1935-08-27 �o Regular Meeting August 27th,1935 At a regular meeting hf. the Town Board of the Town of queensbury held on the above date at 1-P-IT.at the Clerk' s office, the following; members were present. Jerry B. ,Mead-Supervisor ' 7111ayd Ellsworth-Justice of Pease Charles Nobles " It Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner,Town Clerk. j Arthur H.Stone -Town Supertendant of Highways Also present, Yinutes of meetings held. on July 23rd,- and special meeting h6ld on August 20th,1935. xxit read and approved. RESOLU^ION #31- Introduced by Charles Nobles-Seconded by Supervisor Jerry B.Yead it was resolved that 11eotedith Bentley and Floyd T�llswort'h be and is hereby appb" ntesa..,committee of two-to obtain prices for buildir matrial. frorq dealers ,for the construction of a building , for the storage ok 'down records also estimates from contractors as to the erecting said building. { Yes Justice Ellsworth I Bentley Nobles Supervisor-Mead Noes -None The Board audited the following accounts. Amount Claimed No- Name of Claimant- -Nature of Claim-- SUimed Allowed 137-George Hodgins Service- as assessor"4128. 8- - S. 128.88 138-Alfred Gardner to " " - 120.00- - 120.00 139-Ernest Hillis to " " - 114.00- - 114.00 140-Harold Bain Poor Relif Order 9.00- - Not audited 141-F.J.Crannell " " " - 7.00- - 7.00 1 142-Mary R.Newcomb " " " - 11.00- - 11.00 143-F.A.Richardson " " " - 33.84- - 33.84 144-Bert D.Turner Service a6 Town Clk- 54. 00- - 54000 145-Dr Im Bowen Poor relief Order - 2,00- - 2.00 146-Edward H.ailmore Stenographer-Service- 25. 00- - 250' 04 147-Colson & Brice of " - " " - 56.70- - 56.70 148-Charles Nobles Service as austice - 16.50- - 16.50 149-Jerry B.Mead If if as Supervk or-114.00- - 144400 150-Meredith Bentley- Board& Commettee-Mett, 20.00- - 20.00 151- Floyd Ellsworth- Board Meeting 12.00- - 12.00 CAaim'ect 7r" ._ $ X T•• On Motion Meeting Adjourned Bert 1).Turner j. F . w '