Manual Jr Job:RENTAL SPACEManualSComplianceReportDate:Oct 14,2019EntireHouse Plan:RENTAL SPACE Project Information For:buy low ‘QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 FILE COPY 1 Cooling Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB:85.0°F Sensible gain:13952 Btuh Entering coil DB:75.2°F Outdoor design WB:71.0°F Latent gain:3330 Btuh Entering coil WB:62.8°F Indoor design DB:75.0°F Total gain:17281 Btuh Indoor RH:50%Estimated airflow:1173 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type:Split AC Manufacturer:York Model:YCJD36S4181+H,YE48(1,2)36+T"(8,L)X"A12#TXV Actual airflow:1173 cfm Sensible capacity 0 Btuh 0%of load Latent capacity’0 Btuh 0%of load Total capacity’0 Btuh 0%of load SHR:0% Heating Equipment In Conditions Outdoor design DB:-4.0°F Heat loss:68025 Btuh Entering coil DB:66.7°F Indoor design DB:68.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type:Gas furnace Manufacturer:York Model:TM9X080B12MP 11 Actual airflow:1173 cfm Output capacity:76000 Btuh 112%of load Temp.rise:50 °F Meets are all requirements of ACCA Manual S. 2019-00-00 10:16:58geHEwrightsoft™rensuee uovenal 2017 120.16 RSU25H8 peeraisootangeworthy\Documents\Yok\BUY LOW:up Cale =MJB Front oe faces:N =RPE7.@@NaeforHVACSystemDesign(Loads,Equipment,Ducts)JEAeaey) Nonterg rence Residential Plans Examiner Review Form QUEENSBURY NYHeaderInformation Contractor:REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ATTACHED Manual J1 Form (and supporting worksheets):Yes]NoMechanicallicense:‘of MJTAE Form*(and supporting worksheets):Yes No F]OEM performance data (heating,cooling,blower):Yes [}No []Building plan=RENTAL ManualDFrictionRateWorksheet:Yes NogDuctaistributionsketch:Yes E]NoG]SPACE,Home address (Street or Lot,Block,Subdivision}:,Entire House Design Conditions Building Construction Information Winter Design Conditions Building‘Outdoor temperature:4 Orientation:Front Door faces NorthrtmaceNethE50West,South Norhenst,Norwest,Southeat Southwest ‘otal heat loss:68025 Btuh Number of bedrooms:1 Conditioned floor area:3277‘Summer Design Conditions Number of occupants:0Outdoortemperature:85 F Indoor temperature:75 F Windows feGrainsdiference:28 grilb @50%RH ave overhang depth on aSensibleheatgain15502.Biuh Infernal shade:none gasLatentheatgain3700.Btuh Wind dpe te.Bes [cwTotalheatgain:19202.Btun Number of skyfights:0 C EQUIPMENT SELECTION (IRC M1401 Heating Equipment Data Cooling Equipment Data Blower Data uipment ype Gas fumace Equipment SplitAC Heating cfm 1173Gliasuena:eegrw fn tiraMode:York Mode:York Siatc pressure:Q in H20‘TMaxoaoet2MPtt vousesaist fake hipdestenuretate estar fer Heating output capeciy 78000,Bub Total cooling capacity:0 BtuhREPfeEyNerdenGROGcttine[OL aling capaci,ea‘Aux heating output capacity:©Bun Latent cooling capacity.0 Bun Design airflow:1173 cfm Longest supply duct on Duct Materials UsedEquipmentdesignESP:0 inH20 Longest return duct on Trunk ductTolaldevicepressurelosses:0 inH20 Total effective length (TEL:ftAvailablestaticpressure(ASP):0 in 20 Friction ae:psec crex xg