1937-08-17 SP Its ` DU7:Y adoptd by the follow _n? vote: Ayes - Yr. ~l.lsworth, I7r. I,a,noon, Yr. 7entley anr? 'Fr. :fowler. Noes - None. i Absent - Yr. Yobles. On. T'otion Yeeting Ail,' urned, f Vert D. Turner Town Clerk, Special Yeettg August loth, 1937. At a Special Yeetrng of the Town Po�a.rd of the ToFm of lueensbury held. on tl-_e above date at 8 o' clock at t?i.e Clerk' s Office, the following; mernb.ers were )resent. D. 7lmer --owler Supervisor ??loyd. '':llsworth Tustice of the Peace Charles Nobles it to T..eredith Fe.itley it " T' Curtis Larpson Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, 01=,.ude Monroe, foreman of the side walk project called on the Board in refer.a.nce to recuest of property owners for ramps in front of business ?_laces a•lon� sidewalks. The Poard instructed Trr. Yonroe that work should be done in accordance with the plans and s)ecifie­, cations. `?ESOLUTMT No. 55, Introduced by Vr. ?nobles , seconded by Irr. Larr)son, 'a°'l:RI:AS a '7. P. A. project application has been made for the can-structan of the 'Vest dens Falls 77ater District and ;IIi1`I'TsAS, t -ie said project has not bE en approved by the '?1.P A. authorities in "Tashin,ton and there has been a. delay in sending - sad approval. RESOLVED That Ernest T"fyers be and is hereby authorized to confer with the T71. P. A. Authorities in 'lashin ton for the purpose o± obtaining the : pprova1 of said Project and it is FURTiTTR Resolved that any legal expenses incured by the } salld Ernest 11eyers be an 'hereby is a charge against said Iffest _dens Tali dater District. DULY adopted bythe following vote- :,. Ayes - fir. Ellsworth, Yr. Nobles, Mr. Larpson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes - None. On I.`otion 1,Teeting Adjourned, ` Pert D. Turner, , erk, Special g eetrn August' tt,n 0 1837. At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury held on the above date at 7 o' clock at the Town Clerks Office, the following rrer-bers were present. 1 D. Elmer Fowler .--Supervisor Ployd Ellsworth Justice -of the Peace Charles Nobles to Meredith Bentley to. If " Curtis Lamnson-• to Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, RESOLUTION No. 560 Introduced by Mx. Nobles* seconded by Mr. Ellsworth, IT ''SAS T SOLVFD That the Following places be and are hereby appointed as official polling places ror the Town of Jueensbury. 'n 1)ist #1. Cole Rc Sullivan Inc. Store. Al, 179 D i s t. 4P - Yohican Grange Hall. Dist. ,A3 - Town of 'Jueensbury Store House. Dist. '14 - Seward 1ar-pson' s a.rage. At a. yearly rental of Thirty Dollars (` 30.00 ) a year each except District 43. DTTLY adopted by the following vote- Ayes - Yr. T:llsworth, Yr. Nobles , err. LaT-pson, 1:1r. Rentley and I'r. Fowler. Noes - None. On I'otion Yeeting Ad.jolt n d , pert D. Turner, Town C1 erk, e-i)lar T'eFti.ng Ati?u t °'W:, 1937. ?t a Regular "leeting of the 'Po-gin Board of t1-,E Town -,f �urensbury held or the above d7,,te at 7 n' cloo'k- at the ToT,:,n "lerk' s Office, t'-e follo„firing r c!rbers were present. 7). Elrer "ogler Sunervisor Floyd Fllsworth Justice of the Pe ace Charles Nobles TTer(-dith Pentley ” .ur. tis Lamson Bert 'D. Turner Town Clerk, Yrs. Yc(lagheycalled on the .Board witti-i a cormittee from Roi;leva,rd in refer- ence to placing street 14?hts along the Boulevard 7ic;hway sc celled, the following 'Resolution ra.s adopted. 01,TTTTC)IT No. 57, Introdi.rce(1, b.,,r ?'r. 711sworth, seconded by ,7f-. Bentley, IT '7AS '�LSOLj En 7ia.t the Sunervisor be and is '^ereblr authorized to appoint a comrittee of two to investigate the advisability of _placing �-- street lights alon7 the thickly -ponul!: ted aer as on improved 7)T7-'IY ! d o nt ed by the following vo t e- :ires - ' Fr. Ellswort'n, Yr. 7obles , ?Tr. TaTnoson, 77r. Bentley and Trr. 'Powl e r. Noes - Yone. -a Yr. ",owler appointed 1'r. Bentley and Yr. 7:ar,pson, as the Committee.. orlon Rhodes with a. comr-itteeof people fron glen lake called on the T?oard., in reference to t?^e proposer road onross t1le Anna Reardon property,, nt Clen Lake, the followin-7T--Resolution was ,^1dooted, 7. RESOL.UTIOTT No. 58 Introduced by ?Tr. TTObles , seconded b?T T"r. 'I,arnson. IT WAS RESOLIIF.." That proposed "?oad a.s sho7rn by a deed of the Anna Reardon Property to the Torn of yueensbury be a.rd tl:e sa.r,e is hereby accepted as a Public Highway. - nTTLY adopted by the following vote- .AYES - MIr. Ellsworthp Mr. Nobles, ]:rr. Lar pson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. fowler. No es - None. Frnest TReyers reported to the Board that he had called on t-ie T7.P.A. — Authorities in 77ashir4gton, concerning the project of the "Test Glens Falls ':rater District and that the said authorities had placed said project on the preference lift. RE90171'ION No. 59 Introduced by is?r. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Nobles. 73MR .,AS the Town ?hoard . entered into a contract with the k Automatic Voting M—achine Corporation purchasing five U. S. Standard Voting Yachines at the net price of Eight Hundred and Eighty Dollars (X880. ) each f.ob. cars Jamestown, V. Y. delivery prior to Sept. 1st, 1937, and TAHREAS said machine have been delivered to said Town. RESOLVED That the Superv40r abd is be reby authorized and ` '.. a