1943-10-09 180.
WATER RENTS $1450.00
Penalties 7.50
Sale of Water 7.00
Unexpended Balance 3302.53
Total revenues _ $4767.03
D*,-,.Ied:September 21,1943 D. Elm Fowler , Supervisor.
The clerk read the foregoing estimates to the Board and the
the board proceeded to work on pliminarr budget and at
11:30 P.M. ajourned the work on the. budget to Satur-ady
October 9th,1943 at7:30 P.M. at the_ clerks Office
Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk
October 9th, 1943 Adjourned Meeting
At an adjourg 1 Ang of the Town Board of the Town
of Queensbury/ or he purpose of compr6-ting the Pliminary
budget of tlx: `vacua of queensbury to the above date at 7: 30
P.11. at th°e►;;: 's Office, the following memebers were
Charles J. Nobles Acting Chairman
Henry Sleight Justice of Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilmaa
Due. to the absents of Of D. Elmr Fowler, Supervisor
the following resolution was adopted:
ResolutionAS Introduced by �'Mr ,!WAlkup, seconded by fir
WHEREAS D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor is unavoidable absent from
this meeting.
Therefore be it resolved that Charles J. Nobles be and hereby
is designated chairman, to act at this meeting.
Duly-adopted by the following vote:
Ayesa Mr. Walkup, Mr, Iampson, Mr. Sleight.
`Noes- Nonis
Mr: Nobles Declined to vote.
The Board proceeded to work on the pliminary budget
and after due deliberation the following resolution
was adopted,
Resolution No.. 29 Introduced by Mr. Sleight, seconded
by Mr. Lampson. -
Resolved that this board does hereby prepare and approve
as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year
beginning on the 1st day of January,1944, the itemized
statement of theestimated revenues and expenditures hereto
attached and made a part of this resolution, and be it,
Further resolved- that such preliminary budget shall be filed
in theoffiee of the Town Clerk where it shall be available
for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable
hours, and be it
Fuibher resolved that this board shall meet at 9 O'clock A.M.
on the 3rd day of November,1943 at the Clerk's office for the
purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget, and
be it
Further resolved that the TownClerk give notice of such public
hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town law
and that such notice be published in substantially the following
NOTI`E IS HEREBY given that the preliminary budget of the Town
of queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January1,19449 has.
been completed andfiled in theoffice of the TOW201tZkv at R.F.D.
#1 Glens Falb•>N.Y. , where it is available for 'ion by say
interested person at all reasonable hours.
Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board of theTown
of Q,ueensbury will meet and review said preliminary budget
and hold a public hearing thereon, at said Town Clerk's Office
at 9' o'clock A.M, on the 3rd day of November,1943, and that
at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against
the preliminary budget as compiled or for or against any item
or items therein contained,
Pursuant to section 113 of the Town lay►, the proposed
salaries of the following town officers are hereby specified
as follows: _ -
isor $1800.04
MON r tom'"V,P`ea.c-e $ 00.00 (To tal salad es )
Councilman 600.00 Each
Town Clerk 2000.00
Town superintendent 2400.00
Assessors 1.500.00 Each
Collector 1800000
Welfare officer 360.00
Constables 340.00 (Total salaries )
By order of the Town Board)
Dated October 1943. Town Clerk
For the Town of lueensbuvy.
General fund -Appropiati.one
General Government.
Town Board.
Town Mall andoffices
Rentals (Board Room, offices, elections Etc )$ 300.00
. Purchase of Furniture and equipment 150.00
Compensation of election off-iccials(includin
Mileagel 900.00.
Compensation of voting machine custodians 104,00
other expenses 50.00
Voting machines purchase and repair 50.00
Compensation insurance 40. 00
1 bonds and undertakings s 400.00 g
Fire and liability 1100.00
printing and advertising (all departments ) 306 00
Services of Attorneys and other expenses of litigation S400.00
Total $3796.00
Salary $1800.04
office and other expenses 50.00
Total $1850.00
Justice of the peace
salaries $2000.00
office and other expenses 200.00
Total $2200.40
Salaries )1200.00
Office andother expenses . .04 200
Total $1400.00
Town Clerk
Salary $2000.00
office and other expenses 110.00
Total $2110000
Assessors R
Salaries $4500.00
Office and other expenses 180.20
Total $4680.20
Receiver of takes or tax collector
Salary $1800104
)ffice and other expenses 7
09ce-4 00
Total general government $179941.20
Protection of person andproperty
Police Constables and deputy sheriffs
Compensation $300.00
Mileage and other expenses 100.00
Total $400,40 ,
other expenses 68400
Signs, signals and highwpy lignting $460.00
Forest Fires
Payment .to conservation Commission 200,00
War emergency Purposes 500,00
Total protection of ;persons and property 11628.00
.Attendance officer
Compensation 200.00
Town Library
Payments zo ufiner library 100,00
Total educatio V 300,00
Patriotic Observances $ 20.00
Public utilii.feo
Cemeteries $250. Total Public 'Utilities$250.00
Contingent purposes
Section 112 of the Town Law $1112,72
" s $350100
' r ^ :r ;tin°. . •?� s 4000,00
U. Y
Al e. 5
Jxre - 7200900
$FZ �n4 sf m .ouunty.
