1944-03-25 208 30 Dennis .& Co. Supplies $31975 $31.75 31 Dennis t Co, Supplies 9021 9.21 32 Anna Me-aghey Expenses 1648 16,28 33 N.Y.P.&^Light Carp Street Lights. 38.16 38.16 34-Warren To Varney Mileage . 11.24-Not Audited 35 Edward Sleight Mileage 2.10 Not audited 36-.-Fred Ricketts Mileage 8,16 Not audited 37 JohnLeanox Destroying and .buling dogs 12,00 12.00 38 Curtis Lampson. Facpemses 18.94 18.94 39 Henry Sleight Expenses 17.50 17.50 40 Raymond Walkup - Expeases 19060 19.60 41 D.Elmer Fowler Expenses 19.09 19009 42 aleacraft Printing Supplies 25069 25,69 43 William R. Jones Bent Preaium-Supervisor 44000 . 44°,Od 44 William R. Jones of " School Money . 13-13 13,13. 45 Chas Baldwin Destroying and 'Burying. Dogs 12,00 22,40 46 Chas. Baldwin Mileage 4.48. 4,48 47 Edward Sleight Supplies Etc. 1,60 1.60 48 Edward Sleight Mileage_ 2,40 Disallowed 49 City of Oleos Falls Water Fund dater- N.fi,F,.,W D... 58,98 58.98 50 City of GlansFalls Water Fund Water b.t3.F.b-D. 92.02 . 92.02 51 B.E. Clifford Expenses 11.20 Disallawed, ' - ,2 On motion Meeting adjourned, Bert D. Turner Town Clerk r Regular meeting March 25th,1944 At a regular meeting ofthe Town Board of The Town Board of the Town of Queeneftry, hold am the above date at the Clerk's Office,,, .,P [. thetvlowing members were present; D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Mesedith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Superintendent of Highways, H. Russell Harris , Mr Varney, Assessor and Howard Wallace Supt, of the forth Glens Falls Water District were also present. Minutes of meeting held on the 26th day of February, 1944 were read and approved* The clerk read a communication from the County attorney in reference to mileage of the assessors in connection with their duties, and the letter dated. March. 24 ,19144 was placed on file. The Clerk read monthly statement of the supervisor of moneys received and disbursed by the supervis©r for the month of February,1944 and same placed on file. The clerk read a communication from the weter department of the City of Glens Falls in refers to a bill for the installation of **ter metir, on the l water` supply line of the North Glens FaJU Water District. 2011) The Board goner-aWA nth the Town Superintendent of hi st'Yathd�apprdpiation4 of Highway money for item I and the following resolution was introduce& Resolution No.16 Introduced by Justice Sleight , seconded Councilman Lampoon, It was resolved that bhe following. .amounts be expended for Highway work:fer the year of 1944-general repairs upon 95.84 miles of highway an-average of $166 per mile-total $I15909.4t; that the sum of $5377.83 shall be p&aoed in thereserve fund. Further resolved that the Board sign as agreement with the Town Superintendent to the above effect. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr, Walkup# Mr. Bentleys Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler. Noes: None: The Board audited claimos as follows: Amount Amount No Name of Claimant nature of C144m, Claimed Allowed 52-New York P.&L.Corp-Street Lighting $ 38*16 $ 38.16 53 Arthur Hillis Expenses 15.72 15.72 54. Bert D. Turaer7 Expenses 15.60 15.60 55 N.Y.P?L,Gorp Lights C-M. *75 .75 56 N.Y.L.&.L.Corp Lights C.N. 075 .75 57 N,YL.P.&L,-Corp Lights C.D. .75 .75 58 N.Y.Tel Co. Tel Service-C.D. 13.25 13.25 59 Russell & Waites. Supplies 4.75 4.75 64 Dennis & Co Supplies 18981 18.81 61 Fred E. Ricketts- Mileage r 6972 6.72 62 Edward Sleight Mileage_ 10.86 10.86 63 Warren T Varney Mileage 34.80 34.80 64 John Lennox Seizing dogs etc 8.00 Not Audited 65 Howard KalL43e Services N.a.N.D 30.50 30.50 -On motion meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Regular meeting April 221944 r . _ AN a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of QueendRur -held on the above "to, at the clerk's Office at 7 :$0 P.M. the .following members were present: w D. ELrer Fowler Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the P*Ace Meredith Bentley Justie of the Peace Curtis Lampoon, Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Minutes -of Meeting held on the 25th day of March , 1944 were read and approved. Resolution #17, Introduced by Couitcitlman Lampoon, seconded byJustice Bentley, It was resolved that Dr. G.A.Chapman be and is hereby appdinted Health -Off icer for the Town of Quesnsbury for a term of rou rs _ beginning on the 22nd day of April, 1944 and snding on the 21st day of April 1948. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: ;fir Walkup, Mr, Bentley, Mr. Lampoon , Mr Sleight and Mr Fowler. Noes: Wne.