building permitBUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK 514No, PERMISSION is hereby granted to MICHAEL diPALMA OWNER of property located at ROUTE 9L Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a ADDITION TO DWELLING at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1.OWNERSSataMbess is ‘2.CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Shawn Callahan ‘3.CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address “@.ARCHITECT'S Name '&.ARCHITECT'S Address 6.TYPE of Construction —(Please indicate by X) (4g Wood Frame ()Masonry )Steel 7.PLANS and Specifications 16'x 14'Addition to dwelling as per plot plan,specifi-cations and application and in accordance with Site Plan#1-94 and 59-93 and Area Variance #94-1993ProposedUse Den $s 24.00 peRMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES April 4 19_95 (if 3 tonger period is required an application for an extension must be made tothe Building and Zoning inspector of the ‘town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 4th Day of April 1994 SIGNED BY ___for the Town of Queensbury ing and Zoning Inspector 8-1-0% “ON d¥W xva “YWITWaTD ‘TEVHOIW 6 o3now SuTTTomp 0} uoTITpPY