10refib tit
i 6 fie i @�s kc f tie: t+�e P+.93,00
104 i4 ar asp_*1i*# it
)+ '.30*00
Total $26,813.00
Unexpended balances (sec 115 ,Town Uw) 26766,41
Total estimated revenues { General fund) $53579.41
General fund-summary
General government $17941.20
protection of- persons andproperty 1628.00
Education 300,00
Rreation 20.00
Public utiltities 250.00
Contingent purposes 1112.72
Total appropiations $23367,21
Total =estimated revenues
(General Fund) $53579.41
Amount of be raised by tax odor _general fund lTone•
Welfare Fund.
Town Welfare officer
Salary $360,00
Office and other expenses 100,00
Total 460,00
Home relief 500.00
Total appropiations $960.00
Revenues None
Amount to be raised by tax for welfare fund $960.00
Highway Fund'(` Item, 1)-Approplations
Deneral Repairs $209094
Total appropiations $20,094.00
Esti:Mated revenues
State aid $ 3594.00
Total revenues $ 35940
1 88 Amount to be raised bytax for highway fund (Item 1) $16500000
Bridge fund ( Item 2) Appropiations-
Labor and team work $500,00
Materials for repair and maintenance 500,00
Total appropiations $1000,00
Estimated revenues-None
Amount of be raised by tax for hignwya fund
(Item 2) $1000.00
Machinery fund (Item 3) Appropiations
Purchase of Machinery, tools and implements 500.00
Repair of a�achineryq �tools and implements 3821,03
Redemption of machinery certificates 2928,97
Interest on machinery certificates 250.00
Total appropriations $7500.00
Estimated revenues- None
Amount to be raised by tax for highway fund
(Item 3) $7500,00
Snow andmiseellaneous Fund ( Item 4 ) Appropriations
Salary of Town Superintendent $2400.00
Expenses of Town Superintendent 100,00
Removing obstructions caused by snow 3500.00
Cutting and removing noxious weeds and
brush 1500.00
other miscellaneous purposes 1500.00
Total appropriations P9000.00 ,
Estimated revenues-None
Amount to be raised by tax for highwaY Fund
(Item 4) $9000,00
Amount to be raised by tact for highway fund
Items(203 and 4) $17500,00
Town. health
Board of health
salary of health. officer $881.79
other health expenses 213,50
Total Board of health ►1095,25
Registrar of Vital statistics
Compensation $50.00
other expenses 10.00
Total registrar Vital Statistics $60.00
Amount to be raised by tax for Town Health 1155,29
Test Glens Falls dater District.
Cost of improvement Bond Principal $1000,00
Bond interest 308,00
Total $1308.00
Personal services $50.00
Office ando they expenses
fees and office expenses . 138.00
repairs 50.00
purcnase of water 500.00
purchase of equipment 25.00
'Po_tal $763.00 _
Total expenditures : 2071.00
Revenues _
Mater rents $1450.00
Penalties 7,50
Sale of Water 7.00
Unexpended balance $3302.53
Total revenue $4767.03
Amount to be raised by tax- None
North Glens Falls water District.
Cost of improvement
Bond Principal $500,00
Bond Interest ` 202.00
Total $702.00
Personal services $ 50.00
Office and other expenses
0o14ctorg fees, postage
*tgttonaapy &Water bills "60.00
T< r{ Supervision 55.06
Repal.ra . 55,06
P,'Obhase of Waters 300,00
Pu`r'�h€ 8e bof Equipment 15.00
Total "500. 06
:. y• Total expenditures 11202.06
Water rents 1700.00
Penalties 19.00
Unexpended balance 158.54
Total reventes $868.54
Amount to be raised by tax $333,52
Dyly adopted oy the following vote
Ayes • IFlkup, 11r. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Nobles,
Foes Vone
Un 3uot�on meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner, Town clerk
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