1934-03-28 ADJOURNED Meeting March 28th At an adjourned meeting the following menbers were present Jerry B Lead Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace Charles Nobles Meredith Bentley Henry Stevenson " Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Th a boa37lmeat to audit acounts and the followin resolution was adopted after audit. Resolution #31 introduced by Justice Stevenson seconded by Justice Bentley Whereas that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, pursuant to the provisions of the Town law, has audited claims against -the Town of Queensbury and there is not sufficiebt fund available for the payment of the Claims, RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury issue certificate of indebtness in the sum of$1250, and the supervisor and the town clerk are hereby authorized to execute said certificate of indebtness for the purpose of paying bills so auduted, for and on behalf of said town for said amount. Vote as follows;Supervisor Mead -Yes ,Mr Ellsworth-yes Mr. Nobles-Yes Mr Bentley Yes, and Mr. Stevenson-Yes. Resolution #32 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth Seconded by Justice Stevenson It was resolved that Justice Bentley #die be and is hereby authorized to take the matter of the proposed wt6er district up with the county Attorney. Votes as follows: Supervisor Mead-Yes Justice Ellsworth-yes Nobles Yes " Bentley Yes " Stevenson Yes, On motion meeting adjourned --r TOV Clerk, Public hearing April 12th 1934 At a public hearin g held pursuant to resolution #27 , at 2.pm. at Clerks office on the above date the following menbers were present, Jerry B.' Mead Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace Charles Nobles " Henry stevenson " Meredith Bentley Beecher Clother and residedce of the proposed disdt4ed also present Purpose of the meeting read by the clerk, affidavit of Bert D. Turner verified the $th day of April 1934. showing posting notice cf'hearing filed _ affidavit of Bert D, Turner Verified the 4th day of april 1924 showing the mailing of notices to the public service corporations filed affidavit �CCtt. p Te6timoby of several residence of the proposed district was taken and none appeared in opposition, On motion by Justice .Ellsworth seconded .by Justice Stevenson It was resolved that the meeting be ajourned to april 17th 1934 at 9 0' Clock am at the Clerks Office: Town Clerk Adjourned. Public Hearing',`• April 17th 1934 { w^"