1945-10-05 264 The Board audited claims as follows : Amount amount No . Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 80 Arthur Hillis Moving voting machines $8.00 - 8.00 91 Dennis & Co Supplies 10.78 10.78 92Charles Houghtaling Supplies 3.11 3.11 93 N.Y.P.& Light Corp Street Lights 38.16 380' 16 94 G.F.Post Co/ Pub Notices 10003 10.03 95, G.F.Post Co . Advertising 3.60 3.60 96 Charles Houahtaling Supplies 1.29 1.29 0�} m t on Meeting Adjourned to the 5th day of October, 1945,7it OrMtve estimates. Bert D. Turner Town Clerk °.1. 0ct6ber 5th, 1945 At an adjourned meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, held on the bbove date at 7 :30 P.M. at the Clerks Office the following members were present. D.Elmer Fowib&r Supervisor Menry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Cutis Lampson Councilman H. Russell Harris also present. Raymond Walkup Councilman absent. The clerk presented estimates as follows : Annual Estimate submitted by Supervisor Town of Queensbury- , for Fiscal year beginning Januaru 1, 1946 EXPENDITURES_ General Fund. TOWN BOARD Town Hall and Town offices a. Rentals ( Board Rooms , Offices , elections etc) $ 75.00 �.., b. Compensation of emploees c. Purchase of Furniture and equipment 50.00 ELECTIONS a. Compensation of Election officials ( Including Mileage950.00 b. Compensation of Custodians . of voting machines 100.00 c. Votina machines , purchase and repair 25.00 D. Rent of polling place 160.00 e Moving & Setting up equipment 25.00 INSURANCE a. Compensation Insurance 75.00 Off iaiaa- Bona__.and._under�,aking _.>. 300.110 C. Fir,- nd liability 1200.00 PRINTING AND .ADVERTISING ( All Departments) 150.00 Servi es _af attornevs and expenses of litigation 100.00 _ Total 3185.00 SUPERVISOR a. Salary of Supervisor $1800.00 b. Compensation of Employees c. Postage 18.100 D.Bonds e. Telephone F. Office expense 40.00 TOTAL$1858-.00 POLICE, CONSTABLES and Deputv Sherrifs Compensation $ 300.00 Mileage & Other expenses 100000 Total $400.00 265 LOCKUP Rent of Lockup $60.00 Total $60.00 Traffic - Signs, signals and highway lighting Total$460.00 DOG WARDEN Compensation $400.00 Mileage 100.00 TOTAL $500.00 -- FOREST FIRES a. Paid to Conservation Department $100.00 TOTAL $100.00 ATTENDANCE OFFICERS a. Compensation $200.00 TOTAL $200.00 Historian a Compensation $150.00 Total $150000 PUBLIC LIBRARY a. Compensation $100.00 TOTAL $100.00 CEMETERIES. - TOTAL $250.00 VETERANS Organizations for flaggs TOTAL $ 25.00 REVENUES_General Fund a. Unexpended balances (Sec 115, Town Laws $ 1365.56 b . &ortaage taxes 250.00 c. Income taxes 4000.00 d. Franchise taxes on Business Corp. 8000.00 e bank Tax f Beverage tax ( Net) 6000.00 g Dog Licenses (From County) 708.36 H.Through Q.Nothing r. Fees Town Clerk 550.00 s.Fees of Collector 118.09 t Fees Justice 140.00 U. Assessors aporaisel 18.00 Unexpended balances (Sec.115,Town Law) 2172.97 TOTAL $23322.98. Dated :September 28,1945 D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Town of Queensbury For fiscal Year beginning January 1,1946 EXPENDITURES Salary $1000.00 Office and other expenses Office supplies 50.00 Attending association meetings 50.00 Total expenditures $1100.00 REVENUES Fines , Penalties and fordeitures$ 40.00 Motor vehicle fees - (Received, from State) 40.00 Civil fees 5.00 TOTAL Revenues $ 85.00 Dasdr, September 24, 1945 Henry Sleight, Justice of the peace. t 266 ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY For Fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1946 EXPENDITURES Salary $1000.00 Office and other expenses itamize Stationary and postage 15,00 Books and forms 60.00 TOTAL.EXPENDITURES $1075.00 REVENUES Fines, penalties and forfeitures$ 50.00 Motor vehicles fees (Received from state) 50.00 Criminal Fees-Indictable cases (Received from County) 20.00 Civil fees 30,00 TOTAL REVENUES $150.00 Dated September 20,1945 Meredith S Bentley, Justice of the Peace ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY For fiscal year beginning January 1,1946 EXPENDITURES + Salaries $600000 Office and other expenses 50.