wastewater compliance - - a �pIIIIIIIgII �� �Illlllllllll ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP,LLP • . February 15,2017 239.18-1-21 RC-0182-2018 Town of Queensbury Crasto, Anil 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 10 Woods Point Lane Res. Add. &Alt., 2 FPs 7201 total s.f. Attn: Stephen Traver,Planning Board Chairman Attn: Steve Jackoski, Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman • Re: Crasto- I 0 Woods Point Lane(Magical Shore Acres LLC) FILE COPY Wastewater System Compliance • Dear Gentlemen: As you are aware Anil Crasto, Principle Member of Magical Shore Acres LLC has submitted Zoning and Planning permit applications for improvements to the referenced property. In consideration of the requirements of Queensbury Zoning Regulations Section 179-3-040A(5)(e)we will be ultimately providing written certification of compliance of the existing wastewater with current standards and requirements. Submitted herein as part of this preliminary certification letter is a print of the wastewater system design plan which was the basis of the existing system's installation.• - As designed,this system has a capacity of 710 gallons which is adequate to handle the five bedroom capacity proposed for this residence and accessory structure. Site observation and discussions with the prior owner(who was responsible for the system's installation) indicates an'as-built'condition which is preliminarily compliant with the design plan. Since winter conditions had set in prior to my site investigation I was limited in my confirmation of system size and capacity. Once spring conditions have taken hold I will complete my investigation to establish my as-built analysis. Sincerely, E ' FE il ; Dennis MacElroy,PE jl j 11 attachment J APR 1 d 2Q1 I I 4J • cc: Anil Crasto TOWN OF UE NSB RY Craig Brown BUILDING&COOPS 900 Route 146,Clifton Park, New York 12065 phone(518)371-7621 -fax(518)371-9540 ' - 1I►I►►II►►►III _ III►►III►►III ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP,LLP February 15,2017 - 239.18-1-21 RC-0182-2018 Town of Queensbury Crasto, Anil 742 Bay Road 10 Woods Point Lane Queensbury,NY 12804 Res. Add. &Alt., 2 FPs 7201 total s.f. Attn: Stephen Traver,Planning Board Chairman Attn: Steve Jackoski, Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman Re: Crasto- 10 Woods Point Lane (Magical Shore Acres LLC) FILE COPY Wastewater System Compliance Dear Gentlemen: As you are aware Anil Crasto, Principle Member of Magical Shore Acres LLC has submitted Zoning and Planning permit applications for improvements to the referenced property. In consideration of the requirements of Queensbury Zoning Regulations Section 179-3-040A(5)(e)we will be ultimately providing written certification of compliance of the existing wastewater with current standards and requirements. Submitted herein as part of this preliminary certification letter is a print of the wastewater system design plan which was the basis of the existing system's installation. As designed,this system has a capacity of 710 gallons which is adequate to handle the five bedroom capacity proposed for this residence and accessory structure. Site observation and discussions with the prior owner(who was responsible for the system's installation) indicates an'as-built'condition which is preliminarily compliant with the design plan. Since winter conditions had set in prior to my site investigation I was limited in my confirmation of system