1944-10-05 SP 218 The prevelge of the floor was extended to H. Russell Harris, Town Superintendent of Highways whp discussed With the board the matter of drainage in the L. arren Street Section. He also invited the board to inspect the roads of the Town. The Board fixed the 28th day of September, 1944 as the day to inspect the roads and examine into the drainage of the L. Warren Street Section. The monthly statement of the Supervisor for the month of August for moneys received and expended was read by the clerk and placed on file. Resolution No 26 Introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Councilman Walkup It was resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Qyteensbury hereby recommends that Ruel E. Hopkins , Republican and Donald Sullivan, Democrats be appointed custodians of Voting machines for the Town of Queensbury for the year of 1944. It is further resolved that the salary of each of said custodians -be and is hereby fixed at $50.00 Duly adopted by the following vote :- Ayes-Mr Walkup, Mr Beantlev, Mr Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. ` Fowler Noes :- None, The Board-audited claims as follows : amount amount No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 154 N.Y.P &Light Corn Street lighting $ 38:16 $ 38.16 155 Mrs Anna M Caghey Expenses 6 .84 6.84 156 Charles 0 erkins Corrections to Honor Roll 44.50 44.50 157 Arthur Hillis Moving voting boothsl6.00 16.00 158 Mohican Grange Rental-Vm$±zxx2zA1h ?polling place 30.00 30.00 159 William Jones Ins Prem. 20.79 20.79 160 N.YP.&L Corp Lights C.D. .75 Not au4T5ed 161 Warren T. Varney Milleage 1.14 Disallowed 162 Edward Sleight Mileage 6.54 Disallowed On motin meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk ' Snecial Meeting i?rttr+ 9t�rt,h,1944 ` At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury c*lled for the Purpose of having the Clerk present annual estimates , held on the above date at 7 :30 P`.M. at the Clerks .Office the following members were Present : D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentlev Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Ravmond Walkup Councilman H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present The clerk presented the following estimates. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY SUPERVISOR TOWN OF QUEENS BURY for Fiscal year beginning January 1 1945 Expenditures- General Fund TOWN BOARD Town Hall and Town Offices Rentals(Board Rooms , Offices & Elections) $ 850.00 219 Purchase of Furniture & Equipment 00.00 ELECTIONS Compensation- of election officials (Including mileage 900:00 Compensation- of Custodians of Voting machines 100.00 other expenses 25.00 Voting machines , purchase & Repair 25.00 INSURANCE Compensation Insurance 65.00 official Bons and Undertakings 3000-00 Fire and Liability 12t31J:00 Printing and 'AdVertising ( All departments) 150.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of Litigation 100.00 Total$3165.00 SUPERVISOR salary $1800.00 Office and other exepnses 50.00 Total $1850.00 POLICE CONSTABLES AND DEPUTY SHERIFFS Compensation - $ 300.00 Mileage and other expenses 100.00 Total $ 400.00 LOCKUP Rent of lockup $ 40.00 Meals 20.00 Total $ 60.00 TRAFFIC . Signs , signals and highway lighting $ 460.00 Dog warden Compensation 400.00 other expenses , 150.00 Total $ 550.00 Forest Fires payment to conservation Department $100.00 Total $ 100.00 ATTENDANCE OFFICER Compensation $200.00 Total $ 200.00 TOWN LIBRARY payments to other libraries $100.00 Total $ 100.00 Patriotic Observances $ 25.00 Cemeteries $ 200.00 REVENUES -General Fund. Mortgaae Taxes $200.00 Income Taxes 4000.00 Franchise taxes on Busines Corporations14,500.00 Alcoholic Beverage taxes(Town Share) 6 ,000.00 Dog lineases ( From County) 600.00 Other revenues Town Clerk 500.00 Justice of the peace 150:00 Collector $80.00 Assessors $18.00 98100 Unexpended balances (sec 115 Town Law) 13382.34 TOTAL REVENUES $39430.34 Dated September 25th 1944 D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TOWN CLFRK FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY je i,,�11945 220 EXPENDITURES Salary $2000.00 Office and ether expenses Postage etc 35.00 Mileage & other Misc .Exrenses 