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Manual S
Manual S Compliafte Report Job: :15JOHNCLENDON: Date: Feb 01,2019: Entire House By: FOOTHILL BUILDERS Plan: 1465. Project I • • For: foothill builders T C E " E queensbury, ny 12804 FEB. 6 4 2019 . . Design_Conditions. Outdoor design DB: 85.0°F. Sensible gain: .19429. .Btuh .Entering coil DB:- 75.3°F Outdoor design WB 71.0°F Latent gain:. . 4461 Btuh Entering coil WB: 62.6°F . Indoor design DB: 75.0°.F Total.gain: 23890 Btuh. Indoor.RH: 50%-. Estimated.airflow: 930 cfm . Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Split AC .Manufacturer: York Model`. TCHD30S41S3+HD36A3XH1+TM8X060Al2MP11+S1-1TVM4G1 Actual airflow: 933 cfm Sensible capacity: 0-: Btuh 0% of load_ Latent capacity: : 0 : Btuh . : 0% of load Total capacity: 0 . Btuh 0% of load SHk. 0°70 Heating • • -Design.Conditions Outdoor design DB: _-4.0°F- Heat loss: 93076 Btuh- Entering coil DB: 65.1°F Indoor design DB: 68.0°F. Manufacturer's Performance Data at'Actual Design Conditions Equipment type: Gas furnace Manufacturer: York Model: TM9X080B12MP11 Actual airflow: 933 cfm Output capacity: 76000 Btuh 82% of load Temp. rise: 50 _°F Meets are all requirementsofACCA Manual S: 2019-Feb-01 15:11:21 wrightsOW Right-Suite®Universal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 page 1 AC+CA . langeworthyMocuments\YorM15 JOHN CLENDON.rup Calc=MJ7 Front Door faces: N Residential Plans Examiner Form Form. RPER.1 ACCK. -Jor HVAC System Design (Loads, Equipment, Ducts) A 5.Mar 09- ' AFCadttr•gCartrad'�sdMehe - . QUEENSBURY NY Header Information. Contractor:. FOOTHILL'BUILDERS REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ATTACHED Manual J1 Form(and supporting worksheets): Yes. E]- .No ❑ - Mechanical license: or MJ1AE Form*(and supporting worksheets): Yes 0" No"E] OEM performance"data(heating,cooling,blower):. Yes No 0-- Building plan#: 14.05 Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet: Yes � No 0 Duct distribution sketch: Yes-,D.. No 0 Home.address(Street or Lot#,Block,Subdivision): Entire House HVAC LOAD CALCULATION Design Conditions Building Construction Information Winter,Design Conditions Building Outdoor temperature: -4 °F Orientation: Front Door faces North Indoor temperature: : 68 of North,East,west,South,Northeast;Northwest,Southeast,Southwest Total heat-loss: " . -.93076 Btuh: Number of bedrooms; 3 Conditioned floor area: 4051 "ft2 Summer Design Conditions Number of occupants 0" Outdoor.temperature: 85 T. " Indoor temperature: 75 °F Windows Roof Grains difference: 27 gr/lb @50% RH : Eave overhang depth: 0 ft: Sensible heat gain*. 