size and capacity. Once spring conditions have taken hold I will complete my investigation to establish my as-built analysis. Sincerely, Dennis MacElroy,PE TVECEDVER attachment 11 APR 1 t#J2O1 cc: Anil Crasto TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Craig Brown BUILDING&CODES 900 Route 146, Clifton Park, New York 12065 phone(518)371-7621 -fax(518)371-9540 ... - ... ..... dr — / Of iV. VC.IC.JIIiC.I Monumen . Found �(ti 58�38y Iv `�' \ x Co (LAKE WATER SUPPLY) �°� j (r� 1 I I�'�\ ( >� CQ 54 •-{ With ku t i 3� �� r 870 '32,Seer.. - CO re �'°`� _ ,�, , 7 i I \\ \ I I i m Ui w �z � Zx � rL_ co - U i — v- 0 a Q z= -4� I 1 — _ l , ( L _/ _/__L G ,t , —_/_-1 _ - - / I I i I� I Z Z �h / I SrM LA}CATIt ay / I W N i Ker�l31 A of I Z 38 \ I \ \ E I I I I / / ►� \ / Fo ndatllon I � I ° I J t0 Z \ \ 1 i I I I \ -- I r y I I cn �--� � J PE. \\ \\ I \ \ 1 I I i i I / / / \ I I / I m I ® ; < �7 \ r � , \ \ I I I I I I I \� \ / \ L I I 1 I U M 1 s o. I I T eh 1 1 \ \I 1 I — Q ) / / I + l j undatlon I i 11 \\ / ( � I ( / / I i m I ! y r EXISTING TREES SHALL BE / `� co % / N u'- L!� Z RETAINED AS POSSIBLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW RETAINING WALL I Q ter: n�\ Stone A d L Z �p v ��\ FLOOR: 353.10 I F.F. UPPE'RI assory O {V KPtainln \Walls I A N UPPER LEVEL T h t e s Patio H Z r ADDITION-185 SF \ \ \ f \ \ \ \ \ I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I (NEW FOOTPRINT) N v �A\ \\ �/ �\ \ \ \ \ \ \` I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I o Z W 1 / \ � EXISTING STONE AND \ \ \ 1 1 1 I Planter W Z w SITE LOCATION MAP �� \ \ \ WOOD WALKWAY TO \ \ \ 1 1 1 1 I I \. =u Q \ HOUSE ENTRY \ I I 1 Q C p SCALE: 1" = 2000' [—i � v PROJECT DESCRIPTION: (SITE PLAN MODIFICATION) e, / T =334.06 — 1 a tg q� 9c' UP7=A \ 0 _ er cal IN APRIL 2017, THE TOWN PLANNING BOARD APPROVED SP 20 2017 \ \ �x C\ \ N \ I i d FOR DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENTS TO THE RESIDENCE AND SITE OF AN ( 'Q� \ \ \ O tta \ CAST INN PLACE \ e nd Day 1 O O W EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE LOCATED IN THE WR ZONE. THE � \\ \ \ �� > '' r CONCRETE WALL \ \ \ K 1 In�\W� ( Keg ator i 1 �� I O Z d APPROVED PROPOSAL INCLUDED THE EXPANSION OF THE RESIDENCE \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I C� 1 �O O 0 Q AND THE ADDITION OF A SECOND GARAGE. THE OWNERS HAVE (/� \ \ \ /\0 c \ \ \ \ ullding Overhang / ao� I J v RECENTLY DECIDED TO MODIFY THE PLANS WHICH WILL RESULT IN NEW ct9 �.0 \ \ \ \ l 6i0 �S NEW PLANTER \ / c� O Q y FOOTPRINT AND FLOOR AREA. THERE WILL ALSO BY A REDUCTION OF \ \ \ 1 � � W6 FOOTPRINT AND FLOOR AREA IN THE ENTRY AREA. THE NET RESULT \ \ \ \ I �/ \ \ LANDING AT UPPER \ 1 334.71 // o� Z E" W �' �" J WILL BE A REDUCTION OF FLOOR AREA BUT A SLIGHT INCREASE IN \� \ \ \` \ `'� FLOOR ENTRY 352.87 ,c, LOW POINT AT r, Z FOOTPRINT AREA. REFER TO THE SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA IN THE Q� \ \ I t ° �,} (�) atl0 i g5 \ ENTRY TO GREEN W - V Q APPLICATION AND THIS PLAN SHEET S-2. 