1937-08-24 179 Dist. 2 - Mohican Grange Hall. Dist. #3 - Town of '�ueensbury Store House. Dist. -k - Seward La.rpson' s Garage. At a yearly rental of Thirty Dollars 030.00 ) a year each except District #3. DITLY adopted by the following vote- Ayes - ATr. Ellsworth, 1!r. Nobles, 2"r. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fouler. Noes - None. On Y"notion Yeeting Ad.jou n d, Bert D. Turner, �--'' Torn Cl erk, Regular Yeeting August 24th, 1937. + f At a, Regular Meeting, of the Town Board of the Town ,f of ensbury held on the above date at 7 o' clock 2.t the Town ^lerk' s Office, the following members were -present. D. Elmer Fowler Sunervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of the Peace Charles Nobles it to it Meredith Bentley to it if Curtis Larpson it if u . Bert M., Turner Town Clerk, Yrs. Yc Cagheycall ed on the Board wi t'h a commi tt e-e from Boulevard in refer- ence to placing street lights along the Boulevard Highway so called, the following Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION No. 579 Introducer'. by Yr. E'11sworth, seconded by ,7"r. Pentley, IT 7AS RESOLITEn That the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to' appoint a committee of two to investigate the advisability of placing �--' street lights along the thickly populated aerial on improved Highway. DULY a d o nt ed by the following vote- Aires - 1.rr. Ellsworth, Yr. Yobles , Yr. I:ampson, 7r. Bentlev and Mr. Fowler. Noes - None. Yr. Fowler appointed I;Tr. Bentley and Yr. Larpson, as the Committee. Gordon Rhodes with a comr,itteeof people from Glen Take called on the Board, to reference ,to the proposers. road across the Anna Reardon prope at Glen=-Lake, the following-Resolution was Adopted. RES". No. 58, Introduced by Yr. Nobles, seconded by 11r. . Larnson. a IT w AS RE'SOLVE'S That proposed Road as shown by a deed of the Anna Reardon,-Property to the Town of Jueensbury be ar.d the same is -he' s -he , accepted as a Public Righway. DULY adopted b� the following v6te- AYES - IAr. 41iworth, Yr. Nobles, Mr. Lmpson, 14r. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes ErnestVevers reported to .the Board that he had called on t-te W.P.A. � Authorft his-, ,` n., ,,vashington,` Jeoncerning the project of the Vilest Glens Falls Plater Dist*tet and • that the said authorities had placed said ro;j eet on the prefe'renae'. Jttt No. 59 Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Nobles. e Town Board. . entered into a contract with the Autonfttie Vo ` achine Corporation �` purchasing five U. S. Standard voting Machin -at the net price of Eight Hundred and Eighty Dollars (x$8$4. ) ea e'h .ob. cars Jamestown, ?d. Y. delivery prior to Sept. 1sts. 1937, and EAS said machine have been delivered to said Town. <. , � � ,� � eby act hori�ed a wl ISO directed to pay the said autonittic voting Lachine Corp. the sum of Four i^housand, Your hundred Dollars (14400. ) and Further resolved that the supervisor n t he said, utonatic voting T?ac'qine ("orn. t1je 911r, of T three Dollars (.,?4-V3. ) representin the freinbt on s� c3 Tr-- c ines from Jx estown to ilens '+a.11s prepaid by the ,ai.d jutoTrati.c Noting TT.achine Corp. -DL7.,Y adopted b rthe folloerin vote- E, ,m Ayes - 7r. llsworth, 1r. TTobl s, '"r. 