21588 Btuh Internal shade: none : �Bave" Latent heat gain: Blinds,drapes,etc.. 9 4957 Btuh Depth Window " Total heat gain: 26545 Btuh Number of skylights: 0 SELECTIONHVAC EQUIPMENT ,, Heating. Equipment Data Cooling.Equipment. Data . Blower Data - Equipment tye:: Gas furnace E�ui�ment type SplitAC Heating:cfm' 933" umace,Heatpump,Boiler,etc. it ond'dioner,Heat pump,etc. Cooliflg efm 933 Model: York Model:. York Static pressure: 0 in H2O TM9X080B12MP11. TCHD30S41"S3 Fan's rated external static pressure for .: design airflow " Heating output capacity:" 76p00 Btuh Total cooling capacity: 0 Btuh Heat pumps-capacity atwinterdesignoudoorconditions $enSlbleCOOhngcapacity: 0" Btuh Auk.heating output.capacity: 0 .Btu.h Latent cooling"capacity: .6 Btuh HVAC DUCT C • •1 Design airflow: : .033. cfm Longest supplyduct:"- 0 ft Duct Materials Used Equipment design ESP:: 0 in H2O Longest return duct: 0 ft.:" Trunk duct: Total device pressure losses: 0 in H20" Total effective length(TEL): 0 Available static pressure(ASP):: 0 ,in-H20 Friction rate:: (� in/100ft Branch duct: Sheet metal Friction Rate=ASP=(TEL x 10b) I declare the load calculation,equipment,equipment selection and duct design were rigorously performed based on the building • - -• above. •- • .•e • these • be • - • review • verification. Contractor's printed name: Contractor's signature:." Date: Reserved - *Home qualifies for MJ1AE Form based on Abridged Edition Checklist -�-"WrigIhtsoft* Right-Suite®Universal 2017"17.0.16.RSU25116 T°. } Pro eCt Summary Job: 15 JOHN CLENDON Dater Feb 01,2019 Enure House By: FOOTHILL BUILDERS Flan: 1405 . Proaect Information For: foothill builders .queensbury,.ny.12804 Notes: Desian Information Weather: Glens Falls AP, NY, U5. Winter Design .Conditions -Summer Design Conditions Outside db -4 OF Outside db 85 OF - Inside db 68 .OF. Inside db 75 .OF Design TD . 72. °F Design TD 10 -'F Daily range.: .:M Relative humidity 50 Moisture difference 27 gr/Ib Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 87561 Btuh. Structure 18523 Btuh- Ducts . 5515 Btuh Ducts 906 Btuh. Central vent (0 cfm). 0 Btuh Central vent (O cfm) 0 Btuh (none) (none) Humidification 0 :Btuh. Blower O . Btuh Piping: 0 Btuh . . Equipment load ._ 93076..Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swing.multiplier. 0.90 . .Infiltration Equipment sensible load 17486- Btuh -.Method Simplified Latent-Cooling.Equi- ment.Load Sizing . Construction quality Average Fireplaces 1 (Average) Structure- 4461. Stuh Ducts 0 -Btuh Central vent (O.cfm) 0. Btuh Heatin Cooling (none) Area(ft. 405q 4051 Equipment latent load_ 4461 Btuh Volume(ft3) 36459 36459 . Air changes/hour 0.90 0.40 Equipment total load 21947 Btuh Equiv.AVF_(cfm) 547 243 Req. total capacity at 0.70.SHR 2.1 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment-Summary Make York. Make - York -. Trade- YORK. Trade . HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE Model TM9X080B12MP11 Cond TCHD30S41S3 AHRI ref 2008691 Coil HD36A3XH1+TM8XO6OAl2MP11+S.1-1TVM4G1 AHRI ref .3743063 Efficiency 95.5AFUE Efficiency 12.5 EER, 14 SEER Heating input 80000 .Btuh Sensible cooling 19600 Btuh Heating output 76000 Btuh Latent cooling 8400 Btuh Temperature rise. 74 OF Total cooling 28000 Btuh Actual air flow 933 .cfm Actual air flow 933 cfm Air flow factor - 0.010 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor. 0.048 cfm/Btuh Static pressure. 