9 \ \ IXISTING CAR PORT \ ( '`� cA Patio ROOF = 352.08 � a '� J \ wo�\ \ \\ \ �\ // \ \ (( (( o \ I I l first � 5econd w U W Ankh lownof()itcmabury \ \ \ \ \ DOOR AT UPPER I Story Deck \ > � E-4 Z `1& cotnlminity1x-vclo enTCAr1" �� \ \ 1 FLOOR ENTRY I NC Z W 742 Ra>Ruaa Qu nun..KY 12904 \ \ \ . , Z 11 ,o \ 1 ` C \ \� \ \ I Ix U � O � ZWZ Town of Quemsbury Planning Beard 9 �/� \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ �rt ENTRY LAN D I NG = 352.67 \ 343,37 1 33334 \\� `� RF.SAT.IMON-C:rAm Sit.Plan.Approval t7� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ e (( ` \ ' \` 2 5' ory \� in lo ' SMF.PI:AN1dODTFICAT10V5G-2017MACFK'Ai.StfORFACRES.i.1.0 \ t ( { 1 1'ax-Nfap ID:239.1g-1-21 i Propcty,kddm-ss:10 11'oods Pohn i,auc Zoning:Wit \ \ \ \ \ \\ / / \ `�et (r \ \\ \ V 1 1 0 O O W lbc applicaut bas stlbmrtted an application to tine Planning Board for Site Plau approval purmimu to:lctwle 9 \ \ \ \ \ \ l 1 / \ A e 5 c� C to S �1 O Z ofthe Town Toning Ordinance Ibr. Applicant proposes two main modification totaling 573 sq.11 One is \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 5 p rT1 > z 348 sq.U to include a cuvered parking area and entry area and second is a 225 sq.IL addition In the upper \ \ \ 1 C • C 1q1 4 level living area on westerly side or the residence Project also include%a 112 sq_11_green roof ac:oess \ \ t G O bridges The bombe with provioits approvals mid proposed modil5lostioua,is to be 5.W sq.R(footprint)with \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Ke 9 U I a t o r (\o� 1 t t\ ~� O O Z 437%q.tL of lxnch;dcclw. '11n Floor area is to be l I.ICS3 iq.ft Punumtt to cimpt r 179-9-120 of the 7,aiiug \ Q \( / I Q 11 Ordmamx,amendment ol'an approved site plan shall he.wh*-t hi Planning Board review and apprmul. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ w F F=3 8 1 . 1 8 4— \ i 11 / / / /� ` J 3 3 3.74 Maple � �1 � � � W � W� Pursuant To relevant sc pions of the Town of Que.usbury Ladng Cole-0Lsptw 171-MMI).the Planning \ \ \ \ \ ` / ` �� — — i Board has&-tcmthwil that this proposal satisfies the Wurcnnnts as stated in the Loning Code: \ \ \ \ \ \ s O y ,� P asp \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I� o I �\ r \\ \ � Southeast Corner As required b�General�fumch 1 law Sei:lion 239-m the site tan lioxtlion was rafcrtrd to the Warren ( County Planning Department for its recommendatmn: \ \ , I Story O } Q / Of Stone Massory Seawall m a o o y lbc PlanninggBoard opened a public hearing as the Sit,plan application on 0&22l2017 and eoinimtcd ilw + I / `GREEN o LJ se / // Grate ` public lac to U&'22 2U17,wfii to it was close \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 ROOF• Q '1bc Planning Board has reviewed the application naderials submitt,db•the sppliaun and all comincrus \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 / / I 1 t 1 1 I / 353.25 n- Tf =3 3 2.80 [� � \ \ CU made at Uu:public hearing and submitted in writing through and inchub OW22:2017: � � ♦ V w Lei \ N I1� t�) ♦ ' / Plastic Cover _1 Q i` "2 N_ The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review amsideratim s and standards \ \ \ \ \ \ ( / I 1 ( I `(= ♦ Pa t I o � � set forth in.article 9 orthe 7ammg Ordinaries Air Site Plan approval. \\__ �j l➢1 � T F=3 3 4.4 3 \ \\ \ \ \\ W \ \ \ W" NEW RAISED PATH AND ♦ \� / / m Wood r m mlrrron ro arrxovL srr�rtan tvlv>rutcarlov st son ntAsical su�lut Ac +s: \ \ \ \ \ \ c LANDSCAPE STONE STAIR TO �j ♦ ( Steps ^ N haroducadbyGcorg,l-orow who mow«lfor its adoption: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I GREEN ROOF. MODIFY EXISTING I 1 �-I Per the trail provided by atall'cymdilioned upon the Following catdiuons: \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \ \ I RETAINING WALLS FOR NEW PATH. I I I i I F / (y� I— W Y m N a lk I •1 1) No waivers.were mquesacd. `\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ e I�' �, I I II I )4.92 �� / w o e a 2) Adlrerencx lathe items outlined in the lot low up teller sent with This resolution. \ \ F�� O p a) if application was mfcrccd to cngitiocring.then engivaxing sign-off required prior to signanuc of \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I I I I I \ � J ~ Il Of 0 b Loniag:±dmiuislraorofthe approved plans: \ \ \ \ I I I I I 1 239.18-1-21 RC-0182-2018 J V) Plaid approved plans should have dimensions and sobs&-s noted on Uhc site plan survey,floor plans /� � W W 3 and elevation for the existing mania and proposed rooms in the building and site improvements, \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ I I I I I ( I I I 1 1 I I \ \ 411 PVC C rasto, Anil � w O � <� a w p e) Final approved plans,in complimee with the Site Plan,must be submitted to the Community \ \ Q \ \ \ I (( o I I I C) l� NvrelopmmtDeparlmeniherorismyl'urther review hy the 7.oning Administrator or Building and \ \ \ \ � ( I I i I 1 i I I 1 I 1 � � w Inv = 340.64' 10 Woods Point Lane � O � ~Q d) 711aapes plic"nutsi meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit rsonaek \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I TOTAL GREEN ROOF I I I 1 1 ' ` ( l 0 m m Z 5 U C3 and'or thebegirmingofanysit..w'orl \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I 1 AREA -1800 SF I I 1 I l' I Res. Add. 8t Alt., 2 FPs 7201 total s.f. w > >2 W E / \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 \ 1 Ij� � to rn�n ,�a ,,/ a e) Subsequent issuance ol'rurther Perm its,imIudingbuil ding permiisis dependent onvompliancewilh �� \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ I I II I I I I I I \ 1 \ I 'i \ (� ' t' n'-� �' V this and all other orindilions orthis resolution, (((illlppp/ o `1 n As-built plans to uorliN that the site plan is developed ac cosdmg In the approved plans to he provided o \ \ \ \ I i I I I \ 1 \ + NOTE: COURTYARD INFILL ROOF J prior loisxuancaorlhecMiOcaleofuciayurncl= \ \ \ �AvD� O� \ g) Resolution to he played tin final plans m its entirely and legible. \ \ \ I v \ I \\ 1 n C�H FCC t \ `\ I I `�' ° CV m TO BE A `GREEN ROOF' a 3. AdNormco to all odw approvals associated with Us site as approved by the Planting Board in Site Plan <JOo \\ \ \ M AG�h ,"AL J I I E A��(Rl ✓\\f,LC \\ \ \ \ \\ I I I I I II I \ 1 \\ \' \ \ a 11 / a 2 2�laudLontugBoardofAppcalsAreaVanianco20-2017- arformodificationsspeeiffcdbythis \ \ \ \ I NEW LARGE BOULDER I I I�\ \ t, 11 y \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ RETAINING WALL, TO BE I 1 \ \ 1 +� Motion seconded by"lioness l and Lhdy adopted this 221a day of<lugttsr,2017 by Uu following vote: \ \ A' fA _ �-5(5 A C \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ I DESIGNED BY OTHERS ( I \ \ \ N A5-FS: \dr Ford,1G.Shalbr,Mr Maguwan,fir.Femme.M.s afiiEe-Mr Deals,Mr.Travtt \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I I 1 1 ( ` \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ << . o\� SITE srAnsncs: NEWS: VOVR 6 ��1 CL \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ > ZONING DISTRICT- WR 6 PARCEL AREA: 2.58 ACRES '3 O �� \\ — — \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ o r SETBACKS: TAX MAP �j, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ kti 09• 0 REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED SCALE: 1" = 500' - �ij \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ �0 FRONT 30' 142' 134' OZJ SIDE 1 25' 85, 85' o �0 AZT S/DE 2 25' 9.9, 9.9, �\� ��'�' SHORELINE 75 30 30 W �s Ii� �. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ / GRASS SWALE #1 \ \ \ "s \, O >v� �\� � � LAKE CEORf.'E /� 'R�. \ \ \ \ 400 SF \ \ �' �\ �rj,. \P.1/ \ �► � o SAN/TAR1: ONS/TE SEPTIC SYSTEM WA TER\0� O �� � STORM SUPPLY. LAKE GEORGE o\, \ � ,P�, WA7LcR: ONSITE MANAGEMENT Q wrt7Xcr `�' r� 10, WR rtxO �,_a, \ \ cR 1 \ \ \ \ � \ \ \ 1 �` N p�`� ,r �— TOWN OF QU-�ENSBURY \ \\ ,�� \ I I I �2i �'U� \ \ '\ 1 \ \ \ \ \ I (;) J MAP REFERENCE. � THE PARCEL BOUNDARY, EX/S77NG CONDITIONS AND EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY WERE. y 1 I \ 1 II \ \ \ \ y (� \T� OBTAINED FROM MAP ENTITLED MAP OF SURVEY MADE FOR ANIL CAS7RO" BY _ _ Z VAN DUSEN & STEVES LAND SURVEYORS, DATED MAY 25, 2016 w \ \ \ a c's RR-5A \ \\ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ '~' . . G °Or C Z \\ \\\' \gyp \ \ \\ \\ \ \ Lj � N z r Ix as I oe � Q o W U �� Y / CS A rgOe I 8 I,3 8 IP 3 _ i drove 1 ( 1 1 � l / / � i I I I 00 � o I \ Con \ l J 1 1 I 16 M I I l 1 I� 0' I O 1 \ ° — ( Re lain4, of to I U IL Foynda�ion I N � U ZW MNz � � � \ � 1 I � (�I GI i ► I I \ \ � � \ > I I Q � E � ftrW N,0 IR 7 \ /\ I II I 1 I I , \ / \ I I +� v 8 \ ISO _ I OiEG \ I 1 eh 1 1 / I C_ , } I ra�o� \\ \\ \\ undation i II �' / �/ J N EXISTING DECK WITH LIVING SPACE ABOVE J y Z EXISTING RETAINEDES�SHALL / Stone J/ d 4 W W .1 \\ \ \ I II II I (( p I' I POSSIBLE fay y J O Z O ass�r I �alnin4\WA15Patio � U) O With te�s �_ A (4 W \ \ 1 Ina a Planter, o W o� , � \\ �� \ �\ \\ \ I ► 1 o CBI o '` w z zIns SITE LOCATION -MAP � \ y \ \ \ \ �\ \ \ Wb� i e, TF=334.06 SCALE: 1 — 2 00 0 � J �Q� Q� \ \ \ 5,6,5 .(� \ O \ `a' \ (� o \ ((° I c+� J [— V Town of Queensfiuy av, \ \ \ �/� „0! `I!7 OM A ` \ ` \ W S� I P.r cal Q N n 124 Community Development Office �7- v�"w f�� ` \ d`f I d ( 1 I I y a 19 -12 Bay Road.Queensbury,NY 12804 /� ` \ \ � �w \ \\ \\ C '�� \ \`�� \\ ,\ \\ \ \ \ \ R i Ing\WWII Regulator �t - F O W a Tovan of Queensbury Planning Board JJ \ W �� \\ \ \\ \ ,,,a\ o \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ Building O rhang / a� , `° ° w Q ZIL RESOLUTION-Grant Site Plan Approval Q \ \ \ \ \ \ 6 O .\` \ / O Site Plan 20.2017 MAGICAL SHORE ACRES,LLC v \ \ a Tax Map ID:239.18-1-21'Property Address:10 Woods Point Lane/Zoning:WR \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ -' \ \ \ F / �� \\ U A The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board. Applicant proposes a 1,284 sq.ft.floor area residential addition. The projec \ \ \ \ 4.71 �O � O _ .ncludes construction of a 960 sq.ft.,3 car garage with new access pathway from existing driveway to a new 336 sq.ft.carport and new hous \ \ \ \ I a t i o ntryway area. Project also includes site work for stormwater management and retaining walls.Pursuam to Chapter 179-13-010 ofthe Zonili Q O "J (�,� �E/'1 Drdinance,expansion of a nonconforming stricture in a CEA shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. \ \ \ \ \ j Q \ T _k. Patio I z V 1! /�y z alusltant to relevant sections ofthe Town of Queensbluy"Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080,the Planning Board has determined that this propo 9 � 0�\ \\ \ � \\ � �\ (� ° � d I I I ` Fi rst � Second � � ' !