I/IOON Branch uct Sheet metalSeeneiceeteeeeeeenEePaueaeee) Contractor's printed name: Contractor's signature:Date: ty,Town Municipality or Authority having jurisdiction use “Home qualifies for MJ1AE Form based on Abridged Ealtion Checklist AE wrightsoft>oy suse une!2017 1.018 RSUzEI8 Project Summary Date:Ota 2019r:Entire House By: Plan:RENTAL SPACE Project Information Fe buy I°°QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Notes: Design Information Weather:Glens Falls AP,NY,US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db -4 °F Outside db 85 °FInsidedb68°F Inside db 75 °F Design TD 72 °F Design TD 10 °F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 28 grilb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing ‘Structure 64822 Btuh Structure 13232 BtuhDucts3204BtuhDucts719BtuhCentralvent(0 cfm)0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm)0 Btuh (none)(none)Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 68025 Btuh Use manufacture Rate/swing multiplier 0.90InfiltrationEguipmentsensibleload42887 Btuh Method ‘Simplified i izir Construction quality roel nes Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Fireplaces 0 ‘Structure 1540 Btuh Ducts 1790 BtuhCentralvent(0 cfm)0 Btuh Heating Cooling (none)Area (ft?)a 32)Equipment latent load 3330 Btuh ‘Volume (ft?)26216 26216 .Air changes/hour 0.37 0.19 Equipment total load 15886 Btuh Equiv.AVF (cfm)162,83 Req.total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.5 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make York Make YorkTradeYORKTradeADPModelTM9X080B12MP11CondYCJD36S41S1 AHRI ref 2008691 com “9 ve 1,2)36+T"(8,L)X*A12+TXVtEfficiency95.5 AFUE Efficiency 11.5 EER,14 SEER Heating input 80000 Btuh Sensible cooling 24640 Btuh Heating output 76000 Btuh Latent cooling 10560 Btuh ‘Temperature rise 60 °F Je cooing 35200 BtuhActualairflow1173cfmActualairflow1173cfmAirflowfactor0.017 cfm/Btuh Air flow factor 0.084 cfm/Btuh‘Static pressure 0 inH20 Static pressure ‘0 inH20‘Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.81 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J &th Ed. =218.0030 1018584-H wrightsoft™o-suteo Unters!2017 170.16 RSUzsHI8 PagetAEXscotngonornyOocumesVaKiBUYLOWinpCale=MUP Fen Door faces:N AED Assessment ee A ee 4 Date:Oct 14,2019EntireHouseBy: Plan:RENTAL SPACEESProjectInformation For:buy low QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Design Conditions Location:Indoor:Heating CoolingGlensFallsAP,NY,US Indoor temperature (*F)68 75Elevation:335 ft Design TD (°F)72 10 Latitude:43°N Relative humidity (%)50 50Outdoor:Heating Cooling Moisture difference (gr/lb)48.0 278 Dry bub (*F ™ “4 on " Infiltration: aly range ("1 -Wietbuby’e):nWindspeed(mph)15.0 75 st for Adequate Exposure Diversi Hourly Glazing Load 5,000-- 4,500 4000+ 3,500" 3,000 2,500 tacing tne (oh) 2,0004- 1800+ 1,000-} 00+ ot +++5 8 wm fh 2 w i w dW 8 1 2 our of9y2etynaa 7 10 Maximum hourly glazing load exceeds average by 11.2%. House has adequate exposure diversity (AED),based on AED limit of 30%. AED excursion:0 