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t COMcheck Software Version Envelope Compliance Certificate Ri OR ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCEProjectInformation Energy Code:2018 1ECC Project Tite:buy low rental space Location:Glens Falls,New York Climate Zone:6a Project Type ‘Aeration Construction Site:OwnerfAgent lafayette st john carr queensbury,NY buy low carpet warehouse lafayette street queensbury,NY 518-796-1343 FILE COPY Designer/Contractor: shale miller miller designs 19 Prospect street warrensburg,NY 12885 518-480-1054 ‘SMILLEROS@NYCAP.RR.COM Building Area Floor Area “FLEX RENTAL SPACE (Retail):Nonresidential 2586 Envelope Assemblies R-Value Proposed Max.Allowed Bosta ereson arcane Cavity Cont.U-Factor SHGC U-Factor SHGC Roof 1:Altic Roof with Wood Jolsis,(Bldg.Use 1-FLEX RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. Floor 1:Wood-Framed,[Bidg.Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL SPACE], Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. NORTH Enterior Wall 1:Wood-Framed,16"oc.Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. Window 1:Metal Frame:Fixed,Clear,Fixed,Fixed,[Bldg.Use 1 - FLEX RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Surface-applied window film (on single pane assembly. Door 1:Insulated Metal,Swinging,(Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL SPACE] Enterior Wall 4:Wood-Framed,16"oc.[Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Framing cavily not exposed. Window 4:VinylFiberglass Frame:Operable,Other,Operable, Operable,(Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL SPACE],Exemption ‘Surface-applied window film on single pane assembly Door 3:Insulated Metal,Swinging,(Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL SPACE] EAST Exterior Wall 5:Wood-Framed,16"0.[Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. Exterior Wall 6:Wood-Framed,16"0.Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. ‘SOUTH 0300 0.280©0.600.531 0.350 —0370 = 0280©0.280 0430-0831 0.350 —0370 = Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page lof 19 E R-Value Proposed Max.Allowed Rost alteration Aovereay)Cavity Cont.U-Factor.SHGC U-Factor SHGC Enterior Wall 3:Wood-Framed,16°o.c,(Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX =S Ss es = RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed, Window 2 copy 1:Metal Frame:Fixed,Other,Fixed,Fixed,(Bldg, Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Surface-applied \window fim on single pane assembly. WEST Exterior Wall 2:Wood-Framed,16"o.c,[Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX =a a ~RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. Window 2:Metal Frame:Fixed,Other,Fed,Fixed,(Bldg.Use 1 -=—0300 0280©0.360»0.400 FLEX RENTAL SPACE],Exemption:Surface-applied window fim ‘on single pane assembly. Door 2:Insulated Metal,Swinging,(Bldg.Use 1 -FLEX RENTAL =—0.360 —0370 ES SPACE] (@)Fenestration product performance must be certifed in accordance with NERC and requires supporting documentation, Sierras Envelope Compliance Statement Compliance Statement:The proposed envelope alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed envelope systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and fa\comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. —0300 0280©0.380 0.400 DateNameTitle Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 2of 19 .COMcheck Software Version Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: Project Tite: Project Type: Construction Site: lafayette st queensbury,NY 2015 IECC buy low rental space ‘Alteration OwnertAgent: john carr buy low carpet warehouse lafayette street queensbury,NY 518-796-1343 Designer/Contractor: shale miller miller designs 19 Prospect street warrensburg,NY 12885 518-480-1054 SMILLEROS@NYCAP.RR.COM Allowed Interior Lighting Power A B c D ‘Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (fi2)Watts /ft2 (Bxc) ‘FFLEX RENTAL SPACE (Retail)2586 126)3258 Total Alowed Watls=9258 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B ic)D E Fixture ID :Description /Lamp /Wattage Per Lamp /Ballast Lamps)#of Fixture (C XD) Fixture Fixtures