Deed Q ARREN COL N1 A CL ERE: 437 RECORDING COVER SHEETIJ 251�2 NO OF PAGES KI DE LISE; 1333 RIO 76, .-ILD D TL FE F ADDTL NAMES Qtzeensbury *j**w got**.* Meme RH m b5aks behyv be(bre sub mating Ar recording PARTY OF THE FIRST PART SerrasmithR bert son andcjjles M __-mLth PARTY OFTHE SECOND PART—Aathanw—Baul P n a- , nd pwcnja e—zsaa ine Wirer PLECOF-DE D By kne ncy, me j RETURN, TO z__qha_ Exq I Miller , Mannix, Schachner & HaVer' 451 Glen Street Glsns Falls NY 128 )1 MUMMY M Y. L pon recordtng, this page bt"ClIMeS a part of the duc u ment 03 00 rM 14 9 R"D E C-' 0 0 C U t-1 F 1.4° t 7 8 9 .4- ..e r A ti h m r v r, r 4 t[u a" .�I�w.�''.`.n�4 r.� a-Aa �,.r p.A a Z ,A S: ;a OC I rB a nd" r ^_�^:a`el any roads acu,�'.';iri ore � �v'�µw : p,�,e'm;s s 5 i M 4ue�.4 li s t.h s f g WPI ar AV theCvrp°.,inermwe and ad the estate a7d rigri s °M the parties o tree f,'st p am�'t tr. c'ai N' to saa d prsrnil as o I't va a-id to hcdd thefew s r",ar an,, anted unto the pates of the secoQd part their heirs and assigns f r v r AND, the parties of the first part covenant that they have not done or suffered an thmg whereby the said premises, have been epaumbe.red in any way + hate°ver wn b t to the trust, fund provwsicns of 'Section Th�rt r) of the Lren Lave IN WITNESSWHEREOF the partiesof the first par, ha%�e duAy execu�ted this deed the dayand' year first above written w � - Charles, t Snaith Sara Smith Robertsar, .,,,, DOCUMENT 4 .t 7894 L1 ER,: _ 1 37 FA G E SchedUle A T-�A 7 C E R A P, 0 p 1� 4 � p k R C'E- Or- LAN'D 1, r- n ,,,7 a 7 0 n, 0P Q_e�anStr� C�U 7�t„ C�14 VF"3 7,�e r: q-�4 at,_ �; N a,, : : yark ard sc, t e,-j a's BEGN,V'NG at t:,,- mcs" e+nd' 0" R ,,ear:-de Dnea7'4 t.je soLAhves"e�'y bCL7ds of ether' lads of 4ia- pra Nlchaio, I verCcrporatdor, rjnnng une-ice Sou.th 35 degrees ant 22 r-nrn,jtes Wes, alof-.g sad Rvers Ce Drrve a d sta7ice of SO GO feet to the L lands ccr,veyed to Robert and -,ttty Nelson thence runmng along said lads of Ne�son the folloo,iyi,ng three (31 ccurses and drst@nces 0!) South 55 degrees a7d 17 mmmj'es West a ci,staInIce of 214, 56 feet ic ari. trop rod set i.n the ground for a comae® (2) South 29 degrees and 3a minu:.es West a distance of 226 94 feet to a twenty six inch diameter Heml:cck tree (3), South 29 degrees and 38 minutes W a dustance of 28 feet more or less to the shore of the Hudson Ruver theR,ce ru nni,ng southwesterly along said sh ore! a distance of 810 feet more or less to a point at the northeast cosier o; the lands conveyed to Davert W and Colleen A Cook by deed dated March 9 1981 and recorded in book 6371of deeds at Page: 833 runningthence North, degrees 34 mmutes and 50 seconds West adwstaniceof55, feet more orless to an iron. rod set in the ground for a corner thence continuing along sand leads of Cook Nor'th 46 degrees, 34, minutes and 50 seconds West a distance of 2019 00 feet, to an iron pipe found, at the most noi-t�herly corner of said lands of Cook thence: runnin,gi South 33 degrees 07 minutes and 10 seconds West still along, said lands of Cook a distance of 152, 50 feet to an iron pipe found at the southwest corner thereof in the northy bound, of the lands of Robert and Joyce Eggleston thence running along salild lands of Eggleston the following Mo courses and distances (1) North 46 degrees 34 minutes and 50 secoridl,5 West a distance of 50 8 1 feet (2) South 33 degrees 29, munutes and 50 seconds West a distance of 265 4 5 feet to an iron, rod set in the easterly, bounds of the lands of Margaret Baxter thence runnitnig Nor1h 03 decrees and 4B minutes West along said lands of Baxter a distance of 62.8 36 feet to an, iron pipe found at the southwest corner of the! lands now of formerly of Howard Riosenb[urn thence running along said lands the follolving hivo (2) courses and distances (1) North 86 degrees 04 minutes, and 310 seconds East a distance, of 645 10 feet to an Gran, rod set in the g�round for a corner (2) North 05 degrees 23 mmutes and 30 seconds West a, dista,-.Ce of 637 14 feet to en iron, pipe found at the southwest corner of the lands, of Leon and LiMan Mc otter thence running, Siouth 73 degrees 06 minutes and 50 secopds East allong said lands a distance of 575 46, feet thence running South 4 degrees and 318 mviutes East along the [ands of Niagara NMQ`�za'wk Povv'er Corporatiior a dis"'ance of' 480 71 feet to the pornt and place of beg!nn.-.r,g contai7ing 118 91 acres, of land be the same more or less Be a r!-igs give- e a e, d--:-s ref el t7, to M.@-7 e" c rre r -.,a r as o.