0 in H2O Static pressure .0. in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.81 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. - wrightsoft 2019-Feb-01 15:11:21 Right-Suite®.Unive�sal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 page.1 ...Wngeworthy\Documents\Y6rk\15 JOHN CLENDON.rup Cala=MR Front Door faces:. N Rlgfltti�®WOrkshe@t Job: 16JOHNCLENDON .. ! Entire 1'IOI/S@ Date: Feb 01,2019 FOOTHILL BUILDERS Fran: 1405- MANUAL J:7th Ed. 1 Name of room Entire House Room1 Room2 Room3 2 Length of exposed wall 511.0 ft 172.0 ft 174.0 ft 17.0 ft . 3 Room dimensions 1.0_z 1254 ft 1.0 x -1419 ft 5.0.x 12.0 ft 4 Ceilings Condit.Option 9.0 ft d 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 ft heat/coolTYPE OF CST HTM Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh): Area Load(Btuh) EXPOSURE -NO. .Htg I Clg (ftj. Htg Clg (ft2) Htg Clg (ftz) - Htg Clg (ft�- Htg Clg 5 Gross a 12E3 5.4 1.0 4599 **"` ` 1548 * 1566 .15.3 * '* Exposed- b 0 0 Mill *** 111111 walls and c 0 0 AM! * ••<• 1!!!!! •• !!!I!! •«< ..* (((i!! ** partitions d 0 0 llllll :< •*•* !I!!!! •• •••* llllll •••• <••< llllll •«: ..*. e 0 0 m1!! <*'• llllll llllll •«• llllll . f 0 0 i!!!!! ••* •••• llllll < <••• llllll ••* ,••• III![I •,•< *.*. 6 Windows and a 3A0 - 39.7 " 175 6943 * _ 50 1984 *"* 0 0 10 397 glass doors b 0 0 0 0 0 *** 0 0 0 0 "** Heating c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ ' 0 0 '*** d 0 0 0 . "" 0 0 "'* 0 0 0 0 **** f 0 0 0 ** 0 0 .... 0 0 *.<. 0 p .... 7 Windows and: North 19.0 60 . :1140 0 .**** 0 0 ' 0 0 0 glass doors NE/NW 0 0 0 0 * 0- 0 0 0 ' 0 Cooling E/W 68.0 70 '* 4760 50 "'* 3400 0 '" 0 10 "" 680 SE/SW 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0. `*'** 0 0 - 0 South 34.0 45 •" 1530 0 '*** 0 0 «•• .0 0 •„* .o Horz 0 0 '... - 0 0 ' 0 0 .«_ 0 0 ::: 0 1. 8 Other doors a 10DO 33.1 6.3 - 119 3941 744. 35 1159 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 . , 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0. 0 9 Net. a 12E3 5.4 1.0 4305 23247 4391 1463 7900 1492 1566 8456 1597 143 .72 146 exposed b 0 0 1 1! 0 0 111111 0 0 llllll 0 0 I1l111 0 -0 walls and c 0 0 1!!!1! 0 0 11111! 0 0 MITI 0 0 11111!: 0 0 partitions d 1 0 0 f!!!!! 0 0 llllll 0 0 !!!!!I 0 0 llllll 0 0 e 0 0 llllll 0 0 11111! 0 0 !!!!!1 0 6 11111! 0 0 f 0 0 !!fill 0 0 Mill 0 0 !!M 0 0 11111! 0 0 10 Cellings a 16GO 2.4 1.1 2927 6955 3284 : 130 309 146 1412 3355 1584 60 143 67: b 0 0 1!1!II 0 :0 !11111 0 0 !1!111 0 0: llllll. 0 0 c . : p. . . 0 . llllll 0 0 llllll 0 0. llllll 0 .- 0 II!!!! 0 0 . . d 0 0: llllll 0 0 111111 0 0 !!M 0 - . 0 1111!1 0 0 111111 o o !!i!!I . o o ui!1! o: o f 0 0 1!!II1 0 0 Mill 0 0 llllll 0 0 llllll 0 0 11 Floors. a 1910 1.7 0 1254 2167 0 1254 2167 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 (Note:-room b 1910 1.7 0 576 995 0 0 0 0 288 498 0 0 0 - 0 perimeter c 0: 0 llllll 0 0 111111 0 0- !!M 0 0 llllll 0 0 is displ. d 0 0 Mill 0 .0 I!M 0 0 !!!!11 0 0 111111 0 0 forslab _ e 0 0 IM!1 0 0 -.11llll 0 0 !MII 0 0 111111 0 0 floors) I f 1 0 0 llllll 1 0 0 MI!1 0 0 !!!!11 0 0 11111! 0 .0 12 Infiltration a 147 9.1 294 43313 2674 85 12523 773 0 0 0 . 