asbestos reportMASCON,..1.c..Environmental Services Offic:(816)861-22112930MasonRoadFax:(315)861-2214Waterville,NY 13480 E-mali:kascon @frontiernet net llyMAR162020vt) MAR 18 2000 PRE-DEMOLITION SURVEY REPORT FOR ASBESTOS CONTAINTING MATERIALS PROJECT LOCATION: 4 Richardson St Queensbury,NY 12804 PREPARED FOR: Barbara Woodard 44 Windsong Drive Queesnbury,NY 12804 PREPARED BY: KASCON,LLC 2930 MASON ROAD rmination,compliance WATERVILLE,NY 13480 co be construed as Indicaing the plang and specications a in {i'complancs wit the Bulsng Coes Of Survey Date:07/05/2019 New York State KASCON PROJECT No.2019-025 309.10-2-52 DEMO-0118-2020 Woodard,Barbara 4 Richardson St Demolition of SFD _KASCON,..1.c. Environmental Services Office:(318)861-221122830MasonRoedeFax:(318)861-2214Wetervile,NY 13480 E-malt:kascon @trontiernet net TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 TESTING SUMMARY..... 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES.....sssssssssss0000 3.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY... 4.0 LABORATORY METHODOLOGY...... 5.0 BLDG OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES FOR REPORT DISTRIBUTION........ 6.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS... 7.0 WARRANTY......... APPENDICES APPENDIX A Asbestos Bulk Sampling Results Summary APPENDIX B Identified Asbestos Containing Materials APPENDIXC Assumed Asbestos Containing Materials APPENDIX D Drawings Showing Sampk Locations APPENDIXE Bulk Sample Laboratory Analysis Report APPENDIXF Accreditations KASCON,L.L.c. Environmental Services Office:(318)861-2211 2930 Mason Road Fax.(316)861-2214 Waterville,NY 13480 E-mal:kascon@frontiernet net 1.0 TESTING SUMMARY KASCON,LLC Environmental Services was retained by Barbara Woodward to conduct a Pre- Demolition asbestos survey for 4 Richardson St.Queesbury,NY.The property is a two (2) story Residential building scheduled for Demolition. The survey inspection was performed by certified inspector Keith Carroll (NYSDOL #11- 07077)on 6/25/2019.The survey report was completed by certified inspector Keith Carroll (See AppendixFforcertifications).All work was completed in compliance with New York State Department of Labor 12 NYCRR Part 56 requirements. 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES ‘The purpose of the survey is to identify approximate locations and quantities of asbestos containing materials.Samples were collected of suspect asbestos containing building materials that were accessible during the time of the inspection.Should any materials be encountered that are not identified in this report,they should be assumed asbestos containing until a representative number of samples are collected to document these materials as non-asbestos containing.The owner and/or their representatives are responsible for verifying exact quantities,types,and locations prior to any renovation or demolition work. A visual inspection of all accessible building components was conducted to determine the presence of suspect materials.The inspector physically assessed,quantified and conducted bulk sampling as required of suspect asbestos containing materials that were accessible or exposed at the time of inspection. Electrical wiring and panel boxes were not investigated in this survey. HASCON,L.1L.c. Office:(316)861-2211 2930 Mason Road Environmental Services Fax:(316)861-2214 Watervil,NY 13480 small:kascon@trontiernet.net 3.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY During the visual inspection process,an inventory of suspect materials similar in appearance and composition was created and grouped into homogenous sampling areas.Bulk samples were then collected of suspect asbestos containing materials to be analyzed for the presence of asbestos. A total of twelve (12)bulk samples were collected. 