Btuh 2019-00120 10:15:58,Zz TH wrightsoft rise cutve Unies 2017 170.10 Rsu2stte autACER..eicatngeworty.Documenis\Yok\BUY LOWrup Cale *MJB Fron Door faces:N Right-J®WorksheetEntireHouse Job:RENTAL SPACE Date:Oct 14,2019, Plin:RENTAL SPACE 1]Room came Ente Howe Roomt 2)Exposed wal ‘3780 ft zane 5]Roem right son son eaticoa 4]Room dimensions 10 x mmo n 5|_Room aca sr fe 24820 wv action uvave_[or Hu,Awa (4)ood ‘Area ()‘oss rumter eunnF}coun)|or peimeter_()(eu or perimeter)un) Heat|coo|cross|wes|Hea|coo|Gross|wes|Hest|coo 4 he 120-080 cos]n|ess]180]oer]ara]svar]rats]aan]as]ara]casiDe2orosmn|aod 1038]“eo 0]tea]“oea]“eo 0]ea]eax00Oscon|zoe]‘a 3a|2]ai]600]are]zi]“so0]178 120-000 Goo]&|“ess|to]sas)aan]ste]725]30g]as]aaa]sar 14 tDeaow osm 6}stoi)sar]0]285]3819)|o id ‘9100Osco]S|20s)asa}2]zi]500]tra]zi]500]178 lw|2¢-05W Soe]se}“ess)so]==]gt]Seo]on]at]at],am]lw|426-0ew Soe]S|655)iso]777]777]soao]-—rin5]—aa]aa]auraliao0e0Sos]sw}6.85)1150]tea)tan]az]tao]tn],as],ear]tato}Hoo sco}sw]2.08)8.39]aa)aa]tira]sa]ao]_a]ara]ea120-050 Soe]w|“6ss|‘50 sas]str]saan]777]au]au]_aan]|coor osm}w|aioq)sea7]“39 |ceo]say q q A 9 lo|468-9000 ox]|“2aq)“1.44]—zszn|©2aza|—sazo]ae]trai]7a]soma]2aog F |zA%om tio]=|steel o.00]2505]“aa7]20057]of 2taz]230]2028 q F|Zantpm tee]©|steel 0.0]1 o)q q o 9 q 6|_c)AED excursion d d Envelope nss/gain saira|12300 ‘occe|6x31 2]2)temtration |Tose]seal 5)_Room vertiation Q q Q Q 13]intemal gain:et ee dl Fl q A Applanceslotrer q q Subttal (ines 6 to 13)evexa|13222 aeccul 7209 ese externa fad dl q d AesetaterQlqqq Redetroaton Q |q q 14]Stoter e4sz2]13209 ecat|7200] 18|Duct ads |sm]“szoa]710)usu]aos]aca “otal roo oa 8025]13059 sose]—7e0a|Alrrequed (fm)73]73 ‘am0]—_“es6| Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Rn He wrightsof”ign cutee univers 2017 170.18 RoU2s116 rsiscattlangeworthy\DocumentelVorkIBUY LOWsup Cale=MJB.FrontDoor faces:N 201902130 10:15:59 Page 1 Right-J®Worksheet an eee‘bs Entire House RENTAL SPACE 3]Room rae oon 2]Exposed wa en man 3]Reem nage son etioat son eau a]ec dimensions 10 x aor 10 x mor|Reem ave son 720 Ty|Consineton save Jor]wm|Area oad area)edramberjexaveeexe)|or peimeter m|Guay ee peineter qty|tun eat|cou|Gres|ners|Heat|coo|Gres|wes|Hes|coo |120-000 coool n|ss]150]es]onl _—atal—co|._—sr]—aer|ealhelpSern|sto)seas]=O]“||G |sole ao 100 Son|te00 ‘ase}=9]||of12-00 Sao]e]‘sss|‘eof=of So |wale]755]1)Lol ipa Some)sto]say}=o]=o}J x o|203]sa‘0 Sooo|taco]“sae!=],So]4 q |I jw|20-06 San se]ess]‘eof=oft 4 5 of offw|2c-oew Sool s|sss]ts}=]ot o]aoe assa]ar"aco Som]ow}Ss]20|of ot F fo}to}tbe 900]sw]2606]ase}=],4 +fF of ogeg|ese Somlw|ess]aol=oft of 12]e]ze]‘sDeaov Sem w|sto sev]of ot |elo]aa]|166-300 Doo "|“Ze TR}3]|oa],cal n]_—rea]ara]1003 F|2aktom ‘iao]=]etso|oof«=3|“a]ara A }To)F|22mm tae0]=]base]O00)“off 9 ‘|owl 6|_c)AED excursion q A Envloe ss/oin vei]25 vests]soa 72]=)tetration |e aia]ang 8)Rom entiation 4 G ol7teteragasotzyd4||Reprces/sher 4 4 ‘Subic res 6 15)ssa]17 wares]5855 Less extma a o|4|fl{ess rorster 4]4||Roditaton 6]o|s]14]Stitt 1as3|sarge]sess 45|Duet fads ov