ComCheck COMcheck Software Version Envelope Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2015 IECC p v Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON N Location: Glens Falls, New York Climate Zone: 6a AUG3 2017 et O Project Type: New Construction 0 CD � Vertical Glazing/Wall Area: 13% G 0 U = Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: >,70 524 Aviation Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 N 0 ry Building Area Floor Area 0 1-Full Area(Hotel) : Nonresidential 61049 M Additional Efficiency Package 111.6 Q O N Reduced interior lighting power. Requirements are implicitly enforced within interior lighting allowance calculations. CM = lf') z Envelope Assemblies Assembly Gross Area Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget U. or R-Value R-Value U-Factor Factor(.) Perimeter North Elevation WD(2.5 EIFS):Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,[Bldg. Use 1 - 1844 19.0 9.5 0.039 0.051 Full Area] Door 1:Insulated Metal,Swinging,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area] 21 --- --- 0.380 0.370 North Elevation Fiber Cement Lap:Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,[Bldg. Use 2049 19.0 1.7 0.059 0.051 1 -Full Area] Window 1:Metal Frame, Perf.Specs.:Product ID Quaker,SHGC 0.26, 157 --- --- 0.210 0.360 [Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) Door 2:Glass(>50%glazing):Metal Frame, Entrance Door,Perf. 21 --- --- 0.380 0.770 Specs.:Product ID YKK SF,SHGC 0.40,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area] (b) West Elevation WD EIFS:Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full 5901 19.0 9.5 0.039 0.051 Area] Window 2:Metal Frame, Perf.Specs.:Product ID Quaker,SHGC 0.36, 682 --- --- 0.210 0.360 [Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area] (b) West Elevation WD Fiber Cement Lap:Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,[Bldg. 4431 19.0 1.7 0.059 0.051 Use 1 -Full Area] Window 3:Metal Frame, Perf.Specs.:Product ID Quaker,SHGC 0.36, 682 --- --- 0.210 0.360 [Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area] (b) Door 3:Insulated Metal,Swinging,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area] 45 --- --- 0.380 0.370 South Elevation WD(2.5 EIFS):Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,(Bldg. Use 1 - 1965 19.0 9.5 0.039 0.051 Full Area] Window 4:Metal Frame, Perf.Specs.: Product ID Quaker,SHGC 0.36, 81 --- --- 0.210 0.360 [Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) Door 4: Insulated Metal,Swinging,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area] 24 --- --- 0.380 0.370 Door 5:Glass(>50%glazing):Metal Frame, Entrance Door, Perf. 21 --- --- 0.380 0.770 Specs.: Product ID YKK SF,SHGC 0.40,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) South Elevation WD Fiber Cement Lap:Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,[Bldg. 1905 19.0 1.7 0.059 0.051 Use 1 -Full Area] Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 07/31/17 Data filename: P:\H2QN\Design\ComCheck- IECC 2015 Study\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 1 of 9 COMcheck Software Version Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information 302.5-1-96.1 CC-000480-2017 Home2 Suites by Hilton Energy Code: 2015 IECC 524 Aviation Road Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON New Hotel Project Type: New Construction 60, 597 s.f. Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 524 Aviation Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 Additional Efficiency Package Reduced interior lighting power. Requirements are implicitly enforced within interior lighting allowance calculations. Allowed Interior Lighting Power A B C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts/ft2 (B X C) 1-Full Area(Hotel) 61049 0.78 47801 Total Allowed Watts= 47801 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B C D E Fixture ID : Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. 1-Full Area(Hotel) LED 1:Cl:Other: 1 184 32 5796 LED 2:C2:Other: 1 36 32 1134 LED 3:C4:Other: 1 11 20 224 LED 5:CV1:Other: 1 1 330 330 Compact Fluorescent 1:DWS1:Triple 4-pin 26W:Electronic: 2 11 55 605 ' � '. Compact Fluorescent 2:DP2:Triple 4-pin 26W:Electronic: �:•3 .., .��;;s� 4 3 104 312 Incandescent 1:DP3:Incandescent 60W: 1 4 60 240 LED 6:GR1:Other: 1 387 14 5457 Compact Fluorescent 3:GWS1:Twin Tube 13W:Electronic: 2 7 26 182 Linear Fluorescent 1:GWS2:46"T5 HO 54W:Electronic: 2 92 105 9660 Compact Fluorescent 4:GWS3:Spiral 13W:Electronic: 1 92 15 1380 Linear Fluorescent 2:S1:48"T8 32W(Super T8):Electronic: 2 9 65 585 Linear Fluorescent 3:ST1:48"T8 32W(Super T8):Electronic: 2 34 65 2210 Linear Fluorescent 4:T1:48"T8 32W(Super T8):Electronic: 3 18 105 1890 Linear Fluorescent 5:T2:48"T8 32W(Super T8):Electronic: 3 4 105 420 Linear Fluorescent 6:W131:48"T8 32W(Super T8):Electronic: 2 16 65 1040 LED 7:X1:Other: 1 29 5 145 LED 8:XAR:Other: 1 12 5 60 LED 9:XLL:Other: 1 6 5 30 LED 10:EM1:Other: 1 41 5 205 Total Proposed Watts= 31905 Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 1 of 30 LightingInterior - .. Interior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed interior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Name-Title Signatu Date RYAN.SCOM0NEI)i�U i" 00 0 - p • ... ...., a.+'.:. � �I�© °•eee•°° �� Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 2 of 30 COMcheck Software Version Exterior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2015 IECC Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Project Type: New Construction Exterior Lighting Zone 2 (Neighborhood business district) Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 524 Aviation Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 Allowed Exterior Lighting Power A B C D E Area/Surface Category Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Watts Watts/Unit Wattage (B X C) Entry canopy 1350 ft2 0.25 Yes 338 Parking area 56000 ft2 0.06 Yes 3360 Illuminated area of facade wall or surface 3600 ft2 0.1 No 360 Main entry 5 ft of door 20 Yes 100 Other door(not main entry) 18 ft of door 20 Yes 360 Special feature area 1600 ft2 0.14 Yes 224 Total Tradable Watts(a)= 4382 Total Allowed Watts= 4742 Total Allowed Supplemental Watts(b)= 600 (a)Wattage tradeoffs are only allowed between tradable areas/surfaces. (b)A supplemental allowance equal to 600 watts may be applied