1937-07-27 7J to having been duly and regularly considered it is now therefore, RESOLVED That the Town Board of the Torn of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, does hereby grant its consent, permission and authority to the said City of Glens Falls by its Board of Water Commissioners, to installaWater main* traversing the Highway Down as the Aviation Field Road as follows; To be laid within the Highway known as the Miller Hill or Avi. tign field Roa nd begi ning t, a point 200 feet westerly of tl.e ;aster y line o �jands o Cornelius H. Brownell situated on the Southerly saide of said road and running thence across and in said road to a point 100 feet more or less Easterly of the easterly line of the Aviation Field a distance of about 850 feet and such main to consist of a six_ inch cast iron pipe laid about 51 feet underground; the surface of the ground after such installation to be properly restored subject to the approval of the Town Surerintendant of Highways of the Town of Zueensbury and the said Board of 'Vat(r Commissioners to keep and save harmless the Town of Jueensbury from all claims of injury to person or property during the construction and laying of said main and during the repair or replace- ment thereof. Duly adopted by the following vote; Ayes - Yr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, T.ir. Lampson, T"Ir. Bentley and Mr, Fowler. Noes - None. On notion reeting adjourned. Regular Yef-ting 0 '' July 27th, 1937. At A regular rye eting of the Town Board of the ToiAm of yu eensbury held on the above date at 7 o' clock at the l' rk' s Office, the following Members were present. D. Elrer Fowler Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of the Peace Charles Nobles If of Meredith Bentley if •" It It Curtis Lar^pson Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, Arthur H. Stone, Town aunt. of. TUghways Also present. Yinutes of Yee'tthgs held on June 22nd and July 12th, 1937 read and approved. signed by A Petition/twenty-two taxpayers requesting that the road which leads from the Ltmerne Rd. near the residence of George Herald southerly to the Corinth Rd. was presented to the Board. The matter was descused and no other action taken -° The Trustees- of the Yountain Side Tree Library called. on the Board fcrr' financeial assistance in maintaining and equipping the said Library the �a following Resolution was adopted. LUT"ION No 50, Introduced by T��r. Ellsworth, seconded by Mr. Bentley: 1 SOLVED T iAT the sum of One Hundred Dollars ap?ropi ated for the use o the Trustees of the Ifountain Side Free Library in maintai J ing and euipf said Twountin aide "wee Library. DULY ° { °, the following vote. AyFs ortz, Mr.° tilest Larapson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler,' Noes - .No A Commitetesidence called on the Board in reference to a Road leading Gn bake and requested the Board to lay out and approve said Riled smatter was taken into consideration. . Arthur'; submitted a report on the progress of the W.P.A.;. pro- ject, RESOL TTTON :Noy U1, Introduced by Xr. Larp son, seconded by Ybbl e s J76 , XEET Mll�,S the Town Boa xd of the Torn of �uccnsbury passed a' ;esoluton anaro ,Ting certain nrojects for the construction of silewalks along the i?h?