50.00 Expenses to Town Association Meetings 25.00 TOTAL $2110.00 REVENUES Fees of Town Clerk Dog Tags $90.00 Delinquent dog list 4,00 Marriage licenses 36 .00 Hunting and fishing licenses 400.00 -° Filing(Conditional sales,-,Contracts and Chattel Mortgages 30.00 Transcript of records , searches etc 4.80 other fees _ 3.00 Total revenues $567.80 Dated :September 20th,1944 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARYI 1945 EXPENDITURES Salary $1000.00 Office and other expenses Book, Forms and expenses to Association of Towns Meeting 10000 TOTAL EXPENDITURS $1100000 REVENUES Fines , penaltiets and Forfeitures $ 10.00 Motor vehicle Fees(received from State) 40.00 Civil fees 10.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 60.00 Dated Sent 22,1944 Henry J Sleight Justice of the Peace. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF Tt-E PEACE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARYI 1945 Expenditures Salary $1000.00 Office and other expenses Books, Forme 40.00 postage, office supplies 20.00 Total expenditurss $1060,00 REVENUES Fines penalties and forfeitures $100.00 Motor vehiale .fees(Received from state100.00 Criminal fees-Indictable Cases �- . ( Received from County 25.00 civil fees 75.00 Other revenue$ marriages 10.00 Total revenues $310.00 Dated:September 19th, 194 Meredith S Bentley Justice of the Peace. 221. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1 ,1945 Expenditures Salaries $ 600.00 Office and other expenses mileage and expenses 50.00 Total expenditures $650.00 REVENUES None. Dated September 23rd 1944 Curtis lampson Councilman ANN UAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN FOR FISCAL YES':R BEGINNING JANUARY 1 1945 EXPENDITURES SALARIES $ 600.00 Office and other expenses Mileage and expenses 50.00 Total expenditures $650.00 Revenues-None Dated September 23rd,1944 Raymond Walkup Councilman. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TAX COLLECTOR FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARYI 1945 EXPENDITURES SALARY $1800:00 Stamps and stationary 60.00 Office rent at Hoags Service Sta. 25.00 Advertising 20.00 Total expenditures $1905.00 Revenues-None. Dated September 18 1944 Arthur J Hillis Tax Collector. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR For Fiscal year beginning January 1 1945 Expenditures Salary $1500.00 Offic a and other expenses Stamps 2.00 Guide book .65 Notarizing papers 2.25 mileage 41.88 Total expenditures $1504.90 REVENUES FEES Dog damage cases ( eceived from County)$22.60 Total revenues $ 22.60 Dated September 28th, 1944 Edwatd Sleight Chairman assessor ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1 1945 Expenditures Salary $1500.00 Office and other expenses mileage 55,00 Total expenditures $1555.00 Revenues- None Dated September 25 1944 Fr&A R 1rtgkgtAts. Assessor 222 ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR FOR, FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1945 EXPENDITURES Salary $1500.00 Office and other expenses mileage 75.00 Total expenditures $1575.00 Revenues Fees Dog damage cases (Received from County)$9.00 Total revenues $9.00 Dated September 20, 1944 Warren T Varney Assessor, ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY H. RUSSELL HARRIS TOWN SUPERINMENDENT OF HIGHWAYS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1 1945 HIGHWAY FUND ( Item 1) Expenditures General repairs $25000.00 special inprovements 2100.00 Total expenditures $279100 Revenues State aid $3596.00 Total revenues $3594.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Hiszhwav ftsd (Item 1)$23506.00:; Bridae Fund ( Item 2) Expenditures labor and team work $700.00 Materials for repair and maintenance 300.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1000.00 Revenues Total revenues Amount to be raised by tax for bridge Fund ( Item2) $1000.00 Machinery Fund ( Item 3) Expenditures purchase of machinery, tools an implements $4,400.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements 3,500.00 Redemtion of machiner certificates 1726.25 Interest on machinery certificates 220.