10- 1473 91 Ventilation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 13 Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 ***' 87561 *`** 26041 **** "*' 12309 " 2786 **'* Less extemal.heating `< 0 '•** p p *< -0 ..« Less transfer :0 " •• 0 0 . p •••• Heating redistribution *** 0 ••** <.. _ o **.. .<.< p ..,. *<*: 0 *<. 14 Duct loss 6% 5515 6% 1640 6% 775 **'* - 6% 175 ' 15 Total loss=13+14 ` 93076 '** 27681 `*** * 13084 **** 2960 **** 16 Int.gains: People @ 300 0 "** 0 0 . 0 0 0 .0 "" 0 Appl. @ 1200 0 <..* 0 0 .:<: o o .._. 0 0 <;<. 0 17 Subtot RSH gain=7f8..+12+16 *` ***' 18523 *** "" 6030 " "' 3182 ` "' 984 Less:extemal cooling * .0 •*•• p •< 0 ::.< <,., - 0 Less transfer .<.< 0 _ 0 . 0 ...<. <. 0 Cooling redistribution < 0 ...< ...* 0 .«< .* o < ... 0 18 Duct'galn_. *5% "" 906 5% 295 5% '** 156 ;5% "*' 48 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)`PLF 1.06 "'* 19429 1.00 6325 1.00 3337 1.00. 1032 20 Air required(cfm) 933 . 933 ***278 304 ****131 160 *ft 30 50 Calculations approved by-ACCA to:meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wrightsoTt' M19-Feb-01 15:11:21 Right Suite�l.lJniversal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 Page.1. �� .:..langeworthy\Documents\York\15 JOHN CLENDON.rup Calc=MJ7 Front Door faces: N Right-M)Worksheet Job. 16JOHN CLENDON Date: Feb 01,2019 Entire House. ey FOOTHILL BUILDERS Pfan: 1405 MANUAL J:7th Ed." 1 Name of room Room4 Room5 Room6 Room7 2 Length of exposed wall 15.0 fit 15.0 ft 0 ff 56.0 ft . 3 Room dimensions. 15.0 x :12.0 ft 1.0 x 71.0 ft 6.0 x 7.0 ft 1.0. x:634:0 ft pv 4 Ceilings. Condit.Option 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 ft heat/cool. 9.0 ft heat/cool. TYPE OF.. CST_ HTM. Area-. Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh): Area_ Load(Btuh) EXPOSURE. ' -NO. .Htg Clg _ (ft�, Htg Clg (ft� -Htg Clg (ft� Htg Clg . (ft� Htg Clg 5 Gross a 12E3 5.4 1.0 - . 135 ' 135 - " 0 ' 504 Exposed b 0 0 IIIM will *" !11111 *'* 111111: ` walls and c 0 0 1 IM ` Mill "'* * !!m ' *** Mill ' partitions d 0 0 !11111 ** ** Illill e 0 0 !11111 ..:. _. !!1!1! f ' 0 0 111111 .:" ___* Mill ___• •___ IIIIII .... .... IIM! 6 Windows and. a 3A0 39.7 30 :1190 ' 0 0 **'* 0 0 `*" 45 1785 `** glass doors. b 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 .**** 0 0 **'* Heating c 0 .0 .0 "•' 0 0 _* 0 0 0 0 •*•• 7 Windows and North 19.0 30 "'* 570 0 *"* 0 0 0 15 285 glass doors NE/NW 0 0 **'* 0 0 ` 0 0 * 0 0 - 0 Cooling E/W. 68.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 _ 0 SE/SW _ 0 0 0 0 == 0 0 •• 0 0 =_ 0 South_ 34.0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 30 '* 1020 Horz 0 0 "'* 0 0 **** 0 0 '**' 0 0 0 8 Other doors a 10DO 33.1 - 6.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -: 0 84 2782 _ 526 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0. 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 12E3 5.4 1.0 105 567 107 135 729 138 0 0 0 375 2025 383 exposed b 0 0 MI!I 0 0 Mill 0 0 Mill 0 0 Mill 0 0 walls and c 0 0 !!1111 0 0 111111 0 0 lm!1 0 0 111111: 0 0 partitions d 0 0, 1111!1 0 0 I'll 11 0 0 1M!1 0 0 !!!!!1 0 0 e 0 0 Mill 0 0 IMI! 0 0 Mill 0 0 !IM1 0 0 f. 