1943-11-02 4- 90 154 William L Powers Burying dogs 4,40 4,04 153 John Lennox Distroying dogs 13.00 13.44 136 MOblean Grange Cleaning..Cometery 580,00 50,04 157LIllian8happard 9ervioss g.a,r.W,D 7,50 7.80 1581M Edward Fire storks Bombs C.D. 104*0104,400 S66♦?_8.. 3P 6.78 On notion Rooting adjourned Bert D• Turner Clerk Publio- Hearing November 2atd,1943 At a publ.i.a...Hearing. . 1,0 Im of Queensbury, upon the proposed budgot. fok- the Town. of Quesnsbury for the year of 19433 pursuant to resolution No 89 adopted October 9th,1943, the following-members wore present. D.BYwsr Fowler Supervisor Charles Nobles, Peace B 3Istght, justioe_ of. the, Peace Rmrt i o La ppson, _ Qot�4 ila n aymond MIkup Counc iltNita The Clerk presented- proat o Pub as of 2 ©yic budget- and no- cups,,appoarin& for.or ag&1zat.-.am_itemi in the p t o Limary...budget the _board B o dcr tlreaesaad.unt i 1 Afternoon aesslost- Fu11 Board present Resolution No 31 Introduced. by Charles Nobles. asaond d by Baary► Sleight* Whsreao a -duftzg.the preseAt fiscal bear,,. the Town has,. rote ivied town moneys from sources other. t]�su loans , In the..aaa met: of. X30,?90.00 which are not otherwise. oomamitted.., or aPProP�a�, No ,t rrfore Be It Resolved, psrauaat to the. proris.iom ol.sact3on 107 of the Tom last, that ..th* supervisor. pay; the . *= ,of 4.Bp*®pp*00 to the QovAt-y I Treasurer., of tlu.County ..of .WararsuAo LO.:applled In reduatiios -at- ;tba- moat .1s�rieQ.:_or to- .bs ...le�c3ad:S,or �8te and- County Pet 0404• Duly. adopted.by tba .following Votes AYss- Ur Walkup, Br. Nobloa, Nr. .14xps.on, yr.-Sloigbt and Ur Fowler. Woes- None . Xr. John Lavin, end Ur Clairton wo4dbM appeared. spoke briefly opposing any _inorsa",,- in. salary- for CounelLe. The Board, generally discussed -the. sattsr with them. _. t4 a loo. 38 Introduced by Ur. Lasgson, se.00nde4 by. Mr. Nobles* Whore". thU Town Board..has. the Time.. and plane: spooified In tke notice of. p>t 1iq Marini op- the prelin,isary, budget. and.,he& ail p sons .desiring to bw hoard thereon; Now Therefore be it resolved .mat the prellalm,ry buffet b e amondsd. �y making, the. f.Ojjtnjft,..changes there in That the appropiatiox_for salar-ies of. aasessers be reduoed f row $430401-to $3600*00 Tb t:..th• .amiamat a piatsd..for contingent purposes be reduced fre�e-S1112..78 to 1700000 That. the amounts .atatod, to be raiser by, tax. for the Welfare fund an& health'tund. shall- read none. +end bo it_ further resolvedsthat. such preliminary budget as here-Labefore amended, be, and, is-.adopted-as. tha_anaual budget of this- Town for the f iseal. year begi=ing .one. the f first day. of. daaytary, 9"* and that. such budget. as.so adopt ed be._ *Atarad-'in detail In the minutes- of the. pnoeedings of this Tavn Board# and be Its 'Further resolv*d, that. the ?own. clerk of this Town shall prepare- and. certify, in .dhpwn liostM copies. of *aid annual budget as adopted by this oBoard.,, togethw. with the . aasesaaeat tolls .tor benefit improvemeata, if a�►e adopted pursuant to sect im W2,A. 8mbd. S. of th•-Tows Law and del Ivor one eopy thereat to the. supervisor of this Town.tl .be presented by bia to the. board of Supervisara of. this County. Duly adopted::by the-follosing vote Ay"': Kr NalkmI , lire Noblest Rr. ham, Xr*-Slefght and Mr. Ur Fowlers limes- Mons• ANML BVDG ZT f for the. Towa-vt.