proposed septic 315.6-2-9 SEP-0472-2019 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Bevins, Donna 8F sed on our limited examination,complianc€. 28 Tommark Dr Wi, i our comments shall not be construed a: inc eating the plans and specifications are in Residential Septic Alteration full compliance with the Building Codes of 'law York State. — SlOuu Is JNIa11118 • Ae1f18SN3Jf10 JO NMOI 0 1,4ioe c t w i alA0 132 FILE COPY �dW�UC LDINGORevfeWed - ,y: D` U Date: 7 Is- 31ba bf11NNOIS sIoZ s/- L� ` waaodla slHl No Hlaod v Ce IS: ',381Sr3w �� �� �� AllVNOS213d 3AVH 11N f100a 11I0 NMOHS 1,!✓ 013 'S30N33 'S3381 'S113M S3Sf10H SV HOf1S SID3180 11V 03A83S80 bO N33S 3AVH I V dl0 d IldRs I , tQ) ' 2 LA S-� 0 1,..4 tc- --?) q TA.---Z . 47-... 1. 10,4) O