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 !!!!!! .0 0 111111 0 0 IIIM 0 0 - 10 Ceilings a 16GO 2.4 1.1 180 428 202 71 169 80 42 100 47 634 1509 711 . b 0 0 !111!! 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 111111 0 0 i!!1!I. 0 0 c _ 0 0 . 1111!I 0 0 . Mill 0 0 111111 0 0 I!!!!! 0 _ 0 d 0 0: 1I1111 0 0 IRM 0 0 111111 0 0 fill!! 0 0. e 0 0 111111 0_: 0 !!1!!! 0 0 111111 0 0 1111h 0 0 If 0 0 111111 0 0 11MI 0 0 - mill 0 0 1111!! 0 0 11 Floors a 1910- 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0- (Note:room b 1910 1.7 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 perimeter c 0. 0 " 11!Ili 0 0 !111!1 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 !IIM " 0 - 0 is displ. d - 0 0 Mill 0 0 !MI! - 0 0 - IIIIII 0 0 lIlM 0 0 - for slab e 0 0 !lllll 0 0 Mill . 0 0 Mil! 0 0 11!1!! _ - 0 0 floors) f 0 0 11111! 0 0 11111! 0 0 Mill 0 0 Mill 0 0 12 Infiltration a 147 9.1 30 4420 273 0 0 0 0 0 0 129, 19005 1173 Ventilation 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0. 13: Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 **** 6605 : *" 898 **** `*** 100 ** 27104 **'* Less external.heating •• - 0 • __ 0 ••' 0 ,_ 0 Less transfer _= 0 '__ •••• 0 '__ 0 *__= 0 Heating redistribution 0 *` 0 "* 0 * 0 14 Duct loss 6% 416 "** 6% 57 '*`* 6% 6 *"` 6% 1707 **" 15 Total loss=13+14 **" 7021 ***' "* 954 `**` `* 106 "` *"' 28811 16 Int.gains: People.@ 300 0 =_'• 0 0 __•= 0 0 •• 0 0 •:•• 0 Appl. @- 1200 0 *_•• 0 0 •••* 0 0 0 0 •_ .0 17 Subtot RSH gain=7+8:.+12+16 ** '*'* 1152 .' - **'* 217. "** " 47 "' 4097 Less.extemal cooling * __= 0 •• _*•• 0 0 • - 0 Less transfer " 0 0 =___ 0 0 Cooling redistribution ` *"` 0 **** "" 0 ' ` 0 ' "' b 18 Duct-gain 5% *"` 56 5% "" 11 5% "' 2 5% "" 200 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)"PLF 1.00 "' 1208 1.00 " 228 -1.00 " 49 1.60 4298 20 Air required(cfm) 70 58. 10 11 1 2 289 206 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. 2019-F a b-01 15:11:21. . t - - wrightsoft' Right-Suite®:Universal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 Page 2. . A ....langeworthy\Documents\York\15 JOHN CLENDON:rup Calc=MR Front Door faces: N Right-JO WOrkSheet Job: 15JOHN CLENDON h re Eitltll'e HouseDate: Feb 01,2019 . FOOTHILL BUILDERS Pfan: 1405- MANUAL J:7th Ed. 1 Name of room RoomB: Room9 Rooin10 Room11 2 Length of exposed wall 22.0 ft 5.0 ft 35.0 ft 0 ft 3 Room dimensions 1.0 x 119.5 ft 10.0:z 5.0_ft 1.0.x 1.93.0 ft: 1.0.x: 35.5 ft 4 Ceilings Condit.Option- 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 fti heat/cool 9.0 ft heat/cool 9.0 fti heat/cool TYPE OF, CST HTM Area.- Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh) Area Load(Btuh): Area Load(Btuh) EXPOSURE.' NO. Htg I Clg (ft�. Htg Clg (ft� Htg Clg (ft� Htg Clg (ftz)- Htg Clg 5 Gross a 12E3 5.4 1..0 198 "'* "" 45 315 ***` .0 *" Exposed b 0 0 " . I11111 !!!II! '*'* **** mill *'* 1!]