1943-10-02 179 12 Bombs p $2.00 each 24,Uu 288,VU 2 Stations- 4 each-3" 8 Bombs 9 $l,Uu each . 8000 96.00 S384.U0 Miscellaneous lbtpense 120.UC) ' TOTAL $747. UU You Will see by the above budget estimate tnat we will need the entire amount appropiatec as pex-witted by law. It, therefore, is my recommenuativne that you appropiate tiro u1.L *b Uv.Uuu Sri acc o ruanc a with the Law passed j ayl, i9*2, You wiL.L note tnat our estimate is lucre tnan the approviation, out we nope to reduce the number or blacxouts anu vha.t activyty -- wii.i taper ofT ociore the ena of the next year so tnat tae a'uovc uuaget will be surzicient. ,Li.steu ueiow are our estlmateu expenultures for ,he rema.inaer or 1943, TeLepauiies $81,00 Sigiials 64,OU aaidceilaneou�r :50 Uu Our Valance as or tills sate 2s $181.43, anu wi in i.ae above expeiiuitures our eat uuateuu wa,lance on da.nuary ue 41.43, Please give finis uue coneiaeration in making up your unnual budget wnicn I unuerstaiiu iias to be riled oezore tile wuu of _ ieptember. We shall loom i onward to the same splenulu Cooperation you nave giveli use in i,ne past witn reierenve 4u . approi,ia Hurts. xespec t,liul.iy sutiwxttea iS,is.t;l 111 u r u Jiepudy Ail 1:vQ%oUX 0 tTlullla.C1 xrotec:tYOn. ine Boaru aualteu clali„e as IOIJOWS: Amo un V Amount .No, Name of uia.Livant Aacure ox ulaim viainiou Al-Lowed 135. 1V. i.r.&L. uorp. 5t JJlgia ir.Lild 6o,Lb 68* 16 136 Defiaib lac uo. 6uppiies .Gv v.VV 137 Uieris Yalis rout Uo r4 wlyoh.Lag No-Live ..i .Va IU.b2 138 Russell tams i a,ite Supplies b,16 b, .lv 139 .u.nvilf xoru LXpenbes 11.20 11.20 140 duol iia5. Ageucy rrem. 12.11 32611 141 rain m. IBU supp.Lies 17*7U .l1 6 1/6 142 New xWr;s: te1 v... lei Sexvioe u.L. .71,JU 3600 143 Vew tviX Tel uo. " " 3.5u 6,0U 144 iiew Yuck Tei Co, " " " 13.25 13.25 nos 1.30 b m..Uiii,oru 1�r ,ycliWCtt �,;tf-43-L'us�Caa iCtf 1.U'.Lb IV6lb 1a2 13.x�.t;111i..3Cl, rr�,:�ji.ao�u v�2o-43 rac,� :.`�.. J• 3 to October 2nd 1943 at 7:30 P, t, at Cle fiae. On motion meeting adjourned/for the purpose of the Town Clerk presenting the annual estimates of the officers. Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Adjourned Meeting October 2md,1943 At an adjourned meeting of the town Board of the Town of 0.ueensbury held at 7:30 P.L. at the clerk' s Office on the above date for the purpose of the Town Clerk presenting the annual estimates of the Town officers, the following members were present. ' s 180 D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Henry Sleight Justiceof Peace Curtis Lampson Councilmen Raymond Walkup Councilman H.R.ussell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present. The clerk presented the following estimates. AI NUAL EST11,LkTE SUBPIITTED by Supervisor. Town of queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 191944 Expenditures General fund. —� TOWOARD Town hall and Town officers rentals ( Board Rooms, offices, elections, etc ) 15400 Purchase of Furniture and Equipment ELECTIONS of Election Off icl Compensation als (Including I.Tileage ) 900.00 Compensation of Voting machine custodians 100.00 Trucking & Labor 50.04 Insurance 40.00 Cmpensation Insurance 400,00 Official Bons and Undertakings 1180:00 Fire and Liability .Service of attorneys and expenses of Litigation 400.00 Printing and advertising ( all Departments ) - 306.,00 Total SUPERVISOR $180(1,00 Salary 0f ice at u o frier "periitr;z, k Postage, p sloe expenses 25.00 to Association of Towns 25.00 { Total X1850.00 1 Police Constables and Deputy Sheriffs --y Compensation $300.00 Mileage and other expenses 100100 Total 400,00 LOCKUP Rent of Lockup and meals X68.00 Total 68. 