1935-06-25 Regular Meeting June 25th I935
at a regular meeting of the Town :board of the Town of Queensbury
'Veld on the above (fate -° at the, Town 8lerks office at I P.M.
the following members were presan`t
Jerry B Atead Supervisor
-?loyd ;Ellsworth Justice of the Peace l
Charles Nobles
Henry Stevenson
Meredith Bentley
Bert D Turner, Town Clerk
Arthur H Stone Town Superintendant of Highways also Presant
Minutes of Meeting of May 28th I935 read and approved
A petition was presented to the board signed by 44 tax payers and car
owners requestiong the Town of queensbry to put Calcumm Chloride
on the raod from the top of burnt ridge hill North to assembly
Resolution No 27 Intorduced by Justice Nobles and Ityes
seconed by Justice Ellsworth, it was resolved that Town Board 1-r s;'ept Y
approves the bond of William Clow as to form and Suffieaney of
surety and the ammount of liability therin fixed as suffieant
purusante to the provi i s di -Section #II of the public "off cer
law " � faCes- -vc�l j 4 ovWA. p� 1
r �a b-0 Resolution #28 Intorduced by Justice Stevenson ..
by Justice Bentley it was resolved that Murray G Crannell be
and hereby is appointed Inspector of election District #4
to fill the unexpired tearm caused by the death og Orson B Newcomb
Ayes rx = d Yes Mr Ellsworth Yes Mr Nobles Yes Mr Stevenson Yes
Mr Bentley Yes Noes Non
The l5oard Proceeded to audit claims as Follows
No Nature of Claim Claimed allowed
Io5 Fred Robinson Deputy Sheriff 80 80
Io6 R.G.Bain p00r relief Orders 7700 7900
I07 3rnest Hillis Service as assessor 108100 I08,00
E6d I08.00 I08.00
109 " Na"A8s " " I08.00 I08.00
I10 Foreat Frannell Poor Relief 9100 9100
III A rz Ares Poor Relief I0.00 I0:00 .
II2 Steve 9'akwick Poor Relief 0000 I0,00
113 Charled Nobles Service as Justice 17,30 57,30
114 UvAsEftIft'r 4T e r-i c e vu:-,
Post g Printing Tax Notice 11,76 II.76 F
II5 Bert 1) Turner Service as Clerk 40.00 40000
II6 Randolph Ludwick Buyring D*g I.00 I,00
II7 Fred Rtehardson Poor Relief 37.52 37,52
IIS Thurstin IngrahamPoor Relief 7.00 7,00
I I9 ldary R *ewe oerb Poor Relief I7.54 I7.54
�Geo Chapman Health VepartMent 4.I3 4.I3
I2I Cool Insuring Agency Store louse Ins 65.I0 65.I0
I22 Floyd Ellsworth An Justice 8100 8100
I23 Renry Stevenson As Justice I2100 12.00
I24 Meredith Bentley As Justice I8.t38 I8.88
Claimed I 64 . 3Allowed 164.03._.
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