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $650.00 REVENUES- None. Dated September 29 ,1945 Raymond Walkup, Councilman, ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY _ For fiscal year beair}ning January 1,1946. EXPENDITURES Salaries $600.00 Office and other expenses 50.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $650.00 REVENUES- Norie Dated : September 29 ,1945 Durtis(;Lamtkup Councilman ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TOWN CLERK Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1946 EXPENDITURES salary $2000.00 Office and other expenses Postage Etc 35.00 Mileage & other Misc Expense 50.00 Expenses to Town Assoc. Meetings 25.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2119.00 REVENUES Dog tags $ 90.00 Delinquent dog 1,ist 4.00 Marriage Licenses 40.00 Hunting and fishing licenses 450.00 Filing 4.80 Transcript of records , searches 3.00 TOTAL REVENUES $591.00 DATED September 28,1945 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR Town of Queensbury ,For fiscal year beginning January 1 ,1946 ,,J;$Pp ITURE a ary of Assessors $1500.00 267 B. Salary 'of emplyees c. Office,, traveling and other expenses 75.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1575.00 REVENUES- None Dated September 19 ,1945 warren Varney, Assessor. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR Town of Queensbury for fiscal year beginning Januery 1,1946 EXPENDITURES A. Salary cif assessors $ 1500. B. Salar*es of Employees c. Office, traveling and other expenses 13.74 d. ="biting school tax 125.00 e. Postage F. fonds _ 3.55 G. elephone H Guide book 160 I Ink and enevelopes .30 Notarizing chicken papdrs 1.50 k Notarising Exempt paper school taxes 2.00 Total expenditures $1 ,646 .69 REVENUES. A. Fees. b. Dog damage cases (Received from County) $5.84 Total revenues $5.84 Dated September 24,1945 Edward Sleight, Chairman. Assessor. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR Town of Queensbury f )r fiscal year beginning January 1, 1946 EXPENDITURES A. Salary of Assessors jg1500.00 B . Salaries of employeees C. Office , traveling and other expenses 75.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1575.00 Revenues-None Dated September 29 , 19.45 Fred Rickettes Assessor ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TAX COLLECTOR Town of Queensbury for fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1946 EXPENDITURES A.Salary $1800.00 B,. Salary of Employees C. Office 25.00 D.Postage 34.50 e. Bonds F. Telephone _ G Stationary, envelopes &STatements 25.00 H Notices & .Advertising 25.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (1909.50 REVENUES NONE Dated, September 29,1945 Arthur Hillis, Tax Collector. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TOWN WELFARE OFFICER Town of Queensburv, for fiscal year beginning January 1, 1946 EXPENDITURES A.Salary $ 600.00 B. Salaries, of emplovees C.Office, traveling and other exDenese50.00 D. Postage 5.00 E.Bonds F. Telephone 268 G Home relief $700.00 TOTAL EkOd di;turess $1400.00 REVENUES-None. Dated Sentember 29, 1945 Anna MCCaahev, Town Welfare officer. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town of Queensbury For fiscal near beginnina January, 1, 1946 EXPENDITURES Compensation $ 60.00 Other expenses-Postage 15.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $75.00 REVENUES-None . Dated September 20,1945 Bert D. Turner, Registrar of Vital Statistics. ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR BOARD OF HEALTH Town of Queensbury for fiscal year beginning Januaryl, 1946 EXPENDITURES Salary of Health Officer $ 881. 79 Other expenses 100.00 89.00 25.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1095.79 REVENUES- None Dated September 25th, 1945 G.A. Cha:iman Health Officer. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY H. RUSSELL HARRIS, Town SuperintOndent of Hiahways, Town of Queensbury, for _ fiscal year beginning January 1, 1946. Pursuant to section 141 of the Hiahway Law and Section 111 of the Town Law. .HIGHWAY FUND ( Item 1) EXPENDITURES General repairs $20,000.00 Special improvements 5,120.25 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $25,120.25 REVENUES: State aid $ 59120.25 TOTAL REVENUES $ 51120.25 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED by tax for Hiahwav fund ( Item 1) $201,000-.00 BRIDGE FUND EXPENDITURES - Labor and team work $250.00 Materials for repair and maintenagce 250.00 Totale expenditures $500.00 Revenues- None. Amount. to be raised by tax for Bridge fund ( Item 2) $500.00 MACHINERY FUND ( ITEM ) EXPENDITURES: Purchase pf machinery,Tools and implements $4 ,920.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements 4,000.00 Redemption of machinery certificates 1 ,038.00 Interest on machinery certificates 42.00 Total ,expenditures $101000.00 2 b 19 REVENUES None AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR MACHINERY FUND( Item 3) $109000.00 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND ( Item 4) EXPENDITURES: Salary of Town Superintendent $2400.00 Expenses of Town Superintendent 100:00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 5000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weedsand brush2500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $119500.00 REVENUES. Miscellaneous revenues - From Warren Co. $2000.00 Total revenues $2000.00 Amount to be raised by -tax fro snow and miscellaneous Funf Item 4 $9 ,500,00 1\ Dated September 29,1945 H Russell Harris ,Town Sunertendent of High- ways, Star Route- Glens Falls, N.Y. ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR THE NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT EXPENDITURES Construction of improvement Bond principal $ 500.00 Bond Interest 170.00 Total $670.00 Maintenance Personal services $ 50.00 Office and other expenses Collectors fees, postage stationary & Water bills 80.00 Repairs 50000 Purchase of water 500.00 Purchase of egikipment 15.46 Total $695.47 Total expenditures $1365.47 REVENUES Water Rents $750.00 Penalties - 5.00 Unexpended balance 72.17 Total revenues $827.17 Dated September 28,1945 D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor, ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR THE WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT. EXPENDITURES COST OF IMPROVEMENTS Construction of improvement Bond principal $1000000 Bond interest 264.00 Total $1264.00 Maintenance Personal services $ 50.00 .Office and other expenses Collector's fees:, stamps envelopes, water bills etc. 150.00 Repairs 75.00 Purchase of water 550,00 purchase of equipment - 100.00 Total$925.00 Total- expenditures $2189.00 REVENUES Water rents $1650.00 Penalties - 8.50 sale of water 15 ,00 unexpended balance 3270.70 Total revenues $4944.20. 1 270 ' Dated September 28,1945 D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR THE RIDGE ROAD WATER DISTRICT EXPENDITURES Cost of improvement None Construction of improvement None Bond Principal None Bond interest. Noens Maintenance Personal services None Office and other expenses Glens Falls Post Co . , printing $36 .28 Ernest L H Me'vers Engineering 175.00 Beecher Clother Attorney 100.00 Repairs 64.76 Total $376.04 Revenues-None Dated September 28,1945 D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor Just ice RESOLUTION No 33 Introduced by Sleight, Seconded by Justice Bentlev. Resolved that this board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning; on the 1st day %of Januarys, 1946 the itmized statement of the estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution and be it further Resolved that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours, and be it further Resolved that this Board, Shall meet at &:30 O' clock P.M. eastern standard time on the 7t4 day of November, 1945 at the Clerk' s office for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget, and be it further resolved that the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided by section 113 of the Town Law and such notice be published in substantially the following form. NOTICE OF HEARING UPON PRELIMINARY BUDGET NOTICE is Hereby Given that the preliminary Budget for the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January[ 1st, 1946, has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, at R.F.D. #1 , Ridge Rd, where is is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours. Further Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will meet and review said Preliminary Bidget and hold a public hearing thereon, at the Town Clerk's Office at 7:30 o 'clock P.M. on the 7th day of November,1945 , and that at such hearing any person may be heard in. favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled or for or against any item or items therein contained. Pursuant to section 113 of the Town Law, the proposed salaries of the following town officers are hereby specified as follwos: Supervisor $1800.00 Justice of the neace(2) 1000.00 each Councilman (2) 600 ' 00 each Town' Clerk 2000.00 Torm Superintendent 2400.00 Asbbssbrs (3;3 1200.00 each Collector 1800.00 Welfare officer 550.00 Health officer 881.79 A By order of the Turn Board t Dated October 5th,1945 Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk PRELIMINARY BUDGET L946 Town of Queensbury GENERAL FUND- APPRIPIATIONS Town hall and Offices Rentals ( Board rooms, Office, Elections ,etc) 125.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 50.00 ELECTIONS Compensation of election officials (Mileage) 950.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 100.00 Voting machine purchase and repair 25.00 Aent of polling place 160.00 Moving and setting uD of equipment 25 .00 INSURANCE Compensation insurance 75.00 Official bonds and undertakings 300.00 Fire and liability 1200.00 Printing and advertising(All Departments) - 150000 Services of attorney and expenses of litigation 100.00 Total $3260.00 SUPERVISOR salary - $ 1800.00 office e•nd other expenses 58.00 Total $ 1858.00 Justice of the peace salaries - $ 2000.00 office and other expenses 175.00 Total$ 2175.00 COUNCILMAN-salaries $ 1200.00 Off ice •and other expenses 100.00 Total$ 1300.00 Town Clerk Salary $ 2000.00 Office and other expenses 119.00 Total $ 2119.00 ASSESSORS Salaries $ 3600.00 office and other expenses 200.00 compensation of employees 125.00 Total $ 3925.00 TAX COLLECTOR Salary $ 1800.00 Office and other expenses 84.50 Total $ 1884.50 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $169521.50 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Salaries and wages of officers $ 300.00 Mileage &: Other expenses 100.00 Town mockup 60.00 Street Lighting 460.00 Dog Warden- Salary 4100000 Expenses-Mileage 150.00 Total $1470.00 FOREST FIRE Payment 6o Conservation Commission $ 100.00 Total protection of persons and property Total LO0.00 EDUCATION $1570.00 ATTENDANCE OFF ICER ,Compensation $ 200.00 272 TOWN HISTORIAN Compensation $ 150.00 Town Library Total $150.00 Appropiationn $ 100100 Total $100.00 TOTAL EDUCATION $450.00 RECREATION PATRIOTIC OBSERVAECE Purchase of Flags $ 25.00 Repairs to and adding names to Honor roll $ 50.00 Total $75.00 Total recreation $75.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES Cemeteries , Total $ 250.00 Total Public uti; ities $250.00 Contingent Purposes $825.00 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Unexpended balance (SQc.115,Town Law) $2172.97 Mortgages Taxes 250.00 Income taxes ' 4000000 Franchise taxes on business corporatiohs 8000.00 Beverage tax (Net) 60004*100 Dog licenses 708:36 Fees of Justices of the Peace 1+ 0:00 Fees of Town Clerk 51000 Fees of Assessors 18.00 Fees of Collector 118.09 Total $21957.42 GENERAL FUND 'Summary APPROPIATIONS General government $16,521.50 Protection of persons and property 1,570.00 Education 450.00 Recreation 7 5.00 Public utilities 250.00 Contingency purposes 825.00 Total $19 ,691.50 Amount to be raised by tax None. WELFARE FUND Appropiations Town Welfare officer Salary $ 550.00 Office and