toward compliance of both non-tradable and tradable areas/surfaces. Proposed Exterior Lighting Power A B C D E Fixture ID : Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Entry canopy(1350 ft2):Tradable Wattage LED 4:Cl:Other: 1 12 32 378 LED 5:EWS3:Other: 1 4 27 108 Parking area(56000 ft2):Tradable Wattage LED 8:PL1:Other: 1 14 268 3752 Illuminated area of facade wall or surface(3600 ft2): Non-tradable Wattage LED 7:FL2:Other: 1 11 23 253 Main entry(5 ft of door width):Tradable Wattage LED 10:Cl:Other: 1 4 32 126 LED 10:C5:Other: 1 2 32 63 Other door(not main entr�r (18 ft of door width):Tradable Wattage LED 9:C5:Other: 1 2 32 63 LED 10:EWS1:Other: 1 2 4 8 LED 10:EWS3:Other: 1 4 27 108 Special feature area(1600 ft2):Tradable Wattage LED 11:SL1:Other: 1 3 40 120 Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 3 of 30 A B C D E Fixture ID : Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. LED 11:EWS4:Other: 1 4 27 108 Total Tradable Proposed Watts= 4834 Exterior • • Design 3% better than code Exterior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed exterior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed exterior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. FfA(1J S. Joh -P P-tNLI P f 73 C7 Name-Title ,��• r *�natur Date OF Nr� P•�RYAN IMD CNES"-'o • +w^t► •; ♦i •. 00'5558-1 .•�C���� is Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 4 of 30 COMcheck Software Version Mechanical Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2015 IECC Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Location: Glens Falls, New York Climate Zone: 6a Project Type: New Construction Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 524 Aviation Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 Additional Efficiency Package Reduced interior lighting power. Requirements are implicitly enforced within interior lighting allowance calculations. Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type& Description 1 HVAC System 1 (Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Gas,Capacity=50 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency=80.00%Et, Required Efficiency=80.00%Et Cooling:1 each-Single Package DX Unit,Capacity=19 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer,Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=14.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 14.00 SEER Fan System: RTU1 --Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 1 Supply,Constant Volume,800 CFM,0.3 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 HVAC System 1 copy 1 (Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Gas,Capacity=50 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency=80.00%Et,Required Efficiency=80.00%Et Cooling: 1 each-Single Package DX Unit,Capacity=19 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer,Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=14.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 14.00 SEER Fan System: RTU2--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 2 Supply,Constant Volume,800 CFM,0.3 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 HVAC System 1 copy 2(Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Gas,Capacity=50 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency=80.00%Et, Required Efficiency=80.00%Et Cooling:1 each-Single Package DX Unit,Capacity=19 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer, Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=14.00 SEER,Required Efficiency: 14.00 SEER Fan System: RTU3--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 3 Supply,Constant Volume,1000 CFM,0.3 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 AW (Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace, Electric,Capacity=45 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling: 1 each-Split System,Capacity=42 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer, Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=15.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2-Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 5 of 30 Quantity System Type& Description Fan System: AW --Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 4 Supply,Constant Volume, 1600 CFM,0.5 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 AH2(Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Electric,Capacity=24 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling:1 each-Split System,Capacity=26 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer,Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=15.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: AH2--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 5 Supply,Constant Volume,1200 CFM,0.3 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 AH3(Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Electric,Capacity=45 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling:1 each-Split System,Capacity=38 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer, Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=15.00 SEER,Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: AH3--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method):Passes Fans: FAN 6 Supply,Constant Volume, 1600 CFM,0.5 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 AH4(Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace, Electric,Capacity=61 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling:1 each-Split System,Capacity=58 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer, Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=15.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: AH4--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 7 Supply,Constant Volume,2000 CFM,0.5 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 AH5(Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Electric,Capacity=19 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling: 1 each-Split System,Capacity=13 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer,Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=15.00 SEER,Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: AH5--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 8 Supply,Constant Volume,600 CFM,0.3 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 AH6(Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace, Electric,Capacity=19 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling: 1 each-Split System,Capacity=22 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer,Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=15.00 SEER,Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: AH6--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 9 Supply,Constant Volume, 1000 CFM,0.3 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 AH7(Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Electric,Capacity=49 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling:1 each-Split System,Capacity=51 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer, Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=15.