-1 z U nttsfles the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; rv^�! \ \ ` 1 5to Deck 'r„�, F-, IA U required b General Municipal Law Section 239-m the site cation was referred to the Warren Count Planning Department for it: \\ \ \ \ \\ ' / I I \ I , I 112 w v W y P PaPI y eP \DO \ \\ \\ \\ �\ l l oi� Pike, I , �\ \ FF= FF= �\ Z Z r recommendation; rhe ``y ` o l� 'SF,Planning Board has reviewed the Negative Ded environmental impacts f the project,pursuant to the Slate Environments]Quality Review Aa 3 \ \ \ \ �e rt j� I \ ,`` \ 3 4 3.3 7 ' 3 3 3.94 w "SF,QRA)and adopted a SF_QRA Negative Declaration-Determination of Non-Significance 9 � \ \ � \ \ f '(�� � U OPQ the Planting Board opened a public hexing on the Site plan application on 04/18/2017 and continued the public hearing to 04/1812017,when t n y \\ \ \ \ \\ \ �h \ \ E I e (( \ \ \ \ \ \ \ v' n�- was dosed O \ \ \ \ \ \ O / \ \ { \ \ t -� ° \ I 0-1 I---� . Cr O — the Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicare and all comments made at the public heating and submittec et i" ,- \ \ ( `\ 1710356 t'`/a \0 E-1 Tn n writing through and including 04/18/2017; \ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \ �\ / / \Access ,, w , , If ff ; Steps I A O O W The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zortnf {�^w,�, 5 O Ca Drthnance for Site Plan approval. tJ� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I - ` ={ � I I\ I � O ce z y \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ — Regulator \(6°� \ i `` FF— 14 \ I �w_, '~ � O M i isIOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN 202017 MAGICAL SHORE ACRES.LLC: Introduced by George Ferone who moved for i[[ \ \ \ \ FF—381 . 1 8 \ / ( silk a kccoisloptrdn. �.\ \ \ \ \ \ `�'� (� 5t°ne / 333.74 Maple I - i~ O W O Z 4ccording to the draft resolution prepared by Staff with the followtng: Z \ \ 1 \ \ n e a � � t �' : — — 1 - CIO M W �._ , �' W Q)l) Waivers have not been requested \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ i � ��� 1��t1 i .� �� \ � \ � � 2 Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. \ \ �Q }\ ° 1 Southeast Corner a) The limits of clearing will constitute anes-cut buffer zone, orange contrition fencing shall be installed around these areas and \ \ \ \ \ v w ` 1 C...)-'t°t,�vy, O\ / _ OD fieldverifled by Community Development staff, \ \ \ \ ,,,�J� I` �i5 `/( I I I i ` J Of Stone Massory 5 14 a b) If applicable,the Sanitary Sewer connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its review,approval, \ \ \ \ \ `�-1 \ �-' I i I J/ (�oU�J-e // Grate permitting and inspection; \ \ \ \ , I I I I / c) If curb cuts ate being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not be Issued until the approved driveway \ i � p p p O � P P n \ \ \ \ \ \ / I I I , I I / ( TF =332.80 0° emit has been roasted to the Planning Office; \ \ / to3t I , (\. L 14 d) If application was referred to engineering then Engineering sign-offrequired prior to signature ofZcmntg Administrator ofthe approved \ \ \ \ \ I �`` ` i I I 1 r`` I ` V y Ply; \ \ \ \ Ll' / J i I I f 1\r Plastic Cover 1 I z e) Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks noted on the site plan survey,floor plans and elevation for the existing rooms \ \ \ I � I ` Patio J W t` n n � and proposed rooms in the building and site improvements- \ i \ Wood < l0 r C4 t) If required,the applicant must subunit a copy ofthe following to the Town: ~\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ O I I ( ` \ / J m TF=334.43 -J T (T 7 Q \ \ 31 a. The project NOI(Notice of Intern)for coverage under the current"NYSDEC SPDES General Permit from Construction Activity" \ \ \ \ `� \ ' \ Wa tT rTff I ) t Steps v IC) Q N - 4 prior It if) to the start of an site work. __ U' ►,� (� y b. The project NOT(Notice of Termination)upon completion ofthe project; -- \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ ` \ I I � I I c. The applicant must maintain on their project site,for review by staff. _-- (/ � F= / \ �� ~♦ C i. The approved final plans that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator.These plants must include the project \ \ \ �]'' v 1 I (�J I N \ I �'� � �r--1. 