Watt.FLEXRENTALSPAGE(Retail2586sa.f.)LED 1:CANS:RECESSED CAN:LED PAR 20W.1 38 5 190 Total Proposed Wats 190nes)Interior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement:The proposed interior lighting alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed interior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IEC requirements in COMc!jon and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection ehcklist, Play ~Reco meer Set Name Title Sionature Date Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 3 of 19 .COMcheck Software Version Exterior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code:2015 IECC Project Tite:buy low rental space Project Type Alteration Exterior Lighting Zone 4 (High activity metropolitan commercial district) Construction Site:OwneriAgent:Designer/Contractor: lafayette st john carr shale miller queensbury,NY uy low carpet.warehouse miller designs lafayette street 19 Prospect street queensbury,NY Warrensburg,NY 12885 518-796-1343 518-480-1054 SMILLEROS@NYCAP.RR.COM Allowed Exterior Lighting Power A B c D E ArealSurface Category Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Watts Watts /Unit Wattage (exc) “Total Tradable Watts (a)=° Total Allowed Watts =° Total Allowed Supplemental Watts (b)=1300 (6)Wattage tradeots are only allowed between tradable areas/surfaces, (©)A supplemental allowance equal to 1300 watts may be applied toward compliance of both non-tradable and tradable areas/surtaces. Proposed Exterior Lighting Power A B c D E Fixture ID :Description /Lamp /Wattage Per Lamp /Ballast Lamps/#of Fixture (C XD) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Parking area (10 fi2):Exempt:Non-tradable Wattag “Total Tradable Proposed Watts 0Sreeaesa Exterior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement:The proposed exterior lighting alteration project represented in this document is consistent with thebuildingplans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application,The proposed exterior lightingsystemshavebeendesignedtomeetthe2015IECCrequirerIcheptVersion4.1.1.0 and to comply with anyapplicable"Pik requirements listed in the inspection, Name-Title ‘Sighature boa Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 arc id\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 4 of 19 COMcheck Software Version Mechanical Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code:2015 IECC Project Tie:buy low rental space Location:Glens Falls,New York Climate Zone:6a Project Type Alteration, onstruction Site:‘OwneriAgent DesigneriContractor: lafayette st john carr shale miller queensbury,NY buy low carpet warehouse miller designs lafayette street 19 Prospect street. queensbury,NY Warrensburg,NY 12885 518-796-1343 518-480-1054 SMILLEROS@NYCAP.RR.COM Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type &Description 1 HVAC System heat (Single Zone}: Heating:1 each -Duct Fumace,Gas,Capacity=76000 KBtuhh Proposed Eciency =95 50%Ec,Required Efficiency:80.00 %Ee Fan System:None 1.HVAC Systom cool (Single Zone) Cooling:1 each -Spit System,Capacity =17281 KBtu/h,Al-Cooled Condenser,Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency=11.60 EER,Required Efficiency:9.70 EER +11.2 IEER Fan System:None 1 Water Heater 1 Electric Storage Water Heater,Capacity:50 gallons Proposed Erfciency:0.09 SL,lh (if>12 KW),Required Efficiency:0.84 SL,%lh if>12 KW) Mechanical Compliance Statement Compliance Statement:The proposed mechanical alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the buildingplans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed mechanical systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IEC requirements in COMcheck Yersion ghet bh 27atTitleSygratureDate Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page Sof 19 COMcheck Software Version Inspection Checklist Energy Code:2015 IECC Requirements:0.0%were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions*column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen.For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented,or that an exception is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided. ‘Sedtion*Plan Review Complies?