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $9846.25 Revenues Unexpended balance $500.00 Total revenues $500.00 Amount to be raised by tax for machinery fund(Item 3)$9346.25 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND ( ITEM $) Expenditures Salary of Town Superindendent $2400.00 Expenses of Town Superintendent 300000 Removing obstructions caused by snow 6000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 1500.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 3700.00 Total expenditures $1.%900.00 2 23 Revenues. Miscellaneous revenues from County Snow removal $1239.00 Total revenues $1239.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4) $12661.00 Dated September 30 1944 H. Russell Harris Town Sunerindendent of Highways. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TOWN WELFARE OFFICER FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1 1945 EXPENDITURES: Salary $500.00 Office and other expenses 50.00 Home relief 400.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $950.00 Revenues- Total revenues none Dated September 18 1944 Anna McCaghev Town Welfare officer Annual estimate Submitted by REGISTRAR of Vital Statistics For fiscal year beginning January[ lst ,1945 6omAensation $ 50.00 ther expenses postage 15000 Total expenditures $65.00 Revenues-None Dated September 20 1944 Birt D. -Turner emistrar of Vital Statistics. ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR BOARD OF HEALTH FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1 1945 EXPENDITURES Salary of Health Officer $881.79 Other health expenses Clinics &Conferences 100.00 Traveling expenses 90.00 Postage & Stationary 25.00 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1096.79 REVENUES-none Dated September 20th, 1944 G.A.Chapman Health Officer ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR W.GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXPENDITURES COST OF IMPROVEMENT Construction of improvement Bond Principal $1000.00 Bond Interest -286.00 Total $1286.00 Maintanance Personal services $ 50.00 Office and other expenses CQ11ection_ fees stamps & envelopes water bills etc 150.00 repairs 50.00 Purchase of Water 550.00 Purchase of equipment 500.00 Total $1300000 Total expenditures $2586.00 REVENUES Water rents $1500.00 Penalties 8.00 224 sale of water $15.00 Unexpended balance 3362.49 Tonal revenues $4885.49 Dated September 26 1944 D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor M NUAI, ESTIMATE FOR THE NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXPENDITURES CC&ST OF IMPROVEMENT Bond principal $500000 Bond Interest 186 .00 Total $186 .00 Maintenance Personal services 50.00 �. Office and other expenses Collectors fees , postage stationary & water bills 80.00 repairs 50.00 Purchase of water 450.00 Total $630.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1316 .00 REVENUES Water rents $750800 penalties 5.00 unexpended balance 12.59 Total revenues $767.59 Dated September 22 1944 D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor. The Clerk read a communication -of the town superintendent of Highwalrs reporting on certain works done by the highway department. The report was placed on file on Motion Meeting Ad,jburned Bert D. ,Turner Town Clerk Special meeting October 17th,1944 At a special meeting .of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on the above date at the clerk's Office tiox at 7 :30 P.M. the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lam-oson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The Board proceed to work on the preliminary Budget. Resolution 27 Introduced byCdunci&maf,11A rktiH Seconded by aaubtilman mpkejn It was resolved that the sum of $17500 be raised by tax for Item 1 General repairs foo preliminay Budget. Dulyadpptedy.Vthe following vote : Ayes :Mr Walkup,, Mr. Lampson, Mr Fowler Noes ; Mr Bentley and Mr Sleight. Resolution No 28, Introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley Resolved that tI}is Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for fiscal year beginning on the 1st January, 1945 the itemized statement of the stimated revenues and expenditurea hereto attached and made a part of this resolution and be, _ Further resolved that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested pert.on at all reasonable hours,