3 SWPPP(Stour Water Pollution Prevention Plan)when such a plan was prepared and approved: \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ ` I I I �� �1 I I I �4.92 �� ( / ` �� U O ii. The project Npr%d proof ofcoverage render the current NYSDEC 3PDE S General Permit,or an individual SPDES pewit \ \ \ \ \ \ �7\ \ \ \ I �I�hl' i I' I I !,� ( (�,• T/, /"� Y Z Y) U t issued for the project if re red. t/fYl 1 �/� H g) Final approved plans,in compliance with the Site Plan,mast be submitted to the Community Dtrvdopment Department before any further \ \ \ ) I I I I yu I� Z O Q ~ reviewb the Zoning AdministratororBuil' and Codes personnel; \ \ h) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; \ \ \ • \ \ PURPORTED APPROXIMATE I I I I I I t I X Z 3 0 J~ N U y i) Subsequent issuance of further permits,including budding permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of thus \ \ \ Jt \ \ \ LOCATION OF EXISTING I I I I �' \ \ II = 1- d, O Q q resolution; \ \ \ s C� \ \ WASTEWATER SYSTEM i (� ° I I I I I I I �-- ` 7 JA _ 4 Pvc W 0 J ,� j) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of \ \ �J I O O O W oix,rpaiuy. I i I I i I 1 I 1 �� u�Inv = 340.64 J z w ao, k) Phis resolution is to be placed in its entirely on the final plans \ I I I ' ( ( I 0 Q Z~ J a a (w U t Non Q of vlotion seconded by Chris Hunsinger.Duly adopted this 18`t day of April,2017 by the following vote: \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I i I ' , I 'i \ O m � N d'LLJ W z y BYES: Mr.Magowan,Mr Hunsinger,Mr.Valentine,Ms.White,Mr.Deeb,Mr.Ferone,Mr.Traver p \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I i HOES: NONE 0 \\ \\ \ LAIC DS Of \ \ `'\ \ I I �, � I I ! I �r °; \ I G N - - a \\ AG`fAL S hE A RES\\LLC \ \ \ \ I % I I I I J I I I I i �' \ I� m Zoning Hoard of Appeals-Record of Resolrpion �.56 1 \ ` / \ d Town of Queeusbun 742 Bay RuaJ Qiiecnsbiuy,YI- 12804 (518)761-8238 �/ \\\ \ A Ix /I /t \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ I 1 i I I I \ I I I I I\ \ \ ' \ \ \\ \ IL I\`�--'{1.�` rL1D � \ \ \ �\s \� Area Variance Resnloti-To: Approve \ \ \ \ Applicaad Name: Magiwd Shiro Acres,LLC \ \ \ \ \ \ i \ ` I I I O / Md.Number. Z-AV-20-2017co lrirathm: 10 Wad Point lane \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ ( i I \ \ , \ '#0 ul\ \ 77R.\Me Date: Wednesday,March 29.2017 A The Zoning Board of Appeals of tie Town of Q.-sbury has received-application Goa Magical Shore O O \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ ' \ \ \ \ . A r Acres,LLC.Applicmf proposes a 1,284+;-sq.ft.(floor area)=sidmtial addition.The project also includesa,AYY- J O ainxtnu:turn of a 960 aq 0 three-car garage with new aeixas pathway loon ceixring dri vaway to a new 336 sy / '/� \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \�\ , , `\ �\\ \ \\ \ �^ �O �0 Q ft.car7inrt and new harwe entryway area. ,,f/� \ 1 pp.� The applicant requests mhcf from minimum setback rcquircmcnta and for a new carport as the second garage. 