1938-06-08 SP SPECIAL MEETING rjune 8th, iv48 At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, held at the Town Clerk` s Office in said Town on the Sth day Of June, 1938. The members being preset as foiiows; D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice, OfIIThe Peace Curtis Lampoon Meredith S. Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Clerk!: ` RESOLUTION 37-Introduced by Mr.Nobles and seconded!, by Mr. Lampoon.` 5.�+Th1VL3oard appointed a Committee to investigate and mm recoend the purchase of property to be used as a gravel be# for said Town' and said Committee has reported and recommended property owned by Floyd Harris located near the Ridg-e-Road, and WHEREAS, Proposed agreement has been submitted dated', the 24th day of Mayt 1938, for the purchase of said property upon the terms and conditions therein named, e° RESOLVED, That the Supervisor of said Town be and hereby is authorized to execute said porposed agreement and to pay the amount therein specified upon the conditions named in said agreement and at the times llh specified. DtLU.*t ted by the following Tote; � Ayes- Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley, and Mr. Fowler. Nees- None. RESOLUTION # 38- Introduced by Mr. Lampoon, secon ed by Mro Nobles Vitas HHEREAS, -The Postmaster at Hudson Falls as requeoted that the Highway leading from green' s Bridge to Hudson Falls and being part of the Glens Falls-Sandy Xill Highway No. 656, be named and houses numbered fot the purpose of Free Delivery from the post office at Hudsor Falls, RESSOLVZD* That pursuant to the provisions of Subdivision 9 of Section 64 of the Town Law, said highway be and hereby is designated and named fiver Street,it is further RESOLVED, That Justice Bentley and Mr. Nobles be wkd, hereby is - appointed a committee and authorized to purchase and be plat don houses , on said River Street in the Town of Queensbury numbers asein the judgment of said Justice will properly and fairly designate the buildings thereon, commencing at Green' s Bridge and continuing easterly to the County Line, It is further ResglTed, That the cost of said n � ! d instal. atiori be a town charge ;"d bill presented, to this , �„ ,'- '"a t$it, Eli .. 22V it is further P RESOLYEP THAT THE Town Clerk notify the Board of Assessors of the ' Town- og Queensbury and the Post Office Department of the United. -States of such names and numbers, as provided by Subdivision 9 of Section 64 of the Town Law. Duly adopted by the following vote; Xyes;?nMr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler, Noes- None The Board Audited and Allowed the following Claims: No. Dame of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Al ;we 150 Beecher S. Clother Attorney Services 453.05 4.53.45 151 J. Edward Singleton Counsel " 400.00 406.00 152 JSheldon F. Wickes Legal " 105.00 105400 I , 153 AETNA Casualty & Surety Co. .Auto Insurance 157.10 157.10 154 Floyd Harris Gravel Bed 100,00 100.00 TOTAL S 1,.L13:5415 $1:115.15 j Onrmotion meeting adjourned. SPECIAL MEETING June 15.1238. At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of (Jueensbury, held at the Town Clerk's Office in said Town on the 15th day of June, 1935 The following members being present; D. Mmer Fowler S!Apervisor Charles Nobles 7ustice of Peace s I pson Meredith 8. Bentley 'f Bert D. Turner Town Clerk I The Meeting was called in regard to the Isaac's Case. No action taken. On :notion Meeting adjourned. SPECIAL )OWING June 17th, 1938 A t apeeial Meeting of the Town Board of tie Town of Qneenshury, held at the Town Clerk's Office in .aaid Town on the 17th day of Junes It. The fcllww3ng members were present; D. der Fowler Supervisor { Charles Nobles Justice of Peace Curtis Lampoon 'i Meredith S, Bentley Y Ralph Been 4 j Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Beecher 8. Clother fttuity4ttorney also present. k ' Ike Meeting was called in regard to the Isaac's case. No action taken. Os_ motion Meeting adjousmed.