2008-525 Signworks Neon Corp. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIIA►NCE Permit Number. P20080525 Date Issued: Monday, January 12, 2009 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20080525 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-308-016-0002-002-002-0000 Location: 27 CAREY Rd Owner. ROBERT STOYA Applicant: ROBERT STOYA This structure maybe occupied as a: Sign By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, ";p Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20080525 Application Number. A20080525 Tax Map No: 523400-308-016-0002-002-002-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: ROBERT STOYA For property located at: 27 CAREY Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Tyne of Construction Value Owner Address: ROBERT STOYA Sign 27 CAREY Rd Total value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builders Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans &Specifications 2008-525 Chage of copy on 49.2 sq ft freestanding sign $0.00 PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday, October 21,2009 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Tvn o €?ueen ' ry;; Tuesday,' October 21, 2008 r, SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury.Director of Building&Code Enforcement Q � - - "_ ''�- �' �OFFICE USE -ONLY ------------ - ...._..._ 0 G TXK MAP NO PERMIT NO ERMIT FEE APPROVALS DEPOSIT ; ..................................................... ...... .__ �.._.._.__......- SIGN PERAUTAPPLICATION. A pa ndt nwst be oblakwd beta Installation of your permanent sqn. All appllcarlts'spaces on tltds appiballfon met be F,n p! lad and must appear on the application fbrm. ov*&R. Signworks Neon Corp. BISTALLERlBUILDER Signworks Neon Corp. AomEss: 27 Carey Rd.. Queesnbury. NY 12804 ADoREss-27 Carey Rd.. Queensbury. NY 12804 PHONE NOS_ 745-0700 Fax: 745-0702 PHONE Nos. 745-0700 Fax: 745-0702 LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) 27 Carey Rd., Queensbury, NY BUSINESS COMPLEX I PLAZA,MALL NAME: Carey Industrial Park BUSINESS NAME: Signworks Neon Corp. CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPUANCE. Fred A. Early PHONE 745-0700 TYPE OF SKIN PROPOSED: X hr np sae ,e"*V —proiscanp IF SIGN M TO BE ILLUMINATED.PLEASE INDICATE: X IrNsmal _EA nwl -XInprw asco t XNson _:M r DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? X Yes _Nu IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE' Existing permitted monument sign is being moved&raised to 24'-6°above grade. See attached plot plan for new location on site. The application creates a Burps New in the Mw**v existing sib No in nurrlber of signs from to eonditm(01 in an sppticable O Change in sstback for sign iron to spaces): N Charge m size of sign from to Change in height of sign fFom 7'- 11" to 24'-6" Change of wording/copy from: Same to: Sign WordinglCopy: Signworks Neon Corp Sign size: Length11'-T x Width 4'-3° =Total Sq. R. 49.2 Sign Height(freestanding sign): 24'-6° Color and Material to be used: #313 Drk bronze aluminum,yellow acrylic face.2°bronze trim.sA colored neon ✓ Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: Location of sign&oft*am: drawing of on facade Ow sign vile be loafed on,h6cese sign on fagsde) o Height:of freestanding sign tiUESTIONs CALL 7i��Ixss CPR EMAIL o Depth of projeding sign codesftueensbury.net o Distances from front and side property fines. VISIT OUR 1NE MU FOR MORE arIFORMATION ✓ Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. v►rww.gueensbury.net ✓ Provide Appficant and Owners signature(permission for plac ernent of sign on the property or building). Declandko: To to best of my bwwkkip,the eRalen ma contained in to appicetion,togetwr wit►the piers and epeal4@W a submitted,we a Uue all cortrpieel abnlement of all proposed work b be dons on Ilia described prnrlises and NW all provbiom of du Zoning Ondiance,and all other laws pertaining tD the proposed work WmN be complied with.whether speoWmd or noted,and tat such vwrk is autwdzod by tine owrar. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE. 08/12/08 Fred A.Early,Project rdinator I hereby authorize tha appNant b plane a sign on my property or buildeg. OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: 08/12/08 RoKert Stoif President Toum olfQueenchtrri/• CommIft0y t7n700 rnent Office • 742 Bay Roar, Queenshiry, N)' 12804 SIGNWORKS NEON CORP. 27 CAREY RD., QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 S/F ILLUMINATED PYLON SIGN 16" 11 -7' 600 MA. —r HO DALLA5T-11 HO FLOPO . LAMPS `rrr t4 d' STEEL 5TU15 NOTE: EXISTING PERMITTED S/F ILLUMINATED MONUMENT SIGN IS TO BE MOVED TO SIDE YARD LOCATION SHOWN ON PLOT PLAN. SIGN WILL BE RAISED ON NEW POLE STRUCTURE FACING NORTH TOWARD CORINTH ROAD. d QC LU O to Q O 6 O [� Q O LLI Q N 51GN AREA CALCULATION A=51"X 139"/144 A=7,059 50. IN /144 A=49.250. FT. THIS SIGN AND THE APPURTENANT STRUCTURE HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND WIND LOADS OF 30k PER SO.FT,PER CURRENT NEW YORK STATE UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE. ROBERTSTOYA OWNER SIGNWORKS 5"5Q.5TEEL P05T 3WX4'DX5'L 2.1 CUBIC YARD GRADE 2,500 P5.1 CONCRETE i 6'MAN i Z d) 3/4" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT ; 51"x 139 ,49.2 50.FT.,SINGLE-FACED,INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED PYLON 51GN.51GN CABINET 15 FACTORY ENAMELED #313 DARK BRONZE ALUMINUM.LETTER COVERS ARE 3/16"5OLAK GRADE WHITE&CLEAR LEXAN W/2"5RQNZE TRIM. INTERNAL ILLUMINATION TO 13E COLORED NEON&HIGH OUTPUT FLUORESCENT LAMPS AND 500 MA.COLD WEATHER HO BALLAST.ELECTRICAL WIRING TO MEET U.L.5PECIFICATION5.5IGN INSTALLED ON TWO(2)5"SQUARE 5TEEL P05T5 5ET IN TWO(2)3'X4'X4',2,1 CU5ICYARD,2,500 P51 MIXED CONCRETE BA5E5. i SCALE: 1"=20'- 0" SKETCH#050701-51GNWORKSNEONCORP-5/FPYLON PREPARED BY FRED A.EARLY DESIGNS:Any design/artwork supplied by Signworks remains the property of Signworks and 27C�eyRd.,QueensbUry, NY12804 the use of design/artwork or any facsimile thereof is expressly prohibited without the written consent of Signworks and any written consent is subject to payment in full for said Ph:518-745-0700—1-800-333-5709—Fax:518-745A702 design/artwork service at Signworks normal rates,all designs/artwork will be returned to E-mail:signworksneoncorp@mizon.net Sgnworksondemand. @2008 OF \ HLOSON WADW=WEALTH NErI ORKgoa. Q o 51'x 13' SIF ri FT SON saGt�, ENSIM nos _ ' t l TO RwM Ilk l ` t WATER LA"KUM A !IR v y LAM :rcruz.. it !f«3R t 1 t :w; ... t 1 TO " � SCALE:RE l"=20 -O'. SKETCH#080701A5 Gpp O 13Y FRED A EARLY pYLONpLOT swg nevmrksremainstheproPertyotsgn tft and s :APd b is exPresslY Prohibited withep° said NY 12844 oonsent of agn"�and any wrdten oonaant'a subject to Payer { 27 Carey Rd.,Quem uY' service a<Sigmaorks normal rabss all dasi9nsfartwork Hn➢bar 02M8 + Ph:51&745-070Q—1 800 333 5709'Fax 518 745 07U2 Sasi9 ' e"nd. E-mail:� ��p�ver¢on.net