1943-11-27 Duly. adopted by the,following vote
AY"- Ire Walkup, Xr. Nobles Mr.. Las P '
Nr. Fowler ' • sleight. a",
Noes- None r •
On motl*oA meeting_ adjourned.
Bert D. Turner - Town Clerk
Regular meeting November 27th,1946.
At a regular meeting. of the Town Board of the- Town of
Queenebury, held on- the abpve data at 7;50. P.y.at the Clerk's
Offices the following members were present;
D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor ,
Charles Nobles, Justice of the Peae�
Henry Sl wight Justice of the Pears
Curtis_ Lamp.son, Councilman
Raymond. Walkup. . Councilman
D. Russsll.l .Harris W j"
Town 3uperintemdnent .of. High�nys �arlso
Minutes of Msetinga hold on Oct.* 23rd..and,.Nov_ember 2nd were
read-and- approved.
Monthly.. Statomont. of. Moneys. reoe1ved and .disbursed by the
Supervisor was ro". to the Board- by the, Clark and..f iled•
Ur Harris, Town. Super.intendent of Highways-.spoke brif ly
on the. ealaryies of employees_ in his. department and
recommended. that, Laborers and .maehanies- salaries be
iacreaaad S, Csata -an* Hour.
Reno Utt.iox N4. Z3. Introduasd, by Justice sleight, Seconded
by Justice Nobles.
It Was rexa1ved that wage*.and, .salaries. of Operators., isebanies
and .Iaborore, ahall, be• inert eased ,as f ollous s r
Operators salary-Increased frsa. 60¢. an. hour to- 65¢- an hour;
Laborers. salary be..inero"ad f rem. 50jf..an hour to 55¢ as hour;
KecYapula salary be.. increased- faros.7Qje, an. hour. to,,?50 -an hour«
Duly. adapto by the- .fallowing vote;
Ayes.:. Yr.. NaZmpe Xr,,$oblese Mro. 1asipson._s kr.. Sleight and
fir. Felwsr.
�Ioee-�iOnet T
Resolution No.54 -Introdaoa by Mr Sleight-.and Spoondsd by
Mr Ne'b1as,
It Me, resolved that thw following. be and..hereby, are appointed
inspectors. .of Elost.im f or the. .ensuing. two years:
District #h Clara. Taylar-Republican
Wallis& .Spry, -Republican
Avap Nel%#g-Democratic
James .J.M 111vanwAsmocrat Ic e
Dla*riet#S u3nnia Bidwell Republican
Marlon. M&A 4 Wo I a-Rspubl Loa-a
. B1�ra .YcDermo#t-d�emooratic
Clarence Cronkhtte-Democrat le
.Dislris 'S Theresa,.:Dlmick-Rspublioaa
Lydia iris Republican '
_ 9t
_ Ross Bibby-Democratic
Robert Stott-Democratic
Di4riotjs Elsie Walfe- Republican
. Ethel Stovers-Republicaa
Mabel Sawn Democratic
Julia Gooch- Democratic
D14trI0t#6 Laura Lord-
Fre4 Fishsrpublscan
Mettle Laftiat Democratic _
y V1latoria- Rubert. Demoaratia
MIS furLher resolved- that for, esah. Primary, Registration
and..slestlon days, t .tha., salary of said
laspe4tors- be and the, saw is hereby f axed. at $10*00 per day
Duly adopiod by the following tote: -
Ayes-Ur: Walkup,$- xr.Bables, Xro, Lampoon , sir. Sleight and Vr
Fred RIOUtte and- Reary Sleight.t Assessors .generally discussed
with the. Board the matter of extra oompens t.ion..for the additional
work for preparing- the school district beets.
Rstelwtioaa No.36 Introduced by Ur Rab3ss., Seconded by
Xr. Laaeps on.
Ahtrt"_ sAkilt.ional-datles_hay* been inpo".4- on. the assessors
thin year f or. atieh.,no.. -sompessat 1 on-has btu..Fprovi d.
ft;j +if ore*.be It r***Ivad that the. Supervisor bs' and-- is hereby
authorized and directed-,to transter froe...thw soy tingent Fund
the. sua.,.sf: X100#9 to the assessor fund of the Gonerai-Town Fund.
Du1,y adopted by the. following vote*
Ayes; Mr iNalknFe Mr. Nobles, Mr. Laspsoz4 Mr.. Sleight and Mr.
RssolutSi�, No. 36I3ntroduced by Mr-Sleight-- :
Sesvuded by Xr Walkup
wh®roses the next regalar meeting of this Board falls on
Christmas Day* Deeamber E5thVI943,
Resolved that the D000mbe.r Regular meeting be h61.d on the
87th day, of- Dece aber# 1943 at 7:30-P OM.* at the. Clerk-f s Off ice.
Duly adopted by the, following vote,*
Ayes Bre Walkvj�# Mr, fables# fir. Lampsoixg, Mr. Sleight and
Nr. Folwre.
The board c.auditsd. elaima.-as. follows;
Amount Amount
-- Da. Name._of Claimant Nature-.of -Claim ., Claimed Allowed
159 N*Y*P b Light .Corp Street Lighting_ 38.16 38.16
160 aleneraft Printing. Co. Supplies. -- - 54*40 54.40
161 41.ens� !malls- Post Co. Publishing_ No-ties 8044 8.00
165. AnnK -Kelley Isep. pf El ationt-_- 31,00 31.40
163 William J Surprenant " " 41*00 41.00
164 Charles Sullivan " " 10.90 10.00
16S Jsates J. Sullivan " " 51.64 51.64
166 Clara F. Taylor " " 41.40 41.4E
167 YsU1.-Sawn " " 11.40- 11900
164 Julia Gooch " " 11000 11000
169 Elsie loo s. " " 16.40 16.00
174 Ethel .stayons. " " 11.40 11000
171 Theresa. Dinick " " 11.00 11000
172 Lydia Harris Insp• of Elections. - $41.00 41.00
173 Clayton Woodbury Material 38,47 58.47
174 James J• Sullivan Aental- 60.00 60.00
178 Nettie Woint. Insp. of Elections 40aW ' 40000
176 Victorian Hubert " " 40.00 40.00
177 Fred Fisher " " 50.00 50.00
178 Laura Lard " " 40000 40.00
179 Elva NO 'Darmott " " 41.00 41.00
180 Unnie Bidwoll " " 51.00_ . 51.00 '
181 Clarence Caronkhite " " 4']..00 41.00
182 John J. Harris Cbap.- ,Cleaning ,Cemetery 50.00 50.00
183 F.Karl. Surprenant Overhaul Typewriter. 15.*00 15.00
184 Automatic Voting Machine Co. Elea. Supplies 6.35 6.35
185 Donald Sullivan Custodian Salaty . 50.00 . 50.00
186 Rue1_ $. .Ho ins " " t 50000 50*00
187 .Arthur Hillis... Postage 3340,33#50
188 Theedroo Turner Rental 75*00 75.00
189 Bert D. Turner Fees,- Registrar $0.025 80.25
190 Albert Oudekerk. Labor-Election -Equip 5.00 5.00
191 Arthur La F " "; ". 5.04, 3.00
19Ehs#t Hillis-_ Mileage 55.60 6.10
193 Ernest Hillis Copping School..Tax. Books150 0 100.00
194 $dward. Sleight Mileage *to 70.10 14.10
193 Trod,Ricketts, mileage eta. 51.30 1.80
196 Robert. Stott Insp.. of Elections..- 51.40 51.40
197 Ruse Bibby " " 41.00 41.40
198 Marion Martindale " " 41•00 41*00
199 1John Lennox Killing and Boarding Dogs 640 4.50
200..8eiard_ W Lampoon Rent,. 30.44. 30.00
201 0leneraft Printing-.00 Priming 12.50 12.50
202. Wounta ins-14s. Grange Cleaning.,Cemetery 50.00 50.00
203. Tumor Real. Est. Pr**,,. Head 5.00_. $.00
204 Turner real Est• " " 5.40. 5.40
205 Ralph B• Turner Legal--Services - 100000 100.00
206. C.: Baldwin Killing- and,burying-- dogs. 12.00. _12.00
807 C.Sa,ld*im. Services-Constablo 14#36 .13.36
206 C.8a.14*jz Work on Zlec. Booths _14.E 14.28
249 Chas .K.-Burt Reporting. -Birth. arid. deaths. 50,ft- •50
210 Bullard Press Printing-M..GF.F.W*D.. . 1040 10000
211 Ethan,Darignon Rebate-W.a.F.W.D.. 5,foO 5.00
. 21$ $rnsst. P Varney 9.75 :9.78
213 U.J.Crannell " " 1.50 . 1.50
214 XU- o. Daniels 5.40 5.80
215 Curtin,- Lampson Supplies 1.20 1,20
216 City of glens. Falls- Water - W.Q.F,.W.D. IOU19 102919
217 City of 41sm Falls. Mater N,G.r.W.D. 91,944 91.40
218 Howard Wallace Services - 36.80. 36.80
219 Bert D• Turner Postage. 23.49 23.49
On not ion,moot Lag.adjourned
Hart D. Turner Town Clerk