1945-11-07 216 The monthly statement of the Supervisor for moneys received and disbursed g:axxkxa during the month of September was read and placed on file. The Board audited claims as follows : Amount amount No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 97 N.Y.P.& Light Corp Street Lighting $ 38.16 ? 38.16 98 Automatic Voting flachines-Supplies 6.33 6.33 99 Glens Falls Post Co. Pub. Notice 7.80 7.80 100 Dennis & Co Supplies 2.00 2.00 101 Lillian Shepherd Services-W.G.F.1JII. D. 10.00 10.00 102 Mountainside Grange Cfere of Scotch Cemetery 50.00 50.00 103 Bullard Press Printing-''l.G.F.7%D. 9075 9.75 104 Rose B Stott-Trustee-Rent 20.00 Disallowed 105 Theresa Dimick Inspector of elections 10.00 10.00 106 Theresa Dimick Inspector of Elections 10.00 10.00 107 Julia Gooch Inspector of elections 20.00 20.00 108 Hazel M Smith Inspector of elections 20.00 20.00 109 Ethel E Stevens Inspector of elections .20.00 20.00 110 Mabel Sawn Inspector of elections 20.00 20.00 111 Chas E Houghtaling Supplies 1.09 1.09 112 Chas E Houghtaling Sunrlies .69 .69 113 Chas Houghtaling Supplies 3.71 3.71 On motion meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Public Hearing November 7th, 1945 At a public hearing held on the above date at the Town Clerk's office at 7 :30 P.M. , thefollowing members were present ; D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor HaPW Sleight Justice of the peace Meredith Bentely Justice of the peace Curtis Lamnson C,iincilman Raymond Walkup Councilman H. Russell Harris Town Superintendent of Highways also present. Proof of publicatLion f$$zx of notice of a public hearing on the preliminary Budget was filed. Proof of posting notices of public hearing on preliminary budget filed. Ruel Hopkins , and George Graney also present. The Board generally discussed the budget and no appearing to oppose any of the items of the Budget the following resolution was adopted . - Resolution No 37, Introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Sleight. 71HEREAS this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; RESOLVED that such preliminary budget be and is hereby adopted as the annual budget of the Town for fiscal Year beginning Ja11 &ty 1st , 1946 and that. such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Board and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of this Torn shall prepare and certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Board , together with the assessment rolls for benefit improvements , if any, adopted pursuant to section 202A, sub 2 of the Town Law and delivery one copy thereof to the supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of the County. 2ii Dulv adopted by thefollowing vote Ayep : Mr Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr Lampson, Mr. Sleight and My Fowler. Noes : None. ANNUAL BUDGET-1946 Town of Queensbury County of Warren GENERAL FUND A PPROPIATIONS General Government TO11N BOARD Town Hall and Offices Rentals (Board Rooms, Office,elections ,etc) $ 125.00 Purchase of Furniture and equipment 50.00 ELECTIONS Compensation of election officials ( Including lileage)950.00 Compensation of voting machine custodians 100.00 Voting machine purchase and repair 25.00 Rent of polling places 160.00 Moving and setting up of equipment 25.00 Insurance Compensation Insurance 75.00 Official Bonds and undertakings 300.00 �. Fi_~P qnd Liability 1200.00 Printing and advertisina ( All departments) 150.00 Services of attorney and expenses of litigation 100.00 a TOTAL $3 , 260.00 SUPERVISOR Salary $19800.00 Office and other expenses 58.00 TOTAL $19858.00 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Salaries $20000.00 Office and other expenses 175.00 TOTAL $2 , 175.00 COUNCILMAN salaries $1,200.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 TOTAL $1 ,300.00 TOWN CLERK Salary , $2 ,000.00 Office and other expenses 119.00 TOTAL $2,119.00 ASSESSORS Salaries $3,600.00 offices and other expenses 200.00 Compensation of employees 125.00 TOTAL $3 ,925.00 Receiver of taxes(Tax Collector) Salaries $11800.00 Office andother expenses 84.50 TOTAL $19884.50 TOTAL-GENERAL GOVERNMENT $16 ,521.50 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY POLICE, CONSTABLES AND DEPUTY SHERIFFS 27S Salivies and wages of Officers $ 300.00 Town Lockup rent 60:00 Mileage and other expenses 1001, 00 Street Lighting 460.00 DOG warden - Salary 400.00 Expenses and Mileage 150.00 TOTAL $10470.00 Forest fires payment to conservation Commission $ 100.00 TOTAL $ 100.00 TOTAL-Protection of persons and property $1,570.00 EDUCATION Attendance officer Compensation $ 200.00 TOTAL $ 200.00 TOWN HISTORIAN Compensation $ 150.00 TOTAL $ 150.00 TQNNN LIBRARY Appropiation $ 100.00 TOTAL $ 100.00 TOTAL EDUCATION $ 450.00 RECREATION Patriotic observances Purchase of flags $ 25.00 Repairs to and adding names to Honor roll 50.00 TOTAL $ 75.00_ TOTAL-Re creation $ 75 .00 PUBLIC UTILITIES Cemeteries $ 250.00 TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES $250.00 CONTINGENT PURPOSES Section 112 of the Town Law $ 885.00 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Unexpended balance(See.115,Town Law) $ 21172 .97 Mortgage taxes 250.00 Income. taxes 4'000.00 Franchise taxes on business corporations 80000.00 Beverage tax(net) 61000.00 Dog Licenses 708.36 