- 4usensbury Genral. Fun=dmappropiations 0wae.r*4 Government Tons Board Town B411 and Off Loos eatals ( Board Rooms, Off.io*w 83.eatjons.. Eta) $304.00 Purehase--of.Furniture and- Squ.ipam mt_._ 150 400 IUCTIIOMS Compensation of, suction-,Off ieials ( Ine _xileage-).. . _ 900.00 Compensation-.ot_-Clue of_votingw.11140hipes 100.00 ses * `Other expen . ., 50.00 vot.ing.,saahl 9-# purchaae.-and..repsir. 80040 Iwsvp cz ` Germtlon-I.Mum aCs. 40.00 .Aft Lal Bonds-,and...=ader-takiings...... 400.40 rlv* and, LiahilUy 1100.00 PRINTM AND AVVXRTI,S.IM--( All.-.departsenta) 306.00 Servieea.of. attorneys.. and expeases_ ef-_-Litiast,ion 400.40 " TOTAL_ $3796000 Supervisor 8aury $1800.000 dtt Lea and other expe as ear__ 50:00 Total..._ $1850.00 justlees of the Peaoe Salaries $2000000 Off Lee aad other expenses . x.,00 Cennilneua Total. $2240.00 Salaries $1240000 Off-Lee, and.,other. .expensss. 500*00 Toaal $1400.00 Town Clerk Salary «.,.__ - �_ $2400000 192 Off ios and other :expenses _ # ,11400 Total. #213LO*00 Ass,assers, Salaries.- # 3600..00 Offlce and other exp rAmes, . 180.80 Total $3.780.20 Receiver of Taxes or .Tax-collector Salary # 1900.00 Off loo sad._ other expenaos 105000 Total #1905,00 TOTAL GENERAL QOVEMMEW #17041020 PROTIMON OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY PQ1ioe,constsblem. &rA, deputy sheriff's Ceatpetnaat ieri- #300.00 9 loaga., and, other expenees 100400 Tetal. # :400*00 Lopkap wther expenses # 68.00 Total # 68.00 .Traff ie Signs# 8igmals. amd,Hl.ghw&yLlght1ag -._ # 460.00 Forest Fires Payment to Cmtervat.je w Commission #200440 Total # £00.00 War oas�get�ag.,.Paxpoale. . # $00940 TOTAL PROTECT ION OF PBARONS AND PROpmM.._ . $1426000 IMCATION Attsudanse. Off leer Ca�psYiaation #800000 Total- # gW000 Trm Libtary Payment U other libraries #100.00 Total._ # loo.0O1 TOTAL IDUCWTION. $300*00 . aeesreaties Patriotic Observances # 20.00 Total.Recreation # 80000 PUBLIC UTILITIES CEYR.TERIEB.. . $250.00 Total,public utilitlss- ; g5A„g© GENERAL FUND Eat mated revenues 1torLgage' Takes- _ .. 350,00 in"" taxes 400.0.00 Franchise- Takes on..8uaineae. .Corporation& 14000*00 Alooholisa,Aevemgo Tuet(Town Share) 7200.00, 193 Dog U,com.es ( Froa County) = 550900 Feet of Town Clork 534.00 Fees- of Justice of the peace 93.00 Fee$ of Asseaders 60.00 Fees of Tax odlleator 30.44 TOTAL $86813.00 ft*xpended balances ( Sec1159 Torun Law) $269766. Total estimated revenues General Fund) $53,579#41 48N8$AL FUND.-SUMMARY Approppiations General Government_ $17,041.20 Protection of persons and property. 1:628.00 Ednoatiea 300+00 reoreatian 20,00 Publio Utilities 250.40 Contingent purposes- . 700x00 Tota.lappropi"Sons $19939.80 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENURS... _ $539579.41 Amount of be raised by taxes !or- general fund $ No w WMARE FMM Approp iat ions Tolm Welfare Off leer Oft fee anti other expenses - .... #100.00 Total $460.00 Htuu. relief ' $504.40 Total .approp.tat ions. $960*00 Estimated revemuss-- None Axouxtto be -raised-by tax...for,_welf ar.a fund- None HIGHWAY FUND Highway fund..-( Item. 1) Appropiations General repalre, $24,094.00 Total approp.iat.ions $20,094.00 Est l"od--rexemes State aid- ; 4594,00 Total -revoi zex- 131,594.00 Ao4uat.. t* U, riiaad.,h _ tax for NiBtsnpy_ feed ( Item- 1) $161500000 Bridge V=& ( Item, 2) ApProplations Labor &ad, t"n,weft $ 500.00 xater�als for rap&U. and-mintsnanas 540,04 Total...appmpiatlone., $1000.00 Estimest.ed reve'rues None Amount--to be ralssd- by tax..f®r- Highway fund. (Item 2) $1000.00 RACFtINER? FUND ( Item-,3)-Approptat ions Purtd'asa. .of ahinary.,. toaallaa.AM...a „'sments $ 500400 Repair of maelainery.., tools-and-Amplems" 3821*03 Redemption of - ahi0e27. osAif ieates. 