roof drain calcs+ 243 Upper.Flew DQuccws BUR,Ay Rost Dette! Oeule Prue Dec.Md PE BY Funes.Aintétcn G €Felli Chece/ lous.FAM,4Sif)G15 -02.0) Ce-DOO1-201 LYS (0¢EDSE G43 Upper lod Qu Cts BUPY “Yo 2 = -Loe Ht Jad x 2.5 Go =/56 a. Le //06,3 (PC 3”Yeez S 7”STORM DRAINAGE 1106.2 Size of storm drain piping.Vertical and horizontal storm drain piping shall be sized based on the flow rate through the roof drain.The flow rate in storm drain pipingshallnotexceedthatspecifiedinTable1106.2. 1106.3 Vertical leader sizing.Vertical leaders shall be sized ‘based on the flow rate from horizontal gutters or the maxi- mum flow rate through roof drains.The flow rate through vertical leaders shall not excced that specified in Table 1106.3. ‘11064 Vertical walls.In sizing roof drains and storm drain- age piping,one-half of the area of any vertical wall that diverts rainwater to the roof shall be added to the projectedroofareaforinclusionincalculatingtherequiredsizeofver- ing. 1106.5 Parapet wall scupper location.Parapet wall roof <drainage scupper and overflow scupper location shall complywiththerequirementsofSection1503.4 of the International Building Code. 1106.6 Size of roof gutters.Horizontal gutters shall be sized based on the flow rate from the roof surface.The flow rate in horizontal gutters shall not exceed that specified in Table 1106.6. ‘SECTION 1107 ‘SIPHONIC ROOF DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 1107.1 General.Siphonic roof drains and drainage systemsshallbedesignedinaccordancewithASMEA112.6.9 and ASPE 45. SECTION 1108 ‘SECONDARY (EMERGENCY)ROOF DRAINS 1108.1 Secondary (emergency overflow)drains or scup- ‘pers.Where roof drains are required,secondary (emergency overflow)roof drains or scuppers shail be provided where the roof perimeter construction extends above the roof in such a manner that water will be entrapped if the primary drainsallowbuildupforanyreason.Where primary and secondary IWS10¢ELE 543 Yyre thw 1108.2 Separate systems required.Secondary roof drain systems shall have the end point of discharge separate from the primary system.Discharge shall be above grade,in alocationthatwouldnormallybeobservedbythebuilding ‘occupants or maintenance personnel. TABLE 1106.3 VERTICAL LEADER SZING ‘SIZE OF LEADER CAPACTY Gnches)(som) 2 30 2x2 30 TxD,30 2h,EI2x234 3 2 2x4 22x32 4 192 3x4Y,192 3x4 192 3 360 4x5 360ax,360 6 563 5x6 563 SxS,563 8 1208 6x8 1208 Fork:Vinch =254 mm,1galloperminute=3.785 Lim. TABLE 1106.2 STORM DRAIN PIPE SIZINGaCAPACITYapm) ‘SLOPE OF HORIZONTAL DRA_—VERTICAL DRAIN|ui parfoot|Tyinch pertoot|Yitnch perfoot|iylnchperfoat z a 5 2 3I a3a33Bara180a1151sBi 3 ai 17 16 Ba 31 6 338 8 a a7 Cy ‘ 3 TT 305 7a 7010 149 10 2050 327 Tait 1855 260323214802,058 2.960 4875358825083.546 3016 7.088 For Sk:Vinch=25.4 mm,|foot=304.8 mum,1gallonporminute=3.785 Lim. £2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE*