1943-12-27 December 27th 1943 At A Regular Meeting held by the Town Board Town held on the following date on december 27th 1943 aati the eTosburp wn Clerks office at 7.30 B.M. the Following Members Were Presant D glser Fowler Supervisor • Charles J Nobles Justice Of Peace Henery J Sleight Justici Of Peace Reymond Walkup Counc&loran Curtics Lampeon Couciiman $4�t-B-�craer-?vwnr�etl Ho Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present: Minutes of meetings held on November 27th, 1943 were read and approved. Monthly Statement of moneys received and disbursed by the Supervisor was read to the Board by the clerk and placed on f ille.' Resolution. #37 introduced by Justice Sleight, Seconded by Justice Nobles. Its, was resolved that the amounts of the public official Bonds for the public officers of the Town of Queensbury for the years of 1949 .and 1945 be fixed at the following amounts; w Supervisor.* School Moneys $109000. . General Town Fund10,000. . Highway honey 349004. Tovu Clerk. _ 5040 Superintendent of Highways, 4,440• Justico of-the Peace 10000. Cov*tabloe. 10000• Tax Collector- at the amount of Taxes to be collected as shown on the 194,' tax roll. Daly'.adopted by the following vote. Ayes- Mr Walkup, Mr. Nobles. Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. bowler. Noes-Noae.. . Rtsolution.No. 38 Introduced by Jastice, Nobles, Seconded by Councilman.Walkup. It ,was reselvedwthat. the. supervisor. be and is hereby authorized and diroe-ted- to-.transfer. the sum of $176.00 from- the surplus fund to the Bridge Tund ( Ytem 11) of the Highway Fund. Duly adopted -by the.following.vote: Ayes: Mr Walkup, Mr.. Noblea, Mr* L apsont- Ur. Sleight and Mr Fowler. Noes -None* The. elsrk read an application from Joseph S Ricketts for the position ef. Dog enumerator- No other application- were received. Resolution #39 It was_resol.ved that Jospph Ricketts be and An hereby a rLnts,&. tog_, enu&*mtor for the Town of Queensbury for the year 1944 pursuant to the provisions. of the Agriculture and Market Law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes- Vr. Walkup, Mx. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr.. Sleight and Mr. Fowler. No es-Nuns. The supertntendest of Highways brought-- the matter up before the board of building- art addition on t o the Store house.. The matter was, -generally daseussed the matter with the.. superintendent of Highways an& the following -ree,olution was, adopted. 200 Resolution 40 Introduced by Mr Lampoons Seconded by Justice Nobles. It was resolved that the Superintendent .of-Highways: be and -is hereby authorized to build an addition on the rear of the present cement block store house sixteen feet wide across the rear of said building .of cinder blocrk. conatruetion. Cost of said construction to be paid- f gar from-the miscellaneous Fund. Duly adapted- by the following vote. Ay"- Ur Nalkup,.,Mr,. Noblss, Mr. Laapeons Mr. Sleight and Mr0 Fouler. Noes- Nose The Board, audited elaAms. as. follows. Amount Amount No Name of Claimant Nature of Clam CUlmod a allasted 220. N.Y,P., do Light Carp Street Lighti*g 38#16 # 38416 221 Association of- Towns Dues 27,00 27.00 222 Dennis & Co supplies 20000 24.00 223 Dennis & Co. Supplies 34.89 34.89 224 Morgan Fish Printing-Dr Chapman._ 3025 1025 225 Fowler & Co. Flags 154001 15040 226 FitageraWS Hotel Meals for prisoners 8650 8.54 227, Pity of Glens Falls Police department Rental of Jail 4.00 4.00 228 Curtis il G arris Lights- .D.. 12.21 Not Audited 229 Anna Mc aghey Expenses. 2.75 2.75 2W Edward Sleight Postage and Misc. Exp.ens.es 6.10 6.10 231 Edward Sleight Mileage, 19042 19462 232 Ernest Hillis Mileage. 24,06 24.46 233 Fred Ricketts Mileage, 13,08 136.08 234 B.K.Clifford Expenses. C.D. 10094- 10.90 235 B.K.Clifford Expenses C.D. 11.50 11.60 236 N.Y.Power do _- Light Lights-- C.D. .75 ,75 237 G.A Chapman Expenses, . 202.00 202.00 238 John Lennox Killing and Burying Dogs 10050 10050 239 Fred Fisher Inst, 04 voting.macshines 1040 1000 240'Nettis Lapoint Inst* on voting machines 1.04 1.00 241 Victoria Hubert Inet, on voting Machines 1000 1400 242 Lura- Lord Ansto on voting machines 1000 1.00 243 Rose B, Stott ent- Polling place .30,Q0 30900 244 Charles J, Nobles Postage 7.f 7,69 245 Edna- Ri.cketts Rebate w.O.Y.w.D. 37940 Z"7,40 246 .Curtis Lampson . Services-.2upt f W.G.F.W.D. 3640 36:oO ._ A7 Curtis. Lampson Per"Otage Colloctor A.G r.N.%3..18 ..._4a418 248 D.Elmer Fowler Postage �1.7#20 17420 1508.94 $596.73 0n Motin- Meeting. adjourned. Bert D. Turners TownClerk, Regular meeting December 29th91943. At a regular mesting, of the Toom Board of the Town.of Queensbury held on the above date at the Clerks- off-ice at 9 A,M. T.R.T., -- the fo11wong aembers were present, D. E1mer,Fowler ,Supervisor Charles Nobles, Justine of the Peace Henry .Sleight. - Justice- of the .Peace Curtis Lampoon Cciunc i lman Raymond Malkup, Councilman. H.Russoll. Harris. also present. Justice Sleight and._Justice Nobles preVA%d their Justice' s ]dockets For Audit,