2008-670 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 4E Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number. P20080670 Date Issued: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20080670 has been completed. Location: 8 AVIATION Rd Tax Map Number. 523400-295-013-0001-030-000-0000 Owner. WENDY ABBOTT Applicant: WENDY ABBOTT This structure maybe occupied as a: Certificate of Occupancy(RES) By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20080670 Application Number: A20080670 Tax Map No: 523400-295-013-0001-030-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: WENDY ABBOTT For property located at: 8 AVIATION Rd in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: WENDY ABBOTT Certificate of Occupancy(RES) $24,275.00 8 AVIATION Rd QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Total value $24,275.00 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency PRECISION MAINTENANCE P.O. BOX 731 GLENS FALLS,NY 12804-0000 Plans &Specifications 2008-670 residential rehab - HUD $25.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Tow of Qu nsbu#ly;' Tue$d ,January 06, 2009 1 SIGNED BY Wit'" �� � for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement '....rl....rr..err.rwlrlrlwrnw....................•..l.r....l.r.r.r..♦ 'l...r.l....r,r-v r..w..r ONLY �1 L t e TAX MAP NO. P RMIT NO. ` a:, r bx§ s FEES: PERMIT _ RECREATION ENG{NEERINGStamp ................................................0...................: 0.................... P wCIPAL STRUCTURE: APPLICAI'I'ON FOR ZONING APPROVAL & BUILDING PERMIT A PERw rMOST BE osTAweD BEFORE BEGINNMIG CONSTRUCTION.APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION. APPLICANTIBUIL,QLR; Rec-t4joill ln eac,')CetNEA: CA`/ ADDRESS: L ®/ , ADbRIiSS: 'l P'c4 : 1 � .X � ; Zed' P14ONE NOS. 7 L7 " 2'Q --� PHONE Nb$, z;2 623 t CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODES COMPLIANCE: �S C �C' PHONE:��..�L LOCATION OF PROPERTY, �a�[': ryI S IVISION NAIL, PLEASE INDICATE-MEASUREMENT,S AS`R- UtRED BELOW: CHECK ALL THAT p d a APPLY TO YOUR a PROJECT LL W SM. LE FAMILY TWO-FAMILY MULTI=FAMO.Y (NO.of UNRS�,..) TOWNHOUSE BUSINESS OFFICE ; RETAIL MERCANTILE FACTORY OR INDUSTRIAL ATTACHED OARAGE(1,2,S) OTHER IF COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL-NAW, OF BU61N S: el ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COS"f: , 2 76. i.fit TYPE: HEAT TYPE: *HOW MANY FIRIP/ ,A;Ej ..AND/OR WOODSTOVES(S): ZONING CATEGORY: ARE THERE MV LANDS ON THIS SITE? IS THIS A HISTORIC SITE? PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR ADDITION: *Please complete a sepamte Application for"Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimneys"avai{abie in our office B DIAL I Tatm ofQueensbury. Community Development Office• 742 BaV Read. Ouemshnn, xTv DA-4 ARE THERE STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN ON PLOT PLAN? ARE THERE EASEMENT'S ON PR'CIR I - 1 ac knowladga no ru oil oi$� be co#MMced-priotr to any of a vafid permit. 1 certify that the applicagon, pM; and supporting materials are a trueand' complete sWemen dawipdon of the work proposed, that all,work will be pe nned in -a+ccordarm with the NY Sate gukkV,Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and In conformance with local zoning r s. I adOlOw a that Prior to oMupyIng the facilities proposed, I or my agen'tt wiii obtain a certlftoate of occupancy. I also undwftnd that Ilwe are required to provide,to ass gilt survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly oorjstn,icW facilities prior to IssueAw Hof a certificate of occupancy. have read and r ree to..the e Signed '�q lms-AVarding.Bulltting Permits, construction codOs, Sept s ZoniM Ad.ministr&or: 761-8218 (for questions regarding required permits, the permit process, appiloatlon requirwnents or to tchedule are appointment) .i'r.;.♦r......r.i...r.r:rr.Y.rar..r�!v.il.��j •a.vr.r.............. ......... ..►i.`TiI�.�✓i,YJr i;/ y granted to the above ; This application [proposed described Permission is hereby pp prosed action p Applicant to erect or alter the building ; herein is found to be in accordance with the described.herein in accordance with said ; zoning Laws of the Town of Quee-t r. Application: + r / � 1 BUIL ilk &CODES P VAL ; ZONING APPROVAL DATE'I D `l'E +r.