^' ys knOt�lri ?.s the Tlens 'falls Lake CeorgF i'?hway aloe; the Irlens ?'a•lls 'Iudson Falls Highway on the Boulevard. and. along; the Clefts Falls ^orinth. 'Ti-nhway and did' agree to furnish certain matcr. ials used in said construction and also agreed to furnish trucks and truck d.ri -ers and did appronriaa to the sum of 'ifteen 'rII ndred Dollars ( "1500. 00 ) for said purpose by Resolution 'A42 adopted Tune 9th, 1937 and AS t'• e said. sum so a•-prooriated for said purbo: e has been exhausted and an add.itional stzm is need for carrying on said project. �. Rl; OLVI.'D, That there be 'and hereby is apnropri.a.ted an additional sum of 'ifteen `Taindred Dollars 01500. 00 ) for the purpose of nay Tin for the ra.tcr. ials user in said construction and t'-e iva.gcs and sal,�ries of sad macl,i_ne operators, it is fa:sther, MI,SOLVRD, "hat the Supervisor ?nd Town ",le'rk be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute a. certific,.te of indebtedness of said To­-n for ti-e stem of Fifteen 7unr1red, nollars ( "15n0.00 ) pay,ble T�'a,rch lst, 1933, at the -lens T'a.11s TTa,ti_onal 7ank and Trust Co. , with interest not to exceed six per-cent, it is further . D?T'SOLVL°' , ^heat said sl.ar be nai.d and credited to Item one of the '-Timh.wayfund and the 7o,^rn Superintenda.nt of iTighways -)av out } said money and account for same as other r-oney naid from said' Item One. DULY adopted by the f ollnwin7 vote- Ayes - Yr. 'Ells-mrth, ?Tr. 'Nobles , T'r. Lar nson, Yr. Pentley and TTr. Fowler. Noes - None. Several T?estdence along the Cleverdale Rd. called on the Board in ref( ranee to the dustax:g and speeding hazard along saide ",.oad. The Board generally discused the mat'l- er with there and no other action was taken. An application ,-,,as received from Lucy F. Akins applying for the position as Truant Officer of the Schools in the Town of ')„ueensburys Thefollowing '?e solution eras adopted. T1TSOLt?TI0I4r No. 52, Tntroduced by TTr. Bentley seconded by Tir. Ills�,orth, IT ''r.S R.T.OLVL'D That 'Lucy :'Ikins be and is hereby appoint- ed attendance officer for the School year of 1937 1938 for the Schools of the To7n of jucensbury, outside of 'District #2 subject to the approval of the district. E uperintendant of Schools at an annual sa.la.ry of T7ro 71indred Dollars ( ""00. 00) payable as follows T�,ienty Dollars ( `?0.00 ) per month for ten months, on presentation of properly verified bills presented to the Suof rvisor. adopted by the followin;? vote. Ayes - 11-r. 7' Tar . llsworth, T:?r. Nobles , T"r. Lampson, r. PentlelT and ITr. , Fowl er. Noes - Nonc. "'he 7oard Audited and allowed the Claims as follows. 1 No. Name of Clairment T?ature of Cla. irT ATt. `'1aimed Amt. Allowed t 169 Aetna Sure tv?cCasua,ltyCo.. Truck Ins. „129.25 ;129.25 170 Sam Silvenra.n Poor T?elief 18.00 10.00 171 RFrt D. 'Turner To•,n Cl, rk 'Services 94. 00, 84. 0C, 172 Dennis Company AssFc 1T-cn '.Lolls 21. 54 '31. 54 173 AssocAtion of Tol"ns Dues ?5. 00 25. n0 174 `;harlcs 'Lioliards Asses: or 148.92. 143. 92 175 Ernest 7Tillis Assessor 143. 92 143 .91 176 Fd17TR.rd Slei.r?'ht "L; see, or 143. ^0 14 1Ie20 177 '7. Flrrer T'owlc,- Roard . eetirrt?s 54. Ot? 64. 0(n 173 01eng "a.11s PoF, t ^,o. , Pri.ntinrr 1",riefs gin, nC 60. 00 179 A. .T. Va,n,'J'=agner Yi ll in? of ')o -s. 1R� A. T. Van';TamnF.r Constable. rvices 35.1.6 35. 