1943-06-26 173:
upon the assessment roll in said district and to pay
taxes levied thereon if permission is granted to make
connection with said Water main,
Resolved, that said Bernie Lanfear or the owner of said
property be and hereby is authorized to make connection
with said water main under the same rules and conditions of
property located within the said District and to pay the same
rate for use of said water as is paid by property owners
within said district upon the condidtion_that , and for
such length of time, as property is pJAced upon the
assessment roll within said district and the taxes levied
. and "Adssed for water district purposes are paid.
Duly adopted by the following vote :-
Ayes- Mr.Walkup, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight
and Mr. Fowler
Noes :-,= None. -
A Communication was read from the Coubly Attorney
which advi-se the Board in substance that the Town would, -
receive State aid Voney under °the Highway Law,
The Board audited accounts as follows : Amount Amount
Ma imed AUouad.A�. .
. 62 Doty Lumber Company Lumber ?.-.fa8`
. 63 N.Y.P.& .Light -Corp. Street Lights 38:16 38.16 -
64 Williams Law Book Supplies 1.48 1.48
65 Edward Thompson VCo Law Supp. 5:00 5.00
66 Wm Powers Servicess 21:00 21:00
67 Anna Mc aghey *ms c x_ orzas5:50 50'50
68 N.Y.Tel. Company Expenses C.D. 23015 23:15
69 N.Y.P.&Light Corp Expenses C.D. 075 .75
70 Clayton Woodbury & Son Supplies C.D. 26.17 26017
71 Alice Woodbury Expenses C.D. 8.97 . 8.97
72 Cushman's Home Fur. Zrbavlals C.D. 2.69 2y69
73 Ft Edward Fire Works Supplies C.D. 141:00 1410' 00
74.B.K.Clifford Expenses C.D. 120.00 120000
75 Fred Fisher Refund 6000 6.00
.76 City of Glens Falls Water- Meter Rent 52:5$ 52.54
77 "" " " "" " " 79.77 79.77
On motion Meeting Adjourned, ,
Bert D. Turner.
Regular meeting June 26th,1943
At the regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury, held on the above date at the Clerk's Office
at 7 :30 P.M. , the following- members were present;
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Pharles J. Nobles Justice of Peace
Teary Sleight, Justice of Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Meetings of Meeting held on the 22nd day of May 1943 Were
read and approved.
A communication from William Francis in reference to
to the highway department taken eight to ten feet off the
the rear and north side of his land in widening the road.
The Clerk was instructed to kzxjK request Mr. .rancis to
be present at the next meeting to discuss the matter with him,
The Clerk read, a petition from the John J. Harris Msmx
Chapel to clean the cemetery adjacent to the Chaple.
The supervisor submitted his report of moneys disbursed and
Tkj&xka Krdxzxx received,
The board-audited claims as follows :
Amount Amount
No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed allowed
78 Glencraft Printing Co . Supplies 7.00 7.00
79 Dennis & Co. , Assessment rolls 29.50 29.50 I j
80 Chas . Houghtaling Supplies 40' 89 4.89
81 Chas Houghtaling supplies 18.73 18.73
82 N.Y.Dept of Health Health Supplies 3.31 Not audited
83 N.Y.P.& Light,.,Corp Street Lighting 38 , 56 38.16
84 Mountainside ",ree Library-P.er Town Law . 100.Q0 100.00
85 J.E.Sawyer' & Co Civilian Defense 1.40 _ 1.40
86 N.Y.TeireCoLlght If If .75 .75
87 N.Y.Tel Co. of " 23.50 3.50
88 N.Y.Tel Co. It of 13.25 13.25
89 N.Y tel Co. , t1 of 2.50 2.50
90 N.Y.Tel Co. , to " 30' 50 3.50
91 William Webb . Cash Rebate , ,G.F.W.D.9.00 9400
92 M.J.Crannell of of of 2.00 20' 00
93 F.J.Crannell " " " 4.50 4.50
94 Ear.. E. Taylor of of of 1.50 1.50
95 Lillian Dever of to if 60,00 6,00
96. Curtis Lampsoxi Percentage -W.G.F.W.D. 45.63. :4:5,63.
On Motipn Meeting Ad jour ed
Bert D.. Turner .
Reg$lar,Meeting, Ju ly 211th 1943.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of The Town of Queensbury
held on the above date at 7 :30 P. M. at the Clerk's Office the
following memebers were present, ,
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Charles J. Nobles Justice o f peace
Henry Sleight Justice of Peace
Curtis La mpson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
H. Russell Harris Town Su'eririt9ndent of Highways also present,
Minutes of Meeting held on the 26th day of June 1943, were read and
A petition signed by 22 residence and owners of real property
was presented and read to the board requesting the Board to approp-
iate sufficient funds to carry out a plan of drainage of an
area in the lower boulevard .
The privelege of the floor was extended to Mr. Lr. R. Lewis
who spoke briefly on the matter of, the propoesed drainage,
A comm$nilcation from Mr. Lewis in reference to the matter was
read to the Board,