Application ! TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APPLICATION TO ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Number : Submission Date: October 12, 198: 1. Applicant ' s Name: NPSC Corporation Phone No. Street Address: 30 Wall Street City, State, ' Zip: New York, New York 2. Agent ' s Name: W. L. Christopher, Inc. Phone No. 79T Street Address: Northway Plaza -- P.O. Box 732 City, State, Zip: Glens Falls, New York 12801 3. Owner ' s Name (if different from 1. ) : Street Address: City, State, Zip: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL 4 . Application is made for: I Use Variance II Area Variance III Site Plan Review Sign Variance X 5. Zone Classification - Article: IV Section: 4 . 020-h 6. Allowable Uses as per Ordinance (describe) : Local retail business or personal service establishments, including stores and offices. 7 . Recent Use of Property: Shopping center and offices. B . Proposed Use: Shopping center and offices. 9. Is lot in question within 500 feet of a County or a State R.O.W. or park, municipal boundary, or watershed draining any County or State facilities, requiring review of the Warren County Planning Board: Yes ( X) No ( ) A plot plan in triplicate of the lot drawn to scale must be attached, indicating the location and size of the lot, the location and size of improvements thereon and the location and size of improvements proposed to be erected thereon (see page 3) . The applicant shall enclose in triplicate any iating a 'dence. Is OPH C. Dated this / 5 day of October P 1982 Signature pplicant William L. Swanson - 1 - z This is an application by the owner of the Northway Plaza for a variance from the strict application of Section 6. 104. 1.b of the Sign Ordinance. As depicted on the accompanying drawing No. 2 , the owner of the Northway Plaza intends to carry out the program of improving the existing free standing sign at the Route 9 entrance to its property. The proposal is to reduce the existing pylon height by approximately four feet. Sign lighting and lettering would be simplified so that translucent letters will be placed on an opaque background greatly reducing the pylon' s brightness. The improved sign, however, will be 32 feet in height, and a variance is requested from the provision of the sign ordinance which limits such signs to 25 feet in height. The variance will allow the immediate elimination of four feet of the existing sign, which is currently nonconforming. Without the sign improvement, the existing sign would not have to be reduced in height until 1986. Because the property is located on both Route 9 and Quaker Road, under the Sign Ordinance the owner would be entitled to two freestanding signs. The owner, however, desires to have the one sign on Route 9 serve as the sole entry sign for the property. The sign is sized so. that it can be read from both Route 9 and from Quaker Road. Granting the variance will eliminate the need for a second freestanding sign. Because the existing sign is built on massive underground concrete foundations, the owner believes that its only reasonable course is to use as much of the existing structure of the the existing sign as possible in developing a new sign in order to minimize cost and site disturbance. Consequently, the need to completely remove the existing sign would result in substantial difficulty and unnecessary hardship to the owner that would deprive the owner of the reasonable use of the existing sign. The compromise that the owner has developed, namely, to keep the existing foundation and structure, but replace its aesthetic elements, is entirely reasonable. The Northway Plaza is located on a heavy commercial thoroughfare, dominated by large signs and billboards. Not only would the proposed sign not be an intrusive visual element in its existing setting, but it actually would be a considerable improvement to the existing aesthetic environment. TOWN or OUEENSFDF'S: "The pantie^ hereto --onse;it ?:=mt the p_oceedinF,* W!.ich desult th ` :: tt:.n Lift' be tm,�e . re--co--ded and trL'r FiCT.ib=`:i jD_. the '-own C_--ri- cr his agent and that much m .nuter as nay b=_ shall constitute the official reccIrd Of aIL p_occedinctm regarding thin application, unl�,-ss the saute nsv vary from, the handwritt$r. minutes taken by the Town Clerk or the Secretary of the Planning Poarc or zoning Board of AppeLls. in uhich evert the handwritten minuter- as to stich lmcon_istencies r3h?.ill be deemed the official record. Date__ /G> / !Fk2 r —