'arpson, _Tr. ,'Bentley and Toviler. . ?Toes - gone. ? ESOLUTIO,, 'T0� 54 Introd?leed by '. r. Ellsworth, seconc'ed by 1,7r. 7ent1ey --? T}ze Town 7o(ard of the Town of ),ueen:bary ;duly establisbPd t'-le "'Test dens „?lls ;:.,ter 'district and consent of the coTrptroller to establishing; the F;nr e zp,; obt-inPd and said order establishing the cli.strict and consent of Vie coTrptroller luerc duly filed in the .7arren County Clerk' s 'ffice and "u a~�nlication -as +i ,lv ra; e to t�P corks Progress idministr ,ti.on for assist,a.nce i!. ti-c constrl?cti_on of sa.i.d 7ryt�r Sias t em f�nd . T-1.A' , "'he petition of t1iP r - entcd itr i Lown '?oard nrayi n for t?1e of said 7 tric t consented t1rit bnndS he is�l.zed 3 -r,. ]Anot the nr7rfrtV 1n 4id (! JS4-^ to the n 1^ount of '�'_71ent�•r ^?nnU `.` '�01 1.- 9 ( 12r)r), `,.) and r 71. 7,A3 for t F n?]r�0.,C ?{' tC'T�?OrF ril -r -!' .'),: -1g : aid " r0 cc and r� . ri,?10 for �; ?tEri .ls r? 0+���.,, .'-s of t o .tu"1? tl_0. -,n' in a tici.rat? an Of tT7.C� '.r 1lir� of ' onf of ti^F i0,., V1ZEC'1 b17rtr for :_, _• said "'a.ter ')i tr1-"t , it ' ;; g (7_. -) �,z:I-t tT1e sup�r� _�o o� '.o,�._ o._ "ueens�_ur,r ,d ` r I � • 7 'he %:.nd 1m reb- ire aut',ori7e�? `-ind directed ` c c r±F r i f -�+ d C"; ti �ierr 6 ) r to issue t �_._ io--, to o . i., Pbte ,Yl 0... t 1P o. ,ue,E s ry " Or t!i6 �. Sever i ar Sr� . �n�r^�? _ E .''1 ti1P ;r� ,`r e_; ?'e..11 TTat�.Onal _'_ T'iY'i sum of Sever. 1.•n ed. ( ,� ' and Trust ;o . , Cix wont'-i s frorr t'�e �. •tP thereof v,it'i. inter. E;�t not to exeeed .four n rcPrt per annun. u , T)laly ado r te,,j bar t'-.e folio „n ro te- re err '"r. LaT�pson, 'r. . ei_t1.ey s "Owl Cr, ?Toes - ?'one. n . T-TT:1' TTO. 1,�, T.1.ls:rorth, seco nc'F ' bs� T3P 1p,r, nt w ,T l,i !` a Tn + On�1�') + ". tinN1 t rrrt�lCofri7ift en we'd ar �+�e T' '� C T ri T ��3 - " ' � t Jo__-_c�tin rr_n:-,e v een Dollars �.v15• "' J per year f,)r r,t r ge of iv 11<�^'.^�i.nc s. ' y: 'Ally a ) tf(�. 1 r �n,t' foi_lo`:ai n-r Lr0 t P, '";r.Eli jxorth, 7'r . "oUl cs, , 7--) on, 3eney k. cu "o- 1 r. T,oPS - 'Tone. The TOard r'illdltPd -?.=7d =L�.iO'"'e t'"i0 �r�12?S 5 follows. No. NaT-e of ryla.i-ment � '`:at,?-re of Claim A."ot. ;-alrned �r�'il 110 E,i_ 190 losr�T 11ct�,*t7rt11 'Poar�,, e ti.n7s ?�4. � Y"4. !�C l91 Curt I.ampson 'Roa.rd TTeetin s 16. 00 16. 00 192 ?'ered th ` , ?PPntley Po .r,'. 'Teeti.n;ms 16. 00 1`%. 0 193 T''attheva Render Qc Co. ';rlrina.l Code Took 20. 00 2 0.0 194 ; _ rtes TTobles Tu'z ti_cP of Peace. Ser. 57.T 57. 70 195 Curtis Lar,bison " " 13.80 13.80 196 Anthony 17, 40 17. 40 197 Charles P,ald�rfin Yillinr7 of T'or F-- `?. 50 9. 50 193 C'?Za.rle w 'onst,a.ble ]er�ri oPc. l*, 0 1.4. 60 199 Aaron Sla rsby ^n Pr ia.1 pen. ,00 '�. 71Tr,Fr ,o,-r1Pr ?s `?0l 7,eri; D "',7rYrPZ Tox?Y1 '".lei ;