00 Traffic Signs, Signals and Hignwgy Lignting X460.40 f` i - FOREST FIRES Payment to conservation CommissioTotal X3200.00 200.00 WARMHUENCY ruttru6-KS $500,00 Attendance officer X200.00 Compensation Total $200.00 T0`JVir ,IISKA.KY 00 rayments to other library X104. Total 100440 Patriotic Observances 20,00 250,00 Cec i,cy ies ip-7-79-4.00 Total expenditures RXVJ'MS- General Fund )Lortg; a Taxes $350,00 Income Taxes 4000.00 Franchise Taxes on Business Corp. 1 Alcoholic Beverage Taxes( Town Share) 7200,00 Dog Licenses ( krom County) 550.00 Other revenue 530,00 j Town Clerk 60.00 Assessors uuzi6pended balance 26766.41 TOTAL $53581.41 DEC ed September 219 1943 D. Elmer roil erg Supervisay. 181' ANNUAL KSTImATis 8UBaItted by Tows, Uierk Town of Queensbury Fpr fiscal year beginning Januaru191944 Expenditures Salary $2000.00 Office andother expenses Postage Etc, 65.O0 Mileage and other misceiianeous expenses 00.UU Expenses to Tuw A Auwvc:air iuu mecu iug etc 25.00 TOTAL I+%?Pjivjjil'uA3S 2110.Ou REVI;N uES Fees of Town clerk Dog tags 90.00 Delinquent dog list 4,00 Marriage -Liicenses ;561 uv Hunting and- slat." . .ceA ses 4Uu.Uv k.L...lug ju,Vv ira,ueUi-.tjIjLs 4.80 otner lees► w 3.00 TOTAL REV:is ui xib gp5t 7,0. 0 iia-'ted: September 2491943 bert D. `1'uravr owe, Ulerk ANNUAL ESTIzAT15 SU-6ja i.`.LAW i.3 a Ut3,. .LUA vr` 'TI'LiE rJ!A%i.M TOWA vtr (JUJSBriSnUttf rrvn irjLb ,'Aju .WkH JANUARY L#1944 Expenditures Salary �;3UUO.ou office and other expenses Postage and money- uruers ou.vu ZAiledge and at,,v#f As A X74 g Town meeting :100.00 Total expenaitures ;Pl:io6,0u Revenues Fines, pens tiea anu i'ori enure. ou.v0 motor Venicles tees 100100 Urim nal isees- liiuicia,u.Le cases 25.00 Crimita.L lees-CouservutQon ijaw 2v.Uv civil i:ees 30.00 Uivii Bees-Dog J.U.00 t;lv 1J. r'ets- Conserva tQn Law 25.Ou utner revenues Ault ixtib dk;rcing oatins 3,ou Total revenues 3273.00 Dat.ed September 25 1943 Cnas.j au'vies Justice Vi Lniz zeace. ANNUAL ESTiNA1.09 SUts=.Li,.v D by d u;5-r-LOA vv L.,A L.&A%;.& Town of Queensbury iror the fiscal year begiii ilag January iq 1944 " e �Pr;:r`DITUt�S Salary *i0vv,VO Office and other expenses Book and forms 50.00 Uiieage ant expenses attenuitig %)"dtice be iGVl lOO.uu TO`ZAL r; rititiiill'ur Vli5U,Uv ?ines, penalties anu urieiuures lu,uu Uivil lees 20.Ov o timer �`e .ut;a Jubtioe isC..N iuc a1 ".L"g }/aby341`E! 3.vv lutal L`c:reitues 34.UU D*,' ed.: September 25, _1943 tienryd 6le.Lgrit9 dua t�►vim v� �iie 182 ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNOI TOWN OF 0,UEENSBURY For fiscal year beginning January 10 1944 EKP ENDITtJIW Salaries 600,00 Office and other expenses Mileage and expenses to Town Association Meeting l rlil w 100,00 Total expenditures $700,00 Revenues- None D$-ced September 2791943 Curtis Lampson Councilman ANNUAL ESTIMATE St,?BMITTED B)rZCOUNCILVZ TOWN OF QUEEtSBURY for fiscal year beginning January 1,1944 Salaries 600,00 Office and other expenses Mileage and expenses to Association of Towns Meetinf 100.00 Total expenditures $700.00 Revenues-None Dat edtSeptember 2791943 Raymond L Walkup, Councilman, Annual Estimate Submitted By H.Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January, 1,1944 Pursuant to Section 141 of the Highway Law and Section 111 of the Town Law. HIGHWAY FUND ( Item 1) Expenditures $23,594,00 Total expenditures $239594,00 Revenues State aid 3,594,00 Total Revenues 39594,00 Amount to be raised by tax Or Highway Fund(item l) Bridge Fund ( Item 2 ) 1209000.00 Expenditures Labor and team work $ 500.00 Materials for repair and maintenance 500,00 Total Expenditures 11000,00 Revenues- None Amount to be raised by tax for bridge fund ( Item 2 ) 51000,00 Machinery Fund ( Item 3) Expenditures: Purchase of machinery, tools and equipment $3000,00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements 4071.03 Redemption of machinery certificates 2928,97 Total Expenditures X100000.00 Revenues-None Amount to be raised by tact for machinery Fund ( Item 3)$109000100 SNOW AND MISCEIM MEOUS FUNS ( item 4) Salary of Town Superintendent $ 2400,00 Expenses of Town superintendent 100,00 Removing obstructions catLsed by snow 4500.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 2500,00 Other miscelleneota purposes 1500,00 Total expenditures $11,000.00 Revenues- None Amount- to be raised by tax for snow and Miscellaneous fund ( Item 4) $11,000.00 Dgt.ed September 29,1943 H.Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways: 183 ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR TOWN OF O EENSBURY FOR FISCAL YFAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,�.�44 EXPENDITURES 11500.00 SALARY Office andother expenses 825 jLiles in assessment Work 49,bO at 6 cents per mile Dog cases mi.Leage at 1 U cents 14,10 per mile 141 $3.35 Guide book-Stationery 6,35 33,00 Notarjrsing papers 31569.95 Total expenditures Revenues Fees From County) ? 34•b0 Dog damage cases Appraising 34.50 Total revenues D� ed September 27 1943 Edward Sleight Annual estimate submitted by assessor Town of Ctueensbury 191943 For fiscal year beginning January ]MPENDITURES Salary $1500.00 61 miles � - jo3e per mile 6.10 4 825 bliles at 6 X per mi' 9.50 Noty°fees x•25 a Total expenditures X1556.85 Revenues Fees., Dog damage cases( received from CourItiy) X15.40 315.00 Total Revenues Dated September 2791943 Ernest Hiilis Assessor. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SIJBXtTTyD Bx ASSESSOR. Town of queensbury Z,1g44 for iiscal year 'beginning January Expnui.tures15uu.uv Salary Or icE auu. 825 wiles in assessment work 49,50 6je per mile eases l0Xper m.L i.e 3190 39 giles Dog X1553.40 Total expenditures Revenues 'Fees received from County) ;;6.00 Dog damage cases 'Total revenues ' 6.00 DEt ed September 27,1943 Fred Ricketts Assessor. Annual estimate submitted by Tax collector Town of Queensbury 11944 For i"isca year beginning January ;nLpenditures $1800.Ov Salary ui4jice and other expenses 30,00 ., vi,ice a 25, Ken-c, v i _ OG Advent Si n� rrii:;,l� ,.r ,).uv vti cis y '� t$T►t i�., ez iu 1905,00 Total expeuui puree xeveziuea-Ne,uwer "r .nly- " t a » ! J Ar� lu v iiil.+.• us tie+. ANNbAL BlixIma"sL kSU WAMV �1r' x`11,Cri jvwiiQe quuENSisuny axy 1,1944 For -'iscai year oegiuuitig ,w Expeinditures ►rS25.L. ry Salary of nedlv.0 v . ictir Utjj�4r neaiGn el-penises LOU.Vv Eil..i ��+Ib d.uu tSVia �.l'vut3tsia 184 Travelilag expenses ;Pvv*vv Stationary 23,bO To tai v,%penultures Revenues - None VLz ed September 27th,i943 U.A. Wiapmant LL"aA.01 UlljCej• Annuai ebtimate suomitted-by Tuwa We tare Uflicex Town of f4ueensbury ffibeal year iA:,S-Li-A1A41,1g January 19,.1944 Expenditures Salary Utiice and other e&,-)ejabes Teleptioue 36,vu x�66age and expellueu tv salivul and iniieage - 6Aj, 000,00 Total expenditures Da ea be -' em er 27:1y43 Anna x ** xu " welfare uliAver, A.NiiUAAj rPLr.LbTxuA-t( L).0 V -LTA u jAAAL AJ.!At& Jin—""j jv L#.L,4-g .M&.r.n1Vjj J- UzLn,6 6 v0iul ;e"ba,41on jp!)V.Vi.