1944-07-22 214 119 John Lennox Killing & Burying Dogs 4.00 Disallowed 120 N.Y.P.&Light Civilian Defense .75 .75 121 Doty Lumber Co. Supplies. 3.96 3.96 122 Warren T Varney Mileage 10.92 10.92 123 Millard Coon Attendance Officer Salary 100.00 100000 124 Cool Insuranc a Agency Add, Prem. 4.01 4.01 125 Mountains:Lds Free Library- Approp. . 100«00 -100.00 126 Howard Walla** - Collector N.G.F.W.D. 33.08 33«08 127 City of Glens Falls Water Fund 31.97 Nei AIdited 128 Curtis Lampoon Collector-W.G.F*W.D 54.08 54.08 On motion Meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Regular Meeting July 22nd,1944 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, held on the above date at the clerk's Office at 7 ;30 P.M. the following members were present; D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Minutes of meeting held on the 24th day of June, 1944 were read and approved. Mr. Bentley committee to inq'dtire into odor from Dog kennel reputed owned by Mrs 0. Fisher reported that. he eximined the premises and th&t he also interview Dr Chapman Health officer who stated that he would examine the premises. He also stated that the owner of the kennel stated that she was willing toIcooperate in the matter. Reolution Noo 229, Introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by' Justice Sleight. It was resolved that the f bllowing legal- -advertieAent be inserted in .the Glens Falls Post Star and Glens Falls Times two successive days each week for the next two weeks. Notice To add omitted names of Queensbury residents who are in the military services, to the Town of Queensbury Honor roll, Telephone, Henry J. Sleight, Jusitice of the Peace-2-00224. It is further resolved that the clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause the above adveritsement to be inserted as above set forth. Duly adopted by the following vote. t Ayes-- Mi. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Fowler. r Y Noes- Ndne. The clerk read an application From Mr Millard Coon for re appointment as Tow attendance officer. 2 1.q"- Resolution No. 23 Introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Lampoon It was resolved that Millard Coons be and Is hereby appointed Town attendance officer for the schools of the Town of Queensbury outside of District 2 for the school year of 1944 and 1945 an an annual salary of $200 payable as follows; $20.00 per month for ten months on the presentation of properly verified bills for same presented to the supervisor. Further resolved that said appointment is subject to the approval of the district superintendent of schools. Duly adopted by the following vote ; Ages-Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentleyā€˛ Mr. Lampson, Mr, Sleight and Mr Fowler, Noes-None. The clerk read the statement of the Supervisor showing receipts and disbursements for the month June, 1944 and same placed on file. The board audited cliames as follows : Amount Amo uht. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 129 N.Y.Power & Light Corp Street Lights $ 38.16 $ 38.16 130 William Powers Distroyning Dogs 4.50 2.50 131 E. Thompson & Co Bk Supp. 10.00 10.00 132 Anna McCaghey _ Expenses 2.88 2:88 133 William R. Jones Ins Premium' 12.77 12.22 134 Edward Sleight Mileage 5.16 5.16 135 Fred Ricketts Mileage 9.96 9196 136 Warren T. Varney Mileage 11.22 11022 137 Paul E. Killion Inc Supplies 12.66 12.66 I107.3 X 531 On motion meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk. Special meeting August 3rd,1944 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on the bove date at the clerk's office, the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the peace Curtis Lampoon Councilman Ravmond Wal)4up Councilman A committee of taxpayers and residents from ridge road called on the board in reference to a survey of the City line which showed a change in the line from what had always been considered the line. The committee present were Mr. & Mrs E. Vandenburgh, Mr. L. Stebblikariand Mr, R. Cashion. The committee informed the board that the survey made by Mr Reardon -had shown that parts of several parcels land which had always been assedsed in the Town of Queensbury were shown by the survey made by Mr Reardon to be in the City of Glens Falls. The Board generally discussed the matter with the committee and with Mr H. Osborne County Supt. of Highways who also was present. Resolution 24 Introduced by Mr Bentley, seconded by Mr Sleight It was resolved that Mr Osborne County Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby requested to make a survey of the North boundary r line between the Citv of Glens Falls and the Town of Queensbury and from said survey to make a map .showing the boundaries of the various property owners easterly from the east side of Ridge Road