1936-04-28 April 28th, 1936 Regular meeting At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, held on the above date , at 7PM at the Clerk' s office, the followihg menbers were present. D. ELmer Fouler Supervisor. Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of peace Charles Nobles Meredith Bentley Curtis Lampson Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Minutes of meetings held on March 24th and April 6th, 1936 read and approved. -- Resolution ;#31 Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, Seconded by Mr. Bentley A majority of the menbers of the Raid Board being present and said meeting having been duly called and application having been made by Spring Brook Water Company for permission to place and maintain pipes' `I mains, etc. , .for the conveyance and distribution of water for public and , private uses, through, under, over and along the streets, avenues, lanes, and other public places in that portion of the gamma said Town x f bounded by a line beginning at a point on the north shore of the Hudson river 200 ft westerly from the intersection of Highland Avenue and the Hudson River, thence northerly and easterly parallel to and 200ft. , west of the center line of Highland Avenue and North of the center line of Dix Avenue to the intersection with the boundary line between the counties of ,Warren and 'Vashington, thence southerly along said highway line to the intersection of the Hudson River, and thence westerly along the northern shore of the Hudson River to the po point of beginninf. NOW,THEREFORE,on motion duly made and carried, it is RESOLVED, That said Board will hold a meeting and a public hearing at the Town ' . . Clerk's in said Town, on the 11th Day of May, 1936, at 7o' clock D.S.T. in the afternoon of that .day, on the proposition that said Town grant to said corporation, its successors or assigns, -the right and privilege to use the streets, highways and other public places in the above described portion of the said Town for the purpose of laying, placing and maintaing pipes, mains, hydrants, x ce service connections and all other fixtures and appurtenances for the conveya,hce and distribution of water in and to said portion of . said Town and the inhabitants thereof upon such terms and conditions as may be deemed proper and na ray he Permitted by lave, and that due notice of said -public hearing shall be liven by publication therefore in the PostYStar and glens .calls Times the official ?Newspapers of said Town, at least T6n days before said Meeting. Duly Adopted by the following Vote Ayes- Mr, Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes- None. Resolution #32 Introduced by Mr. Nobles Seconded by Mr. Lampson It was resolved that Dr. G.A. Chapman be and is hereby appointed Town Health officer for the Town of Jueensbury for the Term of Four Years Commencing on the 18th day of April, 1936 and Ehding on the 18th day of April, 1940. �. 'Duly adppted by the following. vote; Ayes- M.Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes- None. --- #esolution #33 Introduced by Mr. Bentley, Se coaded by Mr.Ellsworth WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of queenabury has determined to do certain relief work in said Town and have passed resolutions to furnish machinery, tools and truck drivers to carry out said work. and, WHEREAS, there are insufficient fonds in item 1 and the machinery and funds for the payment og the salaries, repair of the machinery and purchase of tools to carry out said work. RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of section l� of Chapter 798 of the laws of 19319 there be and hereby is appropiated for Item 3 for the purpose of paying said wages and salaries, the sum of1000..Said sum to be plyced in ltem l of the highway fund..S700. the Gurney Dane project of said sum to 'be used for ind 3Qfl. of said { 131 sum to be used for the Quarry project and it is further RESOLVED, that there be and is hereby appropiated the sum of $500, for the purpose of repair of machinery, purchase of tools and gasoline and oils on said relief projects, Said amount to be placed in the machinery fund. Said sums so appropiated to be paid out and accounted for as other moneys in sAld Item 1 and machinery fund of the Highway fund, It is further, RESOLVED, that the Town of .Queensbury issue certificate of indebtedness in' the sum of $1500. , and the supervisor and the Town Clerk are hereby authorized. to execute said certificate of indebtedness for the purposes for which said. sums are appropiated. Duly adopted by the following Vote. Ayes# Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes- None. The Bpard audited the Following accounts Amount No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 81 City of Glens Falls Rent of Lockup $ . 50 $ .50 82 Murray Crannell Inspector of Elections 10. 00 10. 00 83 Marion D. Martindale Inspector Of Election 10.00 10.00 84 Nick Busch Poor relief orders 4.00 4.00 85 Russell & Waite office supplies 10.60 10.60 86 H.Y.Bain Property Damage 88.75 88.75 87 Martin L.C. Wilmarth Rent of Chairs & Repair 3.50 3.50 88 Gertrude Cashion Inspector of Election 10.00 moo . 89 Pauline Joslyn Inspector of Election 10.W. 10.00 90 Fred Fisher . Inspector of Election 15. 00 15.00 91 Karl Supprenant Overhaul adding Machine 12. 50 12.50 92 Lydia M. Harris Inspector of Election 18.00 10.00 93 William Welch Poor relief orders 2.00 2.0€3 94 Robert F. Stott Inspector of Election 15.00 15.00 95 Fitzgearld_ Hotel Meals .for prisoners 1;00 1.80 4 96 Cool Ins. Agcy Inc. Ins. Chev. Truck 52.50 52.50 97 Lawrence Rheubottom Poor relief Orders 15. 