolution ¢#17 OtIftr4rd!-b.y Mr Sleight, Justice of Peace, seconded by Mr Walkup, Councilman RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 685 of the Laws of 1943 DIRECTING TOWN CLERK TO CERTIFY AS TO THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN MONEY. RESOLVED, that Ibher`T_tvh Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to certify to the New York State Department of 172' Audit and Control that the sum of $10,000 had been transferred from from surplus money by virtue of section 107 of the Town Law to Highway Item No. 1, pursuant to Chapter 685 of the Laws of 1943, Adopted May 19th 91943. Ayes Cdr. Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Sleight and qtr. Fowler, No None Absent- Mr. Lampson. On motion Meeting adjourned. Bert D. Turner Town Clerk . Regular Meeting May 22nd 19430 At a regular meeting of the Town Board, of the Town of. Queensbury held on� the above date at 7 :30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office, the following menberes were present: Y D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor HCharles Nobles Justice of Peace enry Sleight Justice of Peace Curtis Lampoon Councilman ?4V*=d Walkup c i3'nuheta Mail.:'eace _ C , H.Russell Harris Toxm Superintendent of Highways also , present. . Minutes of Meetingcheld 'on the 27th day of April 1943. , were read and approved, In the matter of an increase of pay for the, employees. . of the Highway Department, Raymond Walkup a member of . of the Highway Committee of the Board brDulght up the gutter and suggested that an increase should be granted. Bar. Nobles offered the following resolution N.18; seconded . by Mr. Sle ight. Whereas, because of the labor situation the employees of the Highway Department of said Town have- theeatened to quit their jobs which would leave the Town without sufficient help to care for and maintain the Highways in said Town, RESOLVed, that the price per hour for the employees' in the Highway department in said Town-torilad hereby are fixed as follows: Truck Vrivets , $.60 per Hour; ' Laborers, $.50 per hour; effective from May 15,1943. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes- Mr. Walkup,� Mr. Nobles , Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Sleight and Mr., Fowler. _. Noes :- None. Councilman Lagpson offered the following Resolution#19 which was seconded by Justice Sleight, Whereas , Berrie Lanf ear has made application to this Board for permisssion to connect with the. water main in 'the West Glens Falls Water District to. property owned by said Bernie Lanfear located on the northerly side of dine Streettand within a short distance of the line of said West Glens Falls Water District and the owner has offered and is willing that said property be placed