299849? Interest on machinery certificates. 250040 dotal:aappr�►piatisns..-- $7500004 Bstiaated-.rsveaaus.._ None Anovat- -to .be- sa.iasd, by tax..tor..hi ..t upd(Item 3) $7500900 194 snow andyxtaosilansous Fund ( Item 4) Appropiations Salary of Toren Superintendent S"00000 Expeosss 0 Town superintendent 104.40 . Re aving- oUstruetioms.. *&used by snow 3500*00 'Cuttla t aid rauovlu. Obnoxious. weeds and brash 1500.00 Other miscellaneous. purposes. .1500*00 ` Total appropiat ions. ;9000.00 set-imatted revenues- None. Amount. to be raised-.by tax for Highway Fug` (Item 4);9000000 Amount of-be raised by tax for Highway Fund Items. .0 3-and d) 4170600000 .TOWN HFALTH FUND ` APPROP IAT IONS Board of Health Salary of health officer ;881,79 other health expenses 813950 Total Board *f Health_ ;1096989 Registrar of Vital 346tistles Compensation- ; 50000 other expenses_ 10.00 Total registrar of Vital Statistics ; 66«00 Amount to be rais►ad. .by tax- for town health- Nona. . NORTH GLENS FALLS RATE! DISTRICT t'A )rk) Z aAPPROPIATIONS principal ;500000 Bond Interest 808-000 Total 702.00 Maintenance Personal. sarxiasa- ; 54.0 ? Office and., other expenses Collectors foes-0 Postage st&t.io,mary 4. Mater .8.13 60.00 To.a, Sup rvision 58.06 repa.ira. . 80000 Purchaas -of water . 304.00 Purchase of up"" 15000 Total.... ;500.06 Total axpew tur" ;1202.06 REVENUES Mater rents, ._ $70 0*00 Penalties I 100001 Unsxpendsd..Ba.2anoes.. 104,54 Total revenue* _ ;868.54 Amount to._-bps raised by tax ;3733.58 HEST GLENS YAMS WATER DISTRICT APPROPIATIONS x • Cost- cf. IW®teoes►t Bond-pry_. 1 ;1000.00 8o>td + 308.00 Total ;130€x.00 Ida intouance Personal services 50.00 �tYee and other expetsses ees and off ice expenses,_ 158000 repair* 50.00 purshase of water $04.40 Purchase of equipment,.- 25000 Total 4763.00 Total expenditures _ . $2071.00 UVE11 MIS asUr rents- $2450*00 Penalties 7.54 $ale of Rater 7.00 Unexpended, balanes- 3302.53 4 Total ,revow" $4767*0 3 Total.--to be raised by tart None. SS: �;��1'�'"�!;`!�wl="1�.. �+�5'"#�t."''�/�►R�'u�'"�«.eLaz�ltly;�d0 hire -+sstt!!y'bh,�t!•#4hsve�s�apared-tht-ts�rtaata3-u!.#.�t-bhe a��ue�-b�ga�-el!"the"?Olt*'O�"�tt!!#�•d��•��0jl�el����"�he lv�+t-�tte�a!•'Qetd�l scat"Iesi�l rht-Ead�d�'"s!•N4�et'be�!'=-b9ka" ResoUt-ion No_-33 Intr6dueed Ay Nr. Nalkup., .8econded by Mr. Lampoon It was resolved that. the Town Hoard hereby aae opts as Town Highw&ys,: Nub jest to the Torn. Superintendent. of. .Highways) obtaUti>ag. to, property. in._the..-name. of-.-the. Town. of 4ueousbury from the owners. .thereo # the t.ellouing...ds rkibesd property � PT(I�i RAMILL& AVS.sIndt LnM AVE* IMPARIAL HEIGHTS• PAM9 Towns*t,,, G ewambuay sW*rr*n. Co** N.a o s -_ .att..s pednt. ilx thee.narthsi"iy boast,Of *06W ARa. moans .e,ossteus]�r.knva�..arse .ta _eb sirasrd ._sltease-$ue imowers# .•,hy #Rhaesa6srly b4utC, °..ot..Y3�a►v.idle Ate.;; twpaad ..=#hsaQe-.z�prthsrl ..a sag- a arlg boundary et' A&luvlM Ave* 7V4&_f*sdk....to_ the., ao the--sell, em=otr of, Lees No.11a. cif.-a r Setbd iv'-iteinus kx osss-ar .la recLast.2"shtse Parks tbenee.-sasUrlY. a'aw .thd. L. .boundary. of said Lot No 1Id to_the...wes#..e 4.-boundary,ef_.Let New 2.,,of_w S& Subd ivIsl nt 4hou". ft.ft lG], .1 se].Raarg._. .the NzaLer-4-- b*wWWM. ,of Lent N©•92, 1 feet. to .the-southwesterly.. corner ctE.said. Leek. which points I&.&lee. I x:..the, northerly.