‘Comments/Assumptions &Req.ID (c103.2 Plans andor specifications provide all CIComplies [PR1}'information with which compliance Foes Not ‘can be determined for the bullding envelope and document where Not Observable exceptions to the standard are Oot Applicable claimed.a |(C1032 Plans,specifications,and/or TDicomplies {Pra}!caeuiations provide al information Cipoes not with which compliance can be ‘determined for the mechanical felNor Cusenante systems and equipment and Oot Applicable document where exceptions to the standard are claimed.Load calculations per acceptable engineering standards and yandbooks, IC103.2Plans,specifications,and/or Ocomplies (PR3])"calculations provide all information Opoes Not meramic ameterne Dit oben heating systems and equipment and ONot Applicableeleeas (C1032 Plans,specifications,and/or Cicompiies IPRA}!calculations provide all information pes Not with which compliance can be determined for the interior lighting LINot Observable and electrical systems and equipment CNot Applicable and document where exceptions tothestandardareclaimed.Information provided should include interior lighting power calculations,wattage of bulbs and ballasts,transformers and (C402.4.1 The vertical fenestration area <=30 Complies[PRI percent of the gross above-grade wall Clpoes Not behead [DNot observableBiotAppiicable [C402.4.1 The skylight area <= 3 percent of the LComplies [PRIIP)—gross roof area.does Not [Dot observablenotapplicable nal Comments/Assumptions: ([]Figh impact (ier 1)[2 [Medium impact (Tier2)[3[Lowimpact(Tier 3) Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 6 of 19 1 High impact (Tier 1)[2 [Medium impact (Tier 2)|3 [Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 7of 19 ‘Sectiona&Req.tD (C303.2.1 Exterior insulation protected against [FO6}”damage,sunlight,moisture,wind, landscaping and equipmentmaintenanceactivities. Footing Foundation inspection |com ‘complies Chooes Not (Not ObservableNotApplicable Comments/Assumptions (C403.2.4.Snow/ice melting system sensors for future connection to controls.FreezeIS. 1C403.2.4.protection systems have automatic ‘controls installed.6 IFooP ‘CicompliesCoesNot Not Observable CiNnot applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 |Figh impact (Tier 1)[2 [Megium impact (Tier)[3 [Low impact (Tier3)|Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 8 of 19 Section ‘constructed or tested in an approved manner.Air barrier penetrations aresealedinanapprovedmanner. (€40215.2,Factory-built fenestration and doors \c402.5.4"are labeled as meeting air leakage[FRIBP requirements. |c402.5,7 Vestbules are installed on all building [FR17}?entrances.Doors have self-closing feevices: Oot Applicable Oot Applicable Bcompiies Oboes Not [Not Observable CicompiiesCoesNot (Not Observable. CiNot Applicable ¥io|Framing /Roushvin inspection|Complies?‘Comments/Assumptions&Req.iD (€303.1.3 Fenestration products rated in Cicomplies|FRIZP accordance with NFRC.Oboes Not CiNot Observable a CiNot Applicable [c303.1.3 Fenestration products are certified as Cicomplies a [FR13}°to performance labels or certificates CiDoes NotproCiNotobservable CiNot Applicable [c402.4.3 Vertical fenestration SHGC value,LlComplies See the Envelope Assemblies [FRIO}"‘does Not Dot observablejaCNotApplicable (¢a02.4.3,Vertical fenestration UFactor.I conrp Nasin(S00 tha Cnlapa acres ae ovatec402.4.3.‘Cdoes NottreyNotobservable(Rey Not Applicable (C402.4.4 U-factor of opaque doors associated Complies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies table for values.* [FRI4}"with the building thermal envelope Cloges Noteeeee[Not observabie [Bot Applicable [C402.5.1 The building envelope contains a CiComplies[FIG continuous air barrier thatis sealed in Coes Not {an approved manner andeither Cor observable Additional Comments/Assumptions: (High impact (Tier 1 Project Title:buy low rental space Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carFRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 2 [Medium impact (Tier 2)[3 [low impactCrier3)|Report date:11/13/19 9of 19 Section E2E°"|mumtingnousnininspecton |comptes?