00 15.00 98 N.B.Dawley Co. Poor relief order 1.95 1.95 F 99 M.D. Sullivan Inspector of Election 10.00 Not aud. 100. A.J. V'anWagner Killing dogs 6.00 6.00 101 ' A.J. VanWagner Constable service . 51.60 515.10 `} 103 Jame* Sullivan Inspector of Election 15. 00 15.00 103 Edward Sleight Assessor 78. 00 78.00 104 Kendrick & Brown Co Lumber- district 4 3.27 3.27 105 Nettie Scoville Inspector of Election 10.00 10.00 106 Ernest Hills assessor 84.00 84.00 107 Rose E. Bibby •Inspector of Election 10.00 10.00 108 Chas.. W. Richards Assessor. 84.00 84.00 109 ftediNiwua etmll PaspeRelieffo tiders ,')n „' 18.00 18.00 110 Minnie Bidwell Inspector of Election 109'00 10. 00 ill F. Rae Surprenant Steel Table 58.80 58.80 112 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Services 72 40 72,00 113 1Y.Elmer Fowler Service AsSupervisor 64:00 64,06 114 D.Elmer Fowler Percentage on Town Fund 100:00, 1004D 115 F.J.arameli Pbor relief '2:Q0 2O�T 126 ArthUr Ste*art CnPh6j"reliCjif tin-1 ,°,=A ti 30' 50 3:50 117 Flowd X4xis4or1th Hoard ieatings 13.00 12.00 118 Floyd 14.Uaw►o.rth Services as Jdst.ic 28 '70 28:70 own Clerk 119 Charles NobitA Services as Justic 32:80 35;80- 120 Dill lam.-H Hagan. Poor-relef - --- 17 0 00 r -_ _ -121 C.Baldwin Services as Constable $10.42 $100' 42 2 Curtis Lampoon Board meetings 12.00 12;00 3 Curtis Upson Services asJustice 14.M0 14.10 IZ4 Meredith Bentley Services as Justice 8000 8.0 Meeting adjourned Bert D.Turner. Resolution # 34 Introduced by .Mr. Ellsworth, seconded by Mr. Nobles It was resolved that the application of the Spring Brook Water Co for a franchise to lay and maintain water pipes within a district described in said' applieation be and the - same is hereby granted and such grant is subject to the Approval of the County Attorney and it is further Resolved that Mr *ntley, be and hereby are appointed Awl 132 ' a committee of Two to take the matter up with the County attorney. ' Duly adopted by the following vote ,Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Lampson Mr. Bentley and ivir. Fowler Noes - None Upon Motion By Justice C.J.- Nobles and duly seconded by Justice I .S. Bentley the following resolution # 35 was adopted. WHRMS. New York Power and Light Corporation has submitted to this Board a proposed Contract,a copy of which is hereto annaxed, for furnishing of street lighting service in TOWN OF ILMNSBURY for p period five years from the first day of may 1936 consisting initially of 3 9000 lunenp2I/2 4000Lumen, and 3 I000 lumen lamps to cost approximately $$12. 33 per annum and J '9MS,said proposed contract is satisfactory to this Board, Now, therefore Resolved, that the supervisor be and hereby is authorised and dricted to execute for and behalf of the Town of aueensbury said contract for such street lightingservice, and the Town Clerkis hereby to attach the Town Sealthereto and attest the same Roll ,Call Ayes all r,r Ellsworth Mr Nobles Mr Lampson Mr -0entley Resolution #36 intorduced by Mr Lampson seconed by Mr Bentley• it was resolved that Supervisor Fowler be and is hereby authorised to accept and execute the contract for the stop light at montys Bridge I :Ayes .ltr Ellsworth Vr Nobles Wr Lampson Mr Bentley and Mr Fowler Noes N.ne An motion meeting adhourned. May 26th, 1936 Regular me+bting At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, held .on the above date, at 7 PM at the Clerkts office, the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor, _ Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace Charles Nobles Meredith Bentley Curtis Lampson " Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Minutes of meetings held on AQril 20th and May 11th, -1936 read and approved. A petition of Taxpayers petitioning the Board to .make and reconstruct the Airport road was read to the Board. ' Glens Falls Grange, John J. Harris Memorial Chapel and 'Mohican Grange, applications were read to the Board requesting permission to cleaA certain 'Cemeteries in the Town of Queensbury. ' .,. ' 'An application by Auston B. Holden camp reques ' Board ,to �. purchase, flags for the decoration of soldiers graves fn the Cemeteries of the Town of Queensbury was read to the Board. *A letter from County Attorney relative to DeRosia at al: vs Town of Queensbury was read to the Board. RESOLUTION No, 37 I*ntrodueed by "Justice Ellsworth, seconded by "Justice" Nobles. - WHEREAS, an application has been duly made to the Town Superintendent .of Highways and the Town Board of the Town of Queens. bury, County of Warren, state of New York, by the SPRING BROOK WATER COMPANY? a corporation of the State of New York organ1W to supply water by mains or pipes, for permission to lay, place and maintain pipes, mains, hydrants, service connections and all other necessary or usual attachments and devices through, under, ewer and along the public streets, highways or other public places in that portion of said Town bounded by a line beginning at a point on the North Shore of the Hudson River, where said river is intercepted by the boundary line between the counties of Warren and 04shington, thence running northerly along said boundary line to the intersection thereof with Dix Avenue, thence westerly along the northerly line of Dix Avenue to the intersec- tion of said line with the westerly line of Highland Avenue, thence ' southerly along the westerly line of Highland Avenue and the extension thereof to the intersection of said extended line with the Hudson River and thence easterly Tong the Northern shore of the Hudson River to the x. n