!!1: walls and c 0 0 411111 * !!!I!! * ` II!!!! • •" mill partitions d 0 0 111111 ***' `*" !!!!!! *"* **** !!II!! *" *"' MM. HIM IIIM 6 Windows and a 3AO 39.7 " 15 595 " 10 397 15 595 ' ` 0 0 ` glass doors b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "`-* 0 0 . Heating c 0 .0 0 *"` :0 0 . f•••' 0 q 0 0 0 d 0 0 0.:.... 0 0 .... 0 0 p .... e 0 . *. 0 0 .0 0 . .... 0 0 * 0 .0 .... f 0 " 0 0 .... 0 0 ... 0 0 : .... 0 0 7 Windows and North 19.0 15 *' 285 0 . 0 0 "*' 0 0 **;* 0 glass doors NE/NW 0 0 ' ' 0 0 • • .0 0 •••• 0 0 •••*: 0 Cooling E/W 68.0 0 :••• 0 10 `••• 680 0 •••• 0 0 •••• 0 SE/SW 0 0 0 0 . *:.. 0 0 .:.... 0 _ 0 ... 0 South 34.0 0 •••• 0 0 •••: 0 15 •••• 510 0 •••• 0 Horz p 0 ..«« 0 0 0. 0 . . 0 0 ... 0. 8 Other doors. a 10DQ 33.1 6.3 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 b 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 .0 0 Q 0. . ' 0. C. 0 0 6 0.: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 .: 9 Net a 12E3 .5.4 1.0 . 183 988 187 35 189 36 300 1620 306 0 0 0 exposed b 0 0 Mill 0 0 Mill 0 0 11!I11 0 0 - !II!!! 0 0 walls and c 0 0 !!M 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 HIM 0 0 !]Jill: 0 0 partitions d 0 0 11MI 0 0 111111 0 '0 111111 0 0 !!!!!! 0 0 e 0 0 HIIII 0 0 IIIIII 0 0 MIll 0 0- I!IH1 0 -0 f 0 0 111111 0 0 IMH 0 0 Mill 1 0 0 . HIM 0 0 10 Ceilings a 1600 2.4 1.1. 120 284 134 50 .119 56 163 459 217 36 84 40: b 0 0 1!!!11 0 0 111111 0 0 IIMI 0 - 0 . ]]Jill. 0 0 c 0 0 . !!!I11 0 d 0 0 !!Jill 0 0 111111 0 0 II!!!! 0 0 I!!!!! 0 0 e 0 0 !!!!!! 0 : 0 mill 0 0 Mill 0 0 JIM! 0 0 f 0 0 !I1111 0 0 1!1M _ 0 0 ]]1111 0 , 0 HQII 0 0 11 Floors a 1910 1.7 0 . . 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 p 01 0 .0 (Note:.room b 1910 1.7 : 0 b9 171 0 45 78 0 144 249 0 - 0: 0 0 perimeter c 0 0 111111 _ 0 0 111111 0 0 1IM1 0 0 Mill 0 0 is displ. d 0 0 !I!!!! 0 0 111111 0 0 11!111 0 0 !!!!!! 0 0 for slab e 0 0 Hill! 0 0 1]]!1] 0 . 0 111111 0 - 0 !!!!!! 0 0 floors)" f 0 0 !!lI11 0 0 11111! 0 0 111111 0 0 Jill!! 0 0 12 Infiltration a 147 9.1 15 2210 136 10 1473 91 15 2210 136 0, 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 0 10. 0 _ 0 0 0" 13 Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 "*` 4248 *** 2.256 **** '*'* 5132 "** 84. . Less external heating •••' 0 ***• •• 0 *•** ***• 0 '* ••••' 0 •••• Less transfer 0 ` _ 0 0 0 Heating redistribution 0 •••• •• 0 _•• 0 •••• `+•* 0 "- 14 Duct loss - .6% 268 6% 142 "` 6% 323 6% 5 15 Total loss=13+14 - ' 4516 2398 '' " 5456 "` * 90 16 Int.gains: People @ 300 0 ' 0 0 . 0 0 **` 0 0 _ 0 " Appl. @ 1200 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 '* 0 17 Subtot RSH gain=7+8..+12+16 **** *'** 742 "*' ***' 863 " •*** 1169 **** '*** 40 Less.extemal cooling '* •••* 0 ** "R* 0 ••'* 0 ••** • 0 Less transfer •••• 0 -0 •••• • 0 -0 Cooling redistribution ••' •••• 0 *• 0 •••• :««* 0 • *,*• 0 18 Duct gain 5% :"' 36 *5% " 42 5% *** 57 *5% "'* 2 _ 19 Total RSH gain=(17+18)'PLF 1.00 778 1.00 **" 905 1.00 **** 1226 1.60. "" 42 20 Air_required(cfm) 45 37 24 43 55 : 59 1 2 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. Wtrightsoft* 2019-Feti 01.15:11:21 Right-Suite®:Universal 2017 17.0.16 RSU25116 Page:3. ...Jangeworthy\Documents\Ycrk\15 JOHN CLENDON:rup Calc=MJ7 Front Door faces: N 4 EXHAUST SYSTEMS F� TABLE M1507.3.3(1) 710N SYSTEM AIRFLOW RATE REQUIREMENTS CONTINUOUS WHOLE-HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILA NUUGBER OF BEDROOMS 6-7 7 ' DWELUNG UNIT 4-5 FLOOR AREA —� 2-3 AlrnowinCFM 90 (square feet) 60 75 E i: 30 45 90 105 <1,500 75 iy 45 60 105 120 1,501-3,000 gp :? 