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: XABUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 6 of 30 Quantity System Type& Description Fan System: AH7--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method):Passes Fans: FAN 10 Supply,Constant Volume, 1950 CFM,0.5 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 AH8(Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Electric,Capacity=24 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling: 1 each-Split System,Capacity=19 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer,Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=15.00 SEER,Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: AH8--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method):Passes Fans: FAN 11 Supply,Constant Volume,800 CFM,0.3 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 FCU1 (Single Zone): Split System Heat Pump Heating Mode:Capacity=34 kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency=9.30 HSPF, Required Efficiency=8.20 HSPF Cooling Mode:Capacity=25 kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency=17.00 SEER,Required Efficiency: 14.00 SEER Fan System: FCU1 --Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 15 Supply,Constant Volume,880 CFM,0.2 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 MSAH1 (Single Zone): Cooling:1 each-Split System,Capacity=22 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,No Economizer,Economizer exception:Low Capacity Residential Proposed Efficiency=18.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER Fan System: MSAH1 --Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 14 Supply,Constant Volume, 1000 CFM,0.2 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 PTHP1 (Single Zone): Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Heating Mode:Capacity=11 kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency=3.40 COP,Required Efficiency=2.89 COP Cooling Mode:Capacity=12 kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency=11.00 EER, Required Efficiency: 10.40 EER Fan System: PTHP1 --Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: FAN 12 Supply,Constant Volume,340 CFM,0.2 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 PTHP2(Single Zone): Packaged Terminal Heat Pump Heating Mode:Capacity=11 kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency=3.40 COP,Required Efficiency=2.89 COP Cooling Mode:Capacity=12 kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency=12.00 EER, Required Efficiency: 10.40 EER Fan System: PTHP2--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method):Passes Fans: FAN 13 Supply,Constant Volume,340 CFM,0.2 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 1 AHU1 (Single Zone): Heating:1 each-Central Furnace,Electric,Capacity=82 kBtu/h No minimum efficiency requirement applies Cooling:1 each-Split System,Capacity=76 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,Water Economizer Proposed Efficiency=12.00 EER, Required Efficiency: 11.20 EER +12.8 IEER Fan System: AHU1 --Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) :Passes Fans: Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 7 of 30 Quantity System Type& Description FAN 16 Supply,Constant Volume,3000 CFM,0.8 motor nameplate hp,90.0 fan efficiency 2 Water Heater 1: Gas Storage Water Heater,Capacity:504 gallons, Input Rating:500 Btu/h w/Circulation Pump Proposed Efficiency:96.00%Et,Required Efficiency:80.00%Et Mechanical Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed mechanical systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. F'/Art, 5. J o of rcS -- Pa-t N C-I P A-L .. T S I Name-Title t r 1 t r �atur Date n r tr' 4r SSI �O�4i ����•°RYANSCOTT JONE CoS°•'A = •• 'Sta ••� r • L = • r too to 6 to 0 too Its Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 8 of 30 COMcheck Software Version Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requirements: 90.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section # Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C103.2 Plans, specifications, and/or ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PR211 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not with which compliance can be ❑Not Observable determined for the mechanical systems and equipment and ❑Not Applicable document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Load calculations per acceptable engineering standards and handbooks. C103.2 Plans,specifications, and/or ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PR311 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not with which compliance can be determined for the service water ❑Not Observable heating systems and equipment and ❑Not Applicable document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Hot water system sized per manufacturer's sizing guide. C103.2 Plans, specifications,and/or ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PR4]1 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not with which compliance can be determined for the interior lighting ❑Not Observable' and electrical systems and equipment ❑Not Applicable and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided should include interior .lighting power calculations, wattage of bulbs and ballasts, transformers and control devices. C103.2 Plans, specifications, and/or ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PR811 calculations provide all information []Does Not with which compliance can be determined for the exterior lighting ❑Not Observable and electrical systems and equipment ❑Not Applicable and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided should include exterior lighting power calculations, wattage of bulbs and ballasts, transformers and control devices. C406 Plans, specifications, and/or ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PR9]1 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not with which compliance can be ❑Not Observable determined for the additional energy efficiency package options. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 9 of 30 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 10 of 30 Section # Footing / Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.l D C403.2.4. Snow/ice melting system sensors for ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 5, future connection to controls. Freeze ❑Does Not C403.2.4. protection systems have automatic 6 controls installed. ❑Not Observable [F09]3 ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 11 of 30 Section # Plumbing Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. ❑Not Observable [PL6]3 ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. ❑Not Observable [PL6]3 ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms []Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. ❑Not Observable [PL6]3 ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. Not Observable [PL6]3 ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume []Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. Not Observable [PL6]3 ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. 1Not Observable [PL6]3 ❑Not Applicable 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 12 of 30 Section # Plumbing Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms !❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ;❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. [PL6]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.6.1, Automatic time switches installed to ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C404.6.2 automatically switch off the ❑Does Not [PL3]1 recirculating hot-water system or heat ❑ trace. Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable'. cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. []Not Applicable C404.6.3 'Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable 1 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 13 of 30 _T Section # Plumbing Rough-in Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a '❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a []Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. '❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ❑Does Not that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable cycle. ❑Not Applicable 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN-ComCheck.cck Page 14 of 30 Section # Plumbing Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104'F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 15 of 30 Section # Plumbing Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source ❑Not Observable through a cold-water supply pipe is a demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply '❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 16 of 30 Section # Plumbing Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps !❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404J Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source ' through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 17 of 30 Section # Plumbing Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104°F. C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply ❑Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a ❑Not Observable demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 1047. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN-ComCheck.cck Page 18 of 30 Section # Mechanical Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C402.2.6 Thermally ineffective panel surfaces of ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [ME41]3 sensible heating panels have ❑Does Not insulation >= R-3.5. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.13 Unenclosed spaces that are heated ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. [ME71]2 use only radiant heat. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable' ❑Not Applicable C403.2.3 HVAC equipment efficiency verified. ❑Complies See the Mechanical systems list for values. [ME55]2 []Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.6. Demand control ventilation provided ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1 for spaces >500 ft2 and >25 ❑Does Not [ME59]1 people/1000 ft2 occupant density and !❑Not Observable served by systems with air side economizer, auto modulating outside ❑Not Applicable air damper control, or design airflow >3,000 cfm. C403.2.6. Enclosed parking garage ventilation ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2 has automatic contaminant detection ❑Does Not [ME115]3 and capacity to stage or modulate fans to 50%or less of design capacity. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.7 Exhaust air energy recovery on ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. [ME57]1 systems meeting Table C403.2.7(1) ❑Does Not and C403.2.7(2). ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.8 Kitchen exhaust systems comply with ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. [ME116]3 replacement air and conditioned ❑Does Not supply air limitations, and satisfy hood rating requirements and maximum ❑Not Observable exhaust rate criteria. ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9 HVAC ducts and plenums insulated. ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. [ME60]2 Where ducts or plenums are installed ❑Does Not in or under a slab,verification may need to occur during Foundation ❑Not Observable Inspection. ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9 Ducts and plenums sealed based on ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [ME10]2 static pressure and location. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in.water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 19 of 30 Section # Mechanical Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 !❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in.water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [MEll]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in.water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [MEll]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [MEll]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.9. Ductwork operating >3 in. water ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 column requires air leakage testing. ❑Does Not [ME11]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 1 I High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 20 of 30 Section # Mechanical Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C403.3.4, Water economizers provided where ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C403.3.4. required, meet the requirements for ❑Does Not 1, design capacity, maximum pressure C403.3.4. 'drop and integrated economizer ❑Not Observable' 2, control. ❑Not Applicable C403.3.1 [ME15]1 C403.4.2. Open-or closed circuit cooling towers ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 3.2.2 have a separate heat exchanger to ❑Does Not [ME122]3 isolate the cooling tower from the heat pump loop, and heat loss is ❑Not Observable controlled by shutting down the ❑Not Applicable circulation pump on the cooling tower loop. C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. I See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Observable' ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Observable' ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies .Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable:See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable j 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 21 of 30 Section -- -- # Mechanical Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID _ C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable see the Mechanical Systems list for values. []Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 of individual zone boxes have static ❑Does Not [ME110]3 pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable the Mechanical Systems list for values. ❑Not Applicable C404.2.1 Gas-fired water-heating equipment ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [ME111]2 installed in new buildings: where a ❑Does Not singular piece of water-heating equipment>= 1,000 kBtu/h serves ❑Not Observable the entire building,thermal efficiency ❑Not Applicable >= 90 Et.Where multiple pieces of water-heating equipment serve the building with combined rating >_ 1,000 kBtu/h,the combined input- capacity-weighted-average thermal efficiency >= 90 Et, Exclude input rating of equipment in individual dwelling units and equipment<= 100 kBtu/h. C408.2.2. Air outlets and zone terminal devices ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 have means for air balancing. ❑Does Not [ME53]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN-ComCheck.cck Page 22 of 30 Section # Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.l D C405.2.1 Lighting controls installed to uniformly ❑Complies Exception: Lighting that is related to means of egress in [EL15]1 reduce the lighting load by at least ❑Does Not stairways, ramps, corridors, or emergency routes. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.1 Occupancy sensors installed in ❑Complies Exception: Emergency egress lighting. [EL18]1 required spaces. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.1, Independent lighting controls installed ❑Complies Exception: Lighting that is related to means of egress in C405.2.2. per approved lighting plans and all ❑Does Not stairways, ramps, corridors, or emergency routes. 3 manual controls readily accessible and ❑Not Observable [EL23]2 visible to occupants. ❑Not Applicable C405.2.2. Automatic controls to shut off all ❑Complies Exception: Lighting that is related to means of egress in 1 building lighting installed in all ❑Does Not stairways, ramps, corridors, or emergency routes. [EL22]2 buildings. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.3 Daylight zones provided with ❑Complies Exception: Dwelling or sleeping units. [EL16]2 individual controls that control the ❑Does Not lights independent of general area lighting. ❑Not Observable j❑Not Applicable C405.2.3, Primary sidelighted areas are ❑Complies Exception: Dwelling or sleeping units. C405.2.3. equipped with required lighting ❑Does Not 1, controls. ❑ C405.2.3. Not Observable 2 ❑Not Applicable [EL20]1 C405.2.3, Enclosed spaces with daylight area ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. C405.2.3. under skylights and rooftop monitors ❑Does Not 1, are equipped with required lighting C405.2.3. 'controls. ❑Not Observable 3 ❑Not Applicable [EL21]1 C405.2.4 Separate lighting control devices for ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [EL4]1 specific uses installed per approved ❑Does Not lighting plans. ❑Not Observable. ❑Not Applicable C405.2.4 Additional interior lighting power ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [EL8]1 allowed for special functions per the ❑Does Not approved lighting plans and is automatically controlled and ❑Not Observable, separated from general lighting. ❑Not Applicable C405.2.5 Automatic lighting controls for exterior'❑Complies Requirement will be met. [EL25]n ° lighting installed. Controls will be ❑Does Not daylight controlled, set based on business operation time-of-day, or ❑Not Observable reduce connected lighting > 30%. ❑Not Applicable C405.3 Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [EL6]1 face. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 111 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 23 of 30 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 24 of 30 Section # Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C303.3, Furnished O&M instructions for ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C408.2.5. systems and equipment to the ❑Does Not 2 building owner or designated ❑Not Observable [FI17]3 representative. ❑Not Applicable C303.3, Furnished O&M manuals for HVAC ❑Complies Requirement will be met. C408.2.5. systems within 90 days of system ❑Does Not 3 acceptance. [F18]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.2 HVAC systems and equipment ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI27]3 capacity does not exceed calculated ❑Does Not loads. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [F147]3 Minimum one humidity control device per installed ❑Not Observable humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device per installed :❑Not Observable humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device per installed ❑Not Observable humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [F147]3 Minimum one humidity control device per installed ❑Not Observable humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device ❑Not Observable per installed humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [F147]3 Minimum one humidity control device per installed ❑Not Observable humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [F147]3 Minimum one humidity control device ❑Not Observable per installed humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [F147]3 Minimum one humidity control device ❑Not Observable per installed humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 25 of 30 Section # Final Inspection Complies?T Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [F147]3 Minimum one humidity control device per installed ❑Not Observable humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device ❑Not Observable per installed humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [F[47]3 Minimum one humidity control device per installed ❑Not Observable humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [F147]3 Minimum one humidity control device ❑Not Observable per installed humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device ❑Not Observable per installed humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device per installed ❑Not Observable humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device per installed ❑Not Observable humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. ❑Does Not [FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device ❑Not Observable per installed humidification/dehumidification ❑Not Applicable system. C403.2.4. Heat pump controls prevent ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.1 supplemental electric resistance heat ❑Does Not [F[42]3 from coming on when not needed. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Heat pump controls prevent ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1.1 supplemental electric resistance heat ❑Does Not [F142]3 from coming on when not needed. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Heat pump controls prevent ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1.1 supplemental electric resistance heat '❑Does Not [F142]3 from coming on when not needed. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN-ComCheck.cck Page 26 of 30 Section # i Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Recl.ID C403.2.4. Thermostatic controls have a 5 °F ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1.2 deadband. ❑Does Not [FI38]3 ❑Not Observable' ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Temperature controls have setpoint ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1.3 overlap restrictions. ❑Does Not [F120]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Each zone equipped with setback ;❑Complies Requirement will be met. 2 controls using automatic time clock or ❑Does Not [FI39]3 programmable control system. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Automatic Controls: Setback to 55°F ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 2.1, (heat) and 85°F (cool); 7-day clock, 2- -❑Does Not C403.2.4. hour occupant override, 10-hour 2.2 backup ❑Not Observable [F140]3 ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F[41]3 ❑Not Observable '❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [FI41]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [FI41]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F141]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F141]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [FI41]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F141]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [FI41]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN-ComCheck.cck Page 27 of 30 Section # Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.l D� 7 C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [FI41]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F141]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F141]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F141]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F141]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [F141]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [FI41]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2.3 controls. ❑Does Not [FI41]3 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.3 Heat traps installed on supply and ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI11]3 discharge piping of non-circulating ❑Does Not systems. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.4 All piping insulated in accordance with ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI25]2 section details and Table C403.2.10. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C404.6.1 Controls are installed that limit the ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI12]3 operation of a recirculation pump ❑Does Not installed to maintain temperature of a storage tank. System return pipe is a ❑Not Observable dedicated return pipe or a cold water ❑Not Applicable supply pipe. C405.4.1 Interior installed lamp and fixture ❑Complies See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values. [F118]1 lighting power is consistent with what ❑Does Not is shown on the approved lighting plans, demonstrating proposed watts :❑Not Observable are less than or equal to allowed !❑Not Applicable watts. 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 28 of 30 Section # Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C405.5.1 Exterior lighting power is consistent ❑Complies See the Exterior Lighting fixture schedule for values. [F119]1 with what is shown on the approved ❑Does Not lighting plans, demonstrating proposed watts are less than or equal ❑Not Observable to allowed watts. ❑Not Applicable C408.2.1 Commissioning plan developed by ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F128]1 registered design professional or ❑Does Not approved agency. '❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.3. HVAC equipment has been tested to ❑Complies Exception: Unitary or packaged HVAC eqiupment without 1 ensure proper operation. ❑Does Not supply air economizers. [F131]1 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.3. HVAC control systems have been ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 2 tested to ensure proper operation, ❑Does Not [FI10]1 calibration and adjustment of controls. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.3. Economizers have been tested to ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 3 ensure proper operation. ❑Does Not [F132]1 ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.4 Preliminary commissioning report ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F129]1 completed and certified by registered ❑Does Not design professional or approved ❑ agency. Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.5. Furnished HVAC as-built drawings ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 submitted within 90 days of system ❑Does Not [F17]3 acceptance. ❑Not Observable'.. ❑Not Applicable C408.2.5. Furnished as-built drawings for ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 1 electric power systems within 90 days ❑Does Not [FI16]3 of system acceptance. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.5. An air and/or hydronic system ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 3 balancing report is provided for HVAC ❑Does Not [F143]1 systems. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C408.2.5. Final commissioning report due to ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 4 building owner within 90 days of ❑Does Not [F130]1 receipt of certificate of occupancy. '❑Not Observable. ❑Not Applicable C408.3 Lighting systems have been tested to ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F133]1 ensure proper calibration, adjustment, ❑Does Not programming, and operation. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2 -Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 29 of 30 Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 08/01/17 Data filename: X:\BUTLER ROSENBURY\QNH2-Queensbury NY Home2\E\ComCheck\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 30 of 30 Assembly Gross Area Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget U- or R-Value R-Value U-Factor Factor(a) Perimeter Window 5: Metal Frame, Perf.Specs.:Product ID Quaker,SHGC 0.36, 77 --- --- 0.210 0.360 [Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) Window 6 Storefront/Curtainwall:Metal Frame:Fixed, Perf.Specs.: 115 --- 0.380 0.360 Product ID YKK SF,SHGC 0.40,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) Door 5 copy 1:Glass(>50%glazing):Metal Frame, Entrance Door, 21 --- --- 0.380 0.770 Perf.Specs.:Product ID YKK SF,SHGC 0.40,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) East Elevation Wd(2.5"EIFS):Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,[Bldg. Use 1 - 7204 19.0 9.5 0.039 0.051 Full Area] Window 7:Metal Frame, Perf.Specs.:Product ID Quaker,SHGC 0.36, 652 --- --- 0.210 0.360 [Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) Window 8 Storefront/Curtainwall:Metal Frame:Fixed, Perf.Specs.: 211 --- --- 0.380 0.360 Product ID YKK SF,SHGC 0.40,[Bldg.Use 1 -Full Area](b) East Elevation WD Fiber Cement Lap:Wood-Framed, 16"o.c., [Bldg. 3765 19.0 1.7 0.059 0.051 Use 1 -Full Area] Window 9:Metal Frame, Perf.Specs.:Product ID Quaker,SHGC 0.36, 947 --- --- 0.210 0.360 [Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) East Elevation WD Large Format Tile:Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,[Bldg. 1116 19.0 2.4 0.056 0.051 Use 1 -Full Area] Window 10:Metal Frame, Perf.Specs.:Product ID Quaker,SHGC 65 --- --- 0.210 0.360 0.36,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) Window 11 Storefront/Curtainwall:Metal Frame:Fixed, Perf. Specs.: 282 --- --- 0.380 0.360 Product ID YKK SF,SHGC 0.40,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full Area](b) Roof 1 Low Roof: Insulation Entirely Above Deck,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full 446 --- 30.0 0.032 0.032 Area] Roof 2 Main Roof: Insulation Entirely Above Deck,[Bldg. Use 1 -Full 14958 --- 30.0 0.032 0.032 Area] (a) Budget U-factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY,and are not code requirements. (b) Fenestration product performance must be certified in accordance with NFRC and requires supporting documentation. • � a a as Envelope Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed envelope design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed envelope systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Grerr; L1r Kie_(ho�ne,( 7, 7 Name -Title / ��EL ignature Date ARC, Lu r X 0,362 B0 FOF N � Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 07/31/17 Data filename: P:\H2QN\Design\ComCheck- IECC 2015 Study\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 2 of 9 COMcheck Software Version Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section # Pian Review j Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req ID I C103.2 Plans and/or specifications provide all Xcomplies [PR1]1 information with which compliance ❑Does Not can be determined for the building envelope and document where ❑Not Observable exceptions to the standard are ❑Not Applicable claimed. C402.4.1 The vertical fenestration area <= 30 Complies [PR10]1 percent of the gross above-grade wall ❑Does Not area. ❑Not Observable'.. ❑Not Applicable C402.4.1 The skylight area <= 3 percent of the ❑Complies [PR11]1 gross roof area. ❑Does Not ❑]Vot Observable ,KNot Applicable C406 Plans, specifications, and/or ).Complies [PR9]1 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not with which compliance can be determined for the additional energy ❑Not Observable efficiency package options. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 ;Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 07/31/17 Data filename: P:\H2QN\Design\ComCheck- IECC 2015 Study\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 3 of 9 section' # Footing ! Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.lD - - - --------------------------- - - -------- i r........... — - —- - --- -- - --- - ---—---- C303.2.1 Exterior insulation protected against ;IJComplies [FO611 damage, sunlight, moisture, wind, ODoes Not landscaping and equipment maintenance activities. ❑Not Observable EINot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 111 High Impact (Tier 1) -12 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 07/31/17 Data filename: P:\H2QN\Design\ComCheck- IECC 2015 Study\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 4 of 9 Section # Framing/ Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID -----------—------------------------------—_ -- ------------------ --— ---- — —---------------------------------__----- C303.1.3 Fenestration products rated in ;Complies [FR12]2 accordance with NFRC. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C303.1.3 Fenestration products are certified as MCompiies [FR13]1 to performance labels or certificates ❑Does Not provided. ❑Not Observable' ❑]N-oott Applicable C402.4.3 Vertical fenestration SHGC value. XComplies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [FR10]1 ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C402.4.3, Vertical fenestration U-Factor. Complies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. C402.4.3. Does Not 4 1 ❑Not Observable [FR8] ❑Not Applicable C402.4.4 U-factor of opaque doors associated Nrcomplies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [FR14]2 with the building thermal envelope ❑Does Not meets requirements. ❑Not Observable' ❑Not Applicable C402.5.1. The building envelope contains a gComplies 2.1 continuous air barrier that is sealed in ❑Does Not [FR19]1 an approved manner and material permeability <= 0.004 dfm/ft2.Air ❑Not Observable barrier penetrations are sealed in an ❑Not Applicable approved manner. C402.5.2, Factory-built fenestration and doors gComplies C402.5.4 are labeled as meeting air leakage ❑Does Not [FR18]3 requirements. ❑Not Observable' ❑Not Applicable C402.5.7 Vestibules are installed on all building MComplies [FR17]3 entrances. Doors have self-closing ❑Does Not devices. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 07/31/17 Data filename: P:\H2QN\Design\ComCheck- IECC 2015 Study\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 5 of 9 Section # Mechanical Rough-In Inspection ` Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID ---_-_-_.----- -------_..---------__ ___ ___ ---—- _--_ - ---------------.----------------- _. __.-_------------------- C402.5.5, Stair and elevator shaft vents have omplies C403.2.4, motorized dampers that automatically ❑Does Not [ME3]3 close. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C402.5.5, Outdoor air and exhaust systems have omplies C403.2.4. motorized dampers that automatically ❑Does Not 3 shut when not in use and meet [ME58]3 maximum leakage rates. Check ❑Not Observable gravity dampers where allowed. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 07/31/17 Data filename: P:\H2QN\Design\ComCheck- IECC 2015 Study\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 6 of 9 Section # Insulation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID -- - - --------------------- — ---------------------- _____-----------_— -- --- -- _ -- --- — ---- C303.1 Roof insulation installed per Complies [IN3]1 manufacturer's instructions. Blown or ❑Does Not poured loose-fill insulation is installed only where the roof slope is <_3 in ❑Not Observable 12. ❑Not Applicable C303.1 Building envelope insulation is labeled Momplies [IN10]2 with R-value or insulation certificate ❑Does Not providing R-value and other relevant ❑ :data. Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C303.2 Above-grade wall insulation installed omplies [IN7]1 per manufacturer's instructions. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C303.2.1 Exterior insulation is protected from Xc7omplies [IN14]2 damage with a protective material. ❑Does Not Verification for exposed foundation insulation may need to occur during ❑Not Observable' Foundation Inspection. ❑Not Applicable C402.2.1 Insulation intended to meet the roof ❑Complies [IN17]3 insulation requirements cannot be ❑Does Not installed on top of a suspended ceiling. Mark this requirement Not Observable compliant if insulation is installed , Not Applicable accordingly. C402.2.3 Above-grade wall insulation R-value. Complies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [IN6]1 ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C402.2.6 Radiant panels and associated ❑Complies [IN18]3 components, designed for heat ❑Does Not transfer from the panel surfaces to the occupants or indoor space are pot Observable insulated with a minimum of R-3.5. P LNot Applicable C402.4.2. Roof R-value. For some ceiling XComplies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. 2 systems, verification may need to ❑Does Not [IN2]1 occur during Framing Inspection. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C402.5.1. All sources of air leakage in the oNComplies 1 building thermal envelope are sealed, ❑Does Not [IN1]1 caulked, gasketed, weather stripped or wrapped with moisture vapor- ❑Not Observable permeable wrapping material to ❑Not Applicable minimize air leakage. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 11 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 07/31/17 Data filename: P:\H2QN\Design\ComCheck- IECC 2015 Study\H2QN :ComCheck.cck Page 7 of 9 •section # Final Inspection 1 Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID -- --__-_--------------------.1-------------- C402.5.3 Where open combustion air ducts ❑Complies [F151]3 provide combustion air to open ❑Does Not combustion fuel burning appliances, the appliances and combustion air ,❑�`�of Observable opening are located outside the ,I�Not Applicable building thermal envelope or enclosed in a room, isolated from inside the thermal envelope. Such rooms are sealed and insulated. C402.5.6 Weatherseals installed on all loading ❑Complies (F137]1 dock cargo doors. ❑Does Not Not Observable Not Applicable C402.5.8 Recessed luminaires in thermal ❑Complies [FI26]3 envelope to limit infiltration and be IC []Does Not rated and labeled. Seal between interior finish and luminaire housing. ❑Not Observable Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact (Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact (Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 07/31/17 Data filename: P:\H2QN\Design\ComCheck- IECC 2015 Study\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 8 of 9 Project Title: Home 2 Suites by HILTON Report date: 07/31/17 Data filename: P:\H2QN\Design\ComCheck- IECC 2015 Study\H2QN -ComCheck.cck Page 9 of 9