Manual J7 Job:43 richardson stManualSComplianceReportDate:Mar 19,2020EntireHouseBy same dc aa CMLL) For:brian haggerty 43 richardson st,queensbury,ny 12804 Cerne ens Design Conditions Outdoor design DB:85.0°F Sensible gain:17291 Btun Entering coil DB:75.0°F Outdoor design WB:71.0°F Latent gain:2488 Btuh Entering coil WB:62.5°F Indoor design DB:75.0°F Total gain’19779 Btuh Indoor RH 50%Estimated airflow:925 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type:Split AC Manufacturer:York Model:YCD24B21+A(E,F)W304++TDR Actual airflow:760.cfm Sensible capacity:0 Btuh 0%of load Latent capacity:0 Btuh 0%of load Total capacity:0 Btuh 0%of load SHR:0% Heating Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB:-4.0°F Heat loss:84643 Btuh Entering coil DB:68.0°F Indoor design DB:68.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipment type:Gas furnace Manufacturer:York Model:TM9V080812MP11 Actual airflow:760 cfm Output capacity:77000 Btuh 91%of load Temp.rise:50 °F Meets are all requirements of ACCA Manual S 5 poaoinarte 133087sAHwrightsoft™rigs-suteo Lovers 2017 170.16 RSUaSit6 aascottangewothy\Docunentsorkinaggertyiup Cale =M7.Front Door faces:N Form77ResidentialUSExaminerReviewFormaoa7@@NaeforHVACSystemDesign(Loads,Equipment,Ducts)SREnaa) onetime ueensbury nkaderInformation Contractor:REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ATTACHED Manual J1 Form (and supporting worksheets):Yes []No ]Mechanical license:or MJIAE Formn*(and supporting worksheets):Yes ]No E] OEM performance data (heating,cooling,blower):Yes ]No E] Building plan #Manual D Friction Rate Worksheet Yes G]No Gy Duct aistibution sketch Yes O NoyHomeaddress(Street or Lott,lock,Subdivision):43 richardson st,Entire House Building Construction InformationDesignConditions Winter Design Conditions Buin Outdoor temperature 4 Onentation Front Door faces North———az ee lig ht eyTotalheatoss4643BunNumberabedrooms:3 Conditioned oor area 2542SummerDesignConditionsNomberefecsipants3 Oudoe lepers 85 F indo trporanre BF Windows seGrainsdifference:27 gril @50%RH ave overhang depth on 4Sensbleeatgin{9212 Bun ing shade one ekLatentheatgain:2765 Btuh Gants,drapes,te,Depth||window Total hos gen 2ig77 Buh Number of skfghs 0 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION (IRC Heating Equipment Data Cooling Equipment Data Blower Data Equipment ype Gos tumace—_Eayipment ype SpIRAC —Hesting cfm 760SURETY,te 1 EEN pume te vest 769 Mode York Model York Sialeprassure 0/820“Twevososr2Mrt YOOMB2I+ACEFW2046+TOR fayette futur Heating ouput capaci.77000 uh,Toa cooing capacity 0 BunLPLasOetnetlcosingcanes2eeFisegcpucopes0BuhLatentcoolingcapacity0Bun WCNC ne Design airflow.760 cfm Longest supply duct:on Equipment design ESP:(0 inH20 Longest return duct on Tolal device pressure losses.0 inH20 Total onAvailablestaticpressure(ASP):0 inH20 Friction rate.scorns xh Itereeee.Pcandtheclaimsmadeonthese Duct Materials Used ‘Trunk duct Branch duct ‘Sheet metal eta on the building review and verific Contractor's printed name: Contractor's signature:Date:eee‘Home qualifies for MJ1AE Form based on Abridged Eultion Checklist FE wrightsoft™rign-sutee universal 2017170 18RSU25II8 Job:43 richardson st Mar 19,2020ProjectSummaryEntireHouse same Project Information For:brian haggerty43richardson st,queensbury,ny 12804 Notes Design Information Weather:Glens Falls AP,NY,US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 4 cE Outside ab 85 CFInsideob68°F Inside db 7 °F Design TD 72°F Design TD 10 °F Daily range M Relative humidity 50 %Moisture difference 27 gril Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 84643.Btuh Structure 17291.BtuhDucts©Btuh ucts 0 BtuhCentralvent(0 cfm)0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm)0 Btuh (none)(none)Humidification ©Btuh Blower ©Btuh Piping ©Btuh Equipment load 84643 Btuh Use manufacturer's data nRate/swing multiplier 0.90InfiltrationEquipmentsensibleload15562.Btuh Method Simplified i ietcaminedLatentCoolingEquipmentLoadSizing Fireplaces 0 Structure 2488 BtuhDucts©BtuhCentralvent(0 cfm)©Btuh Heating —_Coolin (none)Area (ft)254%254%Equipment latent toad 2488.BtuhVolume(ft)20336 20336Alchanges/nour 0.70 0.40 Equipment total load 18050.Btuh Equiv.AVF (cfm)237 136 Req.total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.9 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make York Make YorkTradeYORKTradeASPENModelTMgV080B12MP11Cond=YCD24B21 AHRI ref 2008682 Coil AGE F)Wa04++TDRAHRIref9035197 Efficiency 96 AFUE Efficiency 11.1 EER,14 SEER Heating input 80000 Btuh Sensible cooling 15960 Btuh Heating output 77000 Btuh Latent cooling 6840 Btuh ‘Temperature rise 92 *F Total cooling 22800 Btuh‘Actual air flow 760 cfm Actual air flow 760.cfm Air flow factor 0.009.cfn/Btuh Air flow factor 0.044 cfm/BtuhStaticpressure0inH20,Static pressure 0 inH20SpacethermostatLoadsensibleheatratio0.87 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. &HE wrightsoft’rii-suteo Universe 2017170 18 ReU2sHE batasiscottlangewertnyiDocumentsYorkhaggeryrupCale=MJ7 Front Door faces:N Right-J®Worksheet eee ee i ar 18,Entire House same MANUAL:7h Ed ‘]ame ot oon Entre Hose Ret Room Roma 2]Lengh of exposed wat fete ft “240 of 20 ft3]Room smersons soo x 0'R 10 x 950"10x oor4]Ceres Const.Option aon a|20M heaticot 0 Ny hein 4.0 heattypeor|fost]wma|Area|ood aun|area|tonsretun|Area|Looarerury|Area|tooo uyexposure||wo.feta you [ay|Ha|Ce [me|Hg|clo [er|He|ca fee|Ho|Co 3]cress afrao]195]37]an sea]wee [om|aan seal ore [somposes(8 a]*o]thn ails an Aevalves|e of oof i tf se 1 iportions|of of i fi WL Sess,[ee |¢|a}3}tin fu tn}fn'a}3}ii tf see [i]Sef ee |i = 6|windows ana|a]a0|307 “29 dol a 2 a ara)oegosscoon”|b 3 |3 a]3 3]“olFeatng|3}=|9 ol =4 ogFi|4|3 4 |g‘||4|3 4 |'|4|qo A |7|Weds and|North eo}a of se ofl|ml o|core|NENW 3}4|of "Ow 3]|¢|Ew |‘|off s}8 4]sew |4|of of og o|Seuth ual ‘|of of |a e|How |G oo of ol 4 o| sforeraaxs [al tooo]saat ea]oa aoer|soe)ail ooo]mf a ~—soaol’~—S—iaf Sf5]of “of “o)fo)“of ota)gt StS]Sa},e of of of SS 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