ow|a]To]sw]ram]ar “eka rom a le]‘easr|—_se54 ‘ir regare m)=|‘zi|“soa Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Re He wrightsofe rig.sute Universal 2017 170.18 RSU2SHE ‘alecotangeworthy\Documents\YokIBUY LOWsup Cale =MJB.Front Dos feces:N 2018-00130 101659 Page 2 eVTams00)11S) ENGINEERING DATA THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE,PATENTED ‘ALUMINUM CORE The rass-om eat recovery care transfers heat between the to airstream tis easily removed for leaning or seve. MOTORS AND BLOWERS Each aitstream kas one centrifugal bower driven by acomman PSC motor with multiple fan sped operations FILTERS Washable ater in exhaust an supply a streams, MOUNTING Feurtreaed insets at comers ofthe cabinet designed to accep thes”hooks and ‘gn traps supplied withthe unt elaine eH DEFROST Reciralating damper defrost system,Une |fBRER; CASE my Twenty gauge prepainted galvanized ste fr superoecoraion resistance Insulated to prevent exterior condensation.Drain conection 2 1/2,(12mm)OD,Balancing ports ae located on dor, ELECTRONICS The DXPLO2 conto neue withthe unit canbe wall mounted ina cnta location of the home.3 wire 20 gauge (rin)100 ft length (max). CLIN Cau sd 5 sped fan operation on ath mode ¥2speedfanoperation(Low/High)% Continuo low sped fan apeation Dual ioot enter toot Teena |somtatrawigSeerfaesessse6@seassomeseisrsees((smeesBEECSue LIFEBREATH CONTROL OPTIONS TIMER OPTIONS {98-DETOI-tifebreath 20/40/60 Minute Timer Initiates high speed Ventilation for 20,a0 ar 60 99-peT02 Wireless Lifebreath 20/40/60 Minute Timer Initiates high speed Ventilation for20,40 or 60 4 ‘minutes.Wirelessly connects to main contol for Humidity control trough adstable Debumidistat ¥ease of installation.40’approximate range. excusive to Uebreat, Lange dial.seen 99-Rx02-Wireless Uifebreath Repeater LED tats ind ihts v e Extends range of 8-0ET02 Wireless Timers.lugs Contin tation C [ron conan DEO shat aay ERECT 5 =seve ined man wa cel ne = 200040 OF re | roows0 z | 20 0N/40 Recirculation So “ee 20/40/60 min,High speed override button v eee EoContiwt88-0102 Wiles Timer f Von a 3 wie conection x v vee LIFEBREATH }#indoor Air Systems. (69-95MaX(C1-01-18)wowlfebreath.com eTelesAMO)d avd eB]24 PERFORMANCE (HVI CERTIFIED) wc @ 60k 1 Net Sup iron sere)|s6cn|66am|sor)|35026)‘Wats aw Speed ry UFERR ER,a coxstan|v6|oH|roy|coen|oren ||Vat rnnee eS Sins tat ew|area|aso)|e909|ree|rec06)||Anwtng ayf}WEIGHT:Swat tons AS) @ancru as Case)0 52 LBS (23.6 KG) Seni ey =#SHIPPING WEIGHT: @ancru aus eee F 56 LBS (25.4 KG) Ses ity):eeenercaus)ee ©seis|sos tine SR|yyy =x : esi crus (2570)|68%Front clearance of 25,(65 rsrecommendedfrservicingunitRound dct 10 eamnetions are Sin (17mm and oval calls use in (12 mn eomections. Static Pressure (in w.) DIMENSIONS ont ew Tor wewso90 sate-Wt aw )State sito outsiae'1D tres sir tom ovsaei=‘tate air rom inside7atoneria fresh arto insige Sa smn‘utenetne bate coringaynder eeeeeitvee:cheer pee oye supper ad tree uote Aus oom hand stra2ee——— LIFEBREATH BE socor te ystemstimerTimerQty: 69-9SMAN(O1-01-8)wwwafebreath.com