1935-01-22 i !�.Y. d.oes �hereby approve the within undertaking of 7red E. Ricketts. ^ith the American Surety Company as surety a.s to form and sufficeeny o f surety and the amount of the liability therein fixed as sufficient pursuant to the prov="lions of sectionll of the public officers law as amended by Chapter 48 of the-Laws od 1914 Roll Call Ayes- Yr 1Fead, Tyr. rllsworth and 11r. Bentley Noes- None On motio'-n meeting adjourned. "t I Town Clerk i I ` REGUTAR T,,�•,^'I��r TAY_71 Y, 2'?nd, 1935 At are ulcer meeting of the ^o«Jn Board of the Town of JueFmsbury,held on the above date, et 9 All , at the '7or=n Clerk' s office, the following renberz were present; Terry ?3. .'ead, Supervisor Floyd- Ellsworth, Justice of Peace Charles TTobles, It " Henry Stevenson, it Yerecl ith 'Bentley, Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk 1111inutes of' Vf-Pt3r9sheld on, 'Yovember ` 7th, Dec 28th , Dec 22th, 1934 F..nd January, 8th 1935 req.d and an-oroved r " f 1Tr. i vbles and 17'r. Bentley objected statements in reference to t'oier dockets inserted. in the reetinT' held on Dec. :19th 1934. No other action.' takened. Resolution Tntroduced by Justice Ellsworth, Seconded by Justice Stevenson; "rhereas t'�e Tom 'Roa.rd 1--,eve previously determined to do cert=- in r relief work in the "own of ?ueensbury known as Project;; 52'3a-47 winch Trhich provides for the inprovement of the slen Lake 'iead, and . 77hereas, a comrinication has been received from the Emergency "York Bureau. stating that there are insuffirf ent funds <nvailable for the completion of said pro j ect and that it will be necessary for the Town of Jueansbury to a p-prove the submission of a sizmpler,ent to the project. RE`')OLVED, That the Town Board of the Town of lqueensbury hereby approves the continuation of said project and hereby approves the submission of a, supplement to said project, and it is, ° 7urItIler Resolved that Mr. Tread and 1r. Bentley be and are hereby <a.ppoin*d a committee to make the necessary applications for the continuance of .said: pro.j ect. Roll Call: AYES:- lx. Ellsworth,' Yr. Nobles, Mr. Stevenson, Yr. Bentley and Yr. Yead, Noes:- Xpne. F.G.Basa.om presented a petition to the To }hoard for the Ties tablishment of a fire .protection district. petition received and placed on file. RESOLUTION 16 Introduced by Tfir. Vend seconded by 1','tr, Stevenson, it was RESOLVED9 that fir. Bentley be and hereby is appointed a committee of one to take the matter of the establishMent ort a fire protection district up with the county attorney and report back to the Town Board Roll Call AYES- Yr. Ellsworth, :.fir. Nobles, Mr. 'Stevenson 1,11r. Bentley and 1 r. Riead Noes- None r, RESOLUTION. �6 Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth , seconded by Mr. Nobles It was resolved that 1Xrthur H. Stone, Town Supertatendant of high- ways be and is hereby authorized to sell one saruent snow plow. Roll Call: Ayes- 1.cr. Ellsworth, 1:'r. Nobles , 1_r. Stevenson ,I:3r. Bentley and l'r. 1.7ead. Noes atone RESOLUTION �i7 Introduced By 1'r. Stevenson, seconded by i"r, Bentley It Was resolved that Arthur H. Stone be, and is hereby authorized to disr.;antle and convert into a tra.ilor roller the steam roller now owned by the Town. Roll Call 3 Ayes- Yx. Ellsworth, r'r. Nobles, I1r. Stevenson, Yr. Bentley and Iir. Yead. Noes- None The Board recessed until 100 PM The board net at 1;4Q PP[, 'tzll board being present pr oceeded to a.urlitr- ' ,claims a.0lainst the Tov..m. Amount Amount A ( No Vame of Claimant, Nature of claim Claimed Allowed. 