4.0 LABORATORY METHODOLOGY All samples were analyzed per New York State Environmental Protocol (NY$ELAP).Friable bulk samples were analyzed using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM)NYS ELAP Method 198.1.Non-friable organically bound samples were analyzed utilizing gravimetric reduction with PLM analysis (NYS ELAP Method 198.1)and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) confirmation of all PLM negatives (NYS ELAP Method 198.4). NYSDOL and USEPA regulations define asbestos containing material as containing greater than one percent (1%).Materials found to contain asbestos at concentrations of less than one percent (<1%)by weight are classified as containing trace amounts of asbestos. Paradigm Environmental Services,INC (ELAP #10958)located in Rochester,NY completed the analysis.(See Appendix F for Lab Accreditations) 5.0 BUILDING OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES FOR REPORT DISTRIBUTION A copy of this report must be submitted to the local government entity charged with issuing a permit for demolition,renovation,remodeling or repair work under applicable State or local laws. A copy of this report must be submitted to the New York State Department of Labor's Asbestos Control Bureau district office for projects where demolition of the building or portion of the building is scheduled. A copy of this report must be kept at the construction site with the asbestos notification and variance,if required,throughout the duration of the asbestos project and any demolition, renovation,remodeling or repair project. 2 RASCON,i...Environmental Services Office:(315)861-2211 2930 Mason Road Fax:(315)861-2214 Watervile,NY 13480 E-mailt kascon @frentiernet net 6.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS This survey work is intended to address accessible suspect asbestos containing materials throughout the Residence (1°&2"floor and roof)and not intended to cover any materials that may be concealed within or behind existing construction. This report is designed to aid the building owner,general contractor,and potential asbestos abatement contractors in locating ACM.This report should not be utilized as a bidding document or as a project specification document since it does not have all the components required to serve as an Asbestos Project Design document or an Abatement Workplan. The identified amounts and locations of ACM are based on areas available and accessible for inspection and assessment during the site visit.Areas may not be available or accessible due to being locked.If ACM or suspect ACM is encountered in areas where it was not previously identified,work must stop until it can be determined if in fact the material is ACM. Alll construction personnel,as well as individuals who have access to locations where ACM exists,should be informed of its presence.All removal,disturbance and repair of ACM should be performed in compliance with Title 12 NYCRR Part 56 by persons properly trained to handle ACM. 7.0 WARRANTY The field and laboratory results reported are considered sufficient in detail and scope todeterminethepresenceofaccessibleand/or exposed asbestos-containing building materials. ‘The findings contained within this report have been gathered in accordance with existing, regulations and industry protocol. This survey and analytical method have been used to provide Barbara Woodard with information regarding the presence of suspect asbestos-containing building materials existing at the time of the inspection.This report is limited to the information available from the client at the time it was prepared.It is possible that conditions may exist which could not be identified within the scope of the survey or which were not apparent during the site visit. ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLING RESULTS SUMMARY SAMPLE #|RESULTS|TYPE OF MATERIAL SAMPLE LOCATION_|FRIABLE|CONDITION 001,NAD Brown Floor Tile kitchen (Floor)No Good 002 NAD Brown Floor Tile Kitchen (Floor)No Good 003 NAD__|White/Green Linoleum|Bathroom (Floor)No.Good 004 NAD White/Green Linoleum Bathroom (Floor)No Good (005 NAD White Sheetrock Bedroom #2 (wall)No Good 005*NAD White Spackle Bedroom #2 (wall)Yes Good (006 NAD White Sheetrock Hallway (ceiling)No.Good 006"NAD White Spackle Hallway (ceiling)Yes Good 007 NAD.White Sheetrock Master Bedroom (wall)|__No Good 007"NAD.White Spackle Master Bedroom(wall)|__No Good 008 NAD White Sheetrock Master Bedroom No Good (ceiling) 08*NAD White Spackle Master Bedroom Yes Good (ceiling) 009)NAD Grey Fibrous Roof Main Roof (Upper No Good Shingle Roof) 010 NAD Black Roof Paper ‘Main Roof (Upper No Good Roof) on NAD Grey Fibrous Roof Lower Side Roof No Good Shingle 012 NAD.Black Roof Paper Lower Side Roof No Good NAD =No Asbestos Detected *=Original sample was split by the lab to provide an additional sample of suspect asbestos containing material. *SPECIAL NOTE:The “Condition”&“Friability”are determined by the Inspector at the time of the inspection.Materials may become friable during removal/demolition. MASCON,1.1... Environmental Services Office:(316)861-2241 2930 Mason Road Fax:(315)861-2214 Waterville,NY 13480 smal:kascon @irontiernet not Identified Asbestos Containing Materials BREASCON,L.L.c. j offen:(15)e81-221 2830 Mason Road Environmental Services Fax:(315)861-2214 ‘Watrilo,Y 13480 mal karcon@fonternet net ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS CONFIRMED THROUGH BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS QUANTITIES NOTE: The quantities referenced above are approximate.The actual amount of material could potentially be less or more than what is listed above.If this report is to be utilized for bidding quotations,it cannot be held binding and must be verified by those contractors submitting bids. KASCON,..t.c. Environmental Services Otic:(15)861-2244 (2930 Mason Road Fax:(315)861-2214Wet,NY 13480 mal kascon@frontornet net APPENDIXCAssumedAsbestosContainingMaterials HASCON,L.L.C. Environmental Servi Office:(316)861-2211‘ices2930MasonRoadmeentalSe Fax:(818)864-2214 Waterville,NY 13480 E-malt kascon@frontiernet.net ASSUMED ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS MATERIAL LOCATION APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES NONE NA N/A ASSUMED QUANTITIES NOTE NYS NYCRR 56-5 states in part,“all PACM (Presumed Asbestos Containing Material)and suspect miscellaneous ACM (Asbestos Containing Material)visually assessed shall be treated as ACM and shall be assumed to be ACM (Asbestos Containing Material),unless bulk sampling is conducted as per this Section,standard EPA and OSHA accepted methods, including multi-layered systems sampling protocols;the subsequent analyses are performed by a laboratory that meets the requirements of Section 56-4.2 of this part;and the analyses satisfies both ELAP and federal requirements,including multi-layered sample analyses,to document non-asbestos containing material.” Quantities do not reflect materials that may exist within any inaccessible areas. KASCON,L.u.c. Environmental Services Office:(315)861-22112930MasonRoadFe(316)61-2014Waterlo,Y 19460 E-malkascon @ionernet net APPENDIX D Drawings Showing Bulk Sampling Locations Living Bedroom#2Roomsample2005BathHall wavroom=same #006 #003 ining Bedroom #1. Laundry Room Project No:2019-025|DRAWING NUMBER:|belzBarbaraWoodard 4 Richardson St Queensbury,NY Date:6/25/192930MASONRO/ WATERV)0 Bulk Sample Locations SCALE: NTS 4Richardson St. Queensbury,NYMasterBedroom ‘sample loset Barbara Woodard Project No:2019-025|DRAWING NUMBER:KASCON, LLC|""|indsong Dr 19.Queensours N 2930 