other expenses 55.00 HOME RELIEF $ 700.00 HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fund ( Item i) General reparis $19,120.00 _ Special inprovements 5,000.00 Total Ap_ propiations$24,120.00 ESTIMATED Revenues State aid c $ 59120.00 Total revenues $5,120.00 Amount to be raised by tax for highway fund item L $19,000.00, Bridge Fund Item 2 Labor and team work $250,00 Materials xxd for repair and maintenance $250.00 Total appropiations $500.00 273 Revenues-None Amount to be raised by tax for Highway fund ( Item 2) $500.00 MACHINERY FUND -Item 3- Appropiations Purchase of machinery, tools and implements $ 4920.00 Repair of machinery , tools and implements 4000000 $edemption of machinery certificates 1038.00 Interest on ma chinery certificates 42.00 Total appropiations $102000.00 Estimated None. Amount to be raised by tax for highway fubd Item 3 $109000.00 SNOW -AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND A PPROP IAT IONS Salary of town Superintendent $ 2400.00 Expenses of Town Superintendent 100.00 Removing pbstructions caused by snow 5000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and bruslj 1500.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 2500.00 Total approtiations $11,500.00 A Estimated revenues , Miscellaneous $ 21000.00 Total revenues $ 29000.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway fund (Item 4) $9500.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway fund ( Items 2, 3, 49 ) $20,000.00 n T071N HEALTH FUND Board of Health Salary of health officer $881.79 Other health expense 215.00 Total Board of health $1096.79 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Compensation $ 60.00 Other expenses - 15.00 Total registrar of Vital Statistics $75.00 AMOUNT OT BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH, none PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT. EXPENDITURES Cost of Improvement Bond principal $500000 Bond Interest 170.00 Maint$nance Total $670.00 Personal services $ 50.00 Office and other expenses Collector's fees , postage Stationary & Water Bills 80.00 Repairs 50.00 Purchase of Water $750.00 Penalties 5.00 Unexpended balance 72.17 Total Revenues $827.17 Amoun t to be raised by tax jg538,30 A 274 PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE WEST GLENS FALLS 'ovATER DISTRICT Expenditures Cost of Improvement Construction of inprovement Bona Principal $1000.00 Bona Interest 264.00 Total $1264.00 Maintenance Personal services $ 50.00 Office and other expenses Collector's fees Stamps , envelopes water bills 150,00 Repairs 75.00 Purchase of Water 550,00 Purchase of Equipment 100.00 Total $925 .00 Total expenditures $2189.00 REVENUES Water rents $1650:00 Penalties 8050 Sale' of Water 15.00 Unexpended balance 3270.70 Total revenues $4944.20 Amount to be raised by tax-None. Preliminary Budget for the Ridge Road eater District EXPENDITURES Cost of Inprovement Construction pf inprovement Bond Principal Bond Interest Maintenance Office and other expenses Glens Falls Post Co. Printing $ 36.28 Ernest L H Meyers 175.00 Beecher Clother 100.00 Repairs 64.76 Revenues None. Total expenditures $376.00 . APIount to be raised lzrtax $376.04. Duly adopted by , the following vote Ayes-Mr Bentley, MrLamnson, Mr. Sleight and Mr Fowler 4 Noes-None. V.W.Weeks submitted bid as follows.; Dump truck $206 .00 Dodne pickup 51.00 Total $257.00 Resolution No 34 Introduced by Mr Lampson, Seconded by Justice Bentley, Whereas V.W.Weeks has offered the sum of $206 for one International ' A5 6 C,ye ~Dump truck and the sum of $51.00 for one 1932 used 4 Cve ftm Ton Dodge pickun truck and it is the opinion of this Board that the above sums are fair and reasonable price for said equipment Tnerefore be ti resolved that the Town superintendent of Highways be and is hereby authorized to sell to V W Weeks the A5 International truck used at a price of $206.00 and theDodga Pickup for the sum of $51.00 Duly adopted by the, followin g vote Ayes. Mr Bentlev, ` r. Lampson, Mr. Sleight andMr. Fowler,