1936-03-10 SP 2 March IOth -1936 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Q,neenebury held at the Town Cl e ka,Officet in said wn, on the IOth day of March,1936, • PINSAMpD.Elmer Yowler, Supervisor, Floyd Ellsworth, Charles JNobles, Curtis hampson, and Merdeith Pentley,justioe of Peace and Bert D Turner, Town Clerk, 00 Resolution (6#04�Mr Nobles Intordueed the following resolution which was seconed by Mr Bentley# Ax S, A petition having been duly presented to the Town Board for establishing a water District to be includeding property on boath sides of the glens palls-Lake george Highway near hiller Hill to be known as the North Glenn ally, water District and to la y`bains along said highway to connect with the water mains of the o ti► -of Gluts palls, at an es$imat� test of$I99 000, by owners of tasa&l*property situated in the proposed District, owning ' 7, aggregated more them one-half of the assessed valuation of all the -t a property of the proposed District# as shown upon the last pleted assessement reol of said Tows; it is ORDER , that pursuant to the provisions` of sectlonl93 of the Town Law, the Town Board will meet at the Town Clerk-* office Ridge Road, in said Town, on the 33rd day of `mareh I936, at !even 06Closk P.M.to consider the said petition and here any and all persona interested in the subject thereof, or concerning the same, Duly adopted March IOth 1936 by the following Vote; Ayes Mr Ellsworth Mr Nobles, Mr I,ampsen. Mr Bentley Mr Fowler, Noes-None o eens ury er a e i o r notc ao B rings of its p eee n a h of aya 2936, TO On Motion Meeting Ad�urned Town Clerk QU �. •