1929-03-26 Resolution #5 Intorduced by Clerk Turner Seeoned by Justice Hick, all vojting in the affirmative it was resolved that the Town Boa'td approves the additional Bond of Supervisor Mead with D Coles and ..Tame . Knights as bondsman as to the amount and Suriets, In the matter of the claim of. Supt Ricketts for the use his car in carrying out his duties the op,ennion of the board that he wi intitled to allowance as per resolution Nol ,adopted January 24th I928 which fixed compensation for salary and expenses, Collins and Fox Submitted the following prices for Boiled and Engin I Style .B Farqular .Cent.er Crank Engin and Laromotive ` Boiler on Wheels 30.H.P.Engin with $0 H.P.Bolier waightIO.400 Lbs $I850.00 Net F.O.B.Glens Falls I Style B 40 H.P.Engin With 40 H.P. Boiler $2250.00 Net F.O.B. Glens Falls N.Y.Lasher Submitted the following One Furquler 40.H.P. Boiler with 30 .H.P.Engin with extra Injector Small stud spark arrester price $2000 F.O.B.Y©rk Penn One 50.H.P. B6tJel 40.H.P 31agin Mounted with all extra fittings $2338.00 F.O.B. Factory York Penn. Clerk Turner appointed as Committee as one to investigate in regare to the assessements of the oil tanks located along the Highways of the several oil .eompanys read a letter to the board from the department of taxation and Finance stating that the corporations owning such property are exempt as they are personal property in liu of this exemption the corporations Owning such property pay a tax of 4 I/* pr Cent upon their income a portion ate' proeftdts of which tax is rebated to the localety On .Motion Meeting Adjurned Town Clerk Town "f glueenebury March26th I929 at a regular meeting of the Town Board Town '`Of queensbury held on the above date the following Members were presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor J.F.Hicks Justice of Peace M.P.Gifford Justice of Peace Ross F Taylor Justice of Peace Bert D Turner Town Clerk County Supertendant Bartram E Murray and Town Supertendant Joseph Ricketts also eresant Minutes of Meeting of January 23 1929 and February 26 I929 read and approved Rodney Pa `, . and Harold adamson called on the Board in regard to the-condition of the road from the foot of Domes on the assembly point Mr Patterson stated that the road- was in very Bad Condition and dangerous to travell over matters I reported to the Town Supertendant of Highways Ricketts In the matter of installing lights in the south easterly section of queensbury the committee composed of Justice Hicks and justice Taylor reported that that' had Consulted Co Attorney �# the matter and them takeucarea f the create an lighting matter as suggested the '. ,.submitted as writen openion of County Attorney which was placed on file matter laid on tableto next Meeting n &a..�,'.... TM p VV IMP oiling of Collins & Yox and B.Y,Lasher' Submitted new bids stone gine, and Boilers for , s* in the lAwA Iarrey as # p low w N.V.hasher I Style B ftrqular Center Crank ingih ' and Locomoter BoilerIncobeels Portable- 30 .H.P. ?fgin with 84 with 40 .H.P,Boiler complete with weight of" 500 The at $2064 F.O.B. Glens Ialls Mk Collins Bid 1960. for same type make and Style Agin and Boiler Deli erd at= Glenn. Valle Resolution #6 Intorduced by Sustioe Hicks s*ooned by justice Taylor all presamt voting in the affirmative it was resolved that t]&e sown Board Town of-qutensbury hereby - approves the purchas of one style BFurqular Center drank Agin anLocomotive Boileroa Wheels portable 3o,H PJftin with 40 .H.P.Doiler Complete as pr spesifieat on sheet submitted: with Bid with ship ng ►a ght, of 12,300 Lbe from Collins Pox Co Iho� �. fgr the sum of $I96O.00 ,Net P.O.Bo- ; aleas Valle By SUperteiadant .of v .Highways Ricketts In the matter- of the continuation and repairs on the btty road the following resolution was. adop#ed , Resolution 7 imtorduced by Jwsaiee ay or seconed by Turner all present voj;ing in the, offirustire NUMNSM the warren count Beard of Supervisors ' UffigIveL under resolution f185 adopted December 21st 1928 Approplatevl . sum of 66000 in accordance w h provisions i20 A°and 320 R= 29 of the Highway Law and resolution I5 ,adopted- Bebruary 18th . 1999 the Warren County Board of 8upervIvers for the eomtinuatiom and improvements of the following deseribed road Project #3 beginning at the ead of the presant Uoadam on the read Commencing at the Glenn palls City Line Leading to*ards tvnha2ns . bay known as bay road city line County Road #7 under the conditions than the Town of Queenebury- shall pay- 20 per cent of the estimate ` cost or $4000 and the seam shall bps deposited with the County treasStre on or before a it 13th 192$ ResolXed that public duds the 3.mpto t and construction a above d+erscri* known as buy #*;4 := .. city line ty rmaij; and that the Town t da tt of Hi a { for the Town *f queensbury be and ip, directed to i ediat3 - an order from the Highway fund on the to eisisa payable- to _. > Sprague County Treasure for the sum of 1,40190 a� that the � o ri�rrr of the Town of .Qn6ensbury be and is directed to deposit the `$tom of '` $4000 with the Warren County Treasure on or before April 15th k 2929 Turther Resolved th" tile, Tov a Supertendant ",gad'gad hereby is directed to place the ova of 839400 in the above order for the repairs and of county road #7 I923 a total of 8,39 miles at per mile and- that the supereisof is directed to deposit the said sum of $839,00 with the county treasure on or before april I*th yy the Town Board signed and approved the following deters- a$ion and agreema A with Town Supertendant of Highways, Joseph Fdaketts as to expendetures of Highways Moneys as Follows an al of 1%5 per Hile for 147 miles Total I6905 for general road raepaift special Improvements and ma ntatinance$4839 Reserve 3hmd$2494.23 Total j, $24.238,23 R - - E q On Motion Aieeting AdJurned Town Clerk Of Queensbury i