1943-10-23 1._ 8 9 Office and other expenses Colctors fees, postage -stationary &49ater hills X60. 00 Town Supervision 55.06 Repairs 20.00 Purchase of Water' 300.00 Purchase bf ?E'quipnent 15.Ov Total 500. 06 Total expenditures ` 1202. 06 Revenues eater rents "j700.00 Penalties 10. 00 Unexpended palance 158.54 Total reven'dtes : 868. 54 Amount to be raised oy tax 1333.52 Daly adopted ray tihe following vote Ayes 11r, llkup, fir. Lampson, fir. Sleight ana Air. 4o Ales. woes Saone Uri motion meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk Regular. seating. - October 23rd#2943 At, a regular...use.t,ing. of _tbs.. ?o1m eoas�d,.wt the TOwu ©f Rsssssbu ,. held AW the-abate date..* st. the. Clark+.s Off los the_.t®3.lo�ciag_.atsmb►ara_seat., presesb _ �, Blsatr_2'ewler�._8upsrvisor Hein Sleigl&t.. . J%MUG" -tba- peso* G1oti'�St...Ls�prts�,.: ,.Ct�si]�au Kinat"ia_of. .liastsw--held...$e . ptwbsr �th,.1S43 October End 1943 sad ®eta 4 thtU rre e..read.and.apprrsr4d• o2at N0*30: by Juste **_. 81s gbt.* Seo©sded by *UNM_Laspeon. Where". tha,•embers, of the. Talm._Board._have inspaated the eeseterisa whieh-w.wre to be..._clean*&..by varotzw.. parties, ands F , Where"_it. appsars, that tU*_ we4t Glens--Falls Cesatery has not base.:.@ lewd.Su aaeordaAas_ 3.Lh. the prawia►iaas,_csntained in:,tbe. resa.Iut,.iaa. hcrit►i�g .the.. clsaaia�• Thoi4dsre--he -it..r aalssd..that ..%b*_Tom-,cleft,b.* and .is hereby finthUized._aW_.direated to...:cammmmieat*, with..tbo Glom Falls 0 . .oalling...the.ir atLsutlo�..:xa.._Lh®_ .cv�ad.it.iem..Mich ezista at-th4 441t.W04%, t lau, Fella. Cox". r�_ sxu3 .requesting the a- sa d. Grange--to. take _ pprop ate steps to ,. 7 the situation* io>n. Aar:.adapt d.,bar the follow vdte: Ayes. *r.-Lampaottn Itr. Sleight. ,and Ur Aowler. + Notts None — The.-Boarck .audi#►ed.alaie+�,.-J ;follows: Aa*=t Amount 143 MX Swm.A _Iaght► Co St.re.et. Light ini. C].a�ad• Allowed ins Chas, B. HoughtalS g;. Supplies'. .. 6.28 6.22 147 Gi-Ti.2.laa--Det�mWe 38.44 38.40 148_ Mel 4et1s- tasga*atior Df.. Blec.-.LO♦Ca4 24.00 14% Jnl1a..40**h.__ . . " " 80..00 50.00 140 Xabo1. R Zmm-.-__ . " " 20*W 20.00 25.1„.Ther.*s&_Din'*k... _ " " 204M 20.00 159 Buis -wo1„ _ " " 20004. 20.00 153 5 upensea_ 3050 8050 190 154 William L Powers Burying dogs 4,04 4,00 153 John tonnox Distroying dogs 13.00 13:00 156 Nohioan Grange Cleaning Cemetery 50000 5000 157LillianShappard gervices 2.G.F.U.D. 7,50 7050 158.Ft Edward rare Works Bombs C.D. 144,.04144.00 5"078, 366.7$ On motion nesting adjourned Bert D. Turner Clark Public- Hearing Novesbor 2nd,x.943 At a publio_Hearing; fjle t . 18 SUAscP16 Towm 0 of Quesnsbury, upon the proposed budget. fok the Tosn.. of Queensbury for the year of 1943, pursuant to resolution No 29 adopted October 9th,1943, the followingg mobers were present* D,Elaer Fowler Supervisor Charles Nobles, dtiotettlWea the Peace Henry.Sleight. Justice- of the Peao* pertie La son-. councilman Raymond.TAIkup Council�ti►n The Clerk preaeated_ proot. o . pubjjjO&t �i t i$ 4 �' ► lib -tom a posed budget and .no. one.,appear n& f or,or aga r,sV_an r it mt in the pro limuT. ..budget. the boards 6 e+icta lreoessed_until 1:40 P.M. Afternoon session- MI. Board present Resolution No 31 Introduasd- by Charlei Nobles-, Sacondad by Ndnry 81olsht4 Whereas,, -during..the present f isaal year:, the TawA teas. rso ived town a+aoneYs from *our*" other. than loans , in the &"unit:of. 330,790000 which are not otherwise committed..,or appropiated, Nowwtherefore Be It Resolved, pursuant to the. prowisiens. .oH,section 107 of the Town IALW#- that .thw supervisor PLY .the am .or ozoomoop to tk* County Treasurer of tha.County ,of .1arren-to•be. applied In reduction, ot-,tbo, amount ,levied_or to. 1o. .-.evisd f or.4 to and- Co-unttr Purposed. Duly,-adopted by the .following vote: A.y-ee.- ur. Walkup., br. Nobles, Xr. lampeml Xr..Sleight and Nr Fowler. Note- None. xro John Lavin, and Mr. Clayton WoodbM appeared, and spoke briefly VOpposing-fir --incresae.. In salary for Covtxaeilau. The Board• genaraxlly ditouaas,4 -the. matter, with. these, 3uutlem-No. 32 Introduced by Ur Luspson,, se.eonded by. Yr. Nobles. Nhexeas, -this Town Board..has. m+ot t the Tim& and pla, specified InAhe notise of p lle " rtar on the prel-ininary, bit and...hewttt ail pn r'aoas Assirima to be -hoax* thereon; New Therefore be it resolved that the pro ialmry bu4ipt be amended, by making_ the f0i changes therein