|Comments/Assumptions &Req.iD |C404.5,Heated water supply piping conforms ~L1Complies C404.5.1,to pipe length and volume Oboes Not 4045.2"requirements.Refer to section deta.Cie ObservableCotApplicable (C404,5,Heated water supply piping conforms Cicomplies (een a Eee [€404.5.1,to pipe length and volume Oboes Not e4045.2°requirements,Refer to section deta.raise observable CWNot Applicable Heated water supply piping conforms Cicomplies to pipe length and volume Cdoes Not Fequirements,Refer to section detalls.ye observableCotApplicable (C404,6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a CIComplies(PL7 —_heater and storage tank have controls Cpoes Not that limit operation from startup to<=5 minutes after end of heating __LINot Observable eres CWNot Applicable (€404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a Cicomplies, [PL7}heater and storage tank have controls Clpoes Not that limit operation from startup to ‘<=5minutesafterendofheating_LINot Observable cycle.Not Applicable C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a complies [PL7}®heater and storage tank have controls Clpoes Not that limit operation from startup to <=5minutesafterendofheating_INot Observable eyciel Not Applicable (€404.7 Water distribution system that pumps{PLB}water from a heated-water supply pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a LINot Observable demand recirculation water system. TINot Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a ser ofa fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104"F.ae Tia[C404.7 Water distribution system that pumps CComplies (PL8}>water from a heated-water supply CIpoes Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a EINt Observable ‘demand recirculation water system.INot Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a User ofa fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 104"F.a Ss 1 [High Impact (Tier 1)[2 [Medium Impact (Tier 2)|3 |Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 10 of 19 Plumbing Rough-In Inspection|Complies?Comments/Assumptions Water distribution system that pumps Ccomplies wate ram aheated-water supply”does Not pipe back to the heated-water source through a cold-water supply pipe is a INot Observable demand recirculation water system.CINot Applicable Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon Feceiving a signal from the action of a User ofa fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to 108°F Seatonofneqrst Additional Comments/Assumptions: (i ]Righ impact (Tier)[2[Medium Impact (Tier2)[3 |tow impact (ier3)| Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\ohn carrFRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 11 of 19 Section:_#|Mechanical Rough-In Inspection &Req.ID 'C402.2.6 Thermally ineffective panel surfaces of Licomplies: IME4i}?sensible heating panels have boes notinsulation>=R-3.5.ict obseratieDotApplicable \c402.5.5,Stair and elevator shaft vents have _Licomplies [$403.24 motorized dampers that automatically CiDoes Not esp (co {Not Observable ‘OiNot Applicable Complies?‘Comments/Assumptions 1C402.5.5,Outdoor air and exhaust systems have LiComplies |C403.2,4.motorized dampers that automatically Clpoes Not3shutwhennotinuseandmeetIMessPmaximumleakagerates.Check {EINot Observable gravity dampers where allowed.‘CWNot Applicable |C403,2,12 HVAC fan systems at design complies ‘See the Mechanical Systems list for valves.z nagiconditionsdonotexceedallowableOboesNotMEGS}?fan system motor nameplate hp or fannoe ot observableaeoeDivotApplicable -a(C403.2.12 HVAC fan systems at design Cicomplies ‘See the Mechanical Systems list for values.ces sendtons dont exceed alowable,Cooes wot Mees)?fan system motor nameplate hp of fan INot ObservabletemDhReeceCNetapplicable [€403.2.12 Fans have efficiency grade (FEG)>=ClComplies Renae o7 Tee orletleney othe fan at Coes wot {ME117P the design pointofoperation<=15% of maximum total efficiency of the Not Observable fan CiNot Applicable (¢403.2.12 Fans have efficiency grade (FEG)complies Berane G7,ne atlemielencyoftne fon at Cboes not {MEL17)°the design pointofoperation<~15% of maximum total efficiency of the Not Observable fan ae CNot Applicable }C403.2.13 Unenclosed spaces that are heated s IwE7i}?Use only radiant heat. Not observable_Gnot