179-3-040EWAlishnimtofI3ishrcls dimemniondreyuiiemwLWR roue "O \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \` ,'` \ \\ \1\ '�' \ \ \\ I \� O �O � The applicant proposm a 447.3 sq.ft.residential infill m that court yard araa ofthe home where 197.3 sq.ft.is \ 7` 1 ,(� CD 61 ft from the shoreline awl there is 187 sq.R resdennal inftl m the lanes lest wfie=91 f7.ins 65 ft iron the \ \ \ \ I \ Y� /a` / shoreline where a 75 ft setback is rcquirod. -V Section t79-5-020acceas-slnicrures-aarasm- ,/ /� �v*. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \l ��� O\" Jp a oThe ne apPbam allowed 336 sq fl car port arcs for the ins,parking-a car Pon u consalered a second garage,wliere only �' QO4 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ �/ \ \ V� \/� O �\/� �('C , 179-13-010 Extension ofnon ccnfMnime / //� °Rya y \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ /\ \ /� I\ \ \ \ \ \ V Q ��a The existing home is pre -compliant and nc�addition furfierc the non-crnnpliance tnwarda the (`O •/^ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ l \ \ ' \ \ \\ ` , \ r`, \O./'those O �e. � �� J, SEQR Type II-um further=view required; ,/��\ z A public hearing was advertised and held on Wednesday.llfarch 29.2017 (y1 O \� \\ ` \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \� \ \ \ '\ , \,� 0\' �� O Upon icview of the application materials; mfamation supplied during the public hearing, and upon cousideration of the criteria specified in Section 179-14-080(,A)of the Queensbuiry Town Code and Chapter 267 r`�� of NYS Town law and after diswaeion end deliberation,-find as fellows: ` / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I V/_O \ �J" Y�Cl O I Iliac is not an undesirable change in the character ofthe neighbohond nor a deirinern to nearliv properties \ \ V\ \ \ \\ ' \ \\ \' `, \" 0�"V J bathe changes that aro being made arc very superficial compared to the ovnxafl layout of the food. O \ l? \ �\ \ \ \' \ \ a t(b lJ�' `J Q,2. Feasible ithamati-have been considered but a=deemed not uessaarable. 3 The requested variance is not substantial becaase the ehmges that are being made are more for safety and \ for improvements to the ovarah layan ofthe property. \ "\ l \ \ \ \ ` I / .Cv / 4 There is not an adwor a impact on the physical or anvironmemal cooditiom in the neighborhood or dLgdct7 \ \ i I \ \ \ \ 1 I i ,\ In fact we feel that Lis project will improve the environmental conditions. r } 5. Is the alleged difficulty is of course self-crewed \ 1 I \ I \ \ \ I .• H TOWN OF OUEENSBURY \ \ \ \ \ �1 Z 6. In addition the Board finds that the benefit to the applicant from granting the requested variance would \ ` \ \ \ N - - ou[weeh(approval)the tesulting detriment to the be"safety and welfare of the neighborhood or \ \ \ a communhv \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � ^ C3 7. The Hoard also finds that the variance request miler conatderation is the mutimum necessary. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ J • O w O Z LLl BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS,I MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE Z-AV-20- I a 7 o Introduced by Michael McCabe.who moved for its adoption.seconded by l 1 3 Michelle Hayward. P (v^ \` \ \\ ,\ \\ \\ \ �� �� < I I I / Jl'1 a s LdDuly adopted this 29'a allay of March 2017 by the following vote 0 AYES: Mr.time..64r Henkel,'A,Luafensnod,Mr.McCabe.Mrs.Hayward.Mr.racknski J� \ \ \ T NOES: NONE •( \ \\ \ \ ��g /1/� a ABSENT: Mr.Frier � � J 15