�r�.►rrrr.�ir�rrr............. .....r.►r..rir............rri.�rr�..ate �J!t�'881 !'t$�1tlT'V.116� V{54 f C VItLi381YE FOR MOM INOriN4KT4 0 N 1�(� ti�liRiYBt TOM of Queensbury• Community Development Offia • 742 Bay Road, Queens",NY 128% Queensbury Building & Cade Enforcement -;;�ideniitial Final Inspection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Arrive: am/pm rt:f V am/pm Date Inspection req s re ived: I Inspector's initials: NAME: P iT#: LOCATION: V, 1 DATE: A TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments: Yes No N/A 4' Building Number Address visible from road Chimney Height/"B'Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumbing Vent through roof minimum 6 inches Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete Platform at all exterior doors Handrail 4 or more risers Guards at stairs decks atios more than 30 inches above grade Guard at stairwell at 34 inches or more Guard at deck,porches 36 inches or more Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall InteriodExterior Railings 34 inches to 38 inches Deck Bracing/Handicapped Ramp Compliant Grade away from foundation 6 inches with 10 feet 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed! ulator 18 inches above grade Interior privacy/trim/doors I main entrance 36 inches Bathroom/Kitchen VLortight Safe glazing/Win_d6w in stairwells safety gjdzing Interior Smoke Doctors/Carbon onoxi Det ors Every level: Every Bed om: _ Outside every bedroom rea: Inter Connected: Batterybacku Attic access 30 inches x 22 inches x 30 inches i ht in accessible area Crawl Spaces 18 inch x 24 inch access, 1 sq.ft.-150 s .ft.vents Bathroom Fans,if no window Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation/insulation Certification Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 s .ft. Emer ress below grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Fumace/Hot Water Heater o ratin Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valves installed/Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum W Gypsum Basement stairs dosed rise>4 inches Garage Floor Pitched Garage fireproofing/%hour fire door/door closer Duct work Seated pMpqrjy Gas L s in Sealed or Glass Enclosure Final Electrical Final Survey Plot Plan Arc Fault Breaker in Bedrooms Flex Gas P'qx Bonding As Butt Se tic System/Sewer Dept. ins lon Sticker Site Plan /Variance required Flood Plain Certification,if re uired Oka to issue C 1 C or C/O Tem ra /Permanent LABuildtng&Codes FormslBuilding&CodeslinsPection ForrnsiR January 7,2008;Revised 6/26/08 Fes!revised 104105,doc;Revised COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE,INC. Main Office 176 Doe Run Road-Manheim,PA 17545 M IP RTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Permit No....... ,f.' ....... ert. N 7060 Cut-in Card No..................................... Owner........................ArI./........ ..1. '.. ............................................................................ Location..................................��.V l or'o.~ fz ................. .................................................................................. Installation Consisting of........ .. ...f 1.`+ -r'....,.. a�...... ...12. ... �. end........ .........,3.. .R r1.`rt�J.......�....... .1'YLS7%�5....{7�.4.. ...i........a�........t/�: ..... r;....................... ........... ...... , .if.Z ...................................................................................................................................... InstalledBy.............5..... .............................Lie.No................................................... The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate,and any certificate previously issued is cancelled:- This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations,application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have tht 'privilege of making inspections at any time, and if its rules are violated,the Company shall have the right to revoke this certificate. Date............ ........ INSPECTORw . r % . �. ir2..--"" Member