16 131 Curtis Iyar:^pson .Tusti(- of peace S er. 57. 55 57. 5.5 . M a 17 f 182 Curtis Lam-pson Poard 7Teeting 8. 00 8.00 183 ^hn,rles Paldr=in constable 81. 70 81'. 70 184 Chas. J. Yobles Justice of PeaceSer 75.70 75. 70 185 Trustee ?7ountain Side Free Library Donation 100. 00 100. 00 186 New York Po"_ F. r&LiuhtCorp.Street Lights 274.88 274.88 187 ?de?^r York Po�er�cL3ghtCorp ?:fat( rials ?. 99 Ws allowed 13 7�,[eredtb. S. 'zentley Poa:rd 'Teetins 12. 00 1`0. 00 l8° �ntbon�r^?cone T)e"?t. aherriff `' 5. `?0 ?3. 20___ J, 149a I.,913 1 A 96, 0`? On Y 4-i_on TTec tiny Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk, ,�PC;.?1 7Ftti.nR "t- ust 4th, 1937. At ? r..ecira.l 7"eetin- of the To,-.,n Poard of t?i.e To�F^^ of �u�ensbury held on the above date -t 7 o' cloc',, at the Town 11 ,...rk' s Office, t" e follo,•rtq members were nresent. _ D. Elmer '7o7TI rr Sianery i sor. F7.ls-Tory^ Justice of t'le Pe,zee "erect ith 7entlev Stirtis L,?,rnson ''ert '?. "'urner '^o­! '71F,rk, PPCer S. Clother, Countsr :"attorney also nre:Vent. �r "L:l,i T1.'TT ?Tl./♦ , Tiltr� �aic ed b�.T T'r. 71 1. �YR7�'f^� t`!�`,N� e� by Yr. 'r^ ' �� , '?esoluti;)n 451 nc^.se(? on the ?7t',,. a-air n ' ,Tt, .fir 1Q37 P.nd t?�F certi.fcpa.te of TndebtPdness issu e�7, {efts zpant to nesczl` ztinn rrer. e not sa.r,rPnt^hlP to o_nl- --ti (l Trzz^t or,nnny. '-7P OLIT17) '^b.nt said esolut on Ohl rP nd t�^e m is hereby rec i.nd ed. "??T`J a t `�t p d F3'r ?,"'P f O l or t vote- ,7 3 s - t"'r. z'llswoxth, ?'fir . L€a^ psun, ?�2'. '17pntiei and T.r. ..")1Pf T,� ,.. Aye© ° o P C '4,T'one 1 e♦ S � A1,-ent T.5r. `arob . 'S4 Tntroduc.ed bY 7C'. s- c or r. on,:_ , 'T'-?~ 7TA.S, The Town 7onrd of +h, TO-'M o� �Tieensbnrtr passe, rpso tQn ?nprOTi`n 041"'tp, in nro.IPets for t -e cnrs-f-rti-tior of i_d';u^411:S r-T ,',P l�irr? L+ =�T- known as tlie -;J.pn- "rills-T: !ce ��'o r"e � lritil"rn;7! a1Qn�; n ♦Tf r,t� r tr �. T f r r the I•n l is '"I f 1-7R. on the ou l ev <,.� nr. t�to i, rlE is 'al1s, int i_ 171 g'��ro;-, rid d agree to furnic'„= °t�>in r?.terial u<;ed :n construction and. also ry_7ree to fi,.rni s'- trucks an,' trucl< d.rive rs n,nri did. appropriste the scar of T'ifteFr "l,nd.rr�I '?n1l.rrs ( "15(,0.('0 ) f T� nh nrlo- T g � 1937 and -mss raid rurpose r `?4�ES `c,n a.o. 4t F., ted 1znE t _, K x 2 rG npronri��te�' f(?] been sur exha ee ft becomes necessr�r�r to appropriate a further s um `to cont fnut� 6sr!plete sad nro.fiec�t. .< 0II ,. " "!mat there be and hereby is appropriated the further sum of und 'e ?dollars ?1500. 00) for the purpose of paying for rratert6l• '" � ` n Mid construction and for pa;rrrent of wages and � P.A.alaries 'c�- '" tvmk drivers and riachine operators to continue she I. Q. pro ec is si.t i ` 'urthr ,. a h ? That thy? -�pervisor and Town .�l,rk be and hereby are autY1 �ecl end directed to° ,execute certificate of indebtedness of said Tom' ` `-"* +' fie #3 1X!" of Ili- * 'r Hundred Taollars 01500,00 ), pa.ya.ble T!arch lst, 1 38, at the Tlens T" 11s National Ps.nk and "rust Company, with interest not exceeding six Baer-crnt, it is further �h ,t ss Id sum be paid and 'credited to Item 1 of t znd and the p rftericlant of the Town Pay out said Highway Town Sue . � money an a.c c,OUA 16,r the � oche r^c�fleys paid from said Items .. F