60 75 120 135 .. 3,001—4,500 105 75 90 135 150 4,501—6,000 105 120 x 9.1' 6,001—7500 105 120 135 150 165 >7,500 For SI: 1 square foot=0.0929 mZ,1 cubic foot per minute=0.0004719 m/s. ,;• TABLE M1507.3.3(2) INTERMITTENT WHOLE-HOUSE MECHANCAL VENTILATION RATE FACTORS'' RUN-TIME PERCENTAGE IN EACH 4-HOUR 25% 33Yo 50% 66% SEGMENT 3 2 15 1.3 .' 4 Factor' emitted to be determined by interpolation. Fjr a.For ventilation system runtime values between those given,the factors are p b.Extrapolation beyond the table is prohibited. TABLE M1507.4 - ; .�:.. ONE-AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS.: 1411507.4 Local exhaust rates.Local exhaust ��esYs�t�u���-• MINIMUM REQUIRED LOCAL EXHAUST HATES; �;�,;�•: be designed to have the capacity to exhaust AREA TO BE EXHAUST RATES;. ;7 .. flow rate determined in accordance with Table M1507.4. EXHAUSTED 100 cfm intermittent or 25 cfm c Kitchens � . Bathrooms Toilet Mechanical exhaust capacity;ofl intermittent or 20 cfm c0ndn*;._ Rooms •. For SI: 1 cubic foot per minute=0.0004719 m3/s. ,. ,:.. 11 £•y 13�G 3. ' i.•. f'. ' 2015INTERNATIO( . ��I l 100 ECM Ilaw ENGINEERING DATA , L/FE BREFIHEAT RECOVERY VENTILATOR TH� THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE,PATENTED . . DEFROST ALUMINUM CORE Recirculatingdamper defrost system.. The counter-flow heat recovery core transfers heat between the two airstreams:It is ' easilyremoved for cleaning br service. CASE Twenty gauge prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance.Insulated to MOTORS AND-BLOWERS . prevent exterior condensation.Drain connections 2-1/2 in.(12 mm)OD.Balancing ports High efficiency electronic commutate ECM motor,for maximum energy savings.Each are located on door. . -airstream has one:centrifugal blower,,with multiple fanspeed operations driven by one- double shaft motor. ELECTRONICS The DXPL02 control included with the unit can be wall mounted in a:central location of FILTERS the home.3 wire 20 gauge(min.)100 ftlength(max.). Washable antimicrobial MERV 6 air.filters in exhaust and supply airstreams; MOUNTING VVARRANTY Four threaded inserts at corners of the cabinet designed to accept the'"s"hooks and Units carry a lifetime warranty on the HRV core and a S year hanging straps supplied with the unit replacement parts warranty. OPTIONAL O• Weather Hood TechGrille i Terminator Wireless 20/40/60 99-185 99-EAG4 99-EAGS i Fitting i Min Timer 99-186 99-TM4 ? 99-DET02 i 99-EAG6 99-187 �! 99-EAGB 99-TM5 l 99-TM6 LIFEBREATH CONTROL OPTIONS TIMER OPTIONS 99-DET01-Lifebteath 20/40/60 Minute Timer Initiates.high speed Ventilation for 20,40 or 60 ✓ minutes.3 wire connection.. 5 speed fan operation on each mode 99-DET02 2 speed fan operation(Low/High) . ✓ ✓ Wireless Lifebre-ath 20/40/60 Minute Timer Continuous low Speed fan operation Initiates high:speed Ventilation for 20,40 or 60 minutes.Wirelessly connects to main control,for - Humiditycontrorthrough adjustable Dehumidistat ✓ ✓ ✓ ease of installation.40'apptoximate range. ExcuMve to Lifebreat i. Large digital LCD screen ✓ 99-RX02-Wireless Lifebreath Repeater LED status indicator lights ✓ ✓ ✓ Extends range of_99-0ET02 Wireless Timers.plugs into 120V power outlet.Wirelessly connects to Continuous Ventilation ✓ ✓ main control and 99-DETO2.Install at halfway ✓ ✓ point between timer and-main wallcontroi if timer Continuous Recirculation is out of range: 20 ON/40 OFF ✓ - 10 ON/50 OFF ✓ 20 ON/40 Recirculation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓�'3 20/40/60 min.High speed override button ✓ 99-lixPLa2 99=oEr02 Compatible with 99-DET02 Wireless Timer ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 wire connection LIFEBRERTH: II indoor Air Systems 100ECM(9-11-18) www.lifebreath.conn 100 14EAT RECOVERY VENTILATOR PERFORMANCE(HVI_CERTIFIED) ;I LIFEBRERTH' VAC @ 60Ht 120 Net Supply Airflow, 161 RIG) 143(68) 129(61) 114(54) 97(46) 78(31) Watts/Low Speed 40 Gross Supply Airflow 165(78) 147(69) 131(62) 117(55) 102(48) 81(38) Watts/High Speed 115 Gross Exhaust Airflow, 229(108) 215(101) 210(99) 203(96) 184(81) 142(67) Amp Rating 1.75 Sensible Effectiveness(ASE) ISO .............................................................................. WEIGHT: 32°F(0°C) 78% @ 64.CFM(30 Us) 160 ....... ..................:................:.:..............:.:........ . 71135(32 KG). Sensible Efficieney(SRE) 32°F(0°C) 71% r, .140 .••••.•. ......•••.• •• .... SNIPPING WEIGHT: @ 64 CFM(30 Us) E 1zo ...;.... . ............... 73 LBS(33 KG) . Sensible Efficiency(SRE) ,. 100 .......:........:...... ............................................. @ 95 CFM(45 Us) 32°F(0°C) 69% c �. ao ....... .................... .. ......... - Sensible Efficiency(SRE) 13°F(25°C) 64°�° a so ..:. NOTE. . @ 68 CFM(32 Us) Front clearance of 25 in.(635.mm)is ...: .... ...: . ............ ....... ... ....... . 40 recommended for servicingunit All ducts .. zo .•.•• �• ••••• ••••• ..... ..... ..... use6 in.(152mm)round collars.Balancing S dampers are located in all air streams.. FUNDSS� ®®� ■� ISO . .�_ 0.1 0.2' 0.3 0.4 0.S 06 VE 9001r C m us CERTIFIED REmneem Static Pressure(in w.g.): DIMENSIONS- FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW. Filter 14 3/4 i�(375 Recirculating Defrost Damper: o � I Blo emouahle //. wer R Heat 1 Motor. � Stare air to outside Recovery Care Fresh air from outside _ ^v -' ---' stale airfrom inside - --- ----- ♦ Fresh air.too-inside 6 in.(152 mm) 33 5/8 In.(854 mm) — RoundCollars ' Date•. WARRANTY Tag: Contractor. Units carry a lifetime warranty on ■ .. parts ,Iloilo Project: Qty Supplier. Engineer Quote#: All.units conform to.ESAandULstandards L F NTH "Control: Submitted By. I EBRE ; - Timer: Timer Qtyi. . Indoor Air systems. - 100ECM(9-ll=18). VAmAifebreath.conn