-bsunA&xy, .of,-M t= Awe.,,aa sat& Snbd Me Mon; theme easter4..al the.northerly. baumd,alry, of Croat joto.r 3M f set to-_t".watery bon z. vt..PU&X J1 in.aw WSubdIft0olo n W h 6 ae sautherly,-alcnng...thee.west.erly., . V Philip- Aim►-to &ye fatersea .wby the_souther boraAat* of.. I-Ina.Avo*t thence westerly alae�w trbe� southerly.. of., Lim..AVe . ta_the ax t �i�g boundary of Raft*-Mw Av 4 then4a lout r-.a►long._th*. sssterly bound of Ave ote the_ bo l,V undoey _of_Gce.en. Ave 0; t was rest.erly .A1Q & thS.- .. bau wcy of -ft*=�AW^r to tho plAce .. erf..bei�ialydng�, Afro ee. seouoa -pareel, of land- bounded.-,and,_.daseribed as tollowet SaglunIng- at a_point .in the, eaat4w..1y. .bounftry .0!Milip Are.., where. sam& as later*woted. ..by. the. northerly, boundary of Linn-Ave.., running tbon*e. .eastt.er]*. along-the. _northerly boundary of L1 nn-Ave., to the westerly,boun4azy. of Pa ft Awe., in the above,.montloned_aubdYatlaion; thence.:southerly along the westerly boundary of . Park -Aveo, to a point,,.whera..sams, is.--intersected by the southerly boundary of Linn. 1,ov.t thence...-westerly alor4 the southerly boundary of Linn. AYo*-s ef,, Philip Are., Then" northerly.,along_the- easterly boundary of- said -Philip Ave., U the place of. beginning The. +carp. ot..,Iap$siatl., eightas. Park...Subdtvisiou, to which rete.renes,As, made.4n. the ...e►bove• dexorl t,ioa, is-Sled in the Marren County C.lerkta, off,lass, in- ,Hook Of. Maps- N*41- aa, page 19. Duly, adopt-ed by thejollowing vote Ages• Mr* walkup, Mr. Nobles# Mr. Laxpa m Mr*. Sleight and Mr. Fowler , Noes- None r On sot-ion meeting adjourned. Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Regular meeting November 27th,1946. At a regular meeting.,of the Town Beard of the Town of Queensbury, held on, the abpve date at 7;30 P#R,at the Clerk's Offices, the following members were present; D. &Leer Fowler, Supervisor Charles Nobles, Justine of the Peace Henry Slaight_ Justice ,of the Peace Curtis. Lamp.san. Councilman Raymond Walkup. . Councilman S• Russell) Harris , Town Superintendnent of Highways 4,lso- present Minutes ,of Restings, held on Oct4 23rd .and..Nay..ashar .2nd were read and- approved. Monthly. Stateaent. ,of- Monsysa received wW Alsbursod by the Supervisor was rw4, to., the Board. by the Clerk and.,f sled. Nr Harris, Towty Superintendent of Highways-,spoke brif ly on the salaryies of employees, in his. dspartment and recommended that Laborors and .msehaniess_ salaries be increased- 5. Cents -ant Hour. Resolut-ion No* 33. Introduced by Justices Sleight.., Seconded by Justice Nobles. It Was. res*lved. that wages..and, salaries. of Operateurs, Mechanics and L Laborors shall, -be. increased .as follow,ss r 0peratoft salary-Inare"od from 60ji. au.. hour. to. .65.¢ an hour,:_ . Laborers. salary. be..ineroas,ad• f rom. 50je. an-hour to 55¢ as hour; Rechsn'a salary be.. increased, frow.70p an. hour to. 751t an hour. Duly. ada`ptsd! by, ths..f allowing vote; Aye4, Mr.. Ralmp* Xr*)i*bles* Xr... Lempson._a=iw.- W*x Sleight and Yr. Felwer• hoes-►1�one. R Resolution No.34 Intradne" by Mr slaight- and aconded by Ur Agbles. It was. resolved that the, following_ be and_hereby, are appointed inspectors, of 'Elestion.-for the .ensuing. two years: ., - District #l• Clara. Tayle►;r-Rspublloan William,g pre t-Republ loan Anm KellmggoDsmocratie James .J.2n11ivan-Democratic o D1&*rie S Sunni& Bidwell. Republican Marion. Mart Inds"*-Republicaa Ilya .X*Doratoyt-Deno eratic Clarenos Cronkhite-Democratie Dis%rI*W3 Thsreaka,,.D.isick•Republloan T►ydia RUT is Republican '