1 A.G.Brown Poor relief orders 21. 00 21.00 2. Harold Dean Electrical service 19. 30 18. 30 3. Stewart 74 .!1awley Filin7 Deeds 20. 50 ?0. 50 4. 7illinn. Welsh Poor Relief Order 3. 00 3,00 5. Charles 'yard . . 5.00 5.00 6. J. C. Chitty Printing Notices 17.20 17.20 7. Cool Ins. Agcy Truck Insurance 59.70 59.70 S. Glens Falls Post Supervisors Report 15.40 15.40 9. Cool Ins. Agcy Compensation Insurance 1244.87 1244.87 10. Charles Nobles Service as Justice 85.90 85.90 11. Donald Lockhart Deputy Sherriff 6. 08 6.08 12. Orange Combs Not Audited 13. Fred E. Ricketts Service as Constable 146.50 146. 50 14. Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Orders 29.00 29.00 ' 15. Cool Ins. Agey. Highway Bond 67. 52 67.52 16. Cool Ins. Agcy. Public Official Bond 50.00 50.00 17. , Floyd K 211sworth Committe & Board Meetings 8100 8.00 18. '� 74loyd K Ellsworth Criminal Pill 39.85 39.85 19.` = IRary R. Newcomb Poor Relief Orders 50.26 50.26 20. Forest J. Crannell . . 62.50 62.50 Audi t 237 of H.M. Middleton Poor Relief Orders 7,_00 7.00 'Piled Nov.-21st,1934 To the Amount of Audit # 241 William Welsh ' led Nov. 22th,1934 Poor Relief Orders 10.00 10.00 To the amount of Audit 244 Frank Chadwick Poor Relief Orders Filed Nov.24th,1934 To the amount of 7,00 7.00 The last three above Audits from Nov.27th,1934yare. placed in the January Audit of 1935. $1971.58 l 74. 58 Allowed C 93 SOLUTION No. 8 Introduced by Mr. Stevenson Seconded by Mr. Nobles; AREAS, The .Town Board of the Town of queensbury, ,pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law, has audited Claims against the Town and there-id not sufficient funds for the payment of said Claims RESOLVED, That the Town of Queenasbury issue Certificate of { Indebtedness in the Sum of $700.00. , and the Supervisor arA the Town j_IClerk are hereby authorized tt execute said Certificate of Indebted- ness for the purpose of paying bills so audited, for and on behalf of said Town for said Amount. ROLL CALIF; i 1 Ayes- 111r. Ellsworth, 14r. Nobles, Yr. Stevenson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Dead, I Noes- None. On motion neeting adjourned Tawas Clerk. REGULAR 1273TING FEBRUARY, 26th,1935 At a regular meeting of the Town' Board og the Town of aueensbury held on the above date at- 9 AID , at the clerk' s office the following menbers were present, Jerry B. head Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice 'of Peace If Charles Nobles If s Henry Stevenson " " Meredith Bentley " If Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Minutes of meeting held on January, 22nd 19359 read and approved The Board audited the following claims against the -Town of jueensbury in the Manner follwing. Amount Amount No. - Name of Clamant Mature of Claim Claimed Allowed F.A. R 'chardson 010r rye a orders 83.46 83.46 _ 22 V as Hewitt Service as Clerk #3 10.00 10.00 23 Glens _Falls Poet `Co. Printing Notices 44.79 44. 79 24 Glens Falls Grange Cleaning Cemetery 00.00 50.00 25 Cool Ins 'ri.ng ,Agency Supervisor' s Bond 32.74 32. 74 26 Frank Chadwick. Poor relief Orders 31. 50 31. 50 27 Fred E. Ri.-chetts Service as constable 177.00 177.00 28 Theodore Turner Rent Town Clerk' s od'fice 240.00 Not audited 29 Arthur_Harper Service as Constable 17.55 17.55 30 pert D. Turner Service as Town, Clerk 76.00 76.00 31 Charles Nobles Service as Justice 91.20 91.20 w 32 WjJliams Law Book Co, Legal Blanks 3.20 3.20 33 Floyd K Ellsworthi Service as Justice 42.06 42,0