MASON ROAD Date:6/25/19 Ao-WATERVILLE, NY 13450 "5 Sample Locations SCALE: NTS Living Room sample #00: ied: roomsample#004 #01E Dining Be #1 Barbara Woodard 4 Richardson St Queensbury;NY 2930 MASON ROAD WATERVILLE, NY13480 Project No:2019-025|DRAWING NUMBER;~~}19-SCALE: NTS. Hoday sisAjeuy A10;e10qGe'7]dures yng aH XIGNaddV ypuousequ0y®voosey teur3 are AN eurevize-ige (ste):xe eoy uoseyy 0662Hee199I)Zao SasjAleg JejuewUosAUZ“1!NOQSWH CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR BULK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS: he:Lake Avenue,Rochester,New York 14608 Office:585-647-2530 1281S Love Road Grand sland,New York 14072 Office:726-775-5777 Client:|Contact-OFFICE USE ONLYKASCON,LLC Chess ta[Prone Nomber Email Adres for Datos Lob a: (315)861-2211 roliver@kasconlic.com _—_[Clem Mailing Aaarese Resale To -FFurm Around Tie=Page orKASCON,LLC Dennis _[Seith Tf]a]sf]ome F]||Date Sampled;[Material Type/Quantity:|Date Logged In:2930 Mason Road iA |ad,9 lFriable NOB TEM Logged In By: [Projectfol twaterville,NY 13480.thord sen Tras:wey [MY 2 Yo! Client ID Lab ID ‘Sampling Location Color Material Size “Type of Material UG-025-c0l He Tolan Loo)Frown ile2-928 -002-Kleber (Plan)Brown pile 3)4-25-03 Ble Roawn CP Loo-)hike Jaren Lingleuna|41/9-005-oY Both Kewn CP Gor)tly be Peay Livy seule.A-|s\/7-095-05 Ped Room #2 (wall)|ubvbe Shack Poke 8|/4-025 06"He tien (Cerhing )whibe Aert Bok 1/4-085-ce9 Geloker Padbicen(wnt)ihe._|Feet Kok s\/G-025-ot Waste Budrooa (Ceribrg)|ubife het Rol C 91/9 -009.5-00F|ook >Mein utrr Rok |Groy heleholpeors.ov0 Rook =main uth ho|Black Book fer[Sampled By:Date:sles will be anal the »ppropriate New’State Department of Healt thods (19!zSLICovall bdaadig|(attg.mtsanenracermane ner wes yt ti met 03(Transported to Paradigm By:UPS ~Date:CHECK TO AUTOMATICALLY PERFORM TEM ON NOBS.xaeg.jor provide TEM contact name:Received By:Date:"| [POTAL NUMBEROFSAMPLES-ON ALL CHAINS OF Tx|CUSTODY: *=Positive Hit Stop PARADIGM trsistesvense noses 714600 Onin:($8)6472580 Fe (55)6479301 PLM&TEMBULK ASBESTOS ANALYSISREPORTviaNYSDOHELAP Method 198,1,198.4and198.6 Client:‘Kascon, LLG Job No:6108-19 Location:4 Richardson Street Page:1 of 5 Queensbury,New York Sample Date:6/25/2019 Pit asbestos]PLM]Ny Tu arbaston]TENT Fat]Now Fibers Type |Total |0|Fibers Type &|Total|Now-Asbestos|Fibrous Client tO |tab 1D]SanptingLocation|Description|Pereontage|Asbestos |B]Percentage|Asbostos|Fibers'Type&|Matrix Percentage|Material % 5-025|SHOT cin omy [Bron oar ie|hence]a‘01 Nossbeste vDente T5026|SHOE [icon (Waar)rower Te|Tamas |S Zin awe Daas|aeNoabesos002Deedv 5-025|S205 trom ear]]We/oreen—]=Rese]WZ Wie Wi Wk WminteRenalPEM008 ‘snd TEM ot IenaT9-025-|BETO [Bathroom ood)Wate Oren |.este|—87 oy Wa Wa WkveoResatingPLMoot‘and TEM Noe xee19-028.|S08 room FE Wal)eStock|None Becaad|OW a ae 005 9-025.|I056 Badroon FE ay [Waite pacne—|WoneDeeact|—om Teehagued|—W7R—]None acd |005 19-025.|S06 alivay (ng)|W Shack|Wows bwecad|—OW a aa a006 5-OBS-|S06 ay (ling)|e Spa|Tone oaacad|—0%TetRaqured|7h|Woe Braces|0056 006 5-02 |SHIT [ae earoom Waly |W Shensack|Nonsbaecad|—OW Tarhanared|—07k|cane]007 here "19-025.|SHITE ater Bedroom (Waly [te Spacie|None Deeded|—Oe Tachegaed|WT Nave Daaced|TT 007 REY TO Noe COLUM STOOLS pus Synbotia th NOB column deter sample syed by ELAP Method 198.)00 (cnt gala bound)denotes atari analyzed by LAP Mathod 186 (Ut)ané 198.4 (TEM)a noted.