Fees of Town Clerk 550.00 - Fees of Justices of the peace 140.00 Fees of assessors 18.00 Fees of Tax collector 118.09 TOTAL $210957.47 TOTAL estimated Revenues(General fund GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Appropiations General Government $16 ,521.50 Protection of persons and property 19570.00 279 Education $ 450.00 Recreation 75.00 Public utilities 250.00 Contingent purposes 525.00 TOTAL APPROPIATIONA $19,691.50 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $21,957 .42 n AMOUNT to be raised by tax for general fund-None i VVELFARE FUND . Appropiations Town welfare officer salary $ 550.00 Office and other expenses 55 :00 TOTAL $ 605000 Hoem relief 700.00 TOTAL $ 700.00 TOTAL Appropiations $1 ,910.00 Estimated revenues None _mount to be raised by tax for welfare fund-None a HIGHWAY FUND Highway fund ( Item 1)-Appropiations General tapairs $199120.00 Special improvements 52000.00 TOTAL Appropiations $249120.00 Estimated revenues State aid $ 5,120.00 i TOTAL REVENUES $ 5,120.00 Amount to be raised'. by :_tax for highway fund ( Iteml) $199000.00 A BRIDGE FUND ( Item 2) Appropiations Labor and team work $ 250.00 Materials for repair and Idiaintanance 250.00 TOTAL Appropiations $ 500.00 Estimated revenue-None Amount to be raised by tax for highway fund (0tem 2) $ 500.00 Machinery Fund ( Item 3) Appropiations Purchase of machinery, tools and implements $ 49920.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements $ 4 ,000.00 Redemption.of machinery certificates $ 10035.00 Interest on machinery certificates 42.00 TOTAL APPROPIATIONS $10,000.00 Estimated revenues None Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund ( Item 3) $10,000.00 ^ SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (Item 4)-Appropiations Salary of Town superintendent $ 2400.00 Expenses of Town Superintendent 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 5000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 1500.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 2500.00 TOTAL Appropiations $11,500.00 280 Estimated revenues Piscellaneous revenues 2000.00 Total revenues 2000.00 Amount to be raised by tax for highway fund ( Item 4) $9 ,500.00 Amount to be raised by tax for highway fund ( Items 2,3,8nd 4) $209000.00 TOWN HEALTH Salary of Health officer $ 881.79 Other health expenses 215.00 Total Board of Health $1,096.79 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Compensation $ 60.00 , other expenses 15.00 Total registrar of Vital statistics$ 75.00 . Amount to be raised by tax for Town Health-None ANNUAL BUDGET-1946-NORTH GLENS FALLS kJATER DISTRICT. Expenditures Bond Principal $500.00 Bond Interest 170.00 Personal services 50.00 �ff ice & Other expenses Collector' s Fees, Postage _ Stationary Water Bills 80.00 Repairs 50100 Purchase of Water 500.00 Purchase of Equipment 15.47 - TOTAL $1 ,365 .47 REVENUES Water rents $ 750.00 Penalties 5 .00 Unexpended balance 72.17 TOTAL Revenues$827. 17 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX $538.30 � ANNUAL BUDGET-1946- WEST GLENS FALLS `J,=_TER DISTRICT EXPENDITURES Bond principal $1000.00 Bond interest 264.00 Personal services 50.00 Office and other expenses Collector' s fees , Stamps envelopes,water bills 150.00 Repairs 75.00 purchase of equipment 100.00 urchase of water 550.00 REVENUES Total $2189.00 - Water Rents $1650.00 Penalties 8.50 Sale of `Hater 15.00 Unexpended balance 3270.70 Total revenues $4944.20 Amount to be r - ised by Tax-NONE. 2 8 f. ANNUAL BUDGET-1946-Ridge Road water District Expenditures cost of improvement Construction of improvement Bond Principal " . � Bond Interest Ma inta inance Office and other expenses Glens Falls Post Co . Printing $ 36.28 Ernest E H Meyer Engineeriijg 175.00 Beecher Clother-Attornev 100.00 Repairs . 64076 TOTAL expenditures 376.04 Revenues-None Amount to be raised by tax- $376.04 On motion meeting adjourned Bert D, Turner Town Clerk Rewular meetinn November 24ht ,1945 At a regular meeting of the Town. Board of the Town of Queensbury held on the above date at 7 :30 P.M. at the Clerk's office , the following members were present : D. Eimer Fowler Supervisor Hnery Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman H. Russell Harris Town Sunerintendent of Highways also present. Minutes of meetinks held on October 27th,1945 and November 7th, 1945 read and approved. Mrs Nolan and Mrs Walker called on theBoard in reference to draimaae along the 1.1eadow brrok road. The board generally discussed the matter with them and no other action takem. Resolution No 38 Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded by Justice Sleight It was resolved that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $300. from the Bridae F7ind to the Miscellaneous Fund of the Highway Fund. Dulv adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr Walkup, Mt; Bentley, Mr. Lampson, 11r. Sleight and Mr Fowler Noes : None Resolution No. 39 Introduced by Justice Sleiaht ,aseconded by Councilman Walkup. It was resolved that the Town Board hereby fixes the amounts of the undertakinas or official Bonds for Officers and funds for the year 1946 as follows: Supervisor General Town Fund $10,000. Supervisor Highway Fund 10,000 Tax Collector 10,000. Siuperindendent of Highways 4 ,000. Justices of the peace 1 ,000.ea