* .rustage IV lu Zal e4jiG."AdJ. Dui lrcou*UU o'"e -04eU 8ep,,+,Auvee ANNUAL ESTMTEFOR THE NORTH GLENS FADS WATER DISTRICT EXPENDITURES COST OF IMPROVMMKT, Soo. BONDPRINC IPA1 Bond Interest Total 202,00 $702.00 Maintenance Personal services 50,00 Offices and other espenses Collectors fees, postage stationary & -water bills 60,00 Town Supervision 55,06 repairs 20.00 Purchase of Water 300,00 Purchase of Equipment 15,00 Total $500,06 Total expendidtures 01202,06 REVENUES Water Rents 700,00 Penalties 10,00 Unexpended balance 158,54 - Total revenues $868.54 Dated September 2191943 D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor. Annual Estimate for the West Glens Falls Water District MCPMITTJRES Cost of Improvement Bond principal $1000000 Bond Interest 308,00 Total $1308*00 MAINTENANCE Personal serrie es 50,00 Offide andother expenses fees & Office expenses 138.00 repairs 50,00 Purchase of water 500,00 Purchase of Equipment 25.00 Total X763,00 Total expenditures $2071,00 180owl , R�.arU�s WATER RENTS X1450.00 Penalties 7.50 Sale of Water 7.00 Unexpended Balance 3302.53 Total revenues - $4767.03 Dot-I-ed:September 21,1943 D. Elmer Fowler , Supervisor. The clerk read the foregoing estimates to the Board and the the borrd proceeded to work on plim.inarf budget and at lls30 P,M. ajourned the work on the. budget to Saturady October 9th,1943 at7:30 P.M. at the clerks Office Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk October 9th, 1943 Adjourned 2feeting At an adjourg A Ang of the Town Boazd of the Town of Queensburytr he purpose of compl'et~ing the Dliminary budget of Town of Queensbury to the above date at 7:30 ' ,Queens bury e following memebers were Office' h P.M. at t s s , g Present: Charles J, Nobles Acting Chairman Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Curtis Lampoon Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilma Due to the absents of Of D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor the following resolution was adopted: Resol:ution#28 Introduced by ZXr _Walkup, seconded by Mr Lampeon9 WHER2AS D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor is unavoidatle absent from this meeting. Therefore be it resolved that Charles J. Nobles be and hereby is designated chairman, to act at this meeting. Duly-adopted by the following vote: Ayes- Mr. Walkup, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Sleight. 'Noes-r Nona Mr., Nobles Declined to vote. The Board proceeded to work on the pliminary budget and after due deliberation the following resolution was adopted. Resolution No, 29 Introduced by Mr. Sleight, seconded by Mr, Lampoon, Resolved that this board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the lot day of January,1944, the itemized statement of theestimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, and be it, Further resolved- that such preliminary budget shall be filed in theo-ffiee of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours, and be it Fub1kher resolve& that this board shall meet at 9 O'clock A.M. on the 3rd day of November,1943 at the Clerk' s office for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget, and be it Further resolved that the TownClerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law and that such notice be published in substantially the following form; NOTICE-OF HEARING UPON PRELIMINARY BUDGET NOTI"E IS HEREBY given that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January1,19449 has- been°completed andfiled in theoff ice of the To at R.F.D. #1 Glens Falb, N.Y. , where it is available for ion by any interested. person at all reasonable hours. Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board of theTown of Queensbury will meet and review said prelim d inary g et and hold a public hearing thereon, at said Town Clerk's Office at 9' 61elock A.M. on the 3rd day of November,l943, and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled or for or against any item