|senotes materi analyzed by ELAP Method 388.6 (PLM)per NYSDOH.This Method doesnot remove vrmult nd may unde Joresen ins sample contaeing greater than 20%vermiclte, denotes able materia analyte by ELAP Method 198.6 (7)and 1904 (TEM)esate [x denotes sample prepped ony by ELAP Method 1988,+Potriedsght mlersscoy ino consent rable detecting seston nf Jovsnitatvetnvrsion electron microscopy cert the aly method tha Pan ast As fas Ww Var Ss Depa sea‘enheg nd Qn abonartn Ble Sanger ania Noe Fale Gaia ota ult Sampler)EPA 62/M4-3-00 pr A0CPHS (RVLAP nylas ELAP 1D Nos 10988 acode200550-0fr t Anip tate the evel of serar coverings and sri non ial gaily bound materi bo ued te determin IF he mater canbe conde or rested ss neesbeston HEADSHOT TUE Prd ON Wicca od Tan Bava OY NANTset008009, PIMDateAnayead:7/3/2019 ‘Teo Date Anlynet 7/5/2019 Microscope:Olympus 2 #223797 ‘TEM Analyst:M,Laciner Analyt nie . Laboratory Results Approved By: Asbestos Operations Manager or Designee ‘Mary Dobr‘lig omental Sevens.iat responce th dat splay anda pcr Ro eo Sands nd Techy hsredton‘agus mandi th report at mothe rapeaced expt fl wast prove labret.Tht.reporter LY tthe ts eel Tle‘ports tot betel can roduc endorsement by NVLAP ory enya he LS Coverant Quay sone aang 96%cones ad sry{ada an pein)eto wpm qe. 6108-19 75/2019 PARADIGM—srotsicsnnsens ny 140 ones (en)etr250 Fac 617301 Client:Kascon.LLC Job Nor 6108-19 Location:4 Richardson Street Page:2015 Queensbury,New York Sample Date:6/25/2019 Pin Ashextos]PM |W|TeMAabentos|TEM]PON]Nor riberstypes|total [O|siberstypes|Total|Non-Asbestos|Fibroustenettsb15SamptingLocation|Description|Pereentag>|Asbestos||Percentage|Asbestos|PibersType &|Matix Percentage|Material % T50aS|itis Wer Boao NTS TTR]Non eT |TatkeGaRRE|AN]Cae008(stn) O-O0 |ETO areca lie Scie Woe cad |osfiextn) 9-025|ETRY ]RaotWai Upper eT ory ious foad|acme|Oi—||Wane awed|La Fras Tow|ResunNobex~~Deed v TOCOEE|TTS ara Upper Roa naa Papee|Laas Race |We wm we oasenatingoxo‘on TEN ee a mauled. ET TONOG COLOR THES lu Symbel isthe WOU column depots sample aalaedby ELA Mthod 18.(PM,108 (nce-abe organs hound)enots materia anayred by ELAP Method 190 (PLM)and 18.4 (EM)noted9denotesmaterialebyELAPMethod1866PLMperHYSDOH.TNs Method does nat emeve vermiculte and may undeestinat the evel of asbestos resent na samplecontalaig rete than 0%venice.|eanotes table materia naynd by ELA Method OR PL)and 398.8 TEM]noted. bxdenotes sample prepped oa byELAPMthod 19838 ++rtazestgt microscopy lent consistent relabetn detecting stertos naJasanitatvtransisoneacronmerescopisaranttheonlymethodthatatlTkbeaceybyNowYoSaDipOnaToTTEOEAPHaoTOGA WTI Sd UG Ty aETaanCSOSAMOTTenthingindQuitAsoDukopeaanNoneOrsayBounéulSpexYorEPA69/4 3220 par ACER 3 (WAP abe 308802, coverings asia ona eganely bound materi. ‘sed to determine thismateril ean be consdered or treated anon atbertos nylastsoe ELAP ID No.:10958 mute seated 7/7039 Taba yan 17528Mleps22187aAceitrthe Laboratory Results Approved By: Asbestos Operations Manager or Designee Mary Dol ‘uleons manatee hisrpor mst ste ered xl hath pyro teh.Th Pt rpee rms ONL eth ee ese hit‘apctinu rb ure i prt ners by WVLAP ory yf US.Goernmet,ually coal dt acne 4%conn o arary‘Scania and peo)arate pone et0849 752019 CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR B ULK ASBESTOS ANALYSISLEEPORBULK ASBESTOSANALYSIS: Fmt Avenue,Rochester,New York 186083815LoveRoad,Grand Island ,New York 14072 ice:S85-647-2530 Office:726-775-5777Ciiests[Contact OFFICE USz ONLYKASGON,LLC Chest[Phone Member [Email Adres for Dats:|~~|lyon:6109~i9(3145)861-2211 toliver@kasconllc.com(Giem Wisling Adare PFesatts Ta Fikiw Arownd Timer age orKASCON,LLC Dern's Keith ToT 37]sf]owe I[Bate Si ater TyperQaaaatys "|pate Loggedtn:6-2 7492930MasonRoadblesfi -rrfabie Now vem “|freezes tn By:(gProjecttgeation: |Waterville,NY 13480 kloan Sheet Quzersbiy LY Jagoy dyer _|f GiientID [|LabID Sampling Location Color Material Size ‘Type of MaterialWe-casol|BHF [Cae she Rook Gry Darna Leaa-oas-oi@|on)id pu 5-de Poof Plack Boot AeLs -L4 || _5 -| be Tr 9}ot a)umplec Date: |All samples wit be by the spproprinte ork Stote Department of Health methods (198.1,98.¢ Bre ky Coal “Cleslia_|sigtgsmraracancnmenor eeornroatncrs nes[Transported to Paradigm By:UPS Date:L‘];[CHECK TO AUTOMATICALLY PERFORM TEM ON NOES LX6f/‘|Received By: {nenBurying *=Positive Hit Stop Date: 627-19 03 ior provide TEM contact name:TOTAL NUMBER OF SAMPLES ON ALL CHAINS OFCusTopy:be] (ses)oe7aantPARADIGMtrrsicaventeacess974600ome:(505)672500 PLM.&TEM BULK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS REPORT. viaNYSDOHELAP Method 198,1,198,4.and 198.6 ‘Kascon, LLC Job Ne 4 Richardson Street Page: Queensbury,New York Sample Date:6/25/2019 108-19 of 5 PiMt Asbestos]PLM|N|TEM Asbestos]TE Past Tor Fibers type&]Totat |0|FIbersType&|Total|Non-Asbestos|Fibrous Clone i»fab 0 Description|Percentage|Asbestos |B)Percentage|asbestas|Fibers Type &|Matrix Percentage|Material % TO-O95.|SEIIT [lawar Side oa?——|Cray bean Root|noone|—Tonebatcaet|<0|Peagaeriow|Sox shinee NoaestosonDeected v 9-025|SATE Jiswar Side Roo?|i ReafPaper|Live Rentwe|—WA We We Wa 17 “iz eating PLM leSnTEMNotearl [REY TO NOB COVDRN STHTOTS Jo Smolin the NOB calrn denotes spl nayed by EAP Mod 388.(FN).08 (no-abe oreoniaybounedentes mater nay by BAF hho 198.(and 1984 TEM ottrlybyELAMethod28.(PL pa RYSDOK Ths Method does ot remove vermiculite and may undarestnat th lve of bests sample conning restr than 30%verte, It denotes material anata by ELAP Mth!198.65 (PM)168.4 (TEM 3 potedheroessamplereppedonlybyELPHethodS988Podemicroscopynotconsistentreledetectingbernorcoveringsansson-ble rgniay bound matesfaveitaivewantinlectronmicroscopycurrenttheonlyretodthtcanbewetodeterineIlhsmateranconlierdorested x nonasbetesaEatasaalyaVrSeDpmaofHTEAPWaidWETTardTOTlaedUgWaspadTeslaBnWyTaDMenfhingndQuangAtosBuSupnlMaFilOrnelas)r 4 SOO/M4BD-090 pr 4OCFR TSE (AWLP a Cade 0080-0) aalas HAP 1 Nos 10958 lab Cae 05200 for AtLMDateAnand7/2/2018 ‘TEN Date Avstyzeds 7/5/2019 lerorcop:lyr Bi #252953 TEM Analyst Macher ‘Analyst bush - Laboratory Results Approved By:Or.Asbestos Operations Manager or Designee ary Dob‘ri eons net epithe ply intr Rat inte Sanda Tcl AontrenantateurrepoapeatpaoearTPpernerONneneee‘oruotbeset cr nce WU ora oeos Coren ey nl (cy oe nn a_and analysts and procsion)is avalable upon request.“ 6108-19 71572019 KASCON,1.L.€. Environmental Services Office:(916)a6t-212830MasonRoadFar:(215)861-2214Wate,NY 19480 mal:kascon@foteret net APPENDIXFAccreditations New York State=Department of Labor .Division of Safety and Health, License and Cétiicte UnitStateCampus,Building 12 Albany,NY 1 Kascon,LLC FILE NUMBER:07:3506069°"LICENSE NUMBER:85060".2930 Mason Road LICENSE CLASS:FULL: DATE OF ISSUE:11/29/2018Waterville,NY 13480 EXPIRATION DATE:11/30/2019 Duly Authorized Representative ~Richard Oliver:14 ve Batty, the New York State Codes,Rules and Regulations (12 NYCRR Part $6).It is subject to suspension or revocation fora (1) serious violation of stat,federal or local laws with regard to she conductofan adbestos project,ot (2)demonstrated Inek of responsibility in the conduct of any job involving asbestos or asbesti§material:0 “This license is valid only forthe contractor named above and ths license o&photocopy must he promineiy displayed atte asbestos project worksite This license verifies that all persons employedby the licensee on at{asbestos projectinNewYork State have been issiied an Asbestos Certificate,appfopriatéfor the ypelof work they perform,by the New York SiiStaie Department of Labor.; ileen M.Franko,Director ‘SH 492 (@/12)For the Commissioner of Labor 1 ae.{SOLA Ryan sousaaaaewale5oneae sna astaso antes 180.6 40K at onratine vist ROO ous are ou wants anno atee e ‘eifsonddrs tat snassaanvFra aeNOS Me ay He gy hs asi4BsaeoO‘ge as >s“SE ee oaaiS.i07 py oe © a28. Copy eort Bs ei vir ANAL ategorié =a EI RONMENT LS om ED 2 foe gs,roby APP ull tgeo it i‘. 5 3 =iS ge”“Su fyee&&epeeey a)BeEGSfa:a,oe a)eS ek =Nol ae “4 asceaeGyPoaiscSaymseeecatw