applicable[€403.2.3 HVAC equipment efficiency verified.ClComplies See the Mechanical Systems ist for values. IMessi Coes Not Not observableNotApplicable |C403.2.6.Demand control ventilation provided complies 1 for spaces >500 ft2 and >25 Ooes notIMES9}'_people/1000 ft2 occupant density and served by systems with air side fot Observable economizer,auto modulating outside CINot Applicable air damper control,o design airow3,000 efm. [C403.2,6,Enclosed parking garage ventilation C]Complies Paexasp Tapeutamatic contaminant detection Cooes not Me1157°and capacity to stage or modulate Wor opservablfansto50%or less of design chonglessofdesigncapacity.Nor Opservab (C403.2.7 Exhaust air energy recovery on____Cicomplies MES7F systems meeting Table C403.2.7(1) Cldoes Not ‘and C403.2.7(2).Not Observable Dot Applicable [a]FighImpact(ier 1)[Medium impact (Tier2)[3 Lowimpact(ier3)| Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/139 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 120f 19 Section *#|Mechanical Rough-In inspection|Complies?Comments/Assumptions &Req.iD s }C403.2.8 Kitchen exhaust systems comply with complies [ME116})°replacement air and conditioned Oboes Not ‘supply air limitations,and satisfy hood rating requirements and maximum Not Observable exhaust rate criteria.Oot Applicable [c403.2.9 HVAC ducts and plenums insulated.CiComplies [ME6O}?Where ducts or plenums are installed LIpoes Not in or under a slab,verification mayneedtooccurduringFoundation DINot ObservableeetNotApplicable oe[c403.2.9 Ducts and plenums sealed based on CiComplies [MELOP static pressure and location,Odoes Not (DNot ObservableOotApplicable Z -|C403.2.9,Ductwork operating >3 in.water complies 1.3.column requires air leakage testing.Opoes NotWee(DNot ObservablenotApplicable 1C403.2.9.Ductwork operating >3 in,water complies 113 column requires air leakage testing.Clooes NotINENotobservable Divot Applicable _'C403.4.4,Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ~Cicomplies ‘See the Mechanical Systems list for values. 6 ‘of individual zone boxes have static Clooes Not |(ME110}°pressure setpoint reset controls.[Not observableNotapplicable |C403.4.4.Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ~Ccomplies ‘See the Mechanical Systems list for values. 6 of individual zone boxes have static~~Opoes NotliMen10*pressure setpoint reset controls.Gor Opeervablenotapplicable [€408.2.2.Air outlets and zone terminal devices Cicompliesihavemeansforairbalancing.Coes NotMeerNotobservablenotapplicable (C403.5,Refrigerated display cases,walk-in CIComplies (€403.5.1,coolers or walk-in freezers served by Does Not (€403.5.2'remote compressors and remote [[ME123}°condensers not located in a eeeCondensingunit,have fan-powered _CINot Applicable condensers that comply with Sections403.51 and refrigeration compressor systems that comply with C403.5.2.S|eeAdditionalComments/Assumptions: 1 [High Impact (Tier 1)[2[Mediumimpact (Tier2)|3 [Low impact(Tier3)|Project Title:buy low rental space Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 13 of 19 Report date:11/13/19 Section* &Req.ID Roughin lect nsectin |comptes!|‘Comments/Assumptions (C405.2.1 Lighting controls installed to uniformly complies [ELIS}’reduce the lighting load by at least Coes Nota[Not Observable ee Pa DiNot Applicable [C405.2.1 Occupancy sensors installed in compliesELIS)"required spaces.does Not [Not ObservableDotApplicable (CAO521,Independent lighting controls installed |C405.2.2,per approved lighting plans and all Cicompties Oboes Not (C405.2.4 Separate lighting control devices for [EL4}’specific uses installed per approved lighting plans. CiNot Applicable 3 manual controls readily accessible and [€123P visible to occupants.{DWNot Observable:not Applicable [€405.2.2.Automatic controls to shut off al ClComplies 1 building lighting installed in all Cooes Noten[Not observableDotApplicable ie(€405.2.3 Daylight zones provided with Ccomplies [ELI6P individual controls that control the Clpoes Not hts independent of general area ct observableDotApplicable ae(C405.2.3,Primary sidelighted areas are Ccomplies |C405.2.3,equipped with required lighting Odoes Notcaos23,[Not Observable 3 Bot Applicable teLz0p [C405.2.3,Enclosed spaces with daylight area LiComplies x : |C405.2.3.under skylights and eee reer Oboes Not 1,‘are equipped with required lighting |C405.2.3.controls.iCINot Observable 3 Dot Applicable fevz1y° complies Ciboes Not [Not Observable Additional Comments/Assumptions: [3 ]High impact(er) |c405.2.4 Additionalinteriorlightingpower _CIcomplies [ELB}"allowed for special functions per the Clboes Not approved lighting plans and is atfomatealy onvaed ana Not Obserabe ____Separated from general lighting INot Applicable (C4053 Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per LIComplieseLs!face.Cloves Not (Not ObservableNotApplicable Z|Medium impact (Tier 2)[3 [Low impact (Tier 3) Project Title: Data filename: buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 \\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicadl\ohn carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 14 of 19 Section:Insulation Inspection:‘Complies?‘Comments/Assumptions &Req.ID | [C303.1 Roof insulation installed per Cicomplies TIN3)manufacturer's instructions.Blown or Cloges Not Poured loose-fil insulation is installed only where the roof slope is <=3 in IEINot Observatite ie Not Applicable [E3031 Building envelope insulation is labeled Cicomplies [N20 —_with R-value or insulation certiieate Cloges Not Broviding R-value and other relevant Coe opservableGotapplicable (C303.2 “Above-grade wall insulation installed Complies IIN7F’—permanufacturer’s instructions.oes Not. [Dot observable ___Bot Applicable {G3032))Floor insulation installed per complies 1€402.2.4 manufacturers instructions.Cavity or Oboes Not [INSP structural slab insulation installed in’er opcervablepermanentcontactwithundersideof|decking of structural slabs.INot Applicable (€303.2.1 Exterior insulation is protected from—CComplies INIA?damage with a protective material.Clpoes NotVerificationforexposedfoundation insulation may need to occur during CINot Observable Foundation Inspection.Oot Applicable [€402.2.1 Insulation intended to meet the root CComplies [N17 insulation requirements cannot be Cloes NotinstalledontopofasuspendedQNotObservablecelling.Mark this requirement compliant if insulation is installed CINot Applicable accordingly.I a -[c402.2.3 Above-grade wall insulation R-value,ClComplies Sethe Envelope Assemblies table for values.Ney Coes Not (CiNot Observable i -i:Dot Applicable =>‘[€402,2.5 Floor insulation R-value.Cicomplies Seethe Envelope Assemblies table for values. INSP Coes Not Not Observable Oot Applicable Se ae se <pe }C402.2.6 Radiant panels and associated Ocomplies |[IN18P—_components,designed for heat does Nottransferfromthepanelsurfacestothe ‘occupants or indoor space areInsulatedwithaminimumofR- [Not ObservableNotApplicableSee the Envelope Assemblies tablefor values.~Ocompties {IN2}’"systems,verification may need to ClDoes Not ‘occur during Framing Inspection (CINot Observable Cot Applicable /C402.5.1.All sources of air leakage in the Ccomplies 1 building thermal envelope are sealed,Cpoes Nottay)Coed,gasketed weather sppeastwrppedwinmasturevoper”iNet Observate permeable wrapping material to INot Applicable minii ize air leakage. Additional Comments/Assumptions: [E]High impact (Tier)[2 [Medium impact (Tier 2)3 [Low impact (Tier 3) Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 15 of 19 |C408.2.5.systems within 90 days of system Coes Not ‘combustion fuel burning appliances, bullding thermal envelope or enclosed in a room,isolated from inside thethermalenvelope.Such rooms aresealedandinsulated, —,Not observableNotApplicable |c402.5.3 Where open combustion air ducts CiComplies|[FIS1—_provide combustion air to open Oboes Not INot Observabletheappliancesandcombustionair|Tl! ‘opening are located outside the ONot Applicable Section 7 #Final Inspection ‘Complies?Comments/Assumptions&Req.iD (C303.3,Furnished O&M instructions for Cicomplies$408.25.systems and equipmenttothe does Not2buildingownerordesignated[FA7P representative.epiDesepveisOotApplicable |C303.3,Furnished OSM manuals for HVAC CiComplies,= 'C402.5.6 Weatherseals installed on all loading CiComplies [F126 envelope to limit infitration and be IC Opoes Notratedandlabeled.Seal between interior finish and luminaire housing,Not ObservableotApplicable IFI37}*dock cargo doors.Cibees not (QNot Observable: z Not Applicable 7[G40258 Recessed luminaires in thermal ClComplies [c403.2.2 HVAC systems and equipment _GicomptiesIIFI27Pcapacitydoesnotexceedcalculated~Opoes Notloads.(CINot Observable CONot applicable |C403.2.4.Heating and cooling to each zone is LIComplies 1 controlled by a thermostat control.ClDoes Not[F147 Minimum one humidity control device .Temperature controls have setpoint ClComplies overlap restrictions.Clboes Not |C403.2.4,Each zone equipped with setback Cicomplies2controlsusingautomatictimeclockorDoesNot[F139 programmable control system. 1/High Impact(Teri)[2 [MediumimpactCier2) per installed (Not Observable humidification/dehumidification Oot Applicableuteeiis}C403.2.4.Heating and cooling to each zone is+Ocomplies 1 controlled by a thermostat control.Coes NotrarepermanentcomboGenetwotopsevatie humidification/dehumidification ‘CiNot Applicable ‘Thermostatic controls have a 5 °F compliesdeadband.Oboes Not (CNot Observable Not Appticable [Not observable‘ot applicable [Not ObservableNotApplicable [3 [lowimpact(Tier 3) Project Title:buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19Datafilename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\ohn carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page ‘Section .#Final Inspection ‘Complies?Comments/Assumptions &Req.ID a(€403.2.4.Automatic Controls:Setback to 55°F Complies 21,(heat)and 85°F (cool);7-day clock,2-Opoes Not(C403.2.4,hour occupant override,10-hour5Basare [ot observable (FI40P DNot Applicable eat aps Indtalled on supply and _Licomples Sa(FIP discharge piping of non-circulating does NoteeeCINotObservable___EiNot Applicable 404.4 accordance complies IFI25P section details and Table C403.2.10.oes Not CNot Observable ___ Bot appiicable vaneC405.4,1 Interior installed lamp and fixture complies (F118)lighting power is consistent with what Cpoes Not Is shown on the approved lighting plans,demonstrating proposed watts ae Observable are less than or equal to allowed Not Applicable watts, |C408,2.1 Commissioning plan developed by complies (F128)!registered design professional or Coes NotapprovedapeneyereOiNotApplicable [C408-2.3.HVAC equipment has been tested to complies 1 ensure proper operation.‘Dlboes Not [GnEES iNot ObservableotApplicable 1C408.2.3.HVAC control systems have been complies 2 tested to ensure proper operation,does Not[fnop callation and sojusment oF controls.yee Nee ienotApplicable |C408.2.4 Preliminary commissioning report complies(FIZ9 ‘completed and certified by registered Coes Not Gesign professional or approved not gy vableseen______EiNot Applicable aaeonanee(C408.2.5.Furnished HVAC as-built drawings complies:Submitted within 80 days of system—Clbges Notfrpseeeptance:pt eatie___DiNot Applicable - [€408.2.5.Furnished as-built drawings for Kicomplies:lecrle power systems wahin 90 days boss Not[FI6P of system acceptance.eeePatsNotApplicable |C408.2.5.An air and/or hydronic system complies 3 balancing report is provided for HVAC Cpoes NotFia3psystems,aeNotApplicable /C408.2.5.11 commissioning report due to complies hi bulding owner win s0 daysof”Clogs not(FI30P receipt of certificate of occupancy.(Not ObservableNotApplicable [TRigh impact Ter1)—[2![medium impact Cer)[3 |Low impact ier3)—] Project Tie buy low renal space Report date:TASB Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page Aof 19 ayneensquo Final Inspection Complies?‘Comments/Assumptions (408.3 (F33y Lighting systems have been tested to Clcomplies ensure proper calibration,adjustment,ClDoes Nottion,programming,and opé (Not ObservableNotApplicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: [I ]Figh impact (ier1)[2 [Medium impact(Tier2)~[EItowimpact trier 3)—] Project Tite: Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\john carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page buy low rental space Report date:11/13/19 1B of 19 Project Title:buy low rental space Report date;11/13/19 Data filename:\\SHALE-HP\FreeAgent\2019 archicad\iohn carr\FRONT RENTAL SPACE\buy low rental 10-19.cck Page 190f 19