1938-04-12 SP 20,i./ , The Town 3%ard Audited the following Claims: NO Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Awt Clare Amt- Allf td I 55 ]7r,Aniut U. 'Poor or ReNiof - 7 7 *7 -36 6 Ana Aawi tt 18144 17.40 57 �eleng Fuel Co, a , 6. 30 a130 58 Richard C.Davis « » 5100 4.00 59 Louis Silverman « « 11.00 1x.,90 60 diary N. Newcomb « " 1085 61 Nick Bush 1.85 34.36 62 l�.Z.P.& Light Corp street Licht �•� 8173 S3 Dennis & Cs Justice Docket 8.73 - 64 Dennis do act « » 6187 6.67 65 Bert D. Turner services Town Cleric 80,00 80100 , 66 G1108 Falls post Co, printing Notice Not Auited ----- 67 Glens IFalls Past Co, « « « « .... 68 Aetna Casualty e Surety 'Town Bonds 260,50 69 Theodore Turner Office rent 43.75 43.73 70 ro iiallw _ TeIIph@ Mileage 46.14 46.14 71 afiarlon ie3a !Board meeting 28,00 28.00 72 Charles Nobles Justice Service 28,50 28,i 0 73 Thomas Eall Ispenses to Albany 17.55 17.55 74 Ni"jia Law look 'Co. Town Law Supply 7.v0 7.5@ 75 Willi. law 'Book Co, .» « « 7,50 7,'50 76 Edward Slefgh* Assor,-Ses�reses 35.40 - 351,00 77 CfearlooRl bards " " 37:76 32.16, 6 32.16 37.76 76 Es�t-eet gilts 79 Wi 3R dam +► Pock Co, Town Lair Snpldr 7.50 7.30 . 80 C 'letharfls Assor- Sear tea, 115.1@ 115.14 244.36 82 Ed Ward 8leighl " " 108,26 iE ffi.26 83 Ckar2es* 14s . i�cpeaea, t® Altiany 17.`! 64 Bert l#. Turner " " 17,55 17.SS 85 Mere ith E tley Board Meeting 16.00 16. , . 15 86 Yere tth uAtler Justice Services 1575 26, poor Relief ` 26,100 ''* 8a Cuftsr mowing Cabinet 2..00 2• er P er Superyisos Services 3� 455 38.55 a9 �• Justice Services 33,55. 33,55 90 �► :.�f Y+e+ °. « » 32.99 32090 91 Gins;. Pour Relief 92 10.90 1 @. Poard Yeeti 16.00 1441400- , 93u - , 94 C�tPtl -.w¢ xxpenc es to Albany 17.80 17,84 95 Sel: st�t R Rent& 'ex peaB Polling 31.78 96 Chard ;'. tea Constable Sery ices 119,44 44. 97 ;° slard4o* Poor Relief 15.00 15.QO 1475.281 �► On Notion Meeting AtJoured, r# . Vner Clerk �t , April 12thg1938 At A opt *ttsjg of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held an _. be►s. �4e _+ ? P,M.fellowing members were present. 'D. Rimer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T.11e*n Justice of Pease Charles Nobles- Curtis L ses Yeredi'th zentlIty « a A. Bert Town Clerk RESOLUTION #' 22 Introduced by Mr Bentley seconded by Mr. Nobles. It was resolved that all officer of the Town of aueensbury are . - __-. hereby instructwd to inforce all laws: rules and regulations in relationto illegally dumping & strewing garbish & other refuse along or on any public or private highway or upon any private or public land except upon any lands- on which a public dump -is maintained. Dul.,y 'adopt by the following Tote " yes-yr Been -Mr Noblee -Mr Lampoon, Mr Bentley- and lir Fouler lees-4one. R33OLUTION #23 Introduced by Mr Bentley secaded by Mr Nobleae , S the forest Ranger has called on the Town. Board in reference to the Fire Nasard at the City of Glens Falls maintained Dump on Sherman Ave. RBSOLVED that the superrison be and is hereby Authorised to confer with the City official to endeavor to eliminate said Fire-Mazird at said City maintained Dump, Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes -Mr been ,Mr Nobles, Mr Lamrpson, Mr Bentley. -None �t RESOLUTION: 4 Introduced by Mr Nobles seconded by Mr Lampson. VREMS unsanitary conditions have been complained of at and vear the Dump maintained by the City of Glean Falls, ~ RBSOLVICD that Dr G.A. Chapman be and is hereby authorized ate$. directed to take the necessary steps to.eliminate said uxsanf terry - e Xditionn at and ne4r the said Dump maintained hF the City o; Tails s s Duly adopted 'by the following Vote, AJ�W- Mr Bees, Mr Noblest Mr Lanpson, Mr Bentley and Mr